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Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:14 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig grins. "Mass theft and a royal abduction," the dwarf murmurs to himself, enjoying the sound of that. "Now that's the sort of work I was hoping for."
He loses the smirk, now curious of the logistics. "As for the shipment of weapons — are we stealing off the boat, or when it's en route? Or perhaps, even earlier in the supply chain?"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:50 pm
by Namelessjake
"Very interesting," Ciraco says, his face lighting up.
"Talguta is a... colourful place," he says after a brief pause to chose his wording. "Surely you could pay off one of the gangs there to steal the shipment and send it back, with the Ferreros being none the wiser. You've got the money I assume," he says extending his arms, gesturing to the lavish surroundings.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 3:02 pm
by Fialova
She wants us to kidnap royalty? Nyx thinks, in shock as she fills her plate with some of the various foodstuffs they'd been present with. What happened to starting small?
As the men begin to question the first, and clearly easier of the two jobs, Nyx decides to butt in with her own concerns. "Uh, excuse me but how exactly are we meant to abduct a prince? Won't there be royal guards or something around him at all times?"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:40 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso takes his seat and takes a bit of food, putting it on his plate. He quietly starts to eat as he listens to Gina talk. He nods as his allies put forth their two cents on the idea, and for the first time he agrees with Idrig. "Thievery? Abduction? Hm... certainty of death, small chance of success... Living life on the edge. What're we waiting for?" He laughed a bit as if it was partially a joke. At least, he hoped the certainty of death was a joke. He looks around at his party with a childlike smirk on his face.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:58 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Gina grins as the party's faces light up with excitement at the job prospects. As the dwarven man questions the logistics, she explains, "That is ultimately up to your team, and how quickly you move. The first shipment is to leave Fyrus tonight, a bell past seven. Though I should warn: the Ironworks and surrounding turf will be fiercely guarded. Ah, but before I forget." With this, she gestures to the servant to her side, who hands Idrig a rolled map of some sort. Unrolling it uncovers a familiar tourist map of Teiros, albeit annotated for the city's underworld. "In a city like this, you'll want to know whose house you're walking into.
As Ciraco speaks up, Gina listens intently. "Oh, my dear. Your plan forgets one key detail. The Ferreros still get their coin should their shipment arrive."
Finally, she turns to the ever-nervous Nyx. Eager to clarify the plan, she explains, "The prince has a habit of avoiding his guards at such events, having a rebellious streak of sorts. However, his own protection will be the mask he wears, and his guards know this."
"Aye, everyone wears a mask for the Carnival. We can hide ourselves that way too," Luca chimes in, growing excited for the upcoming festival.
"Exactly. Though he will wear his royal mask for the parade, he will no doubt change afterwards. We simply need to learn what his new mask will be prior to the festivities." Looking towards the eager Narciso, she remarks, "I am glad you are all so eager to start. Though you've time til tonight. Perhaps you might put your new coin to use in the mean time. You're free to visit the markets, the casinos, the racetrack. Whatever you wish!"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:04 pm
by ratwizard
The only coin I'm spending is to pay my debts, Idrig considers, idly rubbing two coins together in his coinpurse. Or to gear up for our next tasks. There is a tincture I had in mind...
His thoughts drift for a moment before he regains attention. "I think I will stay and prepare. If that is alright with you," the dwarf says, looking toward the woman for her approval.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:18 pm
by Namelessjake
"This is the first time in a while I've had this much gold to my name, I don't plan on losing it on a horse or in a casino. Not just yet anyway." Ciraco says in response to Gina's suggestions.
"I'll stay and prepare too, it's been a while since I've actually been in a sword fight, I could use the practice. Cyclops and his men didn't put up much of a fight but the Ferreros might. I could use a sparring partner," he adds looking to the other weapon users of the group.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:01 pm
by ratwizard
"I'd offer my talents, but I don't suppose these would be quite easy to parry." Brannik parts his heavy coat and taps a small quiver of bolts at his thigh with a smirk.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:23 pm
by Fialova
"You think we will have to fight someone?" Nyx asks nervously. I've had to use my magic to escape sticky situations, and to spar at the Academy, but never in a real fight. I hope the skills are actually useful. "I don't suppose any of the rest of you has a hidden talent for magic that you'd be able to use to practice with me?"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:02 pm
by FinalTemplar
"I can swing a sword but... I think I would like to visit the markets first before I do anything else." He nods at the others, tapping the table with his fingers.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:07 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Aye, you may stay if you wish," Gina remarks to the dwarven man's query. "You have the run of the house as you please. You might find the library to your liking. Or the garden. Both are quite relaxing."
"Care to cross blades with a former Colosseum fighter?" Luca chimes in with a smirk at Ciraco's words. "The patio outside looks large enough."
Though Nyx's nervous words mostly fall on deaf ears, a quiet woman sitting across from her leans over the table. "I can help you if you need. I know more healing magicks than harming, but I can try." She flashes Nyx a meek smile.
As Narciso makes his plans known, Gina replies, "If you've no need for directions, you're free to head to the markets then."
"Ciao," Luca mutters, offering a simple wave to the man before he departs.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:27 am
by Namelessjake
"Sure. I'll make sure to go easy on you," Ciraco replies to Luca with a smirk of his own. He stands up from his seat and begins to make his way towards the patio, waiting for Luca to follow.
"So Colosseum fighter? You ever been in a real fight?" He asks the man with another grin. "Not that I don't mind a bit of showmanship myself."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:18 pm
by ratwizard
With nothing remaining for his interest, Idrig makes his way to the garden to investigate. Perhaps there are some materials that may be of use for my concoctions, he muses, mostly seeking the solitude.
Ay what dat garden look like tho
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:24 pm
by Fialova
Nysx returns the woman's smile, feeling no small amount of excitement both to meet a new, friendly person, and to have someone to practice her magic with. "Any amount of practice would be welcome," she responds. "Where should we go? I still don't know this place very well." What a large family, and so diverse.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:15 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Ciraco- [SHOW]
"On occasion, but hardly by choice, Luca replies, following you down to the patio. It's quite large, with a simple fountain in the center. In three of the corner, you find plain stone benches, while the fourth houses a brick oven of sorts.
Finishing his thoughts, Luca adds, frowning, "Common street thugs often prowl late at night, outside of the main roads. I've had a run-in or two with those types." Patting his hilted sword, he smiles and remarks, "Thankfully, this blade can cut down lions and fools alike."
Drawing his blade, he says, Shall we?"
Roll an attack with your standard mod
Idrig- [SHOW]
As you enter the villa's front yard, your eyes are quickly drawn to the garden patches against the perimeter wall. You notice the garden is divided into two sections, one larger than the other. From what you surmise, the larger of the plots is largely for culinary use: various fruits and vegetables commonly used in Brennisian cuisine. Adjacent, you notice the trees bearing fruit.
The smaller patch, however, appears to be a collection of flowers and herbs. Unlike the produce, the contents of this patch may require a more discerning eye to identify.
Large patch content: Tomatoes, onions, potatoes, grapes, arugula
Trees: Cherries, lemons, olives, apricots
Small patch content: Roll nature to identity
Nyx- [SHOW]
"The ballroom is lovely and spacious enough. Have you been? It's my favorite room in the house," the woman responds to you. With a giddy grin, she rushes to your side and grabs your hand, which pulls with a surprising strength for such a quiet and petite woman.
As she drags you down the halls, she mentions, "Oh, I am Catia. Gina's cousin, like most of us." As she leads you, you arrive at the same library you'd enjoyed the night prior. You're led through the large doorway on the leftmost wall, into the ballroom. Stepping in, you find yourself in an expansive room, its ceilings vaulted high with decorative pillars on each side. The parquet floors are glossy, almost blindingly so, as the morning's sun streaks in through the rows of windows.
"What do you think?" Catia asks, looking at you expectantly. "A suitable practice room, yes? Let us begin."
Roll an attack with your standard mod
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 3:49 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig wanders the garden for a few minutes, taking in the smells and smiling. Growing up in the fungal pits of Bal, he'd grown to appreciate the level of variety and complexity offered by superterranean agriculture.
Popping a few ripe cherries off of one of the trees, a small plot catches his eye. He kneels down, sifting through the flowers and herbs, hoping to find something that might warrant further experimentation.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Nature roll to see if I can identify anything useful in the herb section: 1(1d20) +8 = 9
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:40 am
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig- [SHOW]
While you're able to identify some of the more common herbs, namely mint and basil, most of the plants are more unfamiliar to you in this state. Perhaps you might be able to glean more information from a family member, or a tome.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:58 am
by Namelessjake
"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," Ciraco says with a smirk, as he too draws his sword. He assumes a stance and begins circling Luca slowly, his guard raised. Seeing an opening he lunges forwards striking from the left.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Attack: 12(1d20) +7 = 19
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 3:33 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig grunts, unable to distinguish this particular strain of herb. Maybe one of the gardeners'll know.
He steps back inside, finding the nearest servant. "Who's in charge of the gardens here?" the dwarf demands.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:02 pm
by FinalTemplar
At her response Narciso politely removes himself from the table and offers a bow, before heading down to the markets.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Streetwise 11(1d20) +1 = 12
If you don't want to rp it out, Narciso is just buying himself another broadsword then heading back.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:04 pm
by Fialova
Nyx is caught off guard as the woman rushes to her and starts pulling her along. Her initial instinct is to resist, but she finds the woman's excitement charming and gives and lets her lead the way.
"Oh, well nice to meet you, Catia," she responds to the woman's introduction, gazing at the estate's ornate scenery as they move through rooms she'd only seen before in the dimly lit evening candlelight, before entering into the completely unknown Ballroom. "I am Nyx," she continues.
As the enter the large chamber she gazes in awe at its beauty and craftsmanship. For a moment she forgets that she was brought here to practice her magic, and simply marvels at the architecture. When the woman speaks up again she quickly snaps back to reality, however, and turns back to face her. "Uh, sure, this should work." Not wasting a moment, she decides to launch her most basic of spells towards the woman, curious to gauge her skill level.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Most basic is Mind Thrust, 25 vs Will presumably hits for 9 damage (unless you are doing damage-less sparring, in which case I hit I assume)
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:35 am
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig- [SHOW]
"Oh, that would be Fioralba. She's usually by the outdoor bath this time of day. You'll know her by her orange scarf," the servant replies, giving a polite bow before to scurries off to resume her business.
True to her word, you spot an aged woman, adorned with an orange scarf, tending to hedges near the bath. As she spots your approach, her expression turns from content to scowl. "What do you want? Let me guess: a tree blocks your perfect sunlight and you need it trimmed?" Her words sting with condescension and annoyance. "Or you're here to complain my tomatoes are too red? As if it's my fault!"
Ciraco- [SHOW]
"Easy, he says," Luca replies with a chuckle, rubbing at your target. "But is that skill or luck? I should hope the former. Luck won't always be on your side," he adds, attempting a lunge of his own. However, you're able to dodge the thrust before it makes contact.
"Clearly it's not on my side today. I'll have to pray to Democles later, it seems."
Mechanics- [SHOW]
16 vs AC, ha ha
Nyx- [SHOW]
Catia braces for the spell, but nearly falls over as it strikes her. "Good shot," she says with a quiet chuckle. "But now it's my turn!" With a beaming grin, she unleashes a beam of radiant light, which you find yourself unable to dodge. "Best two out of three?"
Mechanics- [SHOW]
26 vs Ref = Hit
Narciso- [SHOW]
Though you occasionally find yourself lost within the winding streets on Teiros, you eventually happen across a familiar smithy: Faulken Forge. Though you've never been yourself, its proprietor, an aged Tulrissian man, has made somewhat of a name for himself in the city.
As you step inside, you're struck by a wall of superheated air, hardly a respite from the Forelle's late summer sun. The interior is rather plain, with display racks of arms and armor lining the sides. Straight ahead, you see a counter. An open door behind it appears to lead to a terrace, where you see the forge is housed. You spy a sturdy man, likely in his late 50s, with a grizzled beard hammering upon a metal plate of some sort. A moment later, he returns the gaze and a broad smile paints his face. Abandoning his station, he walks to the counter.
"Hallo, laddie! I'm Eckhart, owner of this fine slice of Tulrisse in our humble Teiros. Now what I can do for you, son? Say the word and I'll make you a proper knight."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:35 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso cleared his throat. For some reason it seemed like he wasn't expecting to be spoken to. After a moment he responds; "Ah, greetings. I'm here looking to buy a broadsword, or perhaps contract you to make one for me." He smiled brightly at the man.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:17 pm
by Fialova
Nyx winces as the blast hits her, but then lets out a chuckle at the woman's reaction. "Good one. And sure," she says, before launching another attack at her new partner.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
9 vs Will presumably misses
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:36 pm
by ratwizard
Ahh, Idrig thinks, offering a sanguine smile. What an unbearably miserable hag. It's no wonder that her position requires a studied approach to plants, and not people.
"On the contrary, I was offering my praise," the dwarf says. "I'm somewhat of an herbalist myself, I suppose, and I recognize a knack for the art when I see it." He holds a hand to his chest, fingers wide — a dwarven gesture for deference. "I would wondering if you had a moment to enlighten me on which herbs grow in your garden? It wasn't a strain I had seen before."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 7:33 am
by Namelessjake
"I didn't take you for a pious man," Ciraco replies, smiling after a successful dodge. He counter attacks, although this time his swing is slower and easier to dodge to parry aside.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Attack: 7(1d20) +7 = 14
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:16 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig- [SHOW]
As you speak, the gardener's presumed-permanent scowl fades away, eventually sprouting an astonished grin. "I-, forgive my rudeness. It is not often I speak with someone else interested in my craft. And few usually approach me, save that hag in the kitchen and her lackeys." She takes a deep breath, as if trying to suppress frustration and anger. "I am Fioralba. I thank you for your kind words and your patience. Come, let us look together."
Together, you return to the garden out front. She takes the lead, kneeling into the soil and examining the plants around her. Pointing to the closest side of the patch, she remarks, "These are your most basic herbs for cooking. Basil, oregano, fennel, that sort." Next she points to the further side, where the flowering plants are found. "These plants are used for more specialized reasons. Medicines, alchemy, that sort. Hemlock, pheasant's eye, redoul, and castor bean to name a few. Do be careful with them." She stands once more, wiping the dirt from her hands before saying, "If you'd like anything added, do let me know and I can see what can be done."
Ciraco- [SHOW]
Luca finds himself easily parrying the swipe. "Pious? Hardly," Luca responds with a hearty laugh. "But in a city like this, I don't take my chances with luck." Emboldened by the failed strike, he makes his next attempt and his blade's point finds its mark.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
29 vs AC = Hit
Nyx- [SHOW]
"I must ask, wherever did you learn your magic? It's so unlike anything I've ever seen!" Catia says, excitedly, as she casts off her own spell. Unfortunately, her excitement causes it to dissipate before it reaches you.
10 vs Ref = Crit miss, ha- [SHOW]
Narciso- [SHOW]
"Sure thing, laddie!" Eckhart replies, stepping out from behind the counter and making his way towards the display rack. Pointing to a trio of broadswords, he says, "These three are the best available. I'd sell 'em to me own mum, they're so reliable."
The first sword is a simple, unadorned blade. It feels sturdy, yet comfortable and light enough to carry in the heat of battle. The second's blade is sharp and robust. Its hilt is more detailed, with lines and swirls etched into the steel. Much like the previous blade, it feels good to hold. The third blade is unlike any you've seen. Its steel shines with an uncommon sheen, and its hilt is adorned with fine gemstones as well as a similar etching, yet in gold and silver hues instead of silver. The final blade feels the lightest, as if holding air itself. And yet such a blade cannot compare to the lightness of your own coinpurse.
"So which'll it be, lad?"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:51 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso's eyes light up at the sight of the last blade and he has to force himself away. "The one on the far left." He said clearly. "How much will that be?"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:36 pm
by ratwizard
"Careful, yes," Idrig replies, nodding along as she rattles off the poisonous plants. "Of course. Specimens such as these need careful attention, and it is clear that you've given them that."
He looks back at the woman, then to the plants once more. "Might I help myself to your stock of these? From time to time? As an associate of your employer, her interests are my interests. And likely your interests, if indirectly." He smiles cordially. "And in case I have to assure you... I will leave your beauties better than when I found them. You can trust me on that."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:17 am
by Fialova
Nyx sighs initially as her previous spell goes wide, but is excited when her opponent's does too. All tied up. This reminds me of being back at the Academy. As her mind turns towards thoughts of her previous life, the woman's question catches her by surprise. "Oh," she responds, as she begins to prepare her next spell. "The Aetherial Academy, in Cru'un. Do you know it?" she continues, as she fires another blast towards her new partner.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Spell!: 23 vs Will
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:52 pm
by Namelessjake
"Luck is the one thing I feel like I can count on, Ciraco says as he attacks again, the attempt falling short. "And I'd rather it run thin here than in a proper battle he says, he says unphased by his poor attack.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Attack: 2(1d20) +7 = 9
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:30 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig- [SHOW]
"Of course, my new friend," the gardener replies, nodding happily to your words. "Though I found Lady Gina's request for these plants odd at first, I trust her judgment. And if she trusts you, then so do I." She begins to walk away but stops in recollection. "And if you've need of distillation equipment, you may find it in the shed."
Ciraco- [SHOW]
"One can only hope his opponent is less lucky," Luca remarks, botching his own attempted swipe. "Or hope they hunger for some pizza. But not all foes'll go down so easily. So let's hope our blades strike tonight, aye?"
Mechanics- [SHOW]
15 vs AC = Miss
Nyx- [SHOW]
"Cru'un? Wow! I've heard positively magical things about there!" This time, her excitement works to her favor and the beam of light meets its mark. "I guess we tie. Now tell me of this Academy!"
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Your thing hits
24 vs Ref = Hit
Narciso- [SHOW]
The smith gives you a quick nod, taking the blade off its rack. "A fine choice, my boy! You'll not find a better blade this side o' the Forelle." He returns to his place behind the counter, the sword resting upon it. "That fine beaut'll be 30 pieces of the finest Brennisian gold coin. I trust you have the funds?"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:46 pm
by Fialova
Nyx pants a bit as their mock battle winds down, neither of them besting the other. "That was fun," the woman says with a slight smile. The people here are so friendly, you'd hardly expect they aim to be big names in organized crime.
She takes a seat on the floor to rest, before responding, "Yes, it is quite literally very magical." She gives a small laugh at the joke, before continuing, "I am not sure what to tell. I attended the Academy there with my friends and it was a mix of fun and difficult, stressful at times and very rewarding at others. Then I came here to celebrate graduation and got caught up in the cities darker aspects," she adds, now with a frown.
Roughly how long would it take to head to town to buy some objects, and do I still have time to do so before our job?
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:04 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Nyx- [SHOW]
"I can only imagine the things you learned there," she says, her face the picture of pure awe. "I'm sorry your celebration wasn't everything you expected, but here's to new beginnings!" With her last words, she raises her fist as if raising a glass for a toast.
After a moment, you hear the powerful chimes of the city's clocktower, signalling it's the half-hour. With it, Catia grows flustered. "Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry. I'm due elsewhere right now, but thank you for joining me." She quickly curtsies, rushing out the door as she says, "Take care, Nyx!"
You've still got plenty of time if you want to go shopping. I can keep the others occupied til you're finished and then do a time-skip to the evening for the job. It's still mid-morning and it only takes 10-20 minutes to get into town.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:03 pm
by Namelessjake
With Luca off guard from his failed attack, Ciraco pushes the advantage taking enough swing. He stops his blade just a couple of inches from the man's neck. "Just like that," he says with a smile, before lowering his sword and taking a few steps back.
"Somehow I can't see the pizza working quite as well as that again," he adds.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Attack: 20(1d20) +7 = 27
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 7:24 pm
by ratwizard
"The shed, aye," Idrig replies with a nod. Why would she think it strange? Her master clearly wants someone or someones murdered. The dwarf sighs, heading toward the shed to inspect it. I have a feeling this 'family' will prove amateur and find themselves offed. Though I hope that I've been paid in full long before that happens.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:52 am
by FinalTemplar
Narciso nods and pulls out his coins, counting out 30 and handing them over for the man to inspect it. "There you go." He says.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:16 pm
by Fialova
"Oh! You too," Nyx replies, a bit shocked at her new acquaintances sudden departure. Shoot, I was going to ask her where to buy ritual components, if this city even has those. I guess I will have to make do. With that she ventures towards the estate exit, intent to head to the markets.
OOC/Mechanics- [SHOW]
Going to try to buy ritual mechanics. Need any sort of rolls to find a place?
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:32 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig- [SHOW]
As you step into the shed, a musky odor begins to fill your nostril. The lamps within are not yet lit, but pale sunlight streaks in through the dusty windows. You narrowly avoid stepping into a cobweb as you begin your search. Thankfully, the shed is not very large and you easily discover the distillation kit: a series of glass tubes and cups. Though in fine shape, it appears exceedingly fragile and great care should be taken to transport it.
Ciraco- [SHOW]
"You're quite skilled with that blade of yours. How'd you come to be so proficient?" Luca asks, raising an eyebrow. Before you can answer, he performs intricate footwork, feigning a swipe at your legs before making his own faux-neck strike. "And there's nothing wrong with some showmanship if it might catch your opponent offguard."
Mechanics- [SHOW]
20(1d20) +10 = 30 ha
Nyx- [SHOW]
Though you've never been inside, you recall a nearby store known for stocking certain alchemical and ritually-used reagents. You locate it quite easily, and step inside.
As you do, you're greeted by the strong scent of incense and burned sage. A middle-aged woman looks up from behind the counter, her eyes almost glazed over. She snaps back to reality as she spots you, smiling in an almost inhuman way. "Hello, hello, welcome! I am Karrin! Tell me, what ails you? Your mind? Your face? Your body or spirit?" She looks around the counter before her before saying, "I'm sure I've got just the oil or herb somewhere for you." She produces a small jar, containing some sort of green paste. "Why, my oregano cream can cure five types of pox, and it's a great moisturizer! Have you ever seen anyone glow like I do? Wouldn't you like to slow too?" She begins rambling. "You're positively pale, my dear. My lemongrass oil could do wonders for that! Interested?"
Narciso- [SHOW]
"Thank you kindly, my boy!" the man says, offering a grin that seems to make up his entire face. He takes the coin and hands you the blade. With the exchange taken care of, he returns to his workstation and the sounds of hammer meeting metal begin echoing through the store.
What do now
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:11 am
by Namelessjake
"I'm a sellsword. You tend to at least pick up the basics, if you don't get killed first," Ciraco replies, as he parries Luca's blade aside and lands a blow on the man's side using the flat of his blade.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Attack: 19(1d20) +7 = 26
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 7:15 am
by Fialova
Nyx's eyes widen as she is bombarded by the woman's sales pitch. She glances around the small shop as the woman gives her spiel, eventually responding when an opportunity presents itself. "Uh, no thanks," she says, shaking her head but trying to maintain a friendly face. "I am just looking for any spare alchemical reagents you might be willing to sell. For my own purposes. Do you have any?" This woman sure does come on strong. I wonder if she ever makes any sales like that.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:13 pm
by ratwizard
Too fragile to safely move, Idrig notes, deciding to claim the ill-used shed as a workstation for his near-future endeavors.
Over the next hour, the dwarf brings down his portable collection of plantlife and powders as well as forages in the garden for more.
Upon the table, Idrig sets out a pinch of caustic salts (once-precipitated from soaking animal hides in vinegar), a fossilized twigs (from a bundle he bought in Talguta, but collected from the southern swamplands of Imardin), and a thick oil extracted from a few handfuls of olives growing in the gardens.
Mixing the ingredients in a ratio he had perfected in his youth, Idrig smiles as he places a cork stopper on the finished vial, slipping it into a belt at his hip. Perfect.
He takes a bucket of well-water, rinsing down the alchemical gear well before drying it with a clean cloth. Closing the shed once again, he heads back toward the villa to await for his colleagues to return from their own preparations.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Through the Alchemist theme, I create a free Alchemists's Fire (level 1) during my downtime.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:35 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso takes the blade, sheathes it, and nods at the man before heading back to the manor.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:28 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Nyx- [SHOW]
The woman's smile seems to fade away for a moment, her eyes almost looking more glazed. It quickly returns with more intensity, however, as she stares you down. "A do it yourself kind of girl! I like that! I think I've got just what you need!"
She disappears into the back for a moment before returning with three boxes of varying sizes, each larger than the next. Not breaking her unnatural grin of piercing eye contact, she lays the boxes onto the counter. "Here we are! The starter, regular, and deluxe kits, personally curated by AlcheLife's premier experts. You'll not find a better supply this side of the Forelle, that's for sure!" She follows this with an incredibly forced laugh.
She places her arms on the counter and stares at you before uttering, "You know, you have a distinct look about you. You're a cut above the rest, yes? How would you like an opportunity to take control of your destiny, be your own boss, and make more gold than you can count?"
Kits- [SHOW]
Based upon the crude writing upon the otherwise gaudy box, you can divulge the content of the kits:
Starter- Contains 15 reagents, 20gp base
Regular- Contains 30 reagents, 50gp base
Deluxe- Contains 100 reagents, 175gp base
Ciraco- [SHOW]
Throwing his hands up, Luca grins and says, "Alright, I yield, I yield. We should save some energy for tonight, just in case." Stowing his own blade, he looks toward the villa and mentions, "Come, let's see if the others have finished yet. And perhaps there's time for a drink before we leave."
Everyone else- [SHOW]
After finishing your own preparations, you return to the villa. You spot Gina pacing through the foyer, her eyes kept towards the floor. As the two of you enter, a look of relief washes over her face. "Thank the gods, you've returned. I only pray the others aren't too far behind." She shakes her head, momentarily burying her face in her hands before finally divulging. "There's been... a complication of sorts. Concerning tonight's job, that is."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:07 pm
by ratwizard
"With every complication, an evolution in the strategies employed," Idrig replies nonchalantly to Gina's announcement. "What is it?"
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:20 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso tilts his head and listens.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:12 pm
by Namelessjake
"You're probably right," Ciraco agrees, sheathing his sword and moving back towards the villa with the gladiator. "And there's always time for a drink," he smirks. "We just have to make sure not to end up like Cyclops and company,"
Or the Bastards, he thinks, the smirk fading from his face as he reminds himself of his former mercenary company.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:01 pm
by Fialova
Nyx is taken aback by the strange woman's change in behavior after her request. She watches in confusion as she presents her sales pitch, looking over the goods as she presents them. After a brief moment of observation she notices the prices, specifically that they do not go down in price but rather increase as the kits become larger. What sort of scam is she running here?
A thought crosses her mind as she wonders about it more, and she decides to attempt something she'd not done in earnest since she came over from Cru'un - a prank. The woman frowns as she peruses the wares, and looks to the shopkeeper with faux-concern.
"Well... it sounds promising," she responds, trying her best to sound hopeful and hopeless at the same time. "But I really can't afford all that much right now. I'd like to buy your regular kit, to be my own boss, but I've only got one jewel to trade in exchange. It is from Bal and I am told it is worth around the same amount, but I don't know for sure," she pleads, once more trying to act desperate, "do you think you could spare it for that? I'll be sure to pay you back once I make it big like you!"
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Bluff to swindle the swindler: 26
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:51 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig & Narciso- [SHOW]
As she's about to speak, she stops herself and looks towards the door. There, you can see Luca and Ciraco stepping inside. Looking back towards Gina, you can tell that she looks much more relieved.
Ciraco- [SHOW]
As you step inside, you spot Gina about to speak with Idrig and Narciso. She stops as she looks towards you and her face is awash with a look of relief.
All but Nyx- [SHOW]
"Good, you two are here too. I pray Nyx will be along soon," Gina says, briefly glancing out the window. Turning to Ciraco and Luca, she begins, "As I was just saying to your companions, we've run into a complication concerning tonight's job." She nods quickly, as if to reassure herself, and takes a deep breath. "One of our own was running a reconnaissance on the targets, alone like an imbecile, and was captured. There is a reason I insist on working in pair," she explains, rubbing her temples.
"Luckily, the Ferreros are hardly discreet so we know where to find her. They intend to ship her to Talguta as well, selling her into slavery of sorts. They're to transport her as part of the main shipment, likely in the back of a cart or something. Your job will be to safely secure her first, followed by the weapons shipment, am I clear? You can surely expect armed guards now."
Nyx- [SHOW]
As you mention its promise, Karrin's eyes glow with a fiery passion wholly different from the previous corpselike gaze she possessed. "Truly? I knew you had an eye for quality!" Her stare grows more intense and impassioned at your desire to buy. "Oh my, an exotic jewel? Why it might be worth more here than in Bal! Indeed, indeed, this is more than enough for that kit!" She taps the wooden box, adding, "I like your entrepreneurial spirit! You're on the road to achieving your full potential. But do return if you've need of more supply, which you certainly will!"
Mechanics- [SHOW]
You've done swindled the swindler
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:01 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso sighs. "That certainly makes things more complicated... but we will do our best to retrieve the target." Narciso thinks about it for a moment. "If the unfortunate does happen, and they are killed, is the weapons still our main priority?" He asks.