Fortune's Favor — IC

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca's eyes widen at Narciso's latest outburst, but they relax once more and a smirk forms across his face as the man speaks on. "Well if you know where it is, then lead on," he says, gesturing for the man to take the lead.

A short walk back down the arena's main road, you stop at a downward path heading towards the sea. Per Narciso's lead, the group follows it. As you descend, the turbulent crashing of the seawater proves louder and louder, with shouting nearly required to speak to one another.

The cobblestone path proves treacherous, slicked by rainwater and continuing at a steep grade. However, you manage to traverse it with no incidents. At the bottom, you find yourself on the Colosseum's docks, much as the excitable man had described. It's a simple dock, with moorings for at most two large ships. A pair of cranes flank each side, for loading and unloading cargo you posit. Frequently, the storm-born waves crash above the dock, eager to sweep those with a careless step into the unforgiving seas.

To the rear of the dock, Narciso gestured to a large stone structure built into the bluff, with a large barn-like door in its center. You notice the door is ajar, swaying in the wind and slamming shut repeatedly in the tempest. Through the door's gap, naught is visible save a seemingly unending darkness. Darkness that seems to lead to your quarry.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso, upon reaching the entrance and pointing it out, seemed plentifully excited and ecstatic. "See! I told you I knew what I was doing!" He exclaims, sounding almost pathetically like an excited child. Without waiting, he charged ahead into the darkness, trusting his feet to lead him true.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'm sure we wouldn't have found it without you," Ciraco says to Narcisco with a sarcastic tone.

He raises an eyebrow as Narcisco charges into the darkness. "Ten gold pieces says, he's going to get himself killed before we find this necklace," he says to the rest of the group before, following after Narciso, albeit more carefully.

[sblock=OOC]Once inside is there any sign of lights further inside or is it still pitch black?[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"He seems overly eager to prove himself," Idrig says with a scowl. "It's a bad look." The dwarf edges forward, his crossbow at the ready.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso draws his swords quickly as he continues forward, gripping his dual weapons tight. He slows down his pace ever so slightly as to not have his feet echo through the darkness to their prey.

[sblock=Mechanics]Stealth: 10(1d20) +9 = 19[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Maybe if he keeps it up, the Cyclops will be so distracted laughing that we can take the necklace," Luca replies to the dwarf as the excitable man charges into the doorway.

As the group enters the building, you find yourself immersed in darkness. Rushing ever forward, Narciso finds himself barreling into a column. Luckily, the darkness conceals such a sight for the rest of the party. Surveying the room, you can spot two slits of faint light at each of the room's corners. From your position, they appear to be at eye-level, suggesting some sort of incline in the room.

However, the slits appear to be interrupted at points, as if other structures in the room block your view.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Anyone have a torch or anything?" Ciraco asks the group. "Anymore tricks up your sleeve Nyx?" He adds.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig slides a torch from his pack, dropping an acrid-smelling catalyst on it from a vial on his waistband. It sparks into life. "If we're trying to sneak up on them, I do," the dwarf says to Ciraco.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Sadly my knowledge of fire magic is lacking," Nyx responds, remembering her many poor attempts to grasp the concepts back at the Academy. You'd think something so mundane would not be so complex to cast. Perhaps I am just not smart enough, the woman thinks, as she follows after the dwarf with his newfound source of light.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the torchlight begins to glow, the room around you comes into view, no longer obscured by an impermeable darkness. In the light, you can now see you're in the center of a long storeroom of some sort. Large columns flank each side every several feet. Past them, you can see sturdy shelves stacked high with an assortment of supplies for the Colosseum. Further within the room, darkness continues its obscurity, as the light wanes further from its source.

Nearby, you notice a crate broken open, with wood splinters and packing-straw scattered about the floor. The side of the crate has a large stamp reading "VINO - DORAZZO" in black ink. Additionally, now that you've lingered longer within the room, you notice a faint scent of cigar smoke permeating from nearby

[sblock=All but Idrig (Low-Light Vision)]You find your eyes more easily adjusting to the dim corners of the room. Straight ahead, you're able to spot a ramp leading to a slightly-raised area against the rear wall. The two corners of the rear wall each have a large doorway, likely leading further into the Colosseum's lower chambers. On this raised area, you also notice a pair of staircases opposite of the doors, leading to a catwalk around the storeroom's perimeter.

As far as you can tell, though, you're the only ones in the room. On the catwalk above, you spot a faint red glow, searing through the dim light like a dying ember.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Seems like food and wine stores for guests," Idrig reasons aloud. He notices the broken crate and his nose perks up at the cigar smoke. "Perhaps Cyclops and his band of yokels are in a celebrating mood tonight."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Perhaps. If it comes to a fight let's hope so. It's much easier to kill a drunk man than a sober one," Ciraco says in reply to Idrig.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right," Idrig replies with a rare smirk. He glances down at a vial of poison at his waist. A drunk man will never decline another drink.

The dwarf heads forward, eager to investigate the darkened edges of the chamber.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx follows after the others, curious about what they will find above. As she passes the crate she reaches in to retrieve a bottle, if any are still to be found. What's one more missing drink from an already vandalized crate?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso closes his eyes and softly starts swinging his hand as if conducting a song going on in his head, counting each beat. After a moment he opens his eyes again and starts walking towards the stairs, drawing his weapons. He wanders over to the right side door, but before opening it, he turns back to the others. He points to the door he was standing in front of, "I think that these doors will lead out to the main area and get us directly to them," He whispered to the others, pretty sure at this point they didn't care if he lived or died, so at least if he was going to die he would attempt to make it stylish. "If you hear me scream, that means I found them and I probably failed to take them out." He takes a deep breath and opens the doors before walking through them, then quietly closes the doors behind him.

[sblock=Mechanics]Roll to Stealth out of the room: 4(1d20) +9 = 13[/sblock]

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Maybe they'll have drunk themselves to sleep," Luca remarks as they examine the crates. "Colosseum wine's a bit stronger than the normal stuff. Gets the crowd more excited quicker. And more loose with their coin."

As you advance into the room, you're met with the ramp leading to a raised portion of the storehouse. From up here, you can clearly see a pair of large doors in the corners. From beneath them, you can see dim light. Opposite to the doors are the stairwells, ascending to the storeroom's catwalk.

Meanwhile, charging ahead, Narciso enters to rightmost door, trying his best to remain quiet. Luca attempts to stop him, reaching his hand out as if to grab him. However, he just sighs and shakes his head. "That man's going to get himself killed. He'd better not take the rest of us with him."

Those who examine the doors discover signs next to them, ignored by the gung-ho half-Brennisian man. The left door's sign reads Manutenzione. The right's Stalle. Not a moment after Narciso leaves you behind, you hear a loud whinny emitting from the right side.

"I don't suppose that was him screaming, you think?"

[sblock=Narciso]Without stopping, you rush forward and enter through the rightmost door. The room is much more lit than the previous, though still relatively dim. The room continues down a long hallways, with wooden walls and gates on your right and left side. Further down the hall, you see another door similar to that which you entered.

Nearly the moment you enter, your nose is harassed by a foul odor, akin to a barn animal. It permeates the air in an undeniable way. To your left, you hear the sound of heavy breathing. As you turn to look, you're greeted by a large horse staring right at you, the look of terror in its eyes. It whinnies. Loudly.[/sblock]
[sblock=Brennisian Translation]Maintenance & Stables[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso quickly realized his mistake and turned back, going through the door. Embarrassment times two. He quietly let himself slide to the floor and put his hands through his hair as he composed himself.

"That was not the right way. That was the stables. I think I'm just... gonna sit down for awhile." He said calmly, muttering something to himself under his breath.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig leans against the wall, arms crossed. If he doesn't find himself dead by the time we have this necklace, I might have to kill him myself.

The dwarf looks at Narciso, shaking his head. "You ready to work as a team, yet?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso took a deep breath, before leaping to his feet. What a moment before seemed like a disheveled and broken man now appeared to be as bright and chipper as ever. "Yep! Lead the way, mister Idrig!" He said cheerfully, and almost hopped over to the other door, waiting for his friends this time before charging in.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco shakes his head as the man flies out of the room only to quickly return with his tail between his legs.

"Please do lead on Mister Idrig," Ciraco to Idrig gesturing towards the door with a smirk. When he gets himself killed this group is going to be a lot less entertaining.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx watches in silence as the foolish man rushes headlong into the doorway without any sort of plan, and without even reading the clearly written sign marking it as the stable entrance. She sighs as she hears the whinnying of the horse followed by the man's defeated return to the room. I guess if we die here it will be better than being offed by the Clowns, she thinks as she follows after Idrig and the others into the next room.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You'd have known had you stopped to read the sign," Luca remarks to the defeated man, gesturing to the sign posted next to the door. "You can't just go gallivanting ahead just because you've got something to prove."

Following the man's return, the whinnying continues for a few seconds before the room grows quiet once more, save for the muffled thunder echoing in from the storm. Now reunited, the group surges forward, entering the door labeled as Manutenzione. As you enter, you find yourself in a long corridor, various doors and arches dotting the walls. The hallway splits from its entrance, with one path leading straight forward while the leftward path seems to curve around much like the Colosseum's perimeter. Unlike the storeroom, the tunnels are dimly lit. Oil sconces line the walls, most extinguished for the night but every few remain burning and provide an escape from the darkness.

Shortly after you enter, the same boisterous laughter heard earlier echoes through the halls, though you're unable to tell its source. That is, until, you hear the undeniable sound of shattering glass from beyond the bend.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso, keeping on the happy face he was wearing, wanders with the group. As they wander down the hallway, he continues being cheerful. Upon hearing the glass shatter, he sneaks up to the corner and peeks around to see who's there, his weapons still drawn.

[sblock=Mechanics]Stealth to sneak up to the corner: 11(1d20) +9 = 20[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig, noticing his companion edging forward, draws a vial from his waist pouch. Inside is a jet black substance that the dwarf inverts twice, causing the contents to toil inside. Popping the stopper and spraying it on the floor, he fans the fumes forward with heavy wafts of his thick arms.

Thick, scentless smoke covers the air, blanketing the sound and light that permeates. "We'll use this to move in," he says, stepping alongside Narciso.

[sblock=Mechanics]Cast Shadowy Figurine, sustaining it with minor actions until I say otherwise.

While within 2 squares of the center point that I can move, myself and allies gain partial concealment and a +4 to stealth.

Steal check: 3(1d20) +5 = 8

Ok fuck[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Block]Idrig Mal'talis

Male Genasi Artificer 3
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Age: 32
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 195 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 12
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1
Arcane Empowerment

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d10+1 damage

Resist 5 acid



Active Effects:


Magic Weapon
Static Shock

Second Wind []
Argent Rain[]
Acid Surge [_]

Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture
Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula

Burning Weapons []
Shocking Feedback []

Icebound Sigil[]
Shadowy Figurine[X]
Augment Energy[]
Impart Energy[_]



[sblock2=Important Features:]Elemental Origins: Idrig is considered an elemental creature.

Causticsoul: Idrig can breathe underwater. (This is flavored as always having a personal water-breathing concoction.)

Arcane Rejuvenation: Any ally expending a magic item daily power gains 6 THP.

Crossbow Caster / Crossbow Expertise: Idrig may use crossbows as an implement and can ignore partial and superior cover with crossbow attacks.[/sblock2][/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"At least the dwarf will keep that man out of trouble," Luca replies with a sigh as the pair sulks away, shrouded by the smoky alchemical concoction. The man opens one of the side doors, peering in for a moment before shutting it once more, hoping to keep busy as the others search forward.

A few moments later, a loud thud can be heard from the direction the pair went to investigate. Shortly after, the faint sounds of tone-deaf whistling can be heard before fading into obscurity. Luca's eyes widen at the noise, and he remarks, "Do you suppose that was them? I should hope it wasn't."

[sblock=Narciso & Idrig]Continuing down the corridor, Narciso and Idrig stride through a largely repetitive hall, with little more than plain doors on each side. Eventually, you approach the apparent tip of the hall, where the rest of the hall fades from your vision. Up ahead, you immediately spot the source of the shattering: a broken wine bottle, not unlike those in the crates. On the inner wall, you notice a staircase, likely leading up to the main floor. Peering around the corner, you can spot a pair of figures at the landing, seemingly in conversation.

The one's eyes dart to the bottom of the staircase, scanning through the smoke and darkness with intent. "You hear that? Sounds like footsteps," says a noticeably sober voice. He begins to descend the staircase.

Not a moment later, the other man remarks, "Why don you go 'n inveshtigate den?" His words are those of a highly-intoxicated man, and he wears a drunken smirk of ill intent. As he finishes speaking, he lurches forward, pushing his sober comrade down the stairwell. He tumbles down quickly, landing at the foot with a thud. He lies motionless. A pool of blood soon begins to emerge from beneath him.

"Dat'll teach you to shteal my woman," the drunken man says before walking away, toneless whistling marking his trail.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

As the man landed at the bottom of the stairs, dead, Narciso waited for his partner to walk away before he glanced back at Idrig, keeping his voice low: "Check the body, then head upstairs?" He asked, before crouching down to check the (presumably) dead man's pockets.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig goes still as the man tumbles to the bottom of the stairs. He nods to Narciso's question. "We should wait for the others," he says quietly while he watches the other man check the corpse.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Not sure," Nyx responds with a shrug. This whole night is a disaster. Why did I come along for this? she thinks, as the sounds come from ahead and she expects the worst. Why must fetching a necklace be so difficult?

Figuring a thud can only mean that the others were either noticed, or at the very least that if not then noise of her walking would not be enough to draw attention, she begins to head down the hallway in the same direction as the others.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

Gau keeps to the shadows outside as the entire group goes into the empty shop. A reckless group on a quiet night is something people remember. His mask would only make it worse, but he isn't ready yet for the group to see his other face. When they come out, Gau sees in their body language that the hunt isn't over. Slightly irritated, he tails the group a little further back, enough to vanish if the shopkeeper sent muscle after them, but close enough to dart in if needed.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well we should probably go after them," Ciraco says hearing the thud, and follows after Nyx down the hallway. "We can't let those two have all the fun!

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the remaining four continue down the hallway, they're met with an unexpected sight: a man lying dead, with a pool of blood spilling from his head. Narciso and Idrig stand over the man, with the former sifting through the recently-deceased man's pockets. To your right, you notice a staircase leading up towards the Colosseum's main floor. Flecks of red are spattered on the stones, though hardly as much as has pooled beneath the man. A shattered wine bottle rests nearby, already empty as the lack of spill would suggest.

Luca eyes the grizzly scene, remarking, "So what happened here?"

[sblock=Narciso]Searching the deceased man's pockets, you find little of interest, save a note, folded neatly, in his left rear pocket. Unfolding it, you're quickly met with an unfamiliar language. Though, by the drawn hearts and sweet scent of perfume, you can gauge that it's a love letter of sorts.

Code: Select all

Kære Carlo,

Jeg anede ikke, at du kendte Dværgen. Hvor nogensinde lærte du det? Lad os fortsætte vores korrespondance i Dværgen. Jeg tvivler på, at stumbling fuld vil kunne læse det. Måske skulle vi slippe af med ham. Ingen ville finde ham, skulle han glide ind i havet.

Carlo, min kærlighed, jeg må se dig. Kom til mit værelse i aften. Jeg må takke dig personligt for den smukke halskæde, du gav mig. Jeg har aldrig set rubiner på en sådan måde. Du kan sige, at de antænder mine lidenskaber...

Jeg stoler på, at du stadig har din nøgle? Jeg ved, du har altid holdt den i den slidte røde taske af din. Påmind mig om at reparere det, når jeg næste gang ser dig.

Med kærlighed,


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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

After digging through the man's pockets, Narciso looks up. "This man here seems to have slept with another man's lover, and gotten the ultimate punishment." he holds up the note "It seems to be a love letter, but I can't read it, if someone's interested." He finishes before looking up the stairs. "The guys we're looking for seem to be up there." He adds.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the smoke continues to trail around Idrig, he steps closer to Narciso, curiously looking at the letter himself. Let's see here.

[sblock=OOC]Can I read it[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Poor sap forgot the second rule of sleeping with another man's woman," Luca says, shaking his head at the dead man's predicament. "Make sure you're bigger than him."

[sblock=Brannik]As you take the letter, you instantly recognize the script as being that of your native language, Dwarven. It's an odd sight in the Forelle, though not one unseen in such a city of travelers.

Code: Select all

Kære Carlo,

Jeg anede ikke, at du kendte Dværgen. Hvor nogensinde lærte du det? Lad os fortsætte vores korrespondance i Dværgen. Jeg tvivler på, at stumbling fuld vil kunne læse det. Måske skulle vi slippe af med ham. Ingen ville finde ham, skulle han glide ind i havet.

Carlo, min kærlighed, jeg må se dig. Kom til mit værelse i aften. Jeg må takke dig personligt for den smukke halskæde, du gav mig. Jeg har aldrig set rubiner på en sådan måde. Du kan sige, at de antænder mine lidenskaber...

Jeg stoler på, at du stadig har din nøgle? Jeg ved, du har altid holdt den i den slidte røde taske af din. Påmind mig om at reparere det, når jeg næste gang ser dig.

Med kærlighed,

[sblock2=Dwarven Translation]

Code: Select all

Dearest Carlo,

I had no idea you knew Dwarven. Where ever did you learn it? Let us continue our correspondence in Dwarven. I doubt that stumbling drunk would be able to read it. Perhaps we should be rid of him. None would find him should he slip into the sea.

Carlo, my love, I must see you. Come to my room tonight. I must thank you in person for that beautiful necklace you gave me. I have never seen rubies shine in such a way. You could say they ignite my passions...

I trust you still have your key? I know you always kept it in that worn red bag of yours. Remind me to mend it when next I see you.

With love,


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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig snickers as he reads the note. Ah. Crimes of passion. How... mortal. One passage stands out to him, however.

"We're looking for a worn, red bag. His," the dwarf says, prodding the dead man with a boot. "Should have a key in it. A key to his mistress' place. She's got the necklace."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Probably a safe bet to assume whoever caused this is the one who has it," Nyx says, tapping the man's foot with her own. The feeling of it sends shivers down her spine, her first run-in with a dead body. So much jealousy, is it really worth killing over?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Or quicker," Ciraco adds to Luca's quip. "You're probably right Nyx. Unfortunately that means we can't slip out of here straight away. I'm guessing they went that way," he says pointing to the staircase.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Aye," Idrig agrees, already trailing his smoke cloud forward with a gentle waft of his hand. The dwarf steps up the stairs, hoping to track the drunk stranger.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Easier said than done in a place like this, but let's get to it," Luca replies, following the dwarf up the stone staircase. The rest of the group follows suit, leaving the dead man alone in the hall.

As you ascend the stairs, you're quickly met with another hallway with the same curvature as you've experienced before. Straight ahead is a large double door, with a faded sign that's beyond comprehension. Pointing to the door, Luca remarks, "If I'm remembering right, that's the armory. It may be a horse track now, but they've still got gladiatorial tournaments every so often." With a smirk, he points at himself, adding, "Yours truly was a regular in the circuit." He tests the door, but finds it locked and shrugs.

To your left and right, the hall continues. The lower staircase is flanked by a pair of additional staircases, leading higher into the structure. Past the stairs, single doors continue on the outer wall, much like the floor below. As Luca examines the large door, you begin to hear the familiar off-key whistling, seeming to come from the direction of the upward stairs.

Peering up each stairwell, you can see yet another pair of halls, albeit separated from one another. Instead, each halls ends with a single unmarked door. Like the previous tiers, these halls have doors along the outer ring. In contrast, though, these doors have large signs upon them. On your left, you're able to see doors labeled as Palazzo del Vino and Birre Dorate, while on your right, you can see Casa delle Carni and Capanna della Pizza. Glancing up the stairwell, Luca remarks, "Concessions I'd wager."

[sblock=Brennisian Translation]Palace of Wine, Golden Beers, House of Meats, & Pizza... Hut[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso walked with them, hands on his sword hilts as they creep down the halls. He looks around, keeping his ears peeled for distant sounds.

[sblock=Mechanics]listening real good he hopes:13(1d20) +7 = 20[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

[sblock=Narciso]Based on the sounds of heavy rain, you're able to tell you're once more above ground, likely on the Colosseum's main level. Through the sounds of the storm, you're able to hear a gruff, and angry, voice shouting, "Where'd that runt get to? He was s'posed to be getting us more booze! Who do I have to kill to get some wine around here?"[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods, raising a fist. "Stop. Someone above us is pissed they're not getting their wine. They might come stomping through us if we're not careful." He whispers to the others. "Can anyone tell how to get up to the main floor from here?"

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"No," Idrig says, listening to the whistling. "But I'm betting we'll find it this way." He creeps long the passage to his left, taking the stairs upward slowly, his wave of smoke trailing behind him. The dwarf beckons the others behind him.

[sblock=Mechanics]Sustaining Shadowy Figurine. Myself and allies within 2 squares of me gain a +4 to stealth checks and partial concealment.

Stealth to not be heard: 1(1d20) +5 = 6... ok[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso follows suit, watching Idrig fumble and gets overconfident, thinking he will be able to show off easily. He drops into, what is potentially a rather silly stance and creeps forward quietly. "Nonono, Idrig, like this." He says confidently and snaps his fingers.

[sblock=Mechanics]Check to be a sneakyboi: 12(1d20) +13 = 25[/sblock]

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx creeps along behind Idrig, curious to know what is going on up above. What sort of fool would be upset that the food stalls are not open this late at night? And when no games are on?

[sblock=Mechanics]Stealth: 22+4 (Idrig) = 26[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco moves to follow the others as they creep forward. He can't help but smirk as Narcisco assumes his pose, although he stifles any actual laughter lest it be heard.


Stealth Check With Smoke: 9(1d20) +9 = 18

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca rolls his eyes at Narciso's brazen display of showboating, following the rest up the stairs. If he wanted to so how good he was at sneaking about, he would keep his mouth shut.

At the top of the stairs, you're face-to-face with the doors labeled Casa delle Carni and Capanna della Pizza. Towards your right, the hall continues with more doors leading into the concession stalls. From beyond the doors, you hear a voice shouting, "And while I'm waiting for that wine, someone bust down that door and make me some chow!"

"Seems he's helped himself to the concessions," Luca says as the booming voices echoes through the walls. "Perhaps we could help him out with that wine," he adds, eyeing the bottle Nyx had grabbed from the crate. The drunker he is, the easier our job gets.

A few moments pass and you begin to hear pounding on the door to your left. "Godsdamned door, open!" a voice beyond it shouts in frustration.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig stands by, letting the trailing smoke cover his frame for the most part. "Friend, foe, or neither?" he whispers to the others, curious who is on the other side of the door nearest him.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso slips to the far side of the door quickly, his swords drawn and ready for the man who is trying to force open the door. He gets down on one knee as if he intends to leap upwards with his swords.


Ready an action to attack whoever comes through the door.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We're going with foe, then, it seems." Idrig takes the hint and steps to the other side of the door. He draws his crossbow and loads a bolt.


me too

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