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Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:46 am
by Chanchabruhh
Tane takes a deep breath and digs deep to make it up the wall to join the group
"Alright i think i got it lets do this."
move action: stand up
main action: Climb [2d6]=6

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:11 am
by ratwizard
Encounter End

Tane's redoubled efforts prove successful as he is able to hoist himself up the cinder block wall, joining the other men atop it. Below, the trio of dead slowly converge. With grasping hands, they reach up toward your ankles, but their uncoordinated clawing and jerky movements allow them no perch on the cinder blocks, leaving them nearly a foot out of reach.

You take stock of the surroundings. On the other side of the wall from the alley is the park you had seen before, the green space spanning along the backside of a few buildings before the suburban spread continues past that. Down the alley, no new horrors emerge for the time being.

Tane succeeds DC 6 check to climb the wall, effectively ending turn order.

Unless performing some additional trick or maneuver, you will not be required to roll anything to continue along the wall.

Tane - "They're Here" Edge
As part of your "They're Here" Edge, your gut tells you that these three horrors are not the only ones in the area — simply those in the immediate vicinity of the alley.

You also have a sinking worry that additional noise might draw the attention of whatever else may be beyond these alleys.
Area Map


Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 1:46 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Shit, now what?" Lane says, watching the three corpses desperately trying to reach them, clawing upward and gnashing their teeth. He looks behind, seeing the larger drop into the park below. That landing's gonna hurt. And the park might have zombies too, for all we know. "Drop down to the park? Or keep going along the wall for now?"

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 3:31 pm
by Namelessjake
"Let's head along the wall. It might be easier to climb down at that building," Nate suggests, waiting to follow along the top of the wall once the group starts moving.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 4:25 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Sure, just uh..." Lane starts, eyeing the zombies cautiously. "Let's be careful around those cars. They might be able to reach a bit more if they're smart enough to climb them."

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 4:58 pm
by Namelessjake
"Let's go quickly then," Nate says, eager to get moving.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 5:46 pm
by ratwizard
The four of you move along the alley wall taking slow but sure steps to avoid any potential falls. Below, the dead follow along, albeit at just as plodding a pace. The next building on your left, across the alley, appears to have a metal garage door that is closed. The third and final building on that far side appears to be small apartment complex, with a fire escape leading up from ground level to a third-story rooftop garden.

On the side you walk, the wall comes to an end at a building — this one another apartment complex. The second story units have small balconies that jut out into the alley, two of which are easily accessible from your location.

You also get a better view of the cross-street at the end of the alley. A couple storefronts line the street, lights dark and interiors seemingly vacant. There is another wreck here: a delivery truck overturned and two commuter cars in considerably poor shape. Scattered glass and debris surround them. A few more of the undead dot the road, some ambling aimlessly amidst the sprawl of twisted chassis, while another pair stand unmoving — nearly statuesque.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 6:02 pm
by Namelessjake
"Ok, here's a plan," Nate says clambering from the wall over to the balcony overhanging the alleyway. "The metal door down there should make a ton of noise if we throw a few things at it from up here. That should draw a bunch of them off the street and into the alleyway, we can then exit onto the street and head to the next block and the golf store," he explains, trying the balcony doors and windows to see if either have been left unlocked by the previous occupant.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 7:46 pm
by ratwizard
The first balcony is bare, the windows shuttered and the door locked. However, as Nate sidles over to the neighboring unit's balcony, he finds an unlocked door. Peeking through a crack in the curtains, the Seattleite finds what appears to be a small one-bedroom apartment furnished modestly and kept rather tidy. Out on the balcony itself is a small metal table with a pack of cigarettes and a pair of folding chairs.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 7:54 pm
by Namelessjake
Nate swipes the pack of cigarettes, tucking them into a jacket pocket. Can maybe trade them for some booze or something at some point, he thinks.

Cautiously, he opens the balcony door and steps inside, drawing his knife as he listens for any sound of movement inside the apartment.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:03 pm
by Scratcherclaw
At Nate's lead, Lane follows behind, stepping onto the apartment balconies. He grips his fire axe firmly, almost expecting to be ambushed at any moment. "Maybe there'll be empty beer bottles or something in one of these places. That'd make a good distraction too, right?" Lane says in a low tone, unsure of what might be lurking. Hope no one's home. Maybe we should've knocked.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:33 pm
by ratwizard
Nate opens the balcony door and you step inside into a small living room with an attached kitchenette. This main space of the apartment is modestly furnished and kept quite tidy, the only thing too askew is a small stack of library books on the coffee table. A few pieces of framed media adorn the walls — some recognizable as various album artwork and the spare movie poster. On the far side of the room are three doors. Two hang open revealing what looks to be a dark bathroom and the other, you assume, must be a bedroom. The third is the front door. Based on the positioning, you suspect it opens to an indoor hallway or stairwell that serves the other apartment units as well.
Nate gains a pack of cigarettes.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:03 pm
by Namelessjake
Nate approaches the bathroom, knife at the ready, pointing for Lane to check the bedroom.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:10 pm
by ratwizard
Nate draws near the door to the bathroom, brushing it open with a quiet shove. One hinge whines a moment before the door comes to a rest against the backstop. The bathroom is dark yet vacant. No dead behind the shower curtain or in the tub.

The bedroom turns out the same. Lane finds a simple queen bed surrounded by an armoire and closet; pulled askew, with many empty hangers on the rack. There are no beer bottles around here, though a particularly fragile-looking glass vase sits atop a nightstand.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:20 pm
by Namelessjake
"Bathroom's clear."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Nate quickly checks the bathroom medicine cabinet for anything worth taking, before turning his attention to the kitchen cabinets.

Pots and pans would make a good amount of noise, might be some food or alcohol worth taking too though.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:25 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Bedroom too. Looks like whoever lived here left in a hurry," Lane says, swatting at the bare hangers in expected frustration. Still, he feels relief at finding the apartment barren. Better this than the alternative. Keeping the vase in mind, he files through the drawers for anything else left behind that might prove useful.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:45 pm
by ratwizard
You rummage through the dimly lit room, the only light coming from the grey skies through the blinds.

In one of the armoire's drawers, you find a pair of battery-operated handheld walkie talkies, rated up to a couple hundred meters.

1 ENC each.
In the bathroom you find various cosmetics of little use but spot a bottle of painkillers, a couple doses still left in it from last year.

In the kitchen, you find the fridge and freezer a complete wash — the power is out, and the food inside has long spoiled. You shut the door quickly before the smell has time to linger.

The cabinets are not much better, with only some of the basics stocked but you do find a jar of honey and a large tub of protein powder.

Opioid, Refined | *
Preserved Food x2 | 2

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:39 pm
by Namelessjake
Nate stops to shove the food and painkillers in his backpack.

"So yeah, anything heavy or breakable," he says, picking up a frypan from the kitchen and heading over to the balcony where he throws it at the metal roller door.
Attack Roll: [1d20-2]=12-2=10

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:03 pm
by ratwizard
The cast iron pan spins through the alley, the throw less than perfect but the aim half-decent. It slams into the garage door with a weighty crack, rattling the door something fierce, the sounds reverberating off the walls of the nearby buildings and alleyway — shattering the otherwise quiet peace of the West End.

Immediately, the three horrors far beneath you reel from the sound, drawn toward the source. They crawl or lumber immediately toward the pan and the severely-dented garage door. You are certain this will draw the attention of more, and very soon.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 2:46 pm
by Namelessjake
"Welp, that worked," Nate says to himself, retreating back inside the apartment.

"Let's give it a couple of minutes then sneak out the front door," he says to everyone.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:36 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Lane winces as he hears the clang of metal meeting metal, an anxious pit forming in his stomach as he knows the attention that'll draw. He grabs the pair of walkie talkies, putting one in his pocket and handing the other to Nate. "These might come in handy. Got a vase back in the bedroom too if we need another ruckus, but I think you've got it covered."
Nate (if he accepts) and Lane each gain a battery-operated walkie talkie (1 enc. each).

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:55 pm
by Namelessjake
"Nice find," Nate says taking the walkie talkie from Lane.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2025 11:08 pm
by Chanchabruhh
"Im good to go whenever."

Tane takes a few looks around before heading towards the door and waiting

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 9:25 pm
by ratwizard
Making for the front door of the small apartment, you find it locked, but you unlock and open it quietly. It leads out into a cramped second-story interior stairwell that serves three other units. There is a small sitting area with a couch and a half-height bookshelf next to a window to your left. Stairs to your right instead lead down to what you assume must be the first-floor entryway and main door of the building.

Your nose picks up the faintest smell, and you breathe deeply to try and recognize it.

The smell of decay. They're here — you're sure of it.

Even without seeing them, you can tell the building's been compromised somewhere.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 9:39 pm
by Namelessjake
Nate puts a finger to his lips before heading downstairs as quietly as possible, keeping an eye out for any apartment doors that hang open or ajar.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 10:35 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Lane nods wordlessly in response, following behind with light steps as he clutches his fire axe tightly. Hallways, man... Always the worst part of horror games. You just know something's gonna pop out.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2025 12:22 pm
by ratwizard
Nate leads the way with quiet steps. As you round the turn in the stairwell downward, you hear the echo of wordless grunts and clatter. You peek between the angle of the stairs and the ceiling of the lobby below, you can just make out the lower halves of three figures. They appear to be pressed against the glass facade at the building entrance, ineffectively straddling it. You hear the scratch of nails and the squeak of palms on the glass windows.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2025 3:41 pm
by Namelessjake
Ok not good, Nate thinks, spotting the walking corpses pressed up against the glass. He glances around the lobby, looking to see if there are any ground floor apartments with open doors.

They had to come from somewhere, and if they're out here then they're not in their apartments anymore - apartments that should have windows leading outside.
Dex/Sneak: [2d6+1]=9+1=10

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2025 8:51 pm
by ratwizard
Nate eases down the steps a few paces ahead of the others, getting a better look.
The lobby is little more than a shared open space, flanked by the doors to four individual units. One appears to be ajar, while across from it, a second looks to have been forced open as there is claw marks and some wood debris scattered around the ground. To your immediate right, next to the stairwell, is a small room with no door, containing an array of eight mail cabinets as well as a dusty soda machine.

The three walkers do not appear to be aware of your presence, continuing to claw and writhe against the glass window with unpleasant, inhuman vocalizations.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2025 8:55 pm
by Chanchabruhh
Tane will just take a look around hanging back a bit trying to focus on the smell and feeling he is having
"This place is exposed already we need to move i can feel it and smell it faintly there is a source of where they are attracted to or what but yes this situation feels like."

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 8:57 pm
by Fialova
Well shit, more of those fucking things. Can't catch a break in this district, no wonder those people on the bridge didn't wanna come out here. "Whadya see up there, man?" Woody asks, as quietly as possible, as Nate inches forward. Gotta be some way past 'em, right? If they spot us, the noise'll just bring a bunch more. That'd be bad.

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:23 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Lane's eyes go wide peering down into the lobby, his grip tensing on the railing. Dammit. Those aren't gonna be easy to get past. He keeps an eye on Nate, looking for any signals to act.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:09 am
by Namelessjake
Nate continues through the lobby as quietly as possible, heading for the door that sits ajar as he prays the zombies at the entrance don't hear him over the sound of their own banging.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2025 9:58 am
by ratwizard
Lane, Tane, Woody
Nate continues forward down the stairs, his footsteps nearly silent on the shabby carpet flooring. He reaches the first floor, just beyond your view.
You press forward, your footsteps nearly silent on the shabby carpet flooring that becomes cheap laminate flooring at ground level.

The three walkers do not appear to register your presence, their hands still clawing against the glass facade; pushing their weight against it which appears to be holding.

You edge toward the ajar door to your left. Peeking through the threshold, it looks to be the same floorplan as the unit above, though unlike its neighbor, this unit is in poor shape with belongings and furniture a-scatter. A mirror has fallen from the wall, spreading glass fragments all over the entryway. There are a few dark, red patches on portions of the carpet of the living room. You do not see any movement however.

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 8:01 pm
by Fialova
Woody checks his gun out of habit, making sure it is loaded and the safety is off. Guess nothing yet. This sucks. Hopefully it continues to be nothing. "Make sure you guys are ready if something goes down, yeah?" he whispers to the others, not wanting any of them to be caught unaware by any potential hostiles.

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 8:38 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Yup," Lane says, clutching his axe close to his body. He keeps a watchful eye on the first floor, thousands of anxiety-induced scenarios running through his head. Should've put an Oreo in my pocket or something...

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 2:53 am
by Namelessjake
Hmmm, not great, Nate thinks eying the glass scattered over the floor. He decides to retreat, making his way back over to the stairs to tell the others what he has seen.

"Looks like they broke out of an apartment down there. There's another that's open, though there's a broken mirror so they'll probably hear us if we try to sneak inside. I say we make a break for it, get inside and shut the door behind us before they even have time to realise we were there," he says once he has re-joined the others.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 7:25 am
by ratwizard
Update: Jake confirmed he meant a rush, not a sneak. If that is what you are all committing to, let me know.

If you are looking to do as Nate describes, everyone will need to roll a Dex/Sneak check. (Including a new one for Nate)

As a reminder, the group stealth rules I'm using allow one lead scout to negate as many of their allies' failed checks as the scout's skill level. In this case, Nate has Sneak-1, so (as long as he passes the check) the lowest roll among the others will be dropped.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 9:33 pm
by Fialova
Fuck. Stealth is out the window, that's bad. "Well, if that's the only real option we got, let's do it. Lead the way," he says to Nate, as his heart begins to beat faster. 

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 9:53 pm
by ratwizard
The four of you tear down the stairs with Nate leading the sortie.

The lobby below is little more than a shared open space, flanked by the doors to four individual units. One appears to be ajar — the one that Nate indicated — while across from it, a second looks to have been forced open based on the claw marks and wood debris scattered around the ground. To your immediate right, next to the stairwell, is a small mailroom with no door and a dusty soda machine inside.

Directly ahead of you lies the main doors to the building, in front of which stand three of the walking corpses. They turn to face you at once, their pox-ridden mouths splayed open with strained growls.
Everyone, roll initiative! From your running start, you will have made a few steps of progress toward the open apartment door.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 9:56 pm
by Namelessjake
Initiative: [1d8]=1

I feel this is a good time to highlight one of the benefits of my gray man focus. "Enemies will not target you in combat unless you are the only practical target or you are making yourself an immediate threat."

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 9:58 pm
by Fialova
Initiative: [1d8+1]=7+1=8

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 10:00 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Init: [1d8]=7

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2025 10:40 pm
by Chanchabruhh

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 6:11 am
by ratwizard
Go: Woody

The former soldier is the quickest to react as the three living horrors set their sights on you.
Map Info
The room is about 10 meters long and 8 meters wide.


Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 7:41 pm
by Fialova
Once down the steps, Woody immediately takes a shot at the creature nearest their planned exit, before making a run for said exit, hoping that the coast is as clear as they think it will be. If there's more of those zombies on the other side, we're fucked.

Main Action: shoot left zombie
Attack: [1d20+1]=16+1=17 vs AC = hit?
Hit: [1d6+1]=3+1=4 damage
Trauma: [1d8]=4, x2 damage if traumatic

Move Action: run towards the open doorway to the left. Once the area beyond is in sight, if there are visible enemies outside of the door then Woody will stop and stay behind the door (on the inside). If no visible enemies are spotted, he will continue out the door up to his maximum movement range of 10m.

Character Sheet
Hassan 'Woodsman' Woods

Background: Scout
Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 26
Height: 185 cm, ~6' 1"
Weight: 113 kg, ~250 lbs
Languages: Arabic, English

HP: 7/7
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 0/14
Stress: 5/13
Addictions: Sex addict
Psychic Scars: None
Initiative: +1


Melee AC: 13
Trauma Target: 7

Physical Save: 14
Evasion Save: 14
Will Save: 14
Luck Save: 15


Base Attack Bonus: +0

Light Pistol
1d20+1, 1d6+1, 1d8 trauma die w/ x2 multiplier, 10m/80m
Mods: N/A
Ammo: 15/15

1d20+1, 1d4+1, 1d6 trauma die w/ x3 multiplier, Shock 1/AC 15*, 10m/20m✝
Mods: N/A

* Melee Only
✝ Ranged Only

1d20+1, 1d2+1, 1d6 trauma die w/ x1 multiplier^,

^ Always non-lethal unless otherwise specified


STR 13 (+0), DEX 17 (+1), CON 14 (+1), INT 8 (+0), WIS 13 (+0), CHA 9 (+1)

Skill Points: 0

First Edge: Hard to Kill Instead of rolling 1d6 per level for your hit points, you roll 1d6+2. If using Traumatic Hit rules for your campaign, your base Trauma Target increases by +1, turning the base 6 into 7.

Second Edge: Beacon of Hope Something about you inspires others, convincing them that a better future can exist. Gain Lead as a bonus skill and +1 bonus to your Charisma attribute modifier, up to a +2 maximum. Your personal followers gain a +1 to their Morale score. Once per game session, tell an NPC something that speaks to their hopes, whether it’s true or not; they will believe you unless it’s physically impossible, proven false, or would put them in unacceptable personal danger.


Foci: Armsmaster-1 You have an unusual competence with thrown weapons and melee attacks. This Focus’ benefits do not apply to unarmed attacks or non-thrown projectile weapons. This Focus’ bonuses also don’t stack with Deadeye or other Foci that add a skill’s level to your damage or Shock.

Level 1: Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.
READIED (Capacity: 6/6)
Army Fatigues | Enc. 1 (AC 12, Subtle, Primitive)
Duffle Bag | Enc. 1 (over shoulder)

Pockets, Body, and Belt
Knife | Enc. 1
Light Pistol (15/15 rounds) | Enc. 1
Loaded Magazine (15 rounds) | Enc. 1
Fully-charged smartphone | Enc. 1


STOWED (Capacity: 13/13)
Duffle Bag
Knife | Enc. 17 Days Packaged Preserved Food | Enc. 4
Water Jug (full) | Enc. 1
Sleeping Bag | Enc. 1
Tarp | Enc. 2
A kit with cooking utensils and a hobo stove | Enc. 2
Cold Weather Clothing and Footwear | Enc. 2 (0 when worn)

$Starting money


Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 10:38 pm
by ratwizard
Go: Lane & Tane

Woody's pistol shot rings in the air of the cramped lobby, the cheap laminate flooring doing little to dampen the tinny report. The bullet carves a meaty chunk out of the zed's shoulder, piercing the large glass windows behind that form the building's facade, and leaving a neat hole and a large crack.

The shot does not seem to stop the walking horror, however, and it lumbers after Woody into the hallway of the unit.
As you step inside the apartment, it looks to be the same floorplan as the unit above — though unlike its neighbor, this unit is in poor shape with belongings and furniture a-scatter. A mirror has fallen from the wall, spreading glass fragments all over the entryway that crunch under your feet. There are a few dark, red patches on portions of the carpet of the living room. Doors to the bedroom and bathroom are closed, but you do see on the far wall a window in place of the balcony access door.

Woody: shoots and hits, moves

Walker 1: moves
Map Info
The room is about 10 meters long and 8 meters wide.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 2:38 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Lane winces as he sees the zombie shamble toward their only escape. Shit, it's after Woody. With quick steps, he follows behind and steps into the room. Keeping a firm grip on his axe, he swings at the back of the shambler, trying to bring it down. Die, already. Or die again. Whatever.
Move Action: Walk toward the room

Main Action: Attack Zombie 1
Attack: [1d20+1]=3+1=4
Damage: [1d10+1]=5+1=6
Trauma: [1d8]=1, x4 if traumatic
Character Sheet
Lane Bradshaw

Background: Healer
Level: 1

Age: 31
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Languages: English

HP: 1/1
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 0/9
Stress: 5/11
Addictions: Junk Food
Psychic Scars: None
Initiative: +0


AC: 10
Physical Save: 14
Evasion Save: 14
Mental Save: 15
Luck Save: 15


Base Attack Bonus: +0

Big Axe
1d20+1, 1d10+1, 3/15AC, 1d8 Trauma, x4


STR 14 (+1), DEX 10 (+0), CON 9 (+0), INT 14 (+1), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 10 (+0)



Focused: I begin play with an extra focus pick.

Comrade: Once per day per PC ally or good NPC friend, as an instant action, allow them to reroll a roll they just made of any kind.


Healer: Gain Heal as a bonus skill. I can attempt to stabilize a mortally-wounded adjacent person per round as an On-Turn action. When rolling Heal skill checks, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.

Strong Back: Gain Exert as a bonus skill. My Strength is treated as 18 for purposes of Encumbrance. I can carry a downed teammate as if they were 6 points of Encumbrance, and it does not slow down my overland travel.
READIED (Capacity: 7/9)
ENC 2~ | Cold weather clothing and footwear (Worn)
ENC 1 | Unremarkable backpack (Worn)

Pockets, Body, Belt
ENC 1 | A fully-charged smartphone
ENC 1 | Water Jug, full
ENC 1 | Swiss Army Knife
ENC # | Wallet
ENC * | Disposable Lighter
ENC 1 | Battery-operated walkie talkie

ENC 2 | Big Axe

STOWED (Capacity: 15/18)
ENC 1 | A well-stocked first aid kit
ENC # | Antibiotics, common
ENC 1 | Flashlight with 6 hour battery charge
ENC 4 | 7 days worth of packed preserved food
ENC 2 | 1 days worth of scavenged food
ENC 4 | One day of firewood
ENC 1 | Handheld AM/FM radio
ENC 2 | 1 days worth of scavenged food (Junk Food)

ENC | Item

# sp
Starting sp
-Expense sp

Total sp
Stats: [3d6]=14[3d6]=10[3d6]=9[3d6]=7[3d6]=9[3d6]=10
Replace INT with 14

Background: [1d20]=6
Healer (Heal-0)

Growth: [1d6]=4
+2 Mental (WIS)
Learning: [1d8]=2
Learning: [1d8]=1


Focus: Healer (Heal > Exert)
Strong Back

HP: [1d6]=1

Free Skill: Stab

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 8:40 pm
by Chanchabruhh
Tāne sees lane start moving and rushes towards the other zombie nearby Well lets try to get this over with as soon as possible with the least amount of injuries if possible.
Move Action- Move to the left of Zombie 2
Main Action- Attack zombie 2
Trauma-[1d6]=5, x3 if traumatic
Character Sheet
 Tāne Kauri 
Background: Warrior 
Level: 1
XP: 0
Age: 29 
Height: 6'2 cm
Weight: 270 lbs 
Languages: English
HP: 8/8
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 0/13
Stress: 5/8
Addictions: None
Psychic Scars: None
Initiative: +1

Melee AC: 15
Trauma Target: 6
Physical Save: 14
Evasion Save: 14
Will Save: 15
Luck Save: 15

1d20+2, 1d4+2, Trauma 1d6 x3., Shock (3/15AC), Melee
Mods: None
Ammo: N/a

STR 14 (+1),
DEX 14 (+1),
CON 13 (+1),
INT 8 (+0),
WIS 8 (+0),
CHA 8 (+0)
Skill-Stab-1 Shoot-0 Punch-0 Notice-0 Survive-0 Skill Points: 0
Hard to Kill: Instead of rolling 1d6 per level for your hit points, you roll 1d6+2. If using Traumatic Hit
rules for your campaign, your base Trauma Target increases by +1, turning the base 6 into 7.
They're Here: You have an intuitive danger sense that alerts you before a zombie attack or impending catastrophe. Gain Notice as a bonus skill and a +1 bonus to your Wisdom modifier, to a maximum of +2. You cannot be surprised, and you have an instinctive sense of whether or not there are zombies, raiders, or other enemies in your general surroundings. If some attack or disaster is about to happen to your home enclave, you may get a day or two of intuitive warning, though not any specifics of the threat.
FOCI Armsmaster: You have an unusual competence with thrown weapons and melee attacks. This Focus’ benefits do not apply to unarmed attacks or non-thrown projectile weapons. This Focus’ bonuses also don’t stack with Deadeye or other Foci that add a skill’s level to your damage or Shock.
Level 1: Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.
READIED (Capacity: 7)
2~ | Cold weather clothing and footwear
1 | A fully-charged smartphone
1 | Flashlight with 6 hour battery charge
1 | Duffle bag (over the shoulder)
1|Water Jug, full
1 | Knife
Enc | Item
Hands Enc | Item
1 | Improvised Shield
STOWED (Capacity: 14) Backpack (if carried) Enc | Item
$Starting money -$expenses $Total

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 9:08 pm
by ratwizard
As you step inside the apartment, it looks to be the same floorplan as the unit above — though unlike its neighbor, this unit is in poor shape with belongings and furniture a-scatter. A mirror has fallen from the wall, spreading glass fragments all over the entryway that crunch under your feet. There are a few dark, red patches on portions of the carpet of the living room. Doors to the bedroom and bathroom are closed, but you do see on the far wall a window in place of the balcony access door.
Lane's swing carves through the skull of the boxed-in walker and it slumps motionless to the broken glass underfoot.

Tāne dashes toward the remaining pair of zombies, jabbing at one with a flurry of stabs. As he does, the other lurches at the security guard, clawing desperately for him, slapping his makeshift riot shield aside — a fetid set of fingernails raking at his arms and shoulder.

Go: Nate
Lane: moves, hits and kills

Tāne: moves, hits

Walker 3: moves, attacks Tāne, 20 vs AC = hit for 2 damage. 6 Trauma roll does not beat 7 Trauma Target, no traumatic hit.
Map Info
The room is about 10 meters long and 8 meters wide.