A Shadow Looms — IC

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Varon, Einkill, Leonidas

Above ground once more, you find yourself in a very narrow alleyway, hardly two people wide. Single- and double-story buildings rise above you on either side, looking to be residences, business, or a mix of both. To the west, the alley ends, leading to the back-ends of a few buildings. To the east, the alley intersects with a larger alley that runs north and south.

As you scan your surroundings, you hear signs of a struggle below in the tunnel again, and you hear Guthrik shout "Hey!"


Builo steps toward the ladder, testing his weight on the first rung for a moment. He turns back for a moment, glaring at you and Guthrik. Then, with a rush of speed, he launches toward you in an attempt to push past you.

Despite his strength, you and Guthrik manage to hold your ground, and you're able to shove him back.

"Hey!" Guthrik shouts, brandishing his staff at the man.


Builo misses Bull Rush on Marcus, 14 vs Fort. Your turn!

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius takes a look around at the room as he waits for the prisoners.


When the prisoners get to the top of the ladder, he'll bind their wrists again.


Aurelius does the BIG look around: 4(1d20) +14 = 18

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas glares down the trapdoor, wondering what trouble had occurred. Damned orc causing trouble, no doubt. Couldn't we have just left him for dead? He shakes his head, looking down the alley. "Do you suppose we're close to the tavern?"


Streetwise to determine where we are: 13(1d20) +9 = 22

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

As the man tries to rush him, Marcus raises his club and swings it forcefully.


Minor Action (if allowed): Focused Discipline offensive stance, so +1 to hit

Standard Action: Valiant Strike on Builo
Attack: 30 vs AC = hit (32 if I have CA)
Hit: 10 thunder damage (13 if I have CA). Going for non-lethal, same as before.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


In addition to the alleyway described prior, you notice that the surroundings are quiet — a sign you have found to be either worrisome or calming, but certainly better than not quiet.


You figure that you are in the west end of the Calepha District, likely somewhere close to Marcus and the others' territory. The larger alley to your east you vaguely recognize, and you believe yourself to be close to the western plaza.

Aurelius, Varon, Einkill, Leonidas

"Yeah, think so," Weasel nods. Below you in the sewer, you hear the slap of a blow and a body hit the ground. Weasel peers down the trapdoor, calling out. "You need any help?"

"We did, and we still do," comes Guthrik's voice. "Help us lift this idiot Builo."


Your club connects with the orc's jaw in a clean blow, and he crumples to the stones beneath you. The other man looks on, his chest rising and falling as he watches on in terror.

Guthrik shakes his head, irritated at the situation. "Well, this should be quite the chore now, getting him up the ladder."

Weasel's head appears above you. "You need any help?"

"We did, and we still do," Guthrik says. "Help us lift this idiot Builo."

Up to three people can lift the unconscious Builo out. Each of the three volunteers can roll an athletics check to drag him up the ladder.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"The dumbass orc tried to escape rather than just climb up, so he got knocked out again," Marcus responds, before turning to the other guy. "You shouldn't try the same thing. What's the deal with that guy?" he asks while motioning for him to help lift the body.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas rolls his eyes as he hears the news from the sewers. If he keeps this up, he'll be meeting my blade a bit more." He shakes his head, peering down the alley. "Seems like we're in the west Calepha." He points towards the eastern alley feeding into the plaza. "That way can't be far from the western plaza."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Up to three people can lift the unconscious Builo out. Each of the three volunteers can roll an athletics check to drag him up the ladder.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"I'll lend a hand. But If he tries something stupid again, he is a dead orc" Varon responds to his allies down the ladder.


Athletics to assist in lifting Builo
12(1d20) +9 = 21

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius kneels down and attempts to help carry him up.


Athletics to try and help lift: 15(1d20) +3 = 18

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


I'd suggest Leonidas or Guthrik aid in moving orc asshole up the ladder. Marcus intends to keep his eye on the other dude so he doesn't try anything.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Leonidas probably wouldn't be one to help lift, since he's not as physically strong and knows it. Guthrik can do it :^)

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Weasel hops down into the sewer once more, doing his best to heft the armored orc over his shoulder. With Aurelius' and Varon's help, the three men manage to drag Builo up the ladder and into the abandoned alley.

"Look, don't worry about me, alright? Builo's Builo. I don't want to get cracked in the head like that old fool." The captured human man climbs up the ladder carefully, followed in turn by Guthrik and finally Marcus.

Once reunited at the top, Guthrik closes the hatch while the rest of you determine the best step forward.


Above ground once more, you find yourself in a very narrow alleyway, hardly two people wide. Single- and double-story buildings rise above you on either side, looking to be residences, business, or a mix of both. To the west, the alley ends, leading to the back-ends of a few buildings. To the east, the alley intersects with a larger alley that runs north and south.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"At least one of you has some wits about you," Leonidas says to the man as the unconscious orc is dragged into the alley. I'm sure a crack to the skull hardly hurt Builo there, being so thickheaded. He shakes his head, looking back towards the eastern alleyway. "Any of you care to take point? We can't be far from that tavern now."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus steps east to the alley intersection, glancing both directions to see what is down each. Soon we will be back, and we can get this asshole Builo tied up for good. The other man seems to know his place, perhaps he will become useful like Weasel.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


As you step toward the mouth of the tiny alley, you find yourself at a T-intersection with a larger alley running north to south.

To your north, the alley gives way to more buildings in a crawling tangle — likely residential or commercial. Judging by the lack of storefronts aside from a couple backstreet shops, these must be back or alternate entrances to the larger shops or homes along the waterfront.

To your south, you see the Western Plaza of the Calepha District, and the Gilded Mare. Home, if there is such a place to call such a thing now. The plaza, from your vantage, appears vacant.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus wordlessly motions for the others to follow after him as he begins to slowly proceed down the southern path. Finally. This was much more of an eventful of a trip than it should have been.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With a quick nod, Leonidas trails behind the man. The sooner we get inside, the better at this rate. And perhaps we can just lock that brutish orc out instead of dragging him alone.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

The several of you step quietly through the mouth of the alley and into the plaza itself, with Marcus at the lead. To those returning, it looks the same as it did this morning.

As you near the battered double-door of the Gilded Mare, you begin to hear muffled shouting from within — several voices, to be sure. Guthrik pauses, raising a finger in a warning manner. "Something's the matter," the orc breathes, his grip tightening on his walking staff.

The Who and Where

Calepha Avenue — Western Plaza


Human Survivor
Builo (wrists bound, unconscious)

Calepha Avenue — Western Plaza — The Gilded Mare i[/i]


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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius, assuming there to be trouble afoot, would waste no time charging into the room posthaste and drawing his sword.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius grasps the handles of the doors and tugs, but they resist the strength of his efforts. The shouts from inside continue.

"Hold on, mate, we keep this one locked up," Weasel explains. "You'll have to, er... bang on the door, I suppose."

Redros nods. "That, or make entry via the roof hatch."

"Yeah, that."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas raises an eyebrow as the shouts are heard from within. His stomach quietly rumbles, though he does his best to suppress the noise. "Wouldn't banging on the door just attract some unwanted attention? Hatch sounds like a safer bet." Shouting also attracts such attention, the numbskulls.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"The roof is safest, that is why we established a path to it. These walkers can't follow us there, and the doors are barred from the inside." And should we be entering into a mutiny, having the high ground will serve to our advantage, Marcus thinks, his mind racing as the apparent hostility from within makes itself known. Do they not realize they potential danger they are putting everyone in with this shouting? The fools.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Good," Guthrik says curtly, stepping to the left of the doors, toward the side of the building where the thick vines and ivy run along the walls and upward to the rooftop. "Who's going first?" he says, looking back with concern on his face.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas shrugs, glancing up the ivy wall. "I suppose I'll show you all how it's done," he says with a smirk, assuming his cat form and easily scaling the wall. He looks around the rooftop, keeping his eyes open for the trapdoor. He takes a moment to look over the rest of the city from above, the quiet of the once-bustling streets getting to him. Will things ever get back to normal?

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"I should go next. If there's trouble, I need to be there." Aurelius says as he sheates his sword and takes a run at the wall. With a hop and a short leap he starts running up the side.


Acrobatics = 18(1d20) +7 = 25 (Running up the Wall, with Style)

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Deftly leaping from wall to windowsill, from gable to roof, Leonias makes his way to the rooftop. Behind him, Aurelius' running start allows him to latch onto a beam and thrust himself up the side of the building. Using the momentum, he hoists himself up the eave and onto the roof as well.

In front of the pair of you, atop the second story's roof, is a closed trapdoor. It doesn't appear to have any locking mechanism from the outside.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas carefully approaches the trapdoor, reassuming his human form while sturdy on the rooftop. He carefully, and quietly, attempts to open the door. Better for us to not alert those downstairs of our presence, if they're fighting and all.


Stealth to quietly open the trapdoor if necessary: 20(1d20) +13 = 33

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Leonidas, Aurelius

The latch on the trapdoor opens with a bit of resistance. Its locking mechanism is clearly damaged to some extent and doesn't appear to be engaged.

The trapdoor itself lifts outward and the pair of you easily heft it open.

Within, you see the a thick wooden ladder down to the middle of a stairwell. One flight of stairs leads down into what appears to be a corridor marked by several rooms on either side. The other flight leads up, toward what must be the attic level.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius carefully climbs down the ladder, listening intently for any signs of continued struggle.


Stealth: 16(1d20) +11 = 27
Perception: 4(1d20) +14 = 18

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


As you quietly slip down the ladder, you press up against the center pillar of the stairwell and peer down the corridor.

There are several rooms off to either side, likely guest rooms for those staying at the tavern. Toward the end, two people — a man and a woman, both human — stand outside of one such room. The man is leaning against the wall next to the door, hand on his hilt. The woman's arms are crossed, and she stands away from you, appearing to listen to whatever is happening the level below.

Neither of them appear to notice you.

You can't hear much from this area of the tavern as you are about a story-and-a-half above the main level, but it doesn't sound violent. Instead, more of a heated argument from the fragments that echo up through the building's stairwells and corridor.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas follows the young guard down the ladder, reassuming his feline form as his feet touch the floor below. With little care for being caught in this form, he saunters forwards, towards the sounds of the fighting. No one would bother an adorable cat, no matter how angry, he thinks, sticking towards the shadows out of the precaution he's developed over the past few days.


Stealth: 3(1d20) +14 = 17

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"What's next, do we all go up or do we wait down here?" Varon asks the group.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes, all up," Marcus says with a frown. "Unless you want to stay outside and risk getting eaten by those things," he continues, motioning for the others to start climbing.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"Help me with this fuckface then, eh?" Varon replies as he lifts the orc over his shoulder, and prepares to scale the wall.


Athletics check to climb with Builo
15(1d20) +9 = 24

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Guthrik and Redros climb to the rooftop, while Weasel stays behind momentarily to help Varon lift the unconscious orc up. With their combined effort, the thick vines hold and they are able to hoist him to a prone position atop the shingled roof. In front of Varon, the trapdoor is open and you can see Aurelius and Leonidas already within the building, scouting ahead.

The other survivor, looks between Marcus and the rooftop, his lips pursed in discomfort. Eventually, he too climbs upward.

At last, Einkill and Marcus remain on the street.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon quitely drops the orc and takes a breath. He then signs Redros and Guthrik that he is going in quitely.


Stealth check
1(1d20) +9 = 10

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Varon, Aurelius, Leonidas

As Varon climbs his way down the ladder, it squeaks under his frame.

The man and the woman down the corridor jerk your way, catching a glimpse of Varon's descent and Aurelius peering from behind the stairwell's center pillar.

The man slips from his lean against the wall and almost tumbles, but catches himself. "Oy, what the hell?" He draws a knife, his eyes wide.

The woman draws her own blade as well, and you can see she is also holding a buckler of some sort. "Halt, now. Who are you?" she demands, her posture confident and poised.


DIO, roll a streetwise check

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius' eyes widen for a moment, and he takes in a sudden breath. Remember your training, Aurelius. "Aurelius, Watchman. Stand down and no one has to get hurt." Aurelius quietly cheers himself on, You got this, buddy. Your training is coming in hot right now. he thinks, giving a little smirk.


Aurelius doesn't know doodoo. 5(1d20) = 5

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Varon, Aurelius, Leonidas

The woman stares at Aurelius for a long moment, not letting her guard down. You see her eyes scan across your raiment. "A Watchman, hm?"

"Another one?" the man says, staring between her and Aurelius.

The woman ignores him, still brandishing her blade and shield. "Why are you here? How did you find the hatch on the roof?"

Leonidas stays hidden from view, pressed up against a doorframe along the corridor, basking in the shadow.


You recognize her. This is Cassia Belli, a Captain of the Watchmen. While she oversees a different district than the Calepha District, you encountered her when oversaw a few of the trainee programs you participated in.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"I... Oh gods, Captain Belli... many apologies. I'm here with a few other people who claim to have been staying here, the door was locked and we were looking for another way in." He says, coming clean to the person he assumes to be Captain Cassia Belli, he also lists off what district he was a rookie for prior to this mess.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas pays little mind to the encounter between Aurelius and the apparent watchman. Instead, he trails along the hall, trying to find the stairs towards the main floor, and thus the source of the arguments. At least the ones up here seem sane. Wonder what's going on below...

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Einkill nods to you. "Don't worry about me. I'm going to keep watch, make sure we're not being tailed by anyone." He flashes you a genuine smile.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon steps besides the young Watchmen."We're with Marcus, Guthrik and Redros"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"If you insist," Marcus responds with a shrug. "Don't wait too long, though. Those creatures could come at any minute, and the last thing we want is to alert them to our presence here." He turns to the wall and begins to climb.


Athletics to climb, if needed: 13

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Varon, Aurelius, Leonidas

Cassia seems to lower her guard a bit, the blade in her hand falling to her waist, and she sighs. "I don't recognize you, rookie, but you fit the part."

"Hey," the rail-thin man says, staring down as a feline Leonidas approaches. "I weren't aware we had a cat." He squats, a wide grin growing on his stubbled face, and he stretches out a gloved hand, palm up. "Here, kitty. C'mon and let ol' Smock give you a skritch, yeh?"

Cassia frowns at the cat, a confused look washing over her face. Her eyes become alert as Varon mentions the others. "Marcus and the others are back, then? That's good news. I was worried that we would have an even larger situation on our hands with trespassers from the roof."

Marcus makes it up the ladder successfully, leaving Einkill to watch their back on the street level. Weasel, Guthrik, Redros and Marcus are able to climb down the ladder into the second level of the Gilded Mare.

Down the corridor stand Cassia and Smock, conversing with Varon and Aurelius while a cat-form Leonidas saunters closer.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Guess I better go vouch for them before they get jumped, Marcus thinks, as he steps forward to introduce the newcomers to the rest of the group. "They're with me, in case they didn't mention yet," he says as he draws closer. "Found them hiding in some shack near the bridge. What is going on? We heard shouting from outside."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Good," Cassia says, eyeing Varon and Aurelius once more. "They seem capable. We'll need that."

She sighs. "It's Presius," she says, stepping a few steps away from the door she was posted in front of. "I wasn't there to see it. Some of the others say he stabbed Tobias."

"Yeah, gutted him real good, that one," Smock adds, looking up for a moment before resuming his attempts to charm the cat toward him. "Here, kitty."

"But the Princess says otherwise, that he didn't mean to. That he meant to do it to himself." The Watch Captain shakes her head in uncertainty. She looks tired. "Regardless, we've restrained him and locked him in his room for now."

"Who in the blazes is yelling, then?" Guthrik asks, leaning on his walking stick.

"Nobody's in agreement on what to do. Nor am I. City laws aren't exactly the same now, but clearly something needs to be done."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius furrows his brow. "I'd need to know more before I could make a decision... I don't think this was exactly covered in my training, though." He takes a deep breath now, and thinks.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas meows at the strange man, happily accepting the scratches and pats. Who's to say a man can't enjoy a scratch from another man? Why should only real animals get to enjoy it? He glances over as Marcus makes an entrance, scurrying into the shadows behind him to reassume his human form. He stretches out, walking out from behind the man.

"Aye," he says with a smirk. "We're good people, mostly." He glances at the two for a moment, before his face contorts. "I'm sorry, did you say princess? Surely you don't mean..." he trails.

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