Fortune's Favor — IC

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Seeing the others preparing for combat, Nyx begins to grow worried. Do they really meant to attack these men unprovoked? This is getting so out of hand. She crouches and tries to find a nook or hallway to hide in, not eager to be seen if it turns out they are attacking someone they shouldn't be.


Stay out of sight in staircase or hallway or something, if possible.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As the others draw their weapons, Ciraco shrugs and draws his own sword, joining Igdrig's side of the door. Someone is about to have a very bad day, he thinks as he looks at the sight of the group poised to attack.


Me three

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Quick to throw himself in danger, and the rest of us with him, Luca thinks as Narciso readies himself for attack, the others following his lead. Much like Nyx, he prefers to simply observe.

Within a moment, the door finally swings open, followed by a loud thud as your would-be quarry falls backwards, landing flat upon their back. With the door wide open, you can tell it's a woman, her clothes ragged and her hair a frizzled mess. She appears to be unarmed, having no visible weapon.


Go ahead, you animals : P If you even have it in ya

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Seeing it's an innocent, Narciso drops his readied action. He peeks into the room to see what he can see.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig points his crossbow at the woman, point blank. "You've got about three seconds to explain who you are and what you're doing here," he whispers.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Exiting the narrow tunnel, you find yourself on the main floor of the Colosseum once more. To your left, the hall exits to the arena's stands. To your right, you spot the main promenade that continues around the structure's circumference. Besides the woman, you're unable to see or hear anyone else nearby.

The woman lifts her head, remarking, "That'll hurt in the morn'." Her speech is slurred and her eyes look glazed over. Staring at the crowd around her, her eyes narrow. After a moment, she adds, "Ain't no time fer games. Didn't ya hear the boss? He wants some grub!" She swats the air in front of Idrig's crossbow as she rises to her feet. "Ain't no time for playin' with toys, Nina. Yer papa wants you in bed."

She walks through the door, stumbling recklessly, and slams into the wall adjacent to the Casa delle Carni door. She collapses to the ground, remarking, "Can one of you lots make the grub? I need to lie down a bit."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig stares at the intoxicated woman, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder again. I'm not a fucking cook. He is about to protest to the idiot before a thought crosses his mind.

"I've got quite the recipe," he says to the others, a grin creeping across his face. "Help me find a kitchen and a larder."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx rolls her eyes as she watches the woman stumble from afar. As it becomes clear that the situation they are in is not immediately dangerous, she moves from her somewhat hidden spot. Seeing the woman collapse, she steps over to help her to her feet.

"If these are stalls for food then there should be one nearby," she says, eyeing the names above the doors. "Or several, for that matter."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca's eyes widen as the drunken woman mistakes them for allies and gives them instructions. Who says excessive drinking never benefits anyone? As the rest of the group seems set on locating a kitchen, he remarks, "There might be rudimentary kitchens in the stalls themselves. As for the larder, it's bound to be close." I doubt they'd want to haul the ingredients too far.

As Nyx attempts to help the stuporous woman to her feet, she finds the task to be nigh impossible. The drunk's eyes appear to be closed, although she still seems to be breathing. Catching sight of this, Luca replies, "It may be best to just let her sleep it off."


A few weeks had passed since you had been fired from the Carnevale, and the streets have been your home since. In that time, you've learned them well enough: always hustling and bustling with life echoing through the city at all hours.

Yet tonight, you find it's different. A downpour falls upon the city, one of many to come and a strange sight against your homeland. Tonight, the streets are all but empty. Thunder rumbles, and the occasional face scurries down the street in a futile attempt to stay dry. You've tried to stay dry yourself, beneath a home's awning, yet the torrents are ceaseless and unforgiving. As you watch the streets, a woman bumps into you, adorned in a raincloak that conceals much of her face. "Oh, a thousand pardons," she utters, before disappearing into the storm like the faces before her.

Not a moment later, you're able to feel something wedged into your pocket, something that was not there before. Retrieving it, you discover a small note.

A Peculiar Note

Code: Select all

The curtain has fallen on the Jack of Chains.
Yet, a casting call is open for Ianic the Bold.
Fortune favors the bold, yet it may also require a gentle push.
Your talents went wasted upon the stage.
Unlike Raul, we can smell an opportunity too good to pass up.

We've much to discuss. Won't you visit?
Take a chance.
Your luck may just turn around.

At the bottom of the note is what appears to be a crude map, marking the location of your supposed meeting location. Additionally, there is a symbol: an inverted triangle with a Legionnaire's helmet within. After a short walk, following the map's directions, you come across a narrow townhouse, the same marked symbol above its door.

Perhaps it's a chance at something new. Or perhaps it's a trap set by your enemies. Will you take the risk?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic stares at the symbol above the door; Legionaires?

He glances back down to the note, just once, to savor the words, before the street errupts with his volcanic laughter.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Ianic opens the door and boldly crosses the threshold.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


As you cross the threshold, you find yourself in an ornately decorated home. From the looks of it, it's owned by a wealthy individual or family. Straight ahead is a staircase, hugging the right wall of the abode. To your left, there's a small archway leading into a small sitting room. You see a young man seated within, sipping upon a glass of wine.

As you close the door behind you, his head turns towards you. "You're a hard man to find," he says. "I suppose homelessness will do that, but I strive to change that." Gesturing to a seat next to him, he adds, "Come, sit. We have much to discuss. Care for some wine?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well let's hope she's not too out of it by the time we get back. We should send the food make with her, the others might not think we're with them like she did," Ciraco says.

"Let's start with the food stalls and go from there," he adds, starting to make his way towards them.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Macabre gravity replaces Ianic's bold joviality. He almost silently crosses the room to the offered chair, betrayed by the faint rattle of chains.

Ianic locks eyes with the young man; "Yes, please. I appreciate your generosity." Ianic watches to see how the glass is procured, then continues, "What is your Given Name?".


Unless a sealed bottle of wine is opened directly infront of him and poured, Ianic will ask the young man if he can perform a small (cultural) ritual before drinking the glass.

Last edited by GingerGiant on Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig nods, following Ciraco. "I'm not much of a chef, but I think I may have something our necklace-thieving quarry may find delectable."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Seeing the futility in her attempts to help the woman, Nyx simply lets go and shrugs. As the others begin to move forward she follows after, not really sure what she can do to help. This dwarf is going to poison these people, I just know it. He seems the sort to do something so vile.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"What do you suppose he wants for food? I'd guess pizza. A drunk Brennisian can't turn down pizza," Luca remarks as they decide to investigate the food stalls. He opens the door to the stall and peers inside. Within is a small kitchen. A pair of stone wood-fired ovens sits against the same wall as the door. In the center of the room lies a stone prep counter, littered with various culinary utensils. On the counter's ends, there are half a dozen shallow basins.

Opposite to the door is the stall's serving counter, with golden curtains concealing the opening. To your right as you enter, you spot a trapdoor on the floor, as well as a dumbwaiter built into the wall. Eyeing these, Luca remarks, "I'd wager some of the ingredients are kept below us. Though maybe there's a full kitchen elsewhere."

Crude Map



The man rises from his seat, walking over to a fine wooden cabinet nearby. Opening it, he produces a crystal wine glass. He takes the glass to a small sideboard where several bottles of wine rest. He attempts to fill the glass, though finds no wine comes out of his bottle. With a jovial laugh, he says, "T'would seem there's a hole in this bottle. It's empty!" He makes quick work opening a new bottle and hands Ianic his glass. Returning to his seat, he adds, "Ah, where are my manners? I'm Domenico, though most call me Nico." After a moment, he remarks, "I'd imagine you've got many more questions and I'm happy to answer them."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic takes a moment to waft the wine’s bouquet, pauses to savor the smell, then gingerly tastes the sanguine liquid.”Nico. Who are you? What do you need me to do? Do you have something better for me than twirling chains? What are you paying me? Are you a Legionnaire?” Ianic pauses. ”What do you know about me? Start there,” says Ianic, pointing. In a moment, Ianic comes to the realization he is standing in the middle of the room, staring down Domenico. ”Excuse me. I am excitable,” Ianic apologizes. He returns to the chair, and sips his wine.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Maybe," Idrig repeats. "Now, to find some ingredients." He begins heading toward the trapdoor, intending to scout below them. All the while, he keeps his eyes open for anything that could be used for his 'recipe', such as rat poison.


Perception to look for rat poison or anything toxic: 14(1d20) +1 = 15

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

[sblock=Idrig & Anyone else who goes down the trapdoor]Descending the ladder, you find yourself in a small larder lined with shelves and hanging dried meats. Next to the ladder, much like the floor above, is a dumbwaiter. Within the dumbwaiter is a large bowl with a likely-forgotten ball of dough resting inside. It nearly reaches the bowl's rim, having expanded beyond its intention. The room's back wall has a small door, likely leading back into the middle maintenance halls. Those who look easily find a variety of spices and dried meats required for a dish. On the upper shelves, you spot two large wheels of Parmigiana cheese, as well as a few jars of Mozzarella in a briny solution. Near the floor, you discover a small crate of tomatoes, looking highly wrinkled yet not quite spoiled. From the looks of it, all the required ingredients are present, albeit in less-than-fresh conditions.


While you're unable to find rat poison in the larder, you do come across a small canister of flaked lye, an ingredient that you know is highly corrosive when not handled carefully. Or when ingested by an unsuspecting victim. Or victims.



Nico's eyes widen at the sudden flurry of questions, eventually smirking as Ianic apologizes. "Yes, excitable indeed," he says with a chuckle. "I know you're Ianic of Serra. I know you're quite skilled with the chain, more-so than just a performer. I know you're quite experienced with slavery. And I know you want a new life. How's that?" Taking a sip of wine himself, he turns towards the other questions. "I'm Nico Salucci of the Salucci Family. Once one of the city's foremost families, yet now we must fight for our survival. That's where you come in."

He rises from his seat once more, pacing through the room as he speaks, occasionally sipping from his glass. "As you may know, crime runs deep in the city. Funded by the wealthiest of families. We seek to enter that world and take that power for ourselves. Yet we cannot do it alone, so we've called on you, and others, for help." He walks to the window, peering out onto the rain-spattered streets. He leans against the wall, adding, "It will pay, in more ways than one. Money, revenge, a real chance for something new. That's why you came here, is it not?"

Finally, he returns to his seat and says, "We will have you perform your first job tonight, if you're interested. I'll accompany you if you accept." With a smile, he finally recalls Ianic's legionnaire question. "And Legionnaires? Of course not, but the relief certainly affords us more privacy. Few are eager to cross the Legion."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

As he searches, Idrig gathers several of the ingredients in the larder — everything necessary to make a pizza. A stale pizza, I won't lye. He titters to himself as he brings everything back upstairs.

"You can help, or you can watch, but you can't get in my way," the dwarf warns. He stacks all of the ingredients neatly on one end of the stone island, dusting his hands with some flour.

Now, let's cook.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca smirks as Idrig reemerges from the larder, ingredients in tow, and ready to make a pizza. "Determination is the real first ingredient for the perfect pizza," he remarks as the dwarf goes about his business. As Idrig begins his work, Luca begins building fires for the ovens.


IMPROMPTU CASUAL SKILL CHALLENGE! Per Grom's suggestion. Make that pizza!

Roll Strength to initially work the dough. Show it who's boss.
Roll Acrobatics to spin and throw the dough above your head, in true Brennisian fashion.
Roll Dexterity to chop ingredients without chopping yourself in the process.
Roll Wisdom to understand what ingredients and flavors might work best.
Roll Endurance to stand the heat of the kitchen!
Roll Perception to make sure your pizza is cooking properly!
Optional: Roll Religion to pray that you didn't screw up and actually made a pizza that tastes good.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic spends a silent moment taking in Nico’s offer. I did not expect the answers to come so freely. “I accept your offer. As thanks for the candidness of your answers, I agree to answer any questions you have about me at some point in the future. But for the moment, know that I am a leader and servant; but I have also killed, razed, stolen, cast the innocent into shackles, and lead others in performing these acts. While I want to make up for some of these, understand that I seldom do things the ‘nice way.’ If you accept my service...” Ianic stands and uncoils a length of his spiked chain. He holds it taught in both hands an armslength apart. His left hands clenches around the chain, while his right holds the chain open. “...grasp the chain, and sign your life upon it.” A few drops of blood run from Ianic’s left hand onto the chain.

Last edited by GingerGiant on Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso smirks and heads into the room, cracking his knuckles. "Alright guys, lets get to work yeah?" He starts to quietly hum a tune as he gets started. He flubs up slightly on rolling the dough, could have done better, but it's not the worst, right? After rolling out the dough, he picks up the dough and starts to spin it above his head which he seems to actually have some skill in. Next, getting into it now as he starts to whistle the theme a little louder, he puts the dough down and picks up a knife, he gathers some ingredients onto the table using his time in Brennis as a basis, and starts to chop. It takes a second to get into the rhythm before he starts to chop with speed and precision. By a stretch of luck, he's managing to keep up with the pace of the kitchen, and hoping to god he's not screwing it up. Finally, he tosses the pizza in the oven, watching it rise.

(The tune he's humming/whistling:


Strength to roll the dough: 5(1d20) +5 = 10.
Acrobatics to spin the dough: 19(1d20) +8 = 27.
Dexterity to chop those ingredients!: 16(1d20) +3 = 19.
Wisdom to know what ingredients do the good: 9(1d20) +1 = 10.
Endurance to ENDURE THE HEAT: 11(1d20) +1 = 12.
Perception to watch the pizza: 10(1d20) +7 = 17

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Narciso gets to work, Idrig does what he can to aid in the cooking process. "Careful now," he says, handling the lye poorly as he tries to mix it into the pizza. By the Pantheon, this might be the best pizza our poor fool has ever tasted. He has no problem shrugging off the heat of the kitchen and the stress.


Endurance to endure the heat: 10(1d20) +7 = 17
Religion to pray it's tasty:12(1d20) +6 = 18
Stealth to hide the lye: 1(1d20) +1 = 2 FUCK

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx sighs as the group heads into the pantry, only to return with food. She watches in a combination of confusion and awe as the two men jointly put their cooking skills to the test. She notices the dwarf trying to hide an ingredient among the others, and failing to do so convincingly. It does not look like poison, but hard to tell what exactly else it might be. She decides to merely stand to the side and watch as this all unfolds, having no cooking skills to show off.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"That's far too obvious even if they are drunk," Ciraco says seeing Idrig's attempt to hide the poison on the pizza. "Here," he says, joining Narcisco and the dwarf and attempting to better hide the lye amongst the other ingredients, although his efforts aren't much better than Idrig's.


Stealth check to help: 2(1d20) +5 = 7


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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Godsdamnit," Idrig mumbles as the human does a pisspoor job at the lye spreading as well. He looks up at Nyx, mirroring her expression. "I don't suppose you'd be any better at this?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Figuring there is no chance of convincing the dwarf to stray from his attempted poisoning, and growing tired of the amount of time they'd been spending in this place, Nyx steps over and tries her hand at it as well. Might as well get this over with.


Stealth to hide poison: 15

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, that's how it's done," Luca remarks as Nyx finally succeeds in concealing the substance. "You really have to make it blend in with the cheeses." Examining the prepared pizza, he adds, "Well I've seen better, but it could have been worse." With this, he slides the pizza onto a paddle and places it in the oven.

After ten or so minutes pass, the pizza is finally baked. Luca removes it from the oven and places it upon a stone slate on the counter. The pizza as a whole is misshapen, even more-so now that the dough has bakes. Additionally, the dough is significantly thicker than the typical Brennisian variety. Tomatoes and sausage are, however, placed around the pizza nicely. A handful of stray anchovies have somehow found themselves on the pizza, though, added by one such individual with little care given to popular tastes. However, the traces of lye flakes are concealed thanks to Nyx's expertly done job.

Gazing upon the finished dish, Luca shrugs. "Let's hope it tastes better than it looks. Minus the poison, of course. How do we want to hand this off? Our drunk friend is hardly in the delivering shape."


Strength: Partial success - Narciso
Acrobatics: Success - Narciso
Dexterity: Success - Narciso
Wisdom: You put anchovies on it, you fool. No one likes those - Narciso
Endurance: Success - Narciso & Idrig
Perception: Success - Narciso
Religion: The Gods smile upon you - Idrig
Stealth: Nyx, you're a champ


"I would expect nothing more from one of your caliber," Nico remarks to Ianic's words on his past. "We seek those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, after all. So long as it brings about the goals we design. Everything else is a means to an end." He eyes the chain with wide eyes as Ianic lays it out in front of him. "And what you must know is that our leadership has the final word and it's to be obeyed. But that loyalty will be rewarded. I trust you understand?" If all is in agreement, Nico places his hand upon the chain with a nod.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig puts a finger to his mouth, pondering the question further. "I hadn't gotten that far," he admits. "Might be able to rouse the woman, but she seemed hardly able to hold herself, much less serve a plate of food."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic nods. With both their hands on the chain (assuming Nico grips just hard enough to bleed), Ianic says, ”The chain is our bond; by our strength we may suffer well in service; by our suffering we may be tempered for excellence.”

Ianic looks Nico square in the eye: ”We are the Chain.”

Ianic spends a moment in silent meditation before packing up the length of spiked chain. ”The will of the Salucci family is my command. When do we leave?”

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


"Your ceremonies may seem strange to some in this land," Nico remarks as Ianic undergoes his ritual. "I, however, find them fascinating. There's much we might learn from one another." He begins walking to the entryway, beckoning for Ianic to follow. "We leave now. The job is fairly simple. We've caught wind of a pair of women being held in a warehouse nearby. We suspect they're to be sold, whether as escorts in Talguta or third wives for those patricians in Crescent Bluff. It matters not, though." Putting on a raincloak, he adds, "Our family deplores slavery, so we're to save them. Your skills will no doubt be of use. Is this something you can do?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


”More than sufficient. What is your weapon of choice? If we can achieve the objective unseen, it is my preference. Let’s scout the layout of the building to assess the best way to enter, if you do not already have this information.”

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well we should at least try to rouse her. If not we can think of something else," Ciraco says as they struggle to decide how to deliver the pizza. He starts making his way out of the food stall and back to the passed out woman.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig looks for a bucket or something that can hold water, hoping to douse the woman to wake her up.


Do I need to roll for this?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Best of luck with that," Luca mutters as talks turn towards rousing the intoxicated woman. She looked so far gone, an elephant stampede couldn't wake her, he thinks as he leans against the counter.


In the corner of the room, you spot a mop leaning against the wall. At its base, you also spot a half-filled bucket. The water looks filthy, having a black-brown tint. While you might wake up the woman with it, you may also infect her with a variety of deadly waterborne pathogens, leading to her untimely demise after an illness lasting two weeks. Two weeks of misery, agony, and then, death. She'll leave behind a loving husband and a young daughter who will have to watch the light fade from her mother's eyes. Perhaps there is a source of fresh water in a room nearby.


"They've kept that warehouse locked up tighter than a miser's coinpurse, so we have yet to peek inside. Surely there's a way, though," Nico remarks, opening the door and stepping out into the storm. He kneels, retrieving an intricate dagger from his boot. "It may not be as large as your chain, but it should do the trick. Shall we?" Assuming no disagreements, he starts towards the warehouse, leading the way for his elven recruit. After a short walk, you find yourself at a dockfront warehouse.

The sea is tumultuous, thrashing upon the pavement nearest the water. The warehouse is a large stone building. Its north end faces the piers, while its southern end has a large door facing the streets. The building looks dark, with no light shining out from the windows. Beyond the northern and southern entrances, there are a handful of slanted skylights on the roof, although all appear to be sealed. Beyond this, there is no clear way to enter. "How do you want to play this?" Nico says quietly to his companion.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig shrugs, grabs the bucket of filthy water, and dumps it on the woman's head.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


"We will tentatively enter from the north side of the building. The crashing waves will mask our footfalls, and the screams of anyone we decide needs a drink. But first, we'll inspect the perimeter." Ianic pulls his cloak close, and stalks the outskirts of the building.

Ianic sneaks about and looks for a way in.

Skill Rolls

Stealth: 20(1d20) +9 = 29
Perception: 13(1d20) +12 = 25

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Bugger off, ain't ya see I'm nappin'?" the woman says as Idrig, her glazed eyes slowing opening as she once more becomes aware of her surroundings. Her gaze meets Idrig's and she says, "Oh, it's just you, Nina. What can mama help you with? Ain't you s'posed to be sleepin'?"

"Well color me surprised, she's actually awake," Luca mentions as he hears the woman talking once more.


"The waves may also mask our own screams. We'd need to be careful going that way. The stormy sea has swept up quite a few in its time," Nico replies to Ianic's plan. "Though I suppose it's better than nothing."


As you scout the building's perimeter, a metallic circle at the center of a crossroads catches your notice. It appears to have a hole in its center, which rainwater pours through. Listening through it, you can hear the water's trickle echoing below. While the cap doesn't appear as though it can be removed, perhaps others can. Or perhaps there is another way down below.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig doesn't blink. "Nina's got a pizza for you to deliver to the big man, mama." If she is willing, he helps her to her feet and hands her the plated pizza.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic motions Nico over to the manhole, and asks, "What is this? I can hear a cavern below." Ianic has a slightly puzzled look on his face. There are no stormdrains or manholes where he comes from.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Mama's nappin' right now, she can't. Just put it on the counter and they'll get it. Hang on," the woman says, adjusting herself against the wall, stifling a burp. "Come get your godsdamned grub!" she shouts loudly, her voice echoing down the halls. "Bout damned time!" a voice calls back. The woman, however, is fast asleep once more.


Noticing Ianic's motions, Nico approaches and kneels before the cap in the street's center. His face seems to light up as he comes to a realization. "Ah, the sewer tunnels, of course!" He gets up and gestures for Ianic to follow. After a short excursion through a series of alleyways, you arrive at a small courtyard. Straight ahead is a gated archway, leading into a dark abyss. "You look strong. Think you can break that gate open?" he asks, his eyes moving between the man and the gate.


If so, roll STR. Or thievery if you want to try to pick the lock.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


”Lend me a hand,” says Ianic as he wraps one end of his chain around the swinging side of the gate door. Ianic grips the other end of the chain with Nico, and shouts, ”Pull!”

Break Bars

Break the bars of the gate, using Ghost of the Past Feature: 18(2d20.takehighest(1)) +6 = 24

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We probably shouldn't be here when they get here," Ciraco says starting to usher the group away so they aren't spotted when someone comes to collect the pizza.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso runs with them to find a place to hide.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig follows Ciraco's suggestion, slipping away to a nearby room or corridor, out of sight.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx follows as well, not eager to see this 'Cyclops' person if there is no need. She is somewhat annoyed that the others have had more success at rousing the passed out woman, but she lets the frustration slide as they slip away to hide.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca places the pizza by the curtains and quickly joins the others in stepping away back into the hall. A few moments later, you hear the sounds of a large group approaching, their footsteps echoing through the building.

"Mmm, looksh good," says an inebriated voice Idrig and Narciso recognize as the impassioned killer from earlier.

"Ye gonna share, boss? There's more than enough for the rest o' us," says another Nyx recalls from her shadow figure's reconnaissance.

"Aye, fine, if it'll stop your whinin'," the gruff, booming voice replies. For a moment, it grows silent as the group seems to dive into the culinary creation. "This is absolutely divine. Really hit the spot."

A few more minutes pass until another voice speaks. "Uh, boss, I don't feel so good."

"Aye, me neither. My stomach feels like it's on fire," says the one who sealed their fates.

You hear exasperated coughing, choking, and groans emit from beyond the walls. "Godsdammit, someone's tryin' to off us!" Frantic footsteps follow, though they're cut short as one-by-one, you hear the unmistakable thud of a body collapsing.

As the Colosseum grows silent, Luca interrupts, "Do you suppose they've saved room for dessert?"


Nico comes to Ianic's aid, and together, they break open a passage through the gate. "Nicely done, friend," he says, shimmying through the opening. "Your talents were well wasted at the Carnevale." Nico retrieves a torch from his coat and lights it, unveiling the subterranean world before you.

As you step past the gate, a slick stone staircase descends into a tunnel. The tunnel is circular in shape, about seven feet tall at its highest point. On the tunnel's edges, there are narrow stone walkways. In the center is a trench with water flowing freely within. "Watch your step. You wouldn't want to end up in that water."

As you approach another branch of the tunnel, you hear voices emitting from it, although you cannot tell what they're saying. "Keep quiet," Nico whispers to Ianic, peering around the corner.


Roll stealth & roll perception if you want to listen in on them

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic easily picks out the voices above the churning channel, but his chains manage to echo above the storm.

Ianic Mechanics

19(1d20) +12 = 31 (Perception); 1(1d20) +9 = 10 (Stealth)

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

I guess it worked, Nyx thinks, cringing at the sound of the men collapsing to the ground. She'd never contributed to a murder before, and even if the men up ahead are meant to be criminals, it still eats at her that she had some hand in this. Hopefully one of them has the necklace we are looking for.

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