Fortune's Favor — IC

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

A wide grin spreads across Idrig's face. Brilliant. A bit of lye, some teamwork, and a godsdamned pizza. He swings his crossbow up from his shoulder strap, slamming a bolt into place before stepping forward to investigate the room. "Looks like that recipe is a keeper."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso silently cheers to himself as he nods at Idrig. "Mind writing that one down?" He smirks and quietly steps out towards the door to glance down the corridor. "I sure hope they've got that necklace. Would be a waste of time if they don't."


Stealthy boi lookin to see how dead they are: 8(1d20) +9 = 17

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It sounded like it worked. Let's go take a look," Ciraco says following after Narcisco, not making the same effort to be stealthy, assuming everyone will be either dead or heavily inebriated based on what they've heard so far.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Stepping out into the main hall, you're immediately greeted with your victims, lying motionless on the floor. There are seven or so bodies, including the brutish figure Idrig and Narciso witnessed murder the love-stricken man. Additionally, among the dead is a colossal man with a heavily-scarred face and an eyepatch over his left eye: The Cyclops.

"Well, that takes care of him," Luca says, tapping the Cyclops' corpse with his boot end. I'd always thought he'd go out fighting, not eating.

Amongst the dead, you're unable to locate the red bag you seek. "Maybe that bag's nearby. We should look around."


"We good to load the cargo before dawn?" says one of the voices, placing suspicious emphasis on the word 'cargo.' The other voice replies, "Aye, they'll be on their way to the Bluff before sunup." They grow silent as a draft causes Ianic's chain to rattle, the sound echoing through the tunnels. "You hear that?" says the one voice as footsteps begin approaching. "Aye, I think we've got company. Why don't we teach 'em a lesson?"


Feel free to run, hide, try to attack/push them in the water, whatever

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Unable to ignore his curiosity, Idrig steps over to the ringleader. "I suppose we should know why he was called Cyclops," he says, lifting the dead man's eyepatch to examine what is underneath. Let's put the mystery to rest.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Trusting his allies to examine the corpses, Narciso sneaks into the room "the Cyclops" and his buddies were in previously, making sure they didn't miss anyone.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx grimaces at the sight of more dead, grabbing her nose with her fingers to cover the smell she expects to come from their bodies. Not seeing any signs of the bag or necklace, she begins to search around more nearby, following Narciso towards the room they'd been in before.


Perception to look for bag: 23

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Nyx and Narciso make their way through to the next room, Ciraco starts checking the bodies for either the necklace or anything else useful or valuable.


Perception to look for necklace and anything useful/valuable

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

Realizing his the men are aware of his presence, Ianic ducks into an alcove to wait for their approach.


Ianic will hide, then depending on whether or not you approve it, he either uses Footwork Lure to slide the first man to stop into his reach into the alcove and knock him prone, or he just bullrushes him into the water.


Ianic's Stealth, then Footwork Lure attack/knock the man into the water.
Stealth 17(1d20) +9 = 26; Footwork Lure 3(1d20) +10 = 13; Bullrush 14(1d20) +5 = 19

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca leans against the wall, surveying the scene before him as his companions spread out amongst the structure. If they can do this with a pizza, what can they do with their weapons?


As you lift the eyepatch, the nickname's origins become clear. The Cyclops wholly lacks an eye beneath the patch. In its socket, however, is a large pitch-black stone of onyx, gleaming in the dim light. Its abyssal sheen adds a depth of terror to the man as it's akin to staring into a void.


While searching, you're unable to find the necklace on any of the corpses. Between the bodies, you collectively find 33 gold and 10 silver coins. Additionally, you notice the Cyclops is wearing a silver ring with a polished onyx gemstone. It's quite large, as the bulky man's fingers are quite fat. Nonetheless, it's well-designed and could fetch coin from the right buyer.


33 gold & 10 silver
1 Silver Onyx Ring


Wandering down the hall, you soon come face to face with an alcove that the Cyclops and his lackeys clearly called home. Bedrolls, satchels, and wine bottles are hap-hazardously strewn about area. A handful of weapons, mostly daggers and a longsword, are piled up in the center of their makeshift camp. On one of the bedrolls, there's a deck of cards and a small pile of roughly 16 gold pieces: a card game in progress.


Glancing around the makeshift camp, you catch sight of some faded red cloth tucked beneath a bedroll. Pulling it from beneath reveals the satchel you had been seeking. As you search through it, you find half a dozen letters similar to that which Idrig had read earlier, all written in an unfamiliar tongue. Tucked towards the bottom, you locate a small key. Removing it from the sack, you can see it has the letters 'HP' engraved it with the numbers '300' below.


Seeing Ianic hide, Nico ducks out of sight as well. As the first man approaches, Ianic emerges from his alcove, slamming the man into the water. With the night's heavy storms, the current is swift and the man is whisked away too his demise. As he does so, the other man says, "What in the-?" his words cut off as his friend is carried off by the current.

Seeing an opportunity to strike, the man tries to land a blow upon elf. The feeble blow does little to the towering Ianic, however. Emerging from his own alcove, Nico sinks his dagger into the weak man. He slumps over, dead. "Well that could have gone better," Nico remarks with a shrug. "But at least we've learned that the cargo is still here. Shall we continue?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic replies, "with all due haste," before proceeding with the mission.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco pockets the gold and the ring, glad to at least have made some money during the evening's activities. "Well he didn't have a key or the necklace. I'd hope we've not murdered a room full of people for pocket change."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Maybe the woman's got it," Idrig offers, more interested at prying the onyx gemstone from the dead man's orbital cavity. "Blasted thing," he whines, gritting his teeth as he yanks hard on the stone, finding a poor grip.


Strength check to get onyx: 16(1d20) = 16

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx rummages through the items in the room, grabbing the daggers to practice her knife-throwing, as well as the cards and coins. Once she spots the satchel, she finds the contents a bit strange but promising. She shows the satchel and the key to Narciso, saying, "this must be what the dwarf mentioned earlier," before heading back out into the hall.

Returning to the others, still looking at the bodies, she presents the red satchel and says, "I think I found it. Has a bunch of weird letters, and a key," before showing the key as well. "Any of you know what this 'HP 300' engraving might mean?"



  • 4 daggers
  • 16 gold coins
  • deck of playing cards
  • red satchel with letters/key
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"HP, huh?" Luca replies to the girl as she returns with their desired key. "That sounds familiar..."


With an audible pop, the gemstone pulls free from his eye socket, his eyelids caving inwards as the cavity is now vacant. With it free, you can tell it's slightly longer than an eyeball, though less thick. It's cut in the shape of an oval. It's black as night, with streaks of white towards its rear. It appears to be well-polished all around.


"Right then. Let's not keep those prisoners waiting," Nico remarks, beckoning Ianic to follow him. Walking down the tunnel the pair of men had come from, you eventually find a wooden ladder positioned against the tunnel's wall. There appears to be a trapdoor above it. Nico climbs first, pushing the trapdoor open with ease.

Once above, you find yourself within a narrow warehouse. Large clusters of crates fill the room's center. Around the edge, you can see ladders leading up to a perimeter catwalk. A small room appears to be on the second floor, overlooking the warehouse below. Shortly after you enter the room, you're able to hear muffled sobbing, although you're unable to tell exactly where.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso walks back out with Nyx and looks up and down the hall. "I can't imagine it's that important." He says, looking over at the group.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Beautiful," Idrig says with admiration, holding the gemstone up to inspect it. He slips it into his pocket, now focused on the strange inscription upon the key. "HP, hm?" He squints at it closely to get a better look.


Streetwise check to know more about the inscription: 11(1d20) +8 = 19

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


During your time in the city, you've come to know many of the landmarks and locales throughout it. One of those is one you immediately recognize as HP: the famed Hotel Primo, a once-renowned hotel that's long-since lost its original luster. You know it's not far away, in the plaza the Legionnaire had stopped your group earlier. Based upon this knowledge, you infer the number is some kind of room number.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic listens closely to discern the direction the sound emanates from, and searches the room cautiously. He motions for Nico to follow.


Perception to follow sobbing; stealth to not get noticed 7(1d20) +12 = 19; 14(1d20) +9 = 23

Last edited by GingerGiant on Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hotel Primo," Idrig confirms. "Three hundred is the room number. I wonder if that's where we'll find this woman and this necklace."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods. "Good guess. I bet that's our best shot. Anyone know the way?" He asks, looking at his crew.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »


Does Nyx know where the hotel is? Should I roll anything to know?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Ah, the Primo. Not too far from here, actually," Luca remarks as they discern the meaning of the key's inscriptions.


You've spent enough time in the city to be aware of its notable sites, and Hotel Primo is one such locale. You know it's not a far walk from the Colosseum, in a smaller plaza adjacent to Piazza Vittoria. In fact, you recall it's the same plaza the Legionnaire had stopped you in earlier.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Aye," Idrig agrees. "Not far at all. I'll show you," he offers, beginning to retrace their steps. The sooner we leave this dank, sad excuse for what constitutes 'entertainment' to cityfolk, the better.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With a destination in mind, you make your way back through the tunnels and once more emerge on the street outside. The storm continues to rage, bolts of lightning striking the sea nearly every second and lighting the shadowed city in unnerving flashes. From the Colosseum, it's but a short walk to the hotel. As you walk, you notice the streets are even more devoid of life than before. Yet, the lit buildings offer a reminder that it's still there, only hidden.

Finally, you spot Hotel Primo. It's an older building compared to the many around it. It stands at three floor tall, once a giant in the city and now nothing special. As you enter, you find yourselves in a small brightly-lit lobby. Straight ahead is a large desk with a well-dressed man behind it. He doesn't seem to notice you enter, half-asleep as he's slumped upon the desk. On your right is a small seating area with a handful of faded couches and a dusty table. Behind it, you see a staircase.

"Third floor, I'd wager," Luca mentions as he heads towards the steps.

After a short walk up, you find yourself on the building's third floor. You find yourself in a hallway lined with doors. Right in front of you, however, you notice a door labeled "300." "Who's got the key again?"


Your footsteps move silently around the warehouse as you investigate the source of the noise. The sound eventually grows louder as you approach a large crate with air holes drilled into its side. Nico picks up a crowbar from a shelf and hands it to Ianic, nodding to the powerful elf.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig nods to Nyx. "Should we knock first?" he asks, unsure.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »


Ianic attempts to pry open the crate with the crowbar.


Pry with crowbar, +2 for crowbar: 8(1d20) +8 = 16

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco shrugs at Idrig's suggestion of knocking. "Worth checking," he says stepping up to the door and knocking twice. "Room service!" He says loudly so anyone in the room can hear him.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso stands back, realizing that having his weapons drawn is a bad idea.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Finally, I'm starved!" a woman's voice calls out from beyond the door. You can recognize her accent as being Tulrissian, given its unique sound. A moment later, it opens. Standing in the doorway is a fairly young woman dressed in a flowing nightgown, though no necklace in sight. Her eyes narrow as she sets her sights upon you. "You don't look like hotel staff." She shakes her head and frowns, looking at the ground and mumbling, "And I was really looking forward to that ravioli too."

Looking back up towards the group, she remarks, "If you don't have my food, then why are you here?"


With crowbar in hand, you pry the crate open with ease. Within it are two women, likely in their late teens or early twenties, looking worse for wear. Their clothes are tattered and their hair frazzled. Their faces and arms look to be covered in dirt, but upon closer inspection, you can tell it's bruising.

The women retreat to the crate's rear, terrified expressions on their faces. "P-please don't hurt us anymore," the one says, hiding behind the other.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

[sblock=Ianic]Ianic holds out a hand and says, "Come with us if you want to live." Ianic will lead the women back the way they entered the warehouse.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We're here looking for something that was taken from a friend of ours," Ciraco says, moving to step through the now open door and past the woman into the room.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig follows Ciraco, moving past the woman, ignoring her. It should be in here somewhere.

[sblock=OOC]What's the room like?[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"What friend?" she says to the man before he steps inside the room. As the two men find their way inside, she watches, mouth agape. Growing visibly angry, she shouts, "You've got five seconds to answer before I call the guards!"

Those who enter find themselves in a lackluster suite of Primo fame. It's a small rectangular room, with the door on the narrower end. Next to the entryway is a small closet filled with dresses both wild and plain. On the other side of the room, a pair of windows are opened, with a small stool near the one. In the center of the room is a carved wooden bed with an azure bedspread.

On the opposite wall is a large dresser. Next to it is a vanity, littered with jewelry and perfume bottles as well as a locked jewelry box. Though a handful of necklaces are strewn across the vanity, none possess rubies as you seek. In the corner closest to the window is a pair of armchairs and a small table with an assortment of letters: more love letters. Based on the state of the room, she seems to be the only the inhabiting it, though a pair of men's trousers hangs on the back of a chair.

[sblock=Ianic]Nico nods to the women, saying, "Worry not. We're here to get you to safety." The women whisper to one another for a moment before looking to the men and nodding. Once more, you descend into the sewers. This time, however, you don't run into any others and soon you find yourself back at the townhouse you began at. As you enter, another man stands by the staircase. Nico whispers with him for a moment before turning to the freed captives.

"My brother here will take you upstairs. You may spend as long as you wish until we can arrange getting you to safety," he says to the women. The trio heads upstairs and Nico turns to you once more. "Well done, my new friend," he says with a hearty smile. "Are you prepared to do this sort of thing regularly? Do know it won't always be so... altruistic. This is the world of crime, after all."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso walks in, lets anyone else out in the hall walk in before closing the door behind them, blocking her from leaving. He's letting his more well-mannered friends talk to her, hoping she doesn't have another way to leave. He stares at her, watching for subtle movements.

[sblock=Mechanics]If it's allowed, perception to examine the lady for weapons/subtle movements: 3(1d20) +7 = 10[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"That's none of your concern," Idrig says, stepping over to the jewelry box. "A ruby necklace," he explains. "Have you seen anything like that?" He clicks his tongue, nodding toward the box, while leaning against the armoire.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Call them," Nyx responds, having walked into the room after the others to aid in the search. "I am sure they'd be happy to hear about the stolen property you've been hiding in this room for your criminal friends. Or about the people they killed to protect their haul," she responds, hoping to keep the woman silent through fear that she may be implicated in the colosseum deaths. If this woman is as dumb as the other, this should be easy to pull off. Hopefully this scavenger hunt doesn't last too much longer, she thinks, still not sure if the night's events are worth the potential reward.

[sblock=Mechanics]Bluff against woman: 23[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Criminals? What?" the woman says, shooting Nyx a quizzical glance. "That necklace was a gift. A gift from my–" Her voice cuts off for a moment. "Oh Carlo, what have you gotten yourself into." She shakes her head and paces the room. "I'd heard this city had a dark side, but I thought it was all talk." The woman sits upon the bed and buries her hands in her face for a moment. Glancing at those around her, she adds, "Tell me: have you seen Carlo? Surely you have if you've found me."

[sblock=Narciso]You're unable to determine if she has any weapons concealed upon her, nor do you detect any movements one may consider out of the ordinary.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso takes a deep breath, leaning against the door and watching her. "Which one was he? We found a few thugs tonight. However... I wish we had better news for you, seems like your lover has gotten himself into a spot of trouble with the wrong crowd. We won't hurt you, we just want back what's ours." Narciso says, relaxing his posture slightly, trusting that she wasn't intending to hurt them.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

[sblock=Ianic]Ianic nods, "as regularly as you permit." He pauses thoughtfully before speaking again. "Do you have a space suitable for exercise?" Ianic asks.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Carlo's dead," Idrig admits. "Pushed. By one of the Cyclops' lackeys."

Not the cleanest way to go, but there are worse ways, the dwarf considers. His assailant found that out.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As the others break the news of her lover's death to the woman, Ciraco decides to focus on the task at hand now that he is inside the room and begins to search it for the necklace.

[sblock=Mechanics]Perception to look for necklace: 12(1d20) +12 = 24[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

You hurt me?" The woman chortles at Narciso's words. "Kid, you know not who you're speaking to. If anyone will get hurt here, it's you."

As Idrig speaks, the woman turns towards him. "Dead," the woman repeats solemnly, staring blankly at the ground. "It was that big, burly brute, wasn't it? Had his eyes set on me from day one. If I'd only known they were criminals..." She shakes her head and paces the room once more, her eyes passing over the members of the party. "I suppose Father was right. Perhaps it's time to return home."

Regaining her composure, she finally says, "Very well. If this necklace truly was stolen, then it shall be returned. But only on the condition that you allow me to return it to its real owner. What say you?"

[sblock=Ciraco]Though you search through the room thoroughly, you're unable to find the necklace hidden or plainly displayed anywhere. This leads you to believe it may be in the locked jewelry box. You're unable to find a key for it, however.[/sblock]
[sblock=Ianic]"Excellent," Nico remarks with a grin. "As for space, aye. But not here. This is more of an outpost than a base of operations." He begins walking towards a small door against the staircase, gesturing for you to follow. "If you're ready, I can take you to our real home. And take you to see the boss herself. I'm sure she's dying to meet you."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

[sblock=Ianic]Folowing Nico's gesture Ianic says, "Lead the way."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

[sblock=Ianic]You follow Nico through the doorway and descend down a staircase into a small basement. In the corner is a trapdoor, which the man leads you through. You find yourself in a tunnel system, similar to the sewer although seemingly not intended for drainage. "These are some of the old defensive tunnels the Legion used to use. The earthquake back in the third era collapsed most, but some have miraculously survived."

After a short walk, you find yourself at the end of the tunnel, with a ladder leading up towards another trap door. As you ascend, you find yourself in what appears to be a storage shed. The room is filled with shelves with barrels, assorted tools, and spare furniture. You're led through the storeroom's door and once more you're outside. By now, the rain has let up, though the skies still dance with lightning streaks. You find yourself in a spacious garden, with a variety of plants and decorative fountains. Straight ahead in an imposing three-story villa. "I trust this is enough space to exercise in?" Nico remarks with a smirk. "Welcome home, my new friend."

You're led up a grand staircase and enter into a small square foyer with archways on the three other walls. Standing in one of the archways is a young woman. She looks at you and smiles.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Jack of Chains himself. Truly a pleasure to meet you. I am Gina. You could say I run our whole operation here." She beckons you into the side room, a parlor with a large bar. Gina stands behind the bar, gesturing towards a stool. "Come, take a seat, and tell me about yourself. Foreigners are common in these parts, but few so exotic. What's your story? How'd you end up here of all places?"[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig shrugs apathetically at the woman's question of her lover's murderer.

To her proposition, he shrugs again. "I suppose. Though you'll have to do so unarmed," the dwarf warns. "I'll spare you the pat-down if you're honest. Are you carrying a blade?"

Can't have her kill the employer. That'd mean the both of us are stuck in this wretched shit-hole of a city.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

[sblock=Ianic]Ianic graciously takes the seat and says, "please, call me Ian. In confidence, my name is Abal ir Ianic. I come to Teiros from the Serran Desert, to escape the Wolves of Shivan, Shivan's wretched slave-catcher commandos. Make no mistake: I am not a slave; I was raised to lead the Wolves, and they do not let anyone, even their own, get off lightly. I suspect I am lucky, or Pas chased them away. My people, the nomadic Ianiri, are the vessel for the Wolves of Shivan. Under cover of darkness, the Wolves flow out to find people who have fled Shivan's chains, and return them bound."

Ianic traces two scars that cross his chest, "I was marked for recognizing the Ianiri's own slavery to Shivan. A third scar is a death sentence, and I already had earned a grave enemy among the Ianiri chiefs. I fled to Teiros, to serve who I choose and face death on my own terms. All Ianiri youth study in Shivan's academies for three years, where I read of this city. I suspect the 'studies' are merely a showcase for Shivan's debauched patrons; they are the real wolves. My first scar made me undesirable to their predations, so I consider it a gift."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

He was hopeful that she'd go non-violently, though the thought of her hurting them was cause for alarm. He supposes they did force themselves into her room, but she was also dating a criminal. Both are guilty, I guess.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"On my word to the Plainsfather, I have no blade on me," Lydia says to the dwarf, raising her right hand as if taking an oath. "However, you must let me change into something more befitting a trip out," she adds, gesturing to her flowing nightgown. "I would ask that you gentlemen wait by the door."

She points to Nyx and says, "You may remain, however, if you wish. To prove I'll conceal no weapons."

[sblock=Ianic]Gina watches with great interest as you tell your tale. "Fascinating. I never would have imagined an elite band of slavecatcher elves would be roaming the great desert."

She takes a sip from her own freshly-shaken martini and asks, "Now I must ask: what is your stance on slavery now? Much of the world outside of Serra and Kurnhuelde find it repulsive. And I've suspicions some in Teiros don't find it so vile, and I mean to stop them."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig looks warily at Nyx. "Do you have this?" he asks quietly, getting ready to step outside the door.

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