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Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 3:36 pm
by Namelessjake
DEFCON sheepishly exits the theatre, hoping everyone else is too preoccupied with the movie or their own revulsions to pay him any mind.

He spends the rest of the downtime preparing for the next mission, splitting his time between the gym, the training simulators and the mechanics bay. During his evenings, he devotes his free time to reading through the technical manuals of the new equipment his new license level has unlocked.

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:43 pm
by ratwizard
"Your tactic was clever," Antayes admits to the Nyathal, helping the man to his feet with a thick palm. "But it is not the first time somebody has tried to use my size against me." And it will not be the last.

He gives the man a proud smile. "Well fought, yourself."

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 12:51 pm
by BartNL
Read a Situation: Watching the Seminar

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:26 pm
by Fialova
Eydis watches the seminar fairly intently, finding the subject only mildly interesting, but constant listening for anything that might lead to more information that might suggest some of the world's magical history.

[1d20+2]=17+2=19[1d6]=4 = 23 total to 'read a situation'

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2025 1:18 pm
by KupoTheMagus
Results (Everyone)
Unfortunately for the mariner, he's misinterpreted the topic of debate a bit and comes out of the seminar a bit confused. As for the witch, the seminar proves useful. You pick up a few phrases that seem out of place in terms of the mundane, ask lots of good questions, and stay engaged throughout the seminar. Higher-ups attending definitely notice your attention to detail.

Nox, Eydis, and Wynter come out of their individual activities feeling a bit closer to the rest of the members of the pilot program, while Vasylyk comes out with a reminder and a lesson: Don't fill up on junk food before a horror movie.

As you're leaving the seminar, you step on something textured. You look under your foot, and it's a business card. The card is pitch black. You run your thumb along it, and realize there is a message in braille. The message reads: "We are watching."

Monday morning begins pretty bright; you've survived your introductory mission, made some new friends, and earned your first license.
'S3RV-NT' beeps to life, preparing the morning coffee as your group prepares for their second outing.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 8:25 am
by ratwizard
By the time the alarm beeps and the first coffee drop falls, Antayes is already there, preparing each of Echo-3's drinks based off his rigorous notes from the morning prior. Except for Phoenix. No coffee for arrogant failures.

He sips his own, seated at their mess table, journaling. What will today bring us? he wonders, hoping for another contract that will allow him to try out his new system upgrades.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2025 2:18 am
by Namelessjake
"Good Morning," DEFCON says to Antayes as he enters the room, having spend the morning at the gym and the firing range. He takes his coffee from the Celestin with a nod of thanks.

"Second mission, none of us can rely on beginner's luck anymore," he says taking a seat.