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Post by ratwizard »

"A volunteer, then," Idrig says with a smile. "Shall we see ourselves in, and begin our work? Ciraco and Narciso may take their leave to the alley once our mark finds his way to the room. The other three of us can follow once the beverage has been delivered."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco nods. "Let's get to it," He says, making for the entrance to the Crimson Butterfly.

This has to work, he thinks as he walks. If we get caught they'll hang us for sure, if we even live long enough to make it to the gallows.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods, listening to the plan. "I hear you, I'll be ready to move." He says. Another small step on the road. He thinks to himself, following the others into the Butterfly.
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Post by Fialova »

"Yes, I'm ready," Nyx responds, nodding towards Idrig and awaiting his concoction. Hopefully he made this correctly. The last thing we need is the accidental murder of royalty.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig nods at the woman in return, holding out a hand to shake. Should she take his hand, she would find herself left with a small vial in her palm. He winks.

Give Nyx my Goodnight Tincture.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx quickly pockets the vial, before nodding towards her shady companion. Well, guess we'll see how this goes, she thinks, as she makes her way towards the entrance of the brothel for the third time, this time more nervous than ever.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

You step into the Crimson Butterfly and find it just as busy as the noises from the threshold suggested. Most of the tables are filled with men and women alike, cheering at the handful of dancers strutting on stage. Towards the back corner, a small band is playing festive music. The dancers and customers alike are dressed in costume and mask as they engage in revelry and libations amongst themselves.

The base of the stage is littered with a veritable treasure trove of Brennisian coin, shimmering in the intimate lighting. "Are you feeling lucky?" a red-headed dancer says as she shakes her rear at the audience. "I can make you feel real lucky."

The crowd cheers and you see a cluster of coins tossed towards the stage.

Seated on a bench towards one of the walls, you spot your quarry: the Crown Prince, flanked by a pair of guards. He's leaned forward, watching the stage with almost feral eyes as his guards sit stoically, vigilant of their surroundings.

From behind the bar, you spot a young woman helping the usual bartender prepare cocktails for the crowd. She wears a revealing blue and black dress, with a shimmering butterfly mask on. Based on her frame and hair, Nyx is able to tell that it's Corinna, the dancer playing an important part in your plan.

She look at Nyx and whispers something to the bartender before approaching with steady steps. "Welcome in, my friends. Might I get you a drink? Find you some company?" she asks, looking to Nyx in particular, though her eyes wander to the group as a whole.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig scowls at the stage of ludicrous and carnal proclivities afoot, though his mood improves when he eyes the Crown Prince — caught up in all of them. So he did come here, the dwarf thinks. That removes one of two major factors outside of our control. Our own competence will be put to the test from here on out.

"I would take your finest ale," Idrig says through his mask. "As for company, I have all that I require. But thank you."
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Post by Namelessjake »

It's a shame we're here on business. When I finally have some coin in my pocket again too, Ciraco thinks as he takes in the revelry inside the establishment. His eyes light up as he spots the prince. Well that's step one completed. Hopefully he can be lured away from the guards, he thinks, knowing the alternative would be simply cutting down the guards and taking the prince all in plain view of the Crimson Butterfly's patrons.

"The same for me," the mercenary says, copying Idrig's order. "As for company, we had a friend who might like a private dance," he adds, glancing back over at the prince.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso found himself caught up in the sights of the establishment again; Only a few times has he been here where it's been this busy. He hears the other two order, "An ale for me as well, I suppose." He gives the bartender a soft smile before looking back out at the stage.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx smiles slightly as she spots Corinna, glad to see that she is dressed up too. In case they trace things back to her, hopefully that will help her hide her identity. She watches as her acquaintance approaches, feeling more nervous the closer she gets.

"Two glasses of your finest wine," Nyx responds, at the question of her drink. "One's for a friend, so I want to make sure to impress," she adds, more quietly this time, as she glances subtly towards the direction Ciraco had indicated before. 
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Corinna's eyes give a brief glance over to the crown prince. She nods subtly at Nyx, responding, "Of course, there is no better way to impress than with a glass of La Capra's own." She gives a smile and curtsy to each of you, dashing over to the bar where you can see her working quickly to prepare your orders.

A minute later, she walks back carrying a tray, three flagons of ale and two glasses of red wine rested atop. "Your drinks, my friends. Please enjoy." She lowers her voice, leaning in closer and letting her eyes wander across all of you. "Is there anything else you require of me yet?"

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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig takes the flagon of ale, paying more attention to it than Nyx's agent. The mage is beyond competent. Let us hope that her talent extends to those she finds as well.

Letting Nyx handle things for now, the dwarf lifts his mask to his nose, taking a pull from the ale — mulling it over in his mouth for a moment before gulping it down. Better than I would have thought. Imported, I suspect. No soul comes to this cursed isle for its brewing. He takes another sip, mentally running through the pieces of their plan to stay focused.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco also looks to Nyx as he takes his drink from the serving tray. He takes a sip, making sure not to reveal too much of his face behind his mask in the process.

Shouldn't drink too much, we need to keep our wits about us, he thinks, placing the ale down on the nearest table.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx smiles to Corinna, before she takes both glasses from her. "Thank you," she responds in a normal tone, before lowering her voice to match the young woman's last words. "Would you mind offering our friend there a dance on the house? We can handle everything else once you're in the room with him."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Of course," Corinna says with a polite bow and smile, doing her end to keep up your facade. "Enjoy the show." Leaving you, she steps over to the bar for a moment, exchanging a few words with the barkeep before she waltzes over toward the crown prince who's still enamored with the scantily-clad women showing their assets on stage.

She stops in front of the prince, striking a sultry pose. You overhear her, in a seductive voice quite unlike hers moments before. "I'd heard we had a special guest in our presence, and my, you're even more luscious up close." She swivels her hips, giving him a smirk. "How about I treat you to a real show, on the house."

You spot the crown prince whisper something to his bodyguards, who visibly roll their eyes. "Lead the way, gorgeous," Maximus says with a voice that exudes brash confidence.

Corinna takes his hand and they begin walking toward one of the dance rooms, the bodyguards following behind. The guards stop, however, at the entrance to the private corridor, stoically watching the main room and the nude dancers. Yet finally, after tireless planning, your quarry has stepped into his trap.
Beyond the entrance from the main hall and the hidden one in the side alley, you recall the backstage area had another door to the private room corridor
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Post by Namelessjake »

Perfect, time to get to work, Ciraco thinks as he watches the Prince head into the private rooms.

"Ok, there's still the entrance from the alley, and the door to the corridors via the backstage," the says assessing the situation. "We could still send a spiked drink in from the backstage if we want to try and grab him without alerting his minders?" He says as a suggestion, looking to the others to gauge their thoughts.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig straightens in his seat as the Crown Prince steps away. Well, then. Let us begin.

"Yes, a strong suggestion. Getting a drink past his mooks adds risk that we hardly need. You should have little difficulty, gaining entry," he says to Nyx. "The three of us shall use the alley entrance. Good luck, and we shall see you shortly."

He stands up, tapping Narciso on the shoulder. "Lead the way."
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx nods to her companions, but finds herself uncertain of how to proceed. Am I meant to sneak backstage now? Could I not just approach the door from the front? As she ponders her next move, she searches for an empty seat and decides to scout her options. Glancing towards the ceiling, she subtly forms her shadow against the rafters, in hopes that it will seem merely like the shadow from the lights dancing about the place as all of the dancers move. I suppose I can take a peek at how easy this route behind the stage would be to sneak into.

Once seated, use shaped consciousness to form my shadow on the ceiling and inch it along til it reaches the stage and beyond. What/who do I see from above?
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso is briefly distracted by the dancers as well, only barely able to pull his eyes away. "Any other day..." He says with a small groan. He looks back towards Idrig and gives a small nod. "Over here." He says, taking one quick swig of his drink for good luck before leading Idrig outside toward
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig follows closely behind. Once safely out of earshot, he advises the others: "Let us wait several minutes, before we spring to action. If you can, listen for his speech to become slurred and eventually stop. Then we shall know that the tonic has been delivered, and that it has worked — though there is a chance it may not. Even the keenest of formulas can be bested by those with superior or divine constitution. Should the Crown Prince truly be deserving of his inheritance, he might shrug off the effects."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Peering through your phantasm's eyes, you only see two girls in the back, seated at mirrors in the far-right corner where they busily apply makeup. Behind them, you can see the door to the private rooms that Ciraco had mentioned. Beyond these two, the backstage seems clear for now. In the main room, attention remains on the dancers moving their bodies on the stage. The door to the back looks unguarded as well.
Everyone else
Following Narciso's lead, you make your way to the alley sharing its wall with the private rooms. Narciso is able to easily find the false door, the outline around it readily standing out to a knowing eye. All that remains is getting it open.

You can hear the prince's voice from within, though it is not yet slurred. However, you get tell from his tone that his attention is elsewhere, and his other faculties clearly lowered.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Still not slurred," Ciraco says as they listen through the fake wall. "If nothing changes soon we may just have to bust in there," he says, looking up and down the alley to make sure they aren't attracting any unwanted attention.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, yes, though give it time. We know not if the drink has made it inside the chamber yet."

Idrig leans against the side of the building casually, though he listens closely through the cracks in the false door.

Rolling perception to listen closely — has Nyx made entry, or another servant? What is the prince saying? How distracted does he seem by his company? Perception: [1d20+1]=20+1=21
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

You've not yet heard Nyx, or any others, enter the hallway which leads you to believe the drink has not yet been delivered. Listening to voices within, though, you can tell he's fully enraptured by Corinna. You overhear him saying, "Damn, the girls in Vizidel don't shake it like you. You're stunning... Would love to take you home with me."

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Post by ratwizard »

"He's clearly allured by the dancer," Idrig reports as he listens in. "There has been no newcomers yet."
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Post by Fialova »

Sighing, Nyx stands from her seat and heads for the area backstage, hoping she can make it to the door unseen.

If necessary, here is a stealth check: [1d20+8]=2+8=10
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the crowd well-distracted, you're able to make it to the backstage door without issues and assume you've gone in unseen. Entering the backstage, you see that it's a long room, narrow and spanning the length of the building. Towards the middle, you see a set of double doors with sunlight peeking from beneath.

Crates, barrels, and displays with dresses and accessories litter the backstage. To your left, you see a trapdoor, while to your right is what you had spied earlier: a pair of women seated before vanities, applying makeup to themselves. Behind them is the door to the private rooms.
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Post by Fialova »

Heading through the door to the back rooms, Nyx makes her way towards the one where the prince is being entertained. She raps lightly on the door once she arrives, waiting for her co-conspirator to open.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"One moment, my dear," you hear Corinna say in a sultry voice, though you're unsure who exactly it is directed at. She draws back the curtain slightly, just enough to reveal her face. She places a smirk to you, before turning back to the prince seated behind her. "I've a drink for you, on the house for such a charming guest."

She nods to you, taking the spiked drink from your hand. She leans in, lowering her voice. "Like clay in my hands. Do not worry." With a smile, Corinna pulls the curtain closed again, leaving you alone in the hall. With your delivery done, you sneak your way back through the building and reconvene with your allies in the alleyway.
All but Nyx
After a few moment, you can overhear Corinna speaking again. "I've a drink for you, on the house for such a charming guest," you can hear her say through the hidden door. After a couple minutes, Nyx returns by your side, ensuring that the delivery was a success.

~ ~ ~

Not long after, you overhear a variety of flirtatious exchanges through the false wall, though you find the prince's speech increasingly difficult to comprehend, more akin to a severely inebriated man than the horny sobriety he'd assaulted your ears with prior. However, he never seems to fall silent.

"Daaamn, sexshy bish, shhhhaakin' yer tits fer me... Luff it," you're able to hear him say clumsily. "Wanna gitouta here, bab? Letshav some fuuuuuun."

"Sounds like it packed a punch. Just not the one we wanted," Luca says, raising an eyebrow as he deciphers the sleepy, drunken slurred speech coming from the royal heir. "We still making our move? Could be more... pliable this way."
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Post by ratwizard »

A wicked smile grows upon Idrig's face as he hears the tonic have partial effect on the Crown Prince. A surprising constitution the young man has. A silly mistake. Next time, a double-dose...

"Yes, everything according to plan," the dwarf says to Luca, waving him off with a patronizing tone. He slips a vial from his waistband, uncorking and upending it. A silky, black mixture slinks out — more gaseous than liquid — and silently covers the ground and air surrounding them. The sounds of the carnival are muffled, their own voices soft as if spoken through fabric.

Idrig closes his eyes for a moment. "Night become, our deeds be done," he whispers, before looking at Narciso and Ciraco in particular. "Now, my friends."

Use Shadowy Figurine. Until end of next turn or as long as I Sustain Minor, myself and allies within 2 squares gain partial concealment and a +4 power bonus to Stealth checks. I will continue to have the figurine move with us while possible.
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Post by Namelessjake »

To be royalty, Ciraco thinks as the prince shows the signs of intoxication. This idiot was born into this, but the rest of us have to fight for it.

"This could be as affected as he it, now's the time," Ciraco agrees. With Idrig's words he goes to open the fake wall, but pauses at the last moment. "With force or do we try and convince him? It might work in this state," he says, running through their potential options.
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Post by ratwizard »

"He did say he wanted to get out of there," Idrig reasons. "Perhaps we make the false door part of the dancer's routine. We can open it and have her lead him through our shadows, and into greater pleasure." He flicks his hand gracefully, and the veil of silky black wafts off in a flourish. "Of course, Nyx may be best suited for this. I highly doubt I meet the man's romantic interest."
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Post by Fialova »

"Perhaps Corinna can lure him out, then we can take him. Will seem like less obvious cooperation, and he is likely to be fine following her since he suggested it," Nyx says, nervous about the main part of their job still to come. And hopefully no one sees us in the act.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"That could work," Ciraco agrees. "Then if not, back to use of force," he shrugs.

"How can we get the message to her though?" He wonders aloud.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Is this something your magicks can achieve?" Idrig asks, turning to Nyx. "If not, then I see no other way."
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Post by Fialova »

"I'd have to give her a note or something," Nyx responds, at the suggestion of using her magic. "But he might get suspicious without another drink coming from the 'house'. Up to you guys if you want me to try, I suppose," she continues with a shrug, uncertain which route would be best.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"If he's suggestible, an alternative could be telling him we're a secret additional security detail and his life is in danger," Ciraco suggests, not keen on the uncertainty in getting a message to their inside woman. "If he believes us, he'd willingly walk himself straight into the Villa," he adds.
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Post by ratwizard »

"A brilliant suggestion," Idrig remarks, his eyes lighting up. A shame it didn't come from my own mind.

"Put on your most authoritative tone. If he sees through the ruse, then put a blade to his neck and drag the youngling along with us."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Okay - this is it then," Ciraco says, mentally reading himself for a second before he opens the false wall.

"Forgive the intrusion my liege, but you need to come this way right now!" He says, adopting a higher class accent with an air of authority. "We are your secret additional guard detail for the parade, we would not normally reveal ourselves but your life is in danger!" He explains, offering a hand to the crown prince to help him through the hole in the wall.

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Post by ratwizard »

"We need to get you and Her Highness, the Grand Princess, to safety posthaste," Idrig pleads in Common, wishing he knew the words in Brennissian. Pah, the sailor's tongue must suffice.

Aid Another check, Bluff, vs DC 12

Aid Another (Bluff): [1d20+6]=2+6=8

Goddamnit. -1 penalty to Ciraco's check.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso grimaced slightly at their act but knew he couldn't do any better. Rather awkwardly he rubbed his wrist, hoping that the prince would just come quietly. 
Perception to see if anyone was watching them: [1d20+7]=7+7=14
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx watches her companies begin their ruse, and joins in to assist. "Come, we have a safe house prepared already in case of such a situation. Follow us," she adds, doing her best to sound as authoritative as a royal guard must. 

Aid Ciraco's bluff, DC12: [1d20+12]=18+12=30
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

As Ciraco steps through the false wall, the drunken chatter ceases for a moment, though you're able to hear an occasional hic emerging from the bewildered prince. After some more moments, the words seem to finally click and his eyes go wide. He looks to Corinna, wearing almost a pout.

"B-but bu-," the crown prince says for a moment before Corinna gives an understanding nod, recognizing her cue..

"You must," she says, playing into your theatrics. "Our nation depends on it."

Ciraco's and Nyx's faux-authority seems to do the trick as Prince Maximum grows panicked, slightly sobering up. His eyes, however, still bear the telltale glaze of inebriation, reminding you that his faculties are still not entirely there. He takes a hold of Ciraco's hand, following him out into the alleyway. 

"L-lead da way. Qv-ickly," he defers to his apparent guards, wearing an anxious and lost expression beneath the boozy haze.

Corinna's figure appears in the doorway afterwards, looking to each of you for a moment, gaze focused on Nyx longer than the rest. "Shall I bring, er, my company as well? Or shall I remain here?"
From what you're able to tell, the attention of any passersby is taken by the parade still going on along the main street. The loud crowd and music seems to drown out any of your conversations as well.

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Post by ratwizard »

As Ciraco leads the Prince away, Idrig beckons Corinna. "I doubt you'd want to remain and have to answer where he's gone," he whispers, nodding toward the door where the Prince's guard stand watch outside. "You will find safety with us."

Or great peril. But that is for her to decide.

With a smirk, the dwarf trails after Ciraco and the others, using a free hand to waft his spectral smoke along their feet — quieting their escape.

Sustain minor for the foreseeable future to continue my daily spell.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco smirks beneath his mask. Thank the Gods Gina picked a fucking idiot for us to abduct. This would have been a lot harder otherwise, he thinks as he starts leading the prince away from the parade.

Hopefully he's too out of it to realise where we are when we get him to the villa. Ransoming him back won't work very well if he can immediately tell the royal guards where he was held, he thinks, realising they may need to drop their ruse at some point in order to blindfold the prince.

He continues leading him in the direction of the villa, keeping an eye out for any guards or larger groups of would be witnesses.
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Post by Fialova »

"Yes, it would be wise to join us," Nyx adds to Idrig's reassurance. "We will have a safe place for you, as promised. And better work than this." She offers the woman a small smile, glad to give her the opportunity she'd had to better her lot in this town. Hopefully Gina is as kind to her as she has been to me. 
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Corinna nods, stepping out onto the street with the rest of you. "Lead the way then."

Under Ciraco's lead, you begin making your way back toward the villa, your pace only impeded by the unsteady, inebriated steps of the crown prince as well as the steady stream of festivalgoers still making up a mass of opposing traffic on the streets. The groups largely pass by with little interest, a drunken man of little consequence during such festivities. Aided by Idrig's ethereal fog, your hurried steps are dampened against the cobblestone.

Up ahead, you spot a pair of Legionnaires, officers from their uniforms, outside of a tavern, chatting with crossed arms. As you near, they eye you with a curious glance. You see one whispering to the other while looking toward your group.
All but Idrig
You're able to make out one of the guard's words. He speaks to the other in Brennisian, saying, "Non pensi...?" which you recognize as "You don't think...?"
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso let out a soft sigh, thankful that their antics were going relatively unnoticed. As the group moved on, his eyes glanced over the legionnaires; "Just keep moving, they're not stopping us." He says under his breath, keeping his eyes more on the prince than anything else.
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Post by Fialova »

"They seem suspicious, so we should watch them," Nyx responds, as they proceed further with the drunken prince. We can just say he is a friend, being escorted home. And for the prince, we can tell him they are the kidnappers coming for him, Legionnaire's in appearance only.
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