The Quest For The Rose IC

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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward nods to Evaline, a sad look on his face.
"I would love nothing more than to continue. More lives are being added to the assassins list of crimes as we proceed. But now is not the time. They have broken through the southern gate, and will continue onwards until they reach their destination, of which we have no knowledge, either of their fighting strength, plans, or their location. Should we reach a crossroads what then? Do we separate further and chase them both ways? Risk one path? We need to come up with a better plan than to simply chase them down."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

"It's probably the wisest move," Lorelai chimes in. "They are clearly headed somewhere, and will stop eventually. Their horses may be somehow taking the toll of such speedy travel, but ours can't. If they reach their limit we'll be on foot, and that much slower." As much as I'd love to mow them down, I can't do that to Jessie.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Basil shrugs as the pigeon flies away, still slightly stunned at its lengthy response. With great speed, he zips over to the south gate to meet the others. Finding the group, he says, "Welp, I didn't find anything useful, but I met a very talkative pigeon. Hopefully Clover had more luck." He whistles to his dog, hoping to grab her attention so she can report what she's learned from the fellow dogs of the town.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"So I guess we should go find an inn then," Evaline says as the group consensus starts to form. Clover suddenly bounds out from a side street and straight up to Basil, licking him in the face.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Hiya, girl," he says as his pup returns to him. "Did you find out anything from other dogs about the bad men?"
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Clover yaps a few times in response to Basil.
"No but I did find some fox poo, it smelled funny so I ate it."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Mazera takes in the scene before him, face falling as he processes what has happened. "Alas, good men lost in their prime." he mutters, slowly bobbing in the air near the entrance of the guardhouse, looking into the bloody room. First the king, then the poor husbands of the townsfolk. These criminals will meet justice. he thinks, as he tries to focus on the trails left by the assassins' magical items in an attempt to see them clearer. We will find you. Then you will experience true arcane power. Small wisps of hair begin to stand on end as he thinks this, his anger finally being stirred by the assassins' actions.

"An inn..." he booms, unintentionally loud. Startled slightly he calms himself, though static still crackles in his robes, and clears his throat. "Ahem. Excuse me. An inn would be welcome about now. We should inform the mayor of this first, though."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai is startled by Mazera's outburst, and turns to look at him. He is an odd man. And so old. How is he going to keep up with everyone else? Certainly he must move fairly slowly. She then glances at his feet and remembers why. Must be nice, I guess. But I'd rather have strong legs.

"So do we already have one lined up, or what? I'm not really sure how this sort of thing works when royalty is involved. Wouldn't the local lord just grant you access to his estate or something like that?" Royalty. Never thought I'd be this close to them. Hopefully they don't find out about my past, I don't want them to hate me.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward nods to the group, taking Mazera's outburst as... Well. The wizard being a wizard.
"Well, if we all remember earlier, the guards will have picked an inn for us. We should return to them and ask about our lodgings as well as where they have stored our horses for the night. We can also send them to tell the Mayor of the men we have lost here, and set about giving them a proper funeral. They died trying to stop their kings assassins. They deserve to be treated with respect."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes we'd usually stay with the local Lord, but Prybridge is still close enough to fall under the lands of Amgard," Evaline says to Lorelai. "Let's go speak to the guards then," she says once Edward finishes talking, walking back towards the other gate without waiting for a reply.

The guards are noticeably shaken by the news that their colleagues are dead. One goes to tell their superiors while another leads the party to an Inn, called The Silver Antlers. "The rooms are paid for already, they're the ones upstairs. We'll have your horses brought to the South Gate in the morning," the guard says before taking his leave.

Evaline heads inside and straight upstairs, taking the first door on the left. The room is fairly simple, but a step up from camping by the road. She takes off her armour and climbs into bed. Tired from the day's travelling, she soon falls asleep.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai intends to head to bed quickly as well, she had been up bright and early to ride to the capital and after a long day of even more riding she is ready for a rest. However, upon spotting Clover trailing Basil into the inn she can't contain herself.

Walking over to the fairy, who she'd still not had a proper conversation, she awkwardly lets out, "Uh... can I pet her?" They are the cutest pair of things ever. I hope he says yes. I want to be his best friend.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Slightly confused by Lorelei's sudden change in demeanor, from serious to playful, Basil stares at the girl for a moment, but shrugs it off. Clover is pretty adorable, I guess. "If you want to, then sure, I guess. But watch out! She likes to lick," the fairy says playfully, a bright smile on his face.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai smiles wide, excited that he said yes, and bends down to pet the little dog. "Oh you're so fluffy, yes you are," she says in an exaggerated voice, stroking the dog's head and back and scratching her behind the ears and underneath her chin. "I bet you just love being pet, huh? Yeah." She is momentarily oblivious to her surroundings as she pets such an adorable creature.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ser Bresda looks on in silent sorrow as the others fill he and Mazera in on what happened to the gate guards. "Balance must be restored," he says, not losing his temper. "They will find justice soon enough."

He stays in the tavern for a bit, ordering a simple meal of meat, cheese, bread and some wine, his eyes a dark window to the thoughts inside. They're getting away... I can sense it. Oh my King, it grieves me to know that these murderers are still afoot. You will be avenged.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Alright, that's probably enough for tonight. Clover's had a long day, as have I," Basil says. Whistling to his dog, he says, "C'mon, girl! It's beddy-bye time." Scratching her ear, he enters the second room, Clover following behind. Crawling into bed, the fairy soon falls asleep, his lovable pup lying next to him.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai is surprised when the fairy calls for his pet and she runs off, mid-pet. She watches as the enter one of the rooms and sighs. Oh well, I suppose he is right. But I could have played with her for hours! Not seeing any reason to remain in the hallway, she takes one of the other doors and quickly heads off to bed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward nods as the group heads for their bedrooms, picking his own in the middle of the group. Given his standing as the soon to be king, he figures keeping himself safe with his men on either side is the best option he can take at this point. With a bit of focus, his armor turns back into his clothes, and he folds them up, laying them on a stool in the room before getting into bed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Sighing, Mazera follows along behind the others, quietly slipping into an empty room while the others settle into rooms of their own. He carefully sets his pack down near the bed and lights a candle sitting on a nearby table before sinking into the singular chair in the room. The years in the castle must have softened me. A sight like that wouldn't have fazed me nearly as much in my youth...

He continues to sit in the chair, slowly slumping lower as he nods off. So little travel, but my body is weary. I must be getting old. Eventually, his chin drops to his chest, and light snoring is the only sound in the room.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

The grizzled scout-commander finishes his simple meal and picks out a room for himself, setting his things on the small dresser and stripping to his smallclothes to sleep in. Tomorrow will bring another day on the hunt for the wretched assassins, he thinks to himself. But for now, I must rest and recover. Who knows what we'll run into on the morrow, he thinks to himself. He takes a deep breath and exhales, then kills the flame on the candle. Crawling into the sheets, sleep washes over him.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai soars through the air, zipping past the gigantic trees, smelling the fresh scent of the surrounding foliage. Her wings make a familiar buzzing sound, like that of a bumblebee but louder and deeper. As she flies she watches the little animals at play, squirrels climbing trees and leaping from branch to branch, birds hopping on the forest floor in search of worms.

In the distance she catches glimpse of something larger and furrier, yellowish in color. She zips towards it, and finds a small corgi puppy, though much larger than herself. As she lands to pet it a whole group of other corgis races out from around and surrounds her, all panting and looking as happy as puppies tend to look. On the ground she pets them and enjoys the moment, surrounded by adorable animals.

From behind she hears a yelp, and looks back towards the area. Seeing nothing she turns back, but the dogs are no longer around. Another yelp, this time from another direction. She flies up into the air and towards the sound, but the longer she flies the more distant it seems to be.

She stops, and turns to look behind her. There is another furry off in the distance, also yellowish. She flies back and finds a corgi puppy dead, lying in a pool of blood. She tries to scream but no sound escapes. She looks around and is now surrounded by them, all dead, blood everywhere.

There are no longer corgis, and she is no longer a fairy. She stands in the street, her hand clutching her sword as the bodies of murdered men lay surrounding her. "You did this," comes a voice from the distance, but no one is around to see.

"I didn't!" she responds.


There is a thick fog, and in it she can see dark shapes, red eyes glowering at her from each one.
"I know you didn't do it," comes a low, quiet voice, as if the wind was speaking to her. "But nobody else will know." The fog becomes thicker and the dark figures appear to move closer, from all around.

Lorelai wakes in a cold sweat. The room is dark, save for a thin beam of moonlight seeping in through the blinds on her window. She sighs. It was only a dream. Those poor dogs. Those poor people!

She lies awake for nearly an hour before finally falling back to sleep, her mind racing with thoughts of the men she found, thoughts of the murdered king, thoughts of what is in store. What if we find them and they are stronger than us? We will end up just like those men...
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Evaline wakes fairly early, the sun streaming into her room, so tired from the day before she had gone straight to bed without drawing the curtains. She puts on her clothes, choosing to leave the hassle of donning her armour until later, and heads downstairs to the main room of the inn. "The food's almost done, we thought we'd make as close to a feast as we could. It's not often we host royalty," The man behind the bar says with a smile, however his face gives Evaline a less cheerful impression. "Thank you, I'm sure the others will be down soon," Evaline replies before taking a seat at one of the tables. Maybe he knew some of the guardsmen,
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai's dreams, while improving somewhat from her earlier dream, remain fairly negative. She wakes exhausted from such a poor night's sleep, in not nearly as cheerful a mood as she had been the day prior. Remaining in her sleeping gown, she slowly makes her way down to the first floor. The wonderful smell of breakfast lifts her spirits some, but she remains groggy and somewhat anxious.

As she enters the tavern portion of the inn she notices the princess, fully dressed and seemingly in high spirits, causing the knight to feel a bit embarrassed both at her current appearance and her less than stellar emotional state. It's nothing like with the other knights, I should have known! She's ready to head out, and I am in a glorified sheet!

Sucking it up and accepting her poor judgment, she takes a seat near the princess and gives her a polite smile. She notices no food has been served, but the smell suggests it should be out shortly. Not knowing what to say, she simply waits patiently at her seat, head propped against her arm on the table, barely awake.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Basil wakes from his slumber blissfully well-rested. He notices his worn-out puppy still fast asleep and, rather than wake the pup, he leaves her be. The smell of food drifting towards his room only adds to his delight. Something smells good down there. Exiting his room, he flutters down the stairs and joins the princess and knight. "Where's the food?" he asks. "I'm starving!"
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

Waking just before the dawn's light, Ser Bresda dresses himself quickly with his light but strong armor, leaving his weapon and belt strap in his room. He makes his way to the lobby and goes for a short walk in the brisk morning weather, his eyes on his surroundings as the sun rises in the distance. I'll never get tired of watching this, he thinks to himself with a slight smile as he watches the palette of oranges, purples, and reds from the rising sun.

He makes his way back to the tavern and steps into the door, the scent of breakfast filling his nostrils immediately. His stomach almost growls in response, and he notices the others seated at one of the larger tables, awating their meals. "Good morning," he says softly, as he steps closer and pulls up a seat next to the ambassador. "I hope you slept well. We've got a lot of ground to cover today."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai simply groans in response to the man and fairy as they enter. Having momentarily fallen back asleep while leaning on her arm, she jerks up and stays stiffly upright, not wanting to get too comfortable lest she fall asleep once more. She blinks a few times to let the room come into focus, before giving a forced, weary smile.

"Not really," she responds to the serious man, whose name she can't remember. "But I will be fine, I've ridden while tired before. All I need is a nice, warm meal and I'll be good to go." Her smile somewhat fades as she remembers her attire, and that there are now more fully-dressed people surrounding her.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ser Bresda raises an eyebrow at the woman's disposition and attire, but does not mention it. "A warm meal'd help, that's for sure," he says, agreeing with her. "A good horse will do most of the work for you. There've been times that I've ridden through the night before and fell asleep in the saddle, only to wake and find myself back home," the man admits. He looks around the room for a moment. "And the Prince? Still asleep?" he asks, curiously.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes!" Lorelai says, a bit perked up at the mention of horses. "My Jessie is the best, she can go for so long and always knows her way back. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's very friendly, too. And soft."

At the mention of the prince she is momentarily confused, before remembering that the young man in their company is indeed Evaline's younger brother. "He must be. Should we wake him?" I hope they don't ask me to do it, that would be strange. 'Hi prince, whom I barely know. Wake up, time to go.' What if he is one of those people who wakes up angry?
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Mazera starts groggily as he snorts louder than normal. Yawning and stretching, he gently floats out of the chair to land on his feet, before irritatedly rubbing his lower back. Gotta stop falling asleep like that. Hurts more than I want to admit.

Running his hand through his hair, he takes out the static that had built up overnight. He flicks his wrist to dissipate the charge, and a small bolt of lightning flies into the far wall, leaving a singe mark. Oops.

After getting presentable and packed, Mazera makes his way down to join the others at breakfast, wincing slightly as he sits, lower back twinging. "Good morning, everyone. My, something smells delicious."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

After Mazera comes down the stairs, Edward stumbles on the second to last step and rubs his face, standing in full armor, ready for the day in form if not in mind. He sighs and tries to regain his composure, clearly tired from a rough night. Like perhaps a few others, he too had nightmares. One of his father, still dead on the throne looking at him, telling him he's not good enough, how he wished he had another son to pass the crown onto, how he'll never find the rose. When he managed to get to sleep again it was the guards, dead at their post, telling him he didn't do enough, he could have saved them if he was faster, if he drove his horse and men harder, maybe they could have stopped them if they pursued the assassin's immediately.

Every what if he could think of was plaguing him that night, and as he sat down at the table and propped his head up with both arms, small bags under his eyes, it was starting to weigh on him. He didn't say good morning, and almost seemed to pass out a few times before memories of the nightmares made him jump, but despite that tried to pick himself up and eventually looked at least mostly awake, looking at the rest of the group.
"... Is everyone ready to move? I would like to make up for some of the lost ground today, if that is ok with everyone."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

"Um, well I'd like to eat first," Lorelai says to the prince, somewhat baffled by the question so early in the day. She nods towards the mage as he enters as well. "Maybe getting dressed would be a good idea, too..." she continues, her embarrassment at this fact showing on her face.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The smells of food grow stronger and the barkeep, and what is presumably his wife, appear carrying several plates. "Here you go. I hope it's all to your liking," the barkeep says as they set them down on the table revealing a spread of meats, breads, cheeses and a few fruits. They then take their leave of the group, letting them eat uninterrupted.

Evaline takes a helping of a smoked ham along with a bread roll and an apple. She begins eating, choosing to ignore Edward's eagerness to hit the road again already. How is he not even hungry?
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai smiles a wide smile as the food is placed, eager to dig in. She rips a large chunk of bread off of one of the presented loaves, before also grabbing an assortment of cheeses and fruit. She munches on these for a bit, before eventually taking a small portion of ham as well. So much food for such a small group, I could definitely get used to this!

After a bit she begins to feel full, though she finishes what is on her plate before she actually stops eating. She somewhat regrets the decision shortly after, but it is not in her nature to leave food uneaten - growing up with little of it instills that habit. She sits back for a moment in her chair, happy for the meal, before deciding to excuse herself to prepare for the day.

Returning upstairs, she quickly gets dressed in her padded underclothes and then her armor, gathers up her things, then returns to the tavern area and sits off to the side. That is much better, now I don't have to feel so out of place. She looks on as the others finish eating, quietly waiting instructions for the day to come.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Please, my Lord, you need to eat breakfast. We all do. There's no use in hurrying off, tired and hungry after this group," Bresda replies to Edward. He grabs a plate of food happily and digs in, eating his food without speaking much. Time is always of the essence, he thinks to himself as he shovels the food into his mouth. "Let's suit up and get ready to leave as soon as possible," the scout-commander suggests when they've almost finished eating.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

"If this food tastes even half as good as it smells, I doubt we will be disappointed." Mazera says, smiling warmly at the couple before they move away. Taking small portions of each presented dish, he eats slowly, enjoying the well-cooked meal. Chances are we'll end up in places where a meal like this can't be found. Best enjoy it now.

After eating his fill, Mazera leans back into his chair, contentedly patting the front of his tunic. "Ahh. I haven't had a meal that good since the castle cook started letting apprentices help make food."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward looks to Bresda and nods, taking some food for himself and eating, if a bit slowly. He remains silent as he eats however, and makes no comment when Lorelei comes back down in her armor. His thoughts are very clearly elsewhere at this point, perhaps considering the path ahead and whether or not the assassin's will be fighting their way through more checkpoints if the day before was any indication.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Quite famished after his long slumber, Basil loads up his plate with the food before him, a grin on his face. Without hesitation, he scarfs down the meal like a beast. "Not too bad!" he says, his mouth half filled with bread. Though I would've enjoyed some pastries too.

Belly filled to the brim, Basil excuses himself for a moment and returns to his room, grabbing various meats first. Entering the bedroom, he scratches Clover's ear, waking the sleeping pup. "Here you go, girl," he says, placing the meats in the front of. The dog quickly devours the food, yelping happily. Having eaten too much, Clover stretches out, hardly able to move. "What am I going to do with you?" the fairy asks, assuming his man-sized form. Shaking his head, he picks up the immobilized puppy and carries her downstairs.

"Welp, I'm all ready, but Clover here ate too much too quickly and can barely move. The little stinker," he says playfully.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai smiles as she sees the dog being carried down the stairs, though her expressions quickly shifts from joy to surprise as she notices the person carrying it. "How," she begins, looking quizzically at the man for a moment. "Basil...? How did you get so large? Whoa!" Is it an imposter? What is going on here?
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The conversation continues as people finish eating and preparing for the day's journey. Once everyone is ready the party makes its way to the South Gate where they meet one of the guardsmen from the night before and their horses.

Evaline takes Taff's reigns and mounts up. "So where to?" She asks Edward as she waits for the others to join her. "Torrenford?"

"You should be on the look out heading that way," the guardsman says, over hearing the conversation. "We've had reports of wolves in the area. Odd for them to be so far from the forests but not unheard of so the rumours might not be unfounded."
Feel free to finish conversation in the tavern before catching up to this point. Wal and Scratch in particular.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Oh, right, you've never seen this before like the others," Basil says. "Yeah, we fairies have the ability to become this size if needed. Does wonders for diplomacy. Not to mention how fun it is to prank people with it! The ol' pseudo-vanishing trick or 'a witch put a spell on me and now I'm shrinking! Help!' Heh, good times." Petting his bloated pup, he adds, "Clover couldn't exactly go down the stairs on her own with how much she ate, so she had to be carried. I'm starting to think she did it on purpose so she could nap more. Spoiled little pup..."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai chuckles at the fairy-man's explanation, watching the sleeping pup as he talks. "She is welcome to ride with me if she is that tired, I'm sure her extra weight won't affect anything." She pauses a moment, turning her gaze to the fairy. "You can too if you'd like, though probably in your normal form would be best. We should go, the others are probably waiting," she finishes, heading out the door, expecting him to follow.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That sounds like a plan then," Basil says, handing the slumbering puppy to Lorelai. Within an instant, amidst pixie dust, the fairy is once again his regular size. Perching himself on the knight's shoulder, he says, "Yeah, let's be on our way then."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward sleepily climbs up on his horse and yawns, shaking his head once to try and snap fully awake.
"Yes, let us head to Torrenford. If the wolves are indeed aggressive, we may be lucky and find one of the assassin's left behind. Let's not hold hope though. If we find no sign in Torrenford then they will have taken to Bylight, hoping to catch a ship, in which case we can only hope to find what clues are left."
Rather than charge off on his own this time, he waves farewell to the guardsman, and sets his horse into a trot, keeping a slow pace for everyone to follow, and so if he does nod off he won't fall that hard from the horse.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

It takes all of her willpower to hold in her excitement at the fairy's agreement, and she almost caves when he lands on her shoulder, but she manages to keep her cool apart from the huge grin on her face. She awws and pets the dog for a moment before heading out to meet the others, eager to get back on the road and catch the monsters terrorizing the kingdom.

At the gate Lorelai slowly places the sleeping pup on Jessie's back, careful not to wake her. "Hey there girl, you all nice and rested?" shes says, stroking the horses mane and holding out an apple she'd brought from the tavern. "It's so nice to be able to ride my own horse again, Parker is nice and all but Jessie just gets me," she says to no one in particular.

Once her steed has finished nibbling on its snack she hops on, taking a moment to get situated and placing her hand over Clover so she doesn't fall. "All right, let's go," she says, and the horse begins to trot off after the prince. I wonder why the wolves would be so aggressive? That is strange. I hope they haven't gotten anyone.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ser Bresda climbs atop the saddle of his mount, stroking its mane affectionately. Wolves coming out from their places in the woods, he thinks to himself, repeating what he had heard from the guardsman. "Perhaps the assassins have upset the balance of the primal forces in the region. I'll have to investigate once we get closer," the scout-commander says to Prince Edward as he rides adjacent to him.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Torrenford's probably our best option of finding a lead", Mazera nods as he mounts up and rides next to Bresda and Edward. "I was thinking the same thing, Ser Bresda. Wolves don't generally leave their haunts unless forced out." And perhaps I can get a few sketches in while we traverse the woods. I'm sure there's at least one or two species I've missed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The party sets off on the road to Torrenford, leaving Prybridge behind. The morning is uneventful as the group rides through yet more farmland. As noon draws closer the flat farmland starts to rise and fall as they get closer and closer to the Torren Hills. Despite the land becoming more hilly, the bread basket of Amaranthia continues on in all directs, the only other travellers being the occasional farmers.

A couple more hours pass and the party finally starts to leave the farms behind, fertile land being hard to come by as the terrain grows more mountainous. Passing through a small valley the silence is suddenly broken by a distant howl on the wind.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai strokes Clover, trying preemptively to keep the little dog calm after the howl is heard. She glances around to try to find the source of the sounds. Aww, go back to your woods wolves, don't make us have to kill you. Why are you attacking people?
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the group trudges through the hilly terrain, the distant, bestial howl catches Bresda's attention. The wolves, he thinks to himself. "Tread carefully," the scout-commander suggests to his traveling party. "Don't let ourselves get surrounded by them." He squints his eyes, looking ahead to find the source of the noise.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

With the bouncing of the horse and quietness of the roads and travel, Edward could almost fall asleep. However, as the wolves howl he jerks to attention and begins to scan the environment, listening and waiting.
"Let us hope they found a deer to chase, and not our horses. Ser Bresda, up front with me. Lorelai, take the right, Evaline take the left. Mazera, keep between them, and Basil, watch our rear. Wolves strike from the flank before encircling their prey. Let us make ourselves out to be the hunters in these woods, and hope they do not test our mettle."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"If they do approach, I might be able to talk some reason into them. Maybe ask them what they're doing so far from the forests," Basil says, standing upon Lorelai's shoulder.