- Aurelius, Varon, Einkill, Leonidas
- [SHOW]
Above ground once more, you find yourself in a very narrow alleyway, hardly two people wide. Single- and double-story buildings rise above you on either side, looking to be residences, business, or a mix of both. To the west, the alley ends, leading to the back-ends of a few buildings. To the east, the alley intersects with a larger alley that runs north and south.
As you scan your surroundings, you hear signs of a struggle below in the tunnel again, and you hear Guthrik shout "Hey!"
- Marcus
- [SHOW]
Builo steps toward the ladder, testing his weight on the first rung for a moment. He turns back for a moment, glaring at you and Guthrik. Then, with a rush of speed, he launches toward you in an attempt to push past you.
Despite his strength, you and Guthrik manage to hold your ground, and you're able to shove him back.
"Hey!" Guthrik shouts, brandishing his staff at the man.
- Mechanics
- [SHOW]
Builo misses Bull Rush on Marcus, 14 vs Fort. Your turn!