Fortune's Favor — IC

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso wastes no time exiting out into the hall, trusting Nyx to keep the situation handled.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco looks to Nyx also waiting for her response while moving towards the door ready to leave.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx shrugs and nods to the others, though internally is somewhat worried. She seems very sure of herself, hopefully she is not as dangerous as she claims. "That is fine by me," she says to the woman, as she eyes her with suspicion and a small bit of attraction.

[sblock=OOC]This lady hot? This gonna cause Nyx to get distracted? Also, Nyx will have Intellect Fortress prepared to be used as an immediate interrupt if she is hit.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig takes Nyx's word and steps out of the room, closing the door behind him after the others exit as well. I hear a shout, and I'm coming in there with a bolt locked.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I thank you for the privacy," Lydia replies as the men begin to leave the room, with only Nyx remaining.

Out in the hall, Luca remarks, "If she can conjure a shadow of herself, I'm sure she can handle any trouble."

[sblock=Nyx]"How did a woman like you end up with a group like that?" she mentions as she walks to the closet, peering inside for a moment. She retrieves her clothing and lays it out upon the bed: a pair of black trousers, a belted purple tunic, and a long raincloak. You notice the tunic has a small patch with a golden tower.

Not wasting any time, Lydia removes her nightgown, with only smallclothes left on. The woman is more toned than one would expect, suggesting she is more than a lazy noblewoman. Given her lack of concealing attire, you can easily tell she is not hiding any weapons. She doesn't leave much time for staring and she hastily puts on her trousers and tunic, followed by a pair of leather longboots. Finally, she dons her cloak and looks towards you. "See? No weapons."

As she goes to step out, she does grab a metallic torch-like object from her dresser. It has a long handle and a pair of prongs towards the top. Expecting a comment, Lydia preemptively says, "Old family heirloom. My father wouldn't let me travel without it. Stories say it can ward off danger and the stupid, but I'm starting to doubt that second part." Assuming no interruptions, she makes to exit the room.


Like this but less eyeshadow and also less clothing for a moment


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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well if she can't then the Salucci's picked the wrong person anyway," Ciraco says in reply to Luca. He leans against the wall in the corridor as they wait for Lydia to change. He absentmindedly plays with the pedant around his neck, moving it around between his thumb and forefinger.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"That's fair," Idrig replies, taking a seat on the ground and lying against the wall. He closes his eyes as he waits. Tired. How much longer will this take?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

[sblock=Ianic]Ianic thinks quietly before answering the question,"I am an enemy of slavery; I do not suffer delusions."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

[sblock=Nyx]Nyx watches intently as the woman moves to the closet, both in an attempt to spot if she is trying to pull anything, and out of an interest in what she has underneath. When the nightgown comes off she is relieved that there are no weapons to be seen, not keen on needing to fight the woman alone and in such an enclosed space. She does her best not to stare as she disrobes, leaving her nearly fully nude for a brief moment before she puts her other clothes on.

At the woman's question she thinks for a moment before saying, "desperation" matter-of-factly in response. If only it was more interesting than that, she thinks, wondering how the others she has found herself traveling with arrived at the same place as she has, and if their reasons are at all similar to her own. She listens half-heartedly as the woman talks more about the strange object she holds, letting out a small chuckle at the jab towards her late paramour.

When the woman is ready to go, Nyx follows behind her towards the door, hoping that the rest of the evening will be less eventful and more fruitful. It would be nice for this to finally be over, she thinks, not looking forward to their next trek through the stormy weather outside.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

After a few minutes, Lydia emerges from her room, Nyx in tow. She's dressed in simple black trousers and a purple belted tunic with raincloak wrapped around her. Though it's small, you notice a small emblem on the tunic: a golden tower. In hand, she holds a metallic torch-like object with a long handle, though no apparent flames emit from it. She looks at the men and says, "Ready to head out? Lead the way." She gestures down the hall, waiting for someone to take the lead.

After a short walk down the stairs, you once more find yourselves outside. By now, the rain has all but stopped, save the occasional light drizzle. The skies continue to glow, however, as streaks of lighting dance along the sea. As you step out, Lydia grips the torch tightly and a ball of bright orange light begins to form at its top.

After a long walk through the city's winding streets, you find yourself back at the gates of the villa. The rugged man from earlier stands outside the gates, eyeing the group as it approaches. "You're back, which means you're not dead. Good." His eyes rest upon the Tulrissian woman, looking with confusion. "And who's this?"

[sblock=Ianic]"Good," Gina replies with a smile. She steps over to a window, peering out towards the courtyard below. "I trust you're able to work with a team too," she adds as she looks out. "It looks like your team just returned from their own first mission."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig raises an eyebrow at the strange torch-like item the woman carries, but otherwise stays silent on their journey back to the villa.

As they approach the rugged man, the dwarf shrugs. "The current and temporary owner of a particular necklace."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

[sblock=Ianic]”Wolves seldom hunt alone,” Ianic says, and follows her lead.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The man shrugs and opens the gate, allowing you to step into the estate grounds. As before, you ascend the villa's steps and find yourself in a familiar foyer. Gina stands in the doorway to the parlor as you step inside, looking over the group with a subtle smile. "Welcome back, my friends. I trust tonight went well?" She looks over Lydia with mild confusion, however, adding, "And who are you, my dear?"

Not waiting for an introduction, the Tulrissian woman speaks up. "Ser Lydia Tarkin. It would seem my lousy lover had it and gave it to me. I would see it returned if it was truly stolen."

Gina smiles and nods at the woman. "Stolen, yes. It's a family heirloom." Lydia returns the nod and fishes into her pocket, retrieving a rectangular box and hands it to Gina. Opening it reveals a golden necklace, jeweled with large rubies and diamonds.

"Aye, this is it. Thank you, Lady Tarkin." Gina peers into the other room and calls out, "Nico, be a dear and see our new friend home. The streets aren't safe for her to be wandering alone." Not a moment after, a young man emerges from the room. He gestures for Lydia to follow and the two depart.

Gina returns to the parlor, beckoning the group to follow her. "Come, you must let me know how the night went." As you step in, you notice a colossal elf standing near the window.

[sblock=Ianic]Peering out the window, you spot a large group approaching the building: three human men, two human women, a dwarven man, and what appears to be an orcish child skulking in the shadows behind them. Soon after, you hear the door open and they step into the room.[/sblock]

"But first, introductions are in order. This is Ianic. He shall be joining you from now on."

[sblock=Nyx]You recognize the elf as another employee of the Carnevale: the recently-relieved Jack of Chains.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig stares up at the massive elf, nodding. Quite the specimen, the dwarf considers. I've been meaning to find somebody with a strong constitution to test a few formulas for me.

"Idrig Mal'talis," he introduces himself. "Down on your luck, like us?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso shrugs and wanders back to the villa with his companions. He follows them to the parlour, and finds a clear spot on the wall to lean on as Ianic is introduced. He eyes Ianic up and down before introducing himself: "Narciso Angelo." He says, and gives a little wave.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Tue May 28, 2019 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You've got your necklace back and only a few people died in the process. It'd say it went pretty well," Ciraco says in reply to Gina.

"Nice to meet you Ianic. Ciraco Veturius," he says, greeting the group's new member. "I'm glad you're on our side built like that," he adds.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

"Please, call me 'Ian'," Ianic requests with his unusual accent. In saying so, he seems to make the request to Gina as much as the group. Using an elvish name is, at best, a poor disguise for his exotic appearance.

"I believe our luck is turning, Mal'talis."

Ianic returns Narciso's wave with his best imitation - it seems awkward with his huge frame.

Ianic turns to Ciraco and says, "It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am grateful to play for the house," attempting to make a gambling analogy.

Ianic's attention shifts to Nyx and he greets her exuberantly, "The Queen of Diamonds! You have been dealt a better hand!"

[sblock=OOC]I'll wait for Nyx's response, and whatever Gau and Luca do.[/sblock]
[sblock=Accent]Ianic's accent sounds like a mix of Russian and Middle-eastern, with Turkish or Iranian being a good middle ground.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"It could have been worse, I suppose," Nyx replies to their hostess' question as they return to the parlor. She watches with mild interest as the redhead lives up to her bargain and hands over the necklace, before quickly being escorted out. Her interest turns more to surprise as a familiar man enters the room. Oh, it's him, she thinks, having always found the large man somewhat intimidating and hard to read.

"Hello," she says, blushing slightly as her stage name is so loudly proclaimed before the rest of her newfound companions. "And just Nyx is fine, Ian," she continues. The Jack of Chains has found his way out of the Carnevale as well it seems. Hopefully none of us suffer from any accidents.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Queen of Diamonds?" Idrig repeats, confused. "Have you two met before?" He looks between the two, unsure of their dynamic. They both are quite the oddity here in Teiros. Though one might say the same about myself and the runt. He cautiously looks behind his shoulder, spotting Gau. Never know if he's going to cut my purse and take off with my coin.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"It is my role," Nyx says, after a pause. I guess no point in hiding it, it would have come up eventually. "At the Carnevale, the Buffone's casino. I work... well, worked there. He did too. I hope to not need to go back," she says, glancing towards Gina with a mixture of hope and distress on her face.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Circus freaks. I suppose it fits the theme. Idrig nods at Nyx' response, satisfied with the explanation. "Very well."

Turning to face their host, the dwarf clears his throat. "The necklace is safely returned. So: what is next?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by GingerGiant »

"As you wish, Just-nyx," Ianic says earnestly.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"And I'm Luca Biondi. Glad to have you with us," Luca remarks to the newcomer, hopeful for more competence than Narciso had demonstrated throughout the night.

Gina nods to Ciraco, saying, "Better others dead than you. I am glad to have it back. You really must tell me the details." As the dwarf speaks, Gina makes her way behind the parlor's bar, retrieving a sealed wine bottle. "As for what's next, I'd first like to welcome you all to the family. I believe some celebration is in order." The woman steps over to the opened window, bottle in hand. With a forceful pop, the corks flies out into the garden. Bottle now opened, she returns to the bar and begins to pour several glasses of sparkling wine.

She hands a glass to Nyx and says, "My dear, do not worry. You will not have to go back there. In fact, you are all welcome to stay in our home." She gestures towards the bar, where filled glasses await. "Come, enjoy. Then we might discuss tonight's events and what's to come."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx gives a nervous smile as she takes the glass from the woman, finding it hard to contain her excitement at having finally escaped the Buffone family. Hopefully they do not find me up here.

She takes a sip of the drink before moving to one of the seats in the parlor, looking around towards the others. One of them can do the talking, I just need to sit. She waits to hear the explanation from one of the more charismatic of the group, but finds herself occasionally glancing towards Gina as well. What an interesting woman.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Grazie Bella," Ciraco says to Gina as he takes a glass from the bar. He steps away from the bar before raising his glass towards Gina.

"To our new employer," he says with a wink before taking a sip. "Tonight was nothing really. We just intimidated a shopkeeper, broke into the Colosseum, poisoned some low level criminals with a pizza, tracked the necklace down to the Hotel Primo, where we met the lovely Lydia who was very cooperative as you saw," he says listing off the evening's events.

"Pretty standard stuff," he adds before taking another sip of his wine. "Did I miss anything?" He asks, turning to the others.

[sblock=Brennisian Translation]"Thank you Beautiful"[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"That about sums it up," Idrig answers, taking a seat at the bar and downing the sparkling wine without a wince. Hm. Light. A recent vintage. Not the best, though far from the worst.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You forgot to mention those low-level criminals were the Cyclops and his gang," Luca remarks as such a key detail goes omitted.

At his words, Gina's eyes widen with a mixture of bewilderment and awe. "You took down the Cyclops? With a pizza? I'm... impressed." She looks over each of you, taking a sip from her glass. Finally, she adds, "Now, I must ask. How was working together? I trust you'll be able to continue without killing one another."

At such a question, Luca sips from his glass, averting his eyes towards the wall.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig eyes the others cautiously, pondering their employer's concern.

Narciso. Quite the buffoon. Runs into danger head first, and is bound to get himiself killed within the month.

Nyx. She seems hesitant to do anything at all. Her arcane prowess might serve me useful, however.

Ciraco. He's a stuck up human prick, same as half of them, but with that mouth, I think we're better off.

Luca? If he knows so much about the place why doesn't he just do the job himself? Git.

And Gau... Idrig pauses. Where was he the last several hours? Doing fuck-all. Right... because he's a child.

The dwarf itches his beard, turning once again to Gina. "It was fine."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso follows them over to the bar, takes one of the glasses and raises his glass as well, listening to the faithful retelling of the night's events. Narciso's cheeks flush in embarrassment as she asks how well they worked together, to which he thinks; I would not be surprised if they kill me themselves before I manage to trip over onto my own sword... He took a long sip from his drink before sputtering out: "I b-believe we work well together but I definitely have some... ah... growing to do when it comes to working with others." He says and tries to dance around the issue, and hopes she doesn't press further. He hopes his honesty at least shows that he's aware he needs to do better.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It was an impressive pizza. In it's lethality at least, not so much in terms of the culinary arts. We should probably stick with the whole organised crime thing over opening a restaurant," Ciraco says in answer to Gina's mostly rhetorical question. He takes another sip of his drink as Idrig and Narcisco speak.

A man, well half-man, of many words, he muses as Idrig answers.

"We got the job done and no one got hurt, can't ask for more than that," he says following Narcisco. "Well Cyclos and co. did die, but I think they died quickly. So I don't think they got hurt," he adds after a pause, before taking another sip.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx listens in as the others respond to Gina, telling her of the evening's events while also glossing over the awkwardness of it all. She rolls her eyes a little at Narciso as he chimes in, not sure what he is adding, but not wanting to respond. She simply sips on her drink and watches Gina to see her reaction to the news.


Insight on Gina, to see gauge her opinions on what she is being told: 19

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina listens with intent, raising an eyebrow as the party speaks of their interactions over the course of the night. "Oh? I suppose that is to be expected then. But I am glad you all survived, unscathed," she says, her eyes slowly passing over each of you. Shaking her head with another sip of wine, she finally says, "Now what would you say your strengths were? So we might plan your next job accordingly..."

"I suppose you might say making pizzas," Luca quips.

"Quick-thinking, resourcefulness, and creativity then. Anything else?" She looks over the rest of the group, hoping they might bring any suggestions.


From her expressions and tone, you gather that she knows key details are being left out. Though she conceals it well, your time in the service industry has given you a unique familiarity and experience in faking emotions. Overall, she seems uneasy and annoyed at the answers received.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We're certainly unpredictable," Ciraco says with a smirk as he glances at Narcisco. "That should give an us an edge over our enemies," he adds, before taking another sip of his wine. Or get us killed. One of the two, he thinks, deciding to hold his tongue for once.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

“We may not look it, but we have the muscle,” the dwarf adds. “If needed, that is. Subterfuge and innovation tend to better results.”

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Not wanting to cause further annoyance, Nyx sits up in her seat a little and sets her glass down on a nearby table. "I'd second subterfuge and innovation," she says, breaking her previous silence. "That is a good way to summarize it at least." If one call fumbling and grasping at straws innovation. At least the subterfuge is intentional.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods in agreement and smiles softly before taking another sip of his drink. "Well... at least they don't seem to hate me..." He thinks to himself, which makes him smile a little brighter. "A job well done." He continues in his head.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina nods at the feedback she hears, watching each member as they speak. "Tis good to hear then. We can begin planning your next job anon." She glances toward the window from across the room, letting out a weak yawn. "But for tonight, our work is done. You may retire early if you wish, or get to know one another more."

She gestures towards the second doorway in the room, different from the one you entered through. "Your quarters are through that door and down the stairs. But feel free to make full use of our villa. After all, this is your home now too. You're part of the family." She flashes a smile at the group, before giving a curtsy and taking her leave.

Through the night's stillness, you hear ten bells echo from the city's colossal clock tower. The first night is done, but what more is to come?


Since this isn't a typical game where you're camped out in the dangerous wilderness, night watches can't really be a thing. However, I like them for the opportunity to develop characters and character relations fuller. As a result, there will be an optional "watch" where your characters can relax in various parts of the map and chat with either other PCs or NPCs until they go to bed. If you'd rather just have your PC go to bed, that's fine as well (though lame).

You can find a map on the villa and its various rooms on the OOC thread. If you'd like to pair up with a specific PC, that's fine. As usual, chats will be done via Discord.

If interested in hanging with NPCs/DMPCs:
Gina will be in the Library
Nico will be in the Games Room
Luca will be on the Patio

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Not wanting to cause more trouble, Narciso heads to bed. He quietly scolds himself at his performance tonight. "Stupid, stupid. You're better than that, running off on your own to danger. Idiot." He mumbled quietly as he wandered away to their quarters.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Freeform RP

Ciraco moves to leave to parlour, indicating for Idrig to follow with a head nod

He wants to chat?
Idrig considers, following the man out of his idle curiosity. Finding a chair to rest his weary bones in, the dwarf sighs comfortably. "Think this employment offer will last?"

Ciraco also takes a seat, following the dwarf's lead. "Hard to say. I get the impression we're the only two people here with anything that remotely resembles prior experience - but I suppose tonight did go relatively smoothly."

Mercenary of some sort? He appeared to be the watchful type, stepping in only when necessary. That type of sandbagging comes with sellswords. The dwarf nods. "For as many errors we made, it did go rather smoothly. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you don't have to be good. You just have to be better than who you're after. For Cyclops and his mutts, that seemed to be the case."

"Yes it wasn't hard to be better than them," Ciraco agrees with a light chuckle. "It might be different depending on who we next face off against though. It remains to be seen how the others handle themselves."

"If we're going up against these criminal families with brute force, I won't be of much use," the dwarf admits. "But if we require a more subtle approach to our tactics - whether they be theft, intrigue, or... assassination, I suppose, then I will really shine." He looks at Ciraco for a moment with questioning eyes. "How'd you get pulled into this job, anyhow? You're from here, no?"

"The other families are more established in the city than us too. They'll probably win if it comes to brute force," Ciraco says. "Vizidel not Terios. I spent a few years in Talguta which ended... badly. When I came back to Brennis I figured there would be more demand for my skillset here. What about you?" He asks.

"Poorly," Idrig says, correcting the human on his own tongue. "It ended poorly." He sighs again, cracking his neck. "Spent longer here than I would have liked to. Ended up conned out of everything. This opportunity is a means to an end for me. The sooner I can leave this miscreant shit-hole, the better."

"I think in Terios everyone ends up conned out of everything eventually," Ciraco laughs. "Unless you're the one doing the conning. I'd prefer to fall under the latter of the two options."

"Cons, cheats, hacks," Idrig says, shaking his head. "Teiros' blood runs black with this dog-eat-dog mentality. It's why I aim to leave as immediately as I am able." He looks up again at Ciraco. "What about you? Where's 'next'?"

"I'm not even really sure what's 'now' if I'm honest," Ciraco replies. "Recently I've not been able to plan ahead much. Although I'm definitely no stranger to winging it. Teiros just might be my kind of city though. Despite what we've said you can thrive here if you get lucky, and luck's one thing I've never been short on."

"Living in the moment," the dwarf says with a smirk. "I can at least appreciate that. Every waking day, an instinctual reminder of survival. You do what you can to make ends meet. To further your intentions." He trails off, watching the lightning outside for a moment before turning back to Ciraco. "Here's hoping some of that Teirosi luck brushes off on me. Have a good evening." Idrig steps off to find his guestroom and retire for the night.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Freeform RP

Having not really felt a strong connection yet with any of her new companions, nor the desire to retire to bed immediately, Nyx decides to follow after their hostess. Doing so she finds herself in the library.

As you look into the library, you find a room smaller than the parlor you spent the evening in, though not significantly so. Peering in, you see the walls lined with bookshelf after bookshelf. Closest to you is a small table, four chair sitting neatly around it. Opposite the doorway, you see a large leather couch and a pair of armchairs. While, in the corner, is a large harpsichord of ornately carved wood.

Upon the couch, Gina sits, engrossed in a book you can see it titled Ego e Inimicizia. She initially does not notice you enter, though her eyes meet yours after a moment. She gives you a warm smile as she closes her book. "Ah, buonasera, my new friend. Sleep did not find you either, I see." She pats the spot next to her, adding, "Come, join me. I'd love to hear how you're feeling, and how the night went. From your words."

Translations: Ego & Enmity; Good evening

Nyx glances around the room, a mixture of excitement and relief washing over her. The room reminds her of her time back at the Aetherial Academy, though she is sure the books here are likely far less academic in nature. For the first time that evening the reality of things begins to sink in. Perhaps things will really be okay.

As she gazes around her eyes eventually settle upon Gina on the couch ahead, reading from one of the many selections from the shelves. She gives the slightest of smiles to her hostess as she continues to look around but, noticing the patting of the seat, she decides to make her way over to join. It is hard to read her. She seems so friendly yet so serious, and how nice could she truly be if she aims to become a criminal overlord?

"I'm feeling okay," the woman says. If you can call terrified and overwhelmed okay. Her slight smile fades back to her near-perpetual frown as the topic turns to their previous adventures. "The night was fine, we got what you asked us to get. Not without some hiccups, though," she adds, looking towards the book in the woman's hand. "What is it you're reading?"

Gina sighs at the woman's words, though follows with an understanding nod. "I suppose that is to be expected on your first night." As the smile fades from Nyx's face, she adds, "but you, my dear, must not let fear consume you. Everything will fall into place as it should." She places her hand upon Nyx's shoulder, as if to reassure her. Looking deep into her eyes, Gina remarks, "do not worry your pretty little head. It is not a good look for you."

Her last words carry a smirk, though she leaves no room for silence following it. "Ah, are you much of a reader?" she mentions, tapping the book as it sits upon her lap. "This is Ego e Inimicizia. Or Ego & Enmity in Common, I suppose. It's the story of a patrician's family, particularly his daughter. Court drama, marriage, and feuding families." With a laugh, she replies, "I used to think it horribly daft, but I've grown to love it."

Nyx jumps slightly at Gina's touch, having not expected it, nor really felt an affectionate hand in a long time. The words leave her slightly confused, but she'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit that they did make her feel a bit at ease. Perhaps she is truly as nice as she seems. Or perhaps, like all the others, she has some ulterior motive. Against her better judgement her smile peeks through slightly once more.

"I take it you draw inspiration from this book?" she asks, curious to learn more about how such a woman could fall into such a life, and why.

The woman pauses for a moment, a perplexed look forming upon her face. "Hm," she mutters plainly. "I suppose there are some striking similarities. But my own choices and plans are all my own. The life I've lived and the consequences I've faced." She shakes her head, frowning slightly as her past comes rushing forth. "It is far from easy what I do. Keeping my family together. Fighting to stay relevant. Fighting to honor those we've lost."

She turns to look at Nyx, curiously. Her eyebrow raised, she says, "But what about you? What are you fighting for?"

"I can imagine," Nyx responds, frowning again at the mention of people lost. As the conversation turns back to her own life, she pauses as well. "I... don't really know," she says honestly, after some thought has been put into it. "For the longest time now my only goal has been to escape the Clowns and leave this city, never to return. But the more I think back to Cru'un - my home - and what I left behind, the more unsure I become about whether that is what I want. I definitely miss my family..." she says, trailing off as she thinks back to her parents and how much she misses them.

"But the city itself? I don't know if I miss that. It has its flaws, same as Teiros, and I am honestly not sure which is worse," she continues, now looking down a bit into her lap. Why am I being so candid with this woman I barely know? She is only using me. Like the Clowns. I can't truly stay with her in this mansion, can I?

"Perhaps you might build a new life here," Gina remarks with a warm grin. "One free from those foolish Clowns all the same. Though they are fools, they are every bit as ruthless as the rest of the families in town. Bringing some semblance of order is something I hope to accomplish here, as crazy as it may sound. Causing more chaos to bring about peace and order."

She raises her eyebrow, placing her hand upon her chin. "Though I must ask. What of Cru'un is so undesirable? I've visited all around the Forelle, yet never Cru'un..."

At mention of Cru'un, the woman pauses a moment in thought. "Like here it is a wonderful place on the surface, but hides a deeper, darker society. Nothing like the criminal gangs here, it is more... I guess societal in nature. In Cru'un, being a mage is everything and non-mages are generally treated like lesser beings. Not everyone acts like this of course, but the ruling class certainly feels that way. You are either born a mage, in which case you will have a good and easy life, or you are not and get to live a more difficult one all while being looked down upon by a large swath of the population. And it's not just the mages who think that way," she continues turning to look to the side for a moment.

"Many of the non-mages view things the same way. 'I will marry up, get myself a mage and have mage children so they can have a better life,' is a common goal among non-mage men and women. Many who work at the Aetherial Academy view themselves as better for working with and near mages, rather than with other non-mages. My mother was not like that, but she had her stories about her colleagues." She pauses again, turning back to Gina, before adding, "and this... prejudice, this... accepted, expected class system just seems to have bled into other parts of society as well," she adds, now looking down into her lap again.

After another moment, the young woman turns back to her host. "It is not something I ever thought much about before coming to Teiros, but being here has given me time to reflect on many things, my home included," she says, before recalling the woman's earlier words. "You truly think you could make this place a better one, even playing by the rules of the other gangs? Would that not just make you another part of the problem?" she asks, hoping her honest inquiry will not draw the woman's ire. Perhaps she knows things about this city I don't. What am I thinking, of course she does, she has lived her whole life here.

"I see," Gina says, taking in all that Nyx has spilled before her. "I never would have guessed such a caste system would exist. I cannot understand how your people live like that, but I assume that is how it always has been. And something none are willing to try and change." She frowns, shaking her head at the thought of such a society. "Brennis, and Teiros, may have its own problems, yet opportunity is equal for all. All might seek their fortunes, regardless of background. Such is how it should be."

As Nyx calls into question her plan regarding the criminal underworld, she retorts, "My dear, there are no rules to play by in a place like this. But my goal, our goal, is to make those rules. Bring about some desperately needed order to this city, even if it requires dirtying our own hands in the process."

Looking out the window, she adds, "My parents hoped to bring an end organized crime in our fair city, yet I see that's now impossible. But if we can't end it, we can weaken its hold. All it takes is cunning and a touch of brute force."

"What do you have in mind?" Nyx asks, having listened closely to the woman's words. She seems very sure of herself. I wonder how much she has thought about this plan of hers. It must have been a long time if she went to the effort to find all of us and bring us together. "I can't imagine it will be easy. Do you think," she says, looking up again and directly towards her host. "Do you really think we are all cut out for something so... grandiose?"

"Small things, at least to start off with," Gina says, nodding almost to herself. "Small ways to destabilize and weaken our opponents. Disrupt the status quo, really." She eyes around the room, as if to make sure no one else is listening before continuing. "The mafia families have grown comfortable. Complacent, even. They very well won't expect any backlash that threatens their positions."

As Nyx asks her own question, Gina pauses for a moment. She looks straight into Nyx's eyes, remarking, "My dear, I would not have recruited all of you if I did not think you capable. All we lack is self-assurance and an ability to work together well, it would seem. But we shall work on that in time."

She is definitely right about the self-assurance. She may think we are up to the task, but I am still not convinced. "It is nice that you think so highly of us," the young woman responds, the lack of confidence still clear in her tone. "I wish I shared your confidence." She pauses for a moment before giving her host another slight smile. "But that is my own problem to work on, I won't burden you with that."

"It shall come in time," Gina remarks with a warm smile. "But know that I have faith in you, even where others may not. You have a gift, cara mia. You are much more than a circus performer, or a dejected mage. You are you." She yawns, stretching her arms and adjusting her seating position. "Perhaps some sleep will do you good. Or we might raid the kitchen for the sweets if you'd prefer," she adds, a devilish smile streaking across her face.

Nyx can't help but feel a slight flutter in her chest as once more her hostess refers to her with such affection, and she cannot help but to wonder at the sincerity of her words. She begins once more to think about her doubts and misgivings before she is caught off-guard by the woman's suggestion of mischief. In an instant her mood improves, if only slightly, and without hiding her excitement at the idea she quickly responds. "That sounds fun. What should we aim to steal?" Is it really stealing if you already own the food?

"Cannoli, zeppole, whatever we can get our hands on," Gina replies, rubbing her hands together deviously. "Our pastry chef, sweet old woman, insists on serving everything herself. She'll chase you with a rolling pin if she catches you sneaking any early tastes." She heads to the door, beckoning Nyx to follow her. The kitchen is but a short walk away. As you walk, you pass through a small hallway with painted portraits and landscapes upon the walls, a gallery of sorts, before entering a foyer similar to that which you entered the villa.

Walking through a small wooden door, the pair enters the kitchen: an inverted-L-shaped room lined with counters, a pair of wood-fired stoves, and a fireplace in the corner. The kitchen is all but deserted at this hour, its countertops kept spick and span. In the corner, resting within a simple basket, Gina spots a variety of pastries.

"It looks like we've hit the jackpot. These pastries look to die for," she says, grabbing two and handing one to Nyx. "Have you ever had Brennisian pastries in your time here?" she asks, taking a bite from the doughy confection.

Nyx marvels at the decor of the hallway as they walk, then later at the size and cleanliness of the kitchen. This place is so large... so ornate. She is barely paying attention to their small quest when Gina announces her find, and she snaps back from her admiration.

"I had a few, I think, one of my first days here. I was initially just another tourist before getting roped into everything else," she says, happily taking the pastry when handed it. She takes a bite and cannot help but let out a moan of pleasure at the taste. She savors the confection with every bite, and, through a mouthful of food responds, "whatever I had before was not as good as this though." She chews more and swallows the bite before asking, "you have these every day?"

"A familiar tale for many," Gina replies at Nyx's mention of arriving as a tourist. "Many get eaten alive by the city, though the strong claw their way out. I sense the strength in you to do the same." She watches the woman take her first bite of the confection, grinning at the amusing reaction.

At Nyx's question, she replies, "Not every day, no. Our chef only makes these a few times a year, really. For holidays, and when welcoming family. So welcome to the family, my dear. I hope you find us to your liking!"

Nyx smiles again, slightly, at Gina's last words. The conversation and mischief had for the first time in awhile put her in an actual good mood, and though does not shine through as brightly as it might on a more cheery person, it is clear in her eyes that she is - in this brief instant, at least - happy. "So far I do," she responds to the woman, before taking another bite of the sweet, another moment of pleasure washing over her as she tastes the flavors mingling in her mouth.

This time, as she chews, she lets out a yawn against her will. It is in that moment that the exhaustion of the day finally hits her in full force, though she'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit that she also wanted a way to escape the conversation before the fluttering from before came back. I really hope she is a genuinely nice person. This city is so full of two-faced crooks, there must be at least one who is being honest. Within a moment another yawn comes, and she turns to Gina, pastry still in hand. "Oh, wow. Sorry, I guess I was more tired than I thought." She pauses, looking around, then turning back to the hostess. "Um, which way was the sleeping quarters again?"

"Oh, I can show you," Gina remarks as Nyx lets out a tiring yawn. She leads back through the hall and into the gallery, this time exiting through an archway in the center of the room. The pair finds themselves in a large foyer, with a large marble staircase ascending to the upper floor, flanked by a pair of similar stairs leading below. Descending the steps, Nyx and Gina enter the lower foyer: an ornately decorated room with a large fountain in the center and several small seating areas. The north and south walls have doors leading outside, to the pool and gardens respectively.

Instead, however, Gina beckons toward the eastern set of doors, leading into a long corridor. Pointing to the closest door, she remarks, "There you will find a bath, in case you'd like to wash up before bed. Pointing to the adjacent door, she adds, "And this will be your quarters. I trust they'll be to your likely." Inside in a large double-bed, a red silken quilt atop it. At its foot is a large chest, and a mirrored dresser rests across from it.

"Goodnight, my dear. May sweet dreams find you tonight," Gina says with a smile, closing the door behind her.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Though the evening delighted in excitement, the night finally winds down. The villa grows quiet, and the city around it. The storm's passage brings about a peacefulness uncommon in such a city, though a fleeting moment. The cards have been played, and the bets placed. Fortune favors the bold and the bold made their moves.

~ ~ ~

You awake to an unusual smell: coffee, a luxury beyond the isle of Visha. Its scent lingers through the halls, rousing the sleeping residents until morning's chatter arises from above. A knock emits from your bedroom door, followed by a polite voice: "Good morning, sir/my lady. Breakfast will be served shortly in the dining room, upstairs and to the right. Lady Gina expects you all. Ciao!" As soon as it came, the voice is gone until it repeats its message further down the hall.

Per the woman's instructions, you ascend the stairs and make your way to the dining room. As you enter, you're nearly overcome with the brilliant sunlight shining through large windows on your right. As your eyes adjust, a large dining table comes into view. Though many are seated around it, you only recognize the handful of Saluccis you've seen prior: Gina, Nico, and the rugged man on guard duty the night prior.

As you step in, Gina looks up at you and smiles. "Good morning, la mia famiglia! I trust you slept well. I'm eager to start discussing our next job. I've thought of a smaller job and a larger one for next week, if you're interested." She looks at each of you, expectantly.

Brennisian Translation

"my family"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"In my experience, it's a faux pas to discuss the terms of one's next job before receiving due payment for the one at hand," Idrig says, his usual grumpiness magnified by the early morning wake-up.

"Or is the first one 'on the house', as you Teirosi say?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

After Gina leaves Nyx to herself, she makes her way to the bath she'd been told about. There she relaxes and enjoys the warm waters for long enough that she loses track of the time. She ponders the rest of the evening's events as she soaks, nearly nodding off a few times, before finely getting out to make her way to bed. All the while she cannot help but to wonder if Gina is truly as nice as she comes across, or if the woman is merely masterful at manipulating her guests.

As the day breaks and she is awoken by the servant rapping on her door, Nyx slowly slides out of bed. She gets dressed slowly, happy to not need to don her clown costume or an abundance of makeup to start off her day. While she gets dressed she debates whether or not to take her cloak, but in the end decides that she may need it and dons it as well, pulling up the hood for comfort as usual.

Entering the dining hall, she tries to stay quiet and out of the way, not eager to be the one to do the talking. When the dwarf man - whose name she'd forgotten - speaks up, she is happy that all eyes are now on him. Payment does sound nice, though if we get to sleep in quarters like that for the rest of our lives I am not sure how much more we'd even need for coin, the woman thinks, remembering the sheer comfort of the satin sheets on her skin the night prior.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'd hope it's not. Your note which brought us all together heavily implied payment," Ciraco says following on from Idrig's comments, as he pulls out a chair at the table and sitting down. He reclines backwards in the chair waiting for Gina's reply.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"And in my experience, dearest Idrig, it is improper to bark at the hand that feeds you," Gina remarks to the dwarven man, unamused at his crotchety outburst. She turns to a servant standing against the wall and nods to him. He briefly leaves the room, only to return a moment later with a cloth satchel jingling in his grasp.

Walking around the table, the servant hands each of you several gold coins, minted with the Seal of Brennis. You count fifty pieces in total.

Gina looks at you, expectantly, before remarking, "I trust that's suitable for the first job?"

"Beats the wage at the casino, that's for sure," Luca mentions, counting his earnings once more.


Add 50 gold to your purses, yo

Also, ignore the Equality on that Seal of Brennis. I just liked how the crown and the rest of it looked

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx takes her coin quietly, happy to have been paid, though not as glad that there was still tension between the others and their host. She places the coins in her pouch and turns back to listen on as the others tell more of the plan.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Haven't fed us yet, Idrig thinks, but does not voice his retort. As the coins are handed out, the dwarf grunts affirmatively at his employer's question.

"What next?" he asks, his spirits lifted after seeing a physical manifestation of progress. A few more assignments like this, and I can leave this trash heap.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso counts the coins quietly and rubs his eyes before nodding."Much appreciated," He bows. "And the breakfast, too. I would have to say many thanks as well, for that." He smiled softly. It seemed like he genuinely thought they wouldn't cook for them, even if he only thought it for a moment.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco's face lights up as he is handed his gold. He looks over a couple of the coins before pocketing them. "Gratzie," he says leaning forward in his chair. "Yes what now?" He too asks Gina.

Brennesian Translation

Thank you ... /giphy.gif

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Prego," Gina replies with a smile Ciraco as the group counts their newfound coin. As she does so, an array of servants enter the room, carrying a variety of trays. Pastries, meats, eggs: all manner of breakfast food is set upon the table, filling the room with an array of pleasant smells.

After all have filled their plates, Gina begins. "I have two jobs. A smaller one for this week, and another to prepare for next week." She takes a small bite from a pastry before explaining. "The small job is simple. A shipment of weapons from Fyrus Ironworks is to set sail for Talguta this week. I'd like for you to intercept as much as you can and take it off their hands."

Through a mouthful of bread, Luca chimes in. "Fyrus? That's owned by the Ferrero family, right?"

To this, Gina nods. "Yes, another rival family. We can use their weapons against them, and hit them in their coinpurse." She takes a sip of coffee, glancing down at a small book before her.

"Now the second job. Next week is the Carnival of Democles, one of the largest events in Brennis and Teiros. As such, the royal family is scheduled to visit. Namely the Grand Princess, Valeria, and her son Maximus. He is somewhat of a wild spirit, ever eager for the next good time, so we will use this to our advantage." A smirk forms across her face, as if admiring her own brilliant plan.

"Simply put, I want you to abduct the Crown Prince during the festival, and we shall implicate Barones in it. You knocked them down a peg with the Cyclops, but I want to see them fall further."

Brennisian Translation

You're welcome

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