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Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:16 pm
by Scratcherclaw
They do not fit Fulke's description, but you notice they're wearing the same attire as the man by the bathroom. Additionally, you notice they have thick, foreign accents when they speak. However, they say nothing of note, simply talking of Ciraco's win and whether or not one of them should try the roulette.
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:30 pm
by Namelessjake
"Second place whatever that means with a roulette wheel. Time will tell I suppose, I have to claim the prize at the treasury, " Ciraco says, as Idrig joins him.
He leads the dwarf out of earshot of the two men before talking again, this time in hushed tones. "And those two mentioned Fulke as I walked past," he says subtly pointing out the two men. "I think they may be here with him."
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:01 am
by ratwizard
"I saw a third near the lavatories," Idrig adds. "We'll need a way to draw them away from here to deal with Fulke. Unless..."
The dwarf strokes his chin, a devilish smile forming. "We could borrow one of the staff getups. The gaudy, bright livery. We could bring a drink tray over and slip him my new concoction. It won't kill him -- instead, it will make it easier to kidnap and deliver him directly to our client, for perhaps a bonus. Not unlike a certain plan for another day." He frowns, remembering something. "We should find the others, first. Perhaps they have had better luck locating the man himself."
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 3:32 pm
by Namelessjake
"A good idea, but maybe we do want to give him something stronger. Bretz didn't seem like the killing type and I think that's the only way to make his problem go away," Ciraco replies to Idrig. He nods as the dwarf mentions finding the others and begins scanning the casino floor, looking to see where they have gotten to.
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:18 pm
by ratwizard
"His partner certainly did," Idrig says with a shrug. "But you're probably right. Bretz doesn't want his problem showing up at his door." He joins Ciraco in keeping an eye out for the others.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 11:34 am
by Fialova
Nyx frowns as the man speaks, knowing all too well the life he lives, having just left it herself. She steps up to him and gives him a hug.
"I know how it is," she says, keeping her voice low.
"I used to work at the Carnevale, it was no different. Here," she says, as she leans back from the hug, placing some coins in his hand as she does so.
"It's not much, but I hope it helps," she continues giving the man a slight smile.
"I hate to bug you while you work, but do you think you could do me a small favor? Could you tell me if you've seen a man?" she asks, before describing to the young worker the details they'd been told of the executioner and his lackeys.
Give the guy 10 gold coins
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:41 am
by FinalTemplar
Narciso gives a polite smile, raising his glass politely before taking the free seat. "Most of the other tables are just too loud for me today. I just want to sit quietly and hear some stories- and I imagine two lovely ladies like yourselves have many stories to tell." He takes another sip of his drink before relaxing. He uses his seat at the table mostly as an excuse to look non-suspicous as he tries to look for their target, periodically glancing around the room as he listens to them talk. "And besides, really, I'm the one in the presence of royalty. You two ladies look absolutely beautiful today." He says, playing it up a tiny bit but giving as genuine of a compliment as he can.
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:35 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Looking around the casino floor, you're able to spot Nyx in an empty lounge, hugging an employee, a young man. Based on the supplies around, it seems like he was in the midst of cleaning when she approached him. She seems to share a few words with him, and you notice him appearing to whisper something to her. After he steps back, he returns to his task.
The man's eyes seem to sparkle for a moment as you hug him. He squeezes gently, apparently having needed the hug. "T-thank you," he says, managing a slight smile, placing the coins in his pocket. He looks at you for a moment as you ask of Bretz.
"Oh, hm," the young waiter says, a vexed look spreading across his face. "We're not meant to talk of other guests, but..." He steps in closer towards you, lowering his voice. "I saw him some hours ago, and his lackeys all in these hideous black outfits. They looked like they'd just come from the restaurant, grease and grizzle all in their beards still. I hope that helps." He steps back and gives another smile, gesturing back to his cleaning supplies. "I guess I should get back to it though."
From the main casino floor, you can see Idrig and Ciraco coming your way.
"Oh stop! You'll make a woman blush," the one says, feigning youthful meekness. She takes a short sip from her drink, making curious eye contact with you.
"Maybe in our youth, but thank you, dear," the other says with a chuckle and a warm smile. "If it's stories you're after, you'll have to catch up before our first bottle." She taps the glass wine bottle resting in the middle of the table, the sound of the cling quickly telling you it's hollow.
"Aye, we've mostly just been watching the crowds so be, seein' what interesting folks are about. Speaking of, you see where that hulking brute went, Dina?"
Dina shakes her head. "I haven't seen him for some time. Not since seeing him eat all that food earlier. He'll get sicker than a dog, even at that size." She looks at you for a moment, the look of a concerned mother in her eyes. "You'd be wise to not overeat yourself, or you'll sooner be laid up in your room all night, ordering tonics to your bedside."
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:34 am
by ratwizard
Idrig eyes Nyx's encounter with great curiosity. Bound by the chains of empathy. Though we shall see if it has gained us any insight. He steps forward into the threshold of the empty lounge, waiting patiently for her to notice his and Ciraco's arrival.
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:46 pm
by Fialova
"Thank you," Nyx responds to the man with a smile. "I hope the rest of your evening is easier."
Noticing the others' arrival, she takes her leave of the man and steps towards them. "He was here, with his men. He ate at the restaurant hours ago, the cleaner said," she tells them, her voice low, not waiting to hear the only question she expects them to ask. "Did you learn anything more?"
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:43 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig raises an eyebrow, once again impressed by the surprising natures of Nyx. Using her empathic connection to others to further our investigations... perhaps I misjudged her initial worth in being solely in her arcane ability. It is clear she excels in this field as well.
"His men are still around. Ciraco and I have counted three so far," he explains. "I would guess our mark's here, or not too far. If he is visiting from far off lands, then perhaps he's found a private place for himself to enjoy the more intimate side to Teiros?"
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:55 am
by Namelessjake
Collecting yet another stray? Ciraco wonders as they spot Nyx talking with the casino cleaner.
The mercenary nods in agreement with Idrig as the dwarf explains his conclusions. "Most likely. Dealing with him while his men are elsewhere would be best too," he says. "Although on the off chance this devolves into a fight on the casino, I'm going to cash this in before we get ourselves banned," he adds, briefly holding up the silver token from the roulette wheel in between two fingers. He glances around the room looking for the "Treasury".
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:49 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig smirks, knowing that coin comes first when it comes to the mercenary. He watches as the man steps away before turning back to Nyx. "Let us gather the others. If things turn dangerous, we will need to rely on each other."
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 1:30 pm
by Scratcherclaw
As you continue to wander, you come across Luca again, still gingerly sipping on a new cocktail. "You all find anything? The bartender was of no help," he says with a frown, taking another swig of the drink. "I saw Narciso some time ago, talking to a couple of older women. Those types watch everything and everyone in a place like this."
After surveying the room a bit, you find a sign labeled Royale Treasury above an archway into the central castle. You step down a short staircase and find yourself in a circular room, desks and attendants waiting on the outside. Above the desks, gilded metal bars separate the attendants from the common rabble. Directly behind the attendant across from you, you spot a golden vault door pulled open, piles of coin lying inside.
This attendant, a short woman wearing an elegant purple gown, bows to you. "Good day to you, sir. Are you buying or redeeming?"
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:34 am
by Namelessjake
"Redeeming," Ciraco replies, holding up the coin betwixt his fore and middle fingers before placing it on the counter and sliding it across to the woman with one finger. Let's see what second prize pays out.
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:46 pm
by ratwizard
"Our mark is here, or close. But he's got men around as well. Can you take us to where you saw Narciso?" Idrig asks.
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 7:50 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso smiles at the two women. "I enjoy people watching as well. That's actually part of why I came here tonight." He gives another more obvious but casual glance around the room. "People do such interesting and intriguing things." He says with a bit of a quiet laugh.
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:16 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Aye, this way," Luca says, gesturing in a direction with his head. Not a moment later, Ciraco returns to your side. Following Luca's lead, you find yourself near a small lounge built into a nook in the hall's side. You find Narciso sitting at a table with two older woman, his gaze on your group as you approach.
"Ah yes," the woman says with a plain smile, taking the silver medallion between her thumb and index finger. She examines it closely for a few moments before turning back at you and nodding. "Just a moment, please." She scurries into the rear vault, vanishing from sight for about a minute, before returning with a small black pouch, emblazoned with a golden crown on the front. "There you are, sir. Your winnings entitled you to the second prize of five-hundred gold pieces. Do enjoy, and have a royal day!" She slides the pouch across, bowing to you.
Stepping out of the vault, you easily spot your companions and regroup with them. Following Luca's lead, you find yourself near a small lounge built into a nook in the hall's side. You find Narciso sitting at a table with two older woman, his gaze on your group as you approach.
"That they do, dear," Dina says with a chuckle. As she does, you notice two men in black leather pants and black shirts passing by, looks of concern on their face. You overhear one mention something about sending a tonic to the room, though details are difficult to make out given the thick Tulrissian accent you hear.
"Strange to see one so young share a hobby with us. Say, there's a dwarf. You don't see those every day!" the woman interjects excitingly. Looking in the direction she's facing, you see Idrig approaching, with the rest of your group in tow.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 8:14 am
by ratwizard
Idrig makes his way to where he sees Narciso, doing his best to find a pause in whatever conversation he might be making. "There's news," he says quietly to the man, eyeing the older women quizzically. Well, well. Not the crowd I'd expect for this one. Perhaps he's learned something on his own.
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:09 am
by Fialova
Nyx looks quizzically towards the others as they spot their companion with the old women. This is surprisingly insightful for him, to notice that the old women sitting off to the side always see everything. I wonder if he's spent much time in casinos. She lets Idrig do the initial talking, not keen to interrupt whatever conversation is going on.
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:47 am
by Namelessjake
"I most certainly will have a royal day," Ciraco replies his face beaming as he hears the value of his winnings. He checks the contents of the pouch to confirm before carefully secreting in away in his most hidden pockets. Easiest five-hundred gold I ever earned. Maybe I should give up the sword and become a professional gambler, he thinks as he walks away from the treasury and begins looking for his companions.
He makes his way over to the booth. Not what I expected his type to be, he thinks noting the presence of the older women. He joins Nyx and Idrig as they arrive just before him, and defers to Idrig as he hears him beginning to talk.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 5:16 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso watches the pair of Tulrissians walk past, before having his gaze interrupted by Idrig. "Ah, friend. News?" He asks, before looking over at the older ladies. "I'll see you around, this is my call to leave." He gives a soft frown before standing. "Don't miss me too much." He says with a wink, before nodding to Idrig and turning to walk with him.
"What did you hear?" He asks, lowering his voice.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 8:40 pm
by ratwizard
"Our mark's men are here. He may be here himself," Idrig explains, stepping away from the table to an area out of earshot of others. "Did you find out anything from those women?"
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 2:33 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso slightly grimaces and looks away. "I may have taken too long beating around the bush to get anything useful." He says, putting his hands in his pockets. "But I made some friends, I guess." He looks towards Idrig, "Lead the way."
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:20 am
by Fialova
Or perhaps not, Nyx thinks as she sighs in response to Narciso's words. I guess we will just have to go off what we already learned.
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:01 pm
by ratwizard
"What is the point of making friends if you have nothing to gain from it?" Idrig asks, disappointed to have expected anything of Narciso. "Stop wasting time and open your ears. We don't know where he is, yet."
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:08 am
by FinalTemplar
Narciso takes a deep breath and tries to visually see the two men who had walked past him just before, not really looking at Idrig as he begins to talk again.
"The two of them spoke of a large man, someone they referred to as a 'hulking brute', who was seen earlier eating tons of food. He retreated some time ago, presumably to deal with all the food he had been eating. Just a few moments ago two men passed me talking about sending a tonic to a room- didn't catch anything further from them, but they were wearing dark clothes and seemed concerned. The accent might've sounded Tulrissian, but I can't say I'm an expert on accents."
Perception to try and spot the two men:
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:14 am
by Namelessjake
"That sounds like our man, and they sound like his entourage," Ciraco says, as Narciso relays the information. His mouth curling into a smile, with the anticipation of the job being successful.
"We know he's in his room then. We could either try to follow the others, or ask the front desk for his room number - although that's assuming he's not staying here under a fake name," the mercenary says, offering up some options for how to best proceed.
Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:55 pm
by ratwizard
"One of us — the least conspicuous — should follow these men. They can lead us directly to our mark," Idrig reasons. "Going through the front desk only muddies things further. As for the tonic... well, I can certainly mix up quite a drink for him. One that could put him to rest for the night, or forever — your call."
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:44 pm
by Fialova
"The least conspicious?" Nyx asks, before eyeing all of the men accompanying her. "Probably him," she says, nodding towards Ciraco. He seems at home here, more than any of the rest of us. I am sure he could talk his way out of being spotted too.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 7:57 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig glances at the mercenary, nodding at the suggestion. "Yes, he'll do. Be quick. We shall await you here."
If none else have qualms, I will aim to simply poison the man instead of incapacitate him. Regardless, his... hefty constitution... may require an extra-strength dose to achieve either result.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:39 am
by Namelessjake
Ciraco gives as shrug of acceptance as he is volunteered. "I've been called a lot in my short time in this world but I don't think I've ever been called conspicuous," he says with a smirk.
"Luckily in places like this there is one way you can blend right in by standing out," he says, raising the glass he took from the tray in the lobby in a mock toast to the group. He takes a small swig making sure to leave some of the beverage in the glass before he then snatches Luca's half finished drink from his hand. "No one will pay much attention to a drunk gambler who can't find his room," he explains, holding two half finished drinks in each hand. He then joins Narciso in looking for his quarry ready to set off after them when he does.
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:39 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Seems like a good enough plan," Luca says with a slight pout as Ciraco snatches his unfinished drink.
"Hope you can play a convincing drunk. Tulrissians would know a thing or two about that, from my experience."
From the lounge, you're able to spot the same two men from earlier, making their way back towards the entrance hall. As you recall, there was a passage towards the hotel in that same room. From what you can tell, their steps are fairly quick and they're moving with a sense of urgency.
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:11 pm
by FinalTemplar
Catching sight of the two men, Narciso points them out quickly. "There- walking out to the entrance hall. Tall dark and ugly, one and two. Sure you're good to go alone?"
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:41 pm
by ratwizard
"This is just a simple scouting job to find the right room," Idrig reminds both Narciso and Ciraco. "If we all follow, they will certainly grow cautious."
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:34 pm
by Namelessjake
"I'll be fine. I have one or two previous experiences to draw on," Ciraco smirks, assuring the group he can pull off the plan. He then walks off in the direction of the men, he relaxes his posture and adds the occasional half stumble in his attempt to seem heavily inebriated. He follows them in character although he does still attempt to maintain some distance, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:28 am
by Fialova
Nyx folds her arms and watches as Ciraco heads off. Hopefully he doesn't mess this up. While waiting, she glances around the room to see if anything else stands out to her as useful about this place.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:00 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Despite their quickened pace, you easily catch up to the pair of Tulrissians before they vanish out of sight. One seems to turn around, hearing you stumble and lurch behind him, but rolls his eyes and pays little mind to you. "I feel compelled to count how many drunkards we see before we return home," you overhear him saying to his companion. After some time, you find yourself in the opulent main lobby of the Palazzo Lumino, bearing the same aesthetics as the casino proper. Here, you spot that it's bustling with foreigners. In particular, you spot half a dozen more lackeys loitering on the lobby couches.
Your quarry makes for the grand staircase, meanwhile, an intricate marbled stair leading to the upper echelons of the hotel. Your expert stumbling and faux-drunkenness remains even more convincing on the stairwell, though, and you're soon at the penthouse level. They begin walking down a long corridor before the first turns towards you again. Concern shows through his thick accent. "Do you need help, friend? Come, let me help you to your room."
As Ciraco departs, Luca looks towards the rest of you and crosses his arms. "So we've found our main target, but how do we want to handle his lackeys?" the man asks the rest of you. "Seems like he took quite the retinue with him. Doubt they'll make this easy."
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:10 pm
by Fialova
"You guys can each seduce one of them," Nyx responds dryly, finding the whole situation a little absurd. Here we are in a casino hunting an assassin with plans to kidnap a prince while in parade costumes. I should write a letter back home to mom and dad, then they can rest easy knowing I am alive and still have a sense of humor.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 4:21 pm
by Namelessjake
I may have overdone this a bit, the Brennisian realises as one of the henchmen offers assistance. He raises a hand to dismiss the man's offer.
"I'm fine. My room's jus'," he says, slurring his words and trailing off towards the end of his sentence in an attempt to keep up the ruse. He points to a door just ahead, between himself and the two men, and begins to step towards in. "Carry on.... I've got the key here somewhere," he says, turning to the door and giving the man an exaggerated wave of dismissal. He then begins slowly fumbling through his pockets, hoping the man gives up and they continue on their way.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:06 pm
by ratwizard
"An unhelpful suggestion," Idrig says in a terse tone, the jest missing him. He turns to Luca. "Though distraction may be key. It will depend on whether or not his men stay close, or give him space. There is no use in drawing plans until Ciraco returns. We need to stay flexible."
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:21 pm
by FinalTemplar
"We'll stay on our toes, then. Stay close, we don't want to get split up if anything happens, and we'll watch for his return." He chews on his lip slightly as he hesitates, thinking about it some more. "I mean, we can never be too careful."
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:18 pm
by Scratcherclaw
The man eyes you with concern for a brief moment, looking at his silent companion before turning back to you. "Alright, but if you need anything, we're just down the hall." He points down the hall, where a set of gaudy double doors sit. They bear a crown painted upon them. "The Royale Suite. Just try to keep it down, yes?" He nods to you and then to his friend and they continue down towards the hall. Eventually, they stop at the pair of double doors and vanish within.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:24 pm
by Namelessjake
Ciraco gives the man a nod in thanks and continues fumbling for his imaginary keys. Perfect, he thinks, amazed the man just told him exactly what he needed to know.
As soon as he hears their door click, he drops he charade and quickly makes his way back down the stairs.
"The Royale Suite on the Penthouse level," he says as he rejoins the others back on the ground floor a couple of minutes later. "My plan worked like a charm," he says with his signature smirk.
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:00 pm
by ratwizard
"Royal Suite," Idrig repeats, shaking his head. "How pompous. What was the security like? How many men?"
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:04 pm
by Namelessjake
"No one outside," Ciraco answers, handing Luca back what remains of his drink. "No idea about inside though. At least the two I just followed plus Fulke though," he adds."Any ideas?" He asks, hoping the others have had time to come up with at least the beginnings of a plan in his absence.
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:36 pm
by ratwizard
"Three is too much for a confrontation. Especially in that close of quarters. I bet the guard would be there in a manner of moments." Idrig hums for a moment, thinking. "Did you see his men bringing said tonic?"
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:26 pm
by Namelessjake
"No sign of one. They must have put in a room service request for it," Ciraco answers, his lips curling into a slightly smile as he realises the implication. "We'll have to act fast if we're to beat it there though," he adds.
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 5:45 pm
by ratwizard
"Ciraco, you could act like one of Fulke's men and intercept the tonic from the server, insisting it must only be delivered by a trusted associate of the man," Idrig says, the fragments of a plan quickly forming in his mind. He casually slips a small vial from a pouch at his waist — inside is a clear fluid. Other than the slightly higher viscosity for those keen enough to notice, it is mistakable for water.
"Then, we slip this in, and deliver it to his men. It's a strong sedative. He's drunk enough that the tonic will go down nice and easy, and if things go to plan, he'll be out for an entire hour."
He sighs, grasping at threads in his mind.
"Then... perhaps we draw his men away? Not with danger, but with fortune. A prize, down at the lobby, receivable only in person. All must be present. Once we rid ourselves of his lackeys, we can enter his room and deal with our quarry."
Due to Alchemist theme + Master Mixer feat, I have this prepared for free:

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:26 pm
by Namelessjake
"That's a good plan, although maybe it should be Luca or Narciso. His men would recognise me now if they happened to leave the room while I'm waiting to intercept the drink," Ciraco says as he thinks over Idrig's plan.
"If we can't pull them away at least with Fulke out of the picture we can probably take them in a fight," he adds with a shrug.