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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:11 pm
by Fialova
As they pack up and head for the gate the group is not met with any resistance, save for a few villagers who had hoped to purchase some wares trying to convince Quen Lu Tam to stay longer. You are able to leave through the gate to the northeast without issue, the guards at the entrance giving a few confused looks and a polite nod as they spot you newcomers leaving so soon.
Once far enough out of earshot from the guards, Quen Lu Tam speaks up. "Soldiers, you said?" he asks, seeming concerned at the news from before. "You didn't happen to spot what army, did you? Any chance they could be the ones after Suzume?"
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:23 pm
by Namelessjake
"The Tenjun's," Satomi says in answer to Quen Lu Tam. "Either way, in times like these, soldiers on either side are not good news for us. The more of the war we can avoid the better."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 4:18 pm
by ratwizard
Kekeng nods at Satomi's words. "I have no place in this war, other than trying to avoid ending up under the boot of some soldier."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 4:50 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"We can only hold the village holds them up long enough for us to get a head start," Nanako says, breathing a sigh of relief as they finally leave the village. "Bandits and mercenaries are one thing, but going against a trained army would bring nothing but death to us."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 9:12 pm
by Zaranius
"True, this all seems best avoided." Zara agrees, "Not to sound ignorant, but I am curious about this war and its development, if any of you are willing to share once we have departed this town." She adds, addressing the party in hopes of acquiring some knowledge about their situation.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:21 pm
by ratwizard
"What is there to say?" Kekeng answers. "The Juns and Tenjun fight over our lands like the last helping served to a famished crowd." He shakes his head. "Tales of war tire me. There is little honor or legend to be had in violence as such."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:55 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Perhaps you would prefer tales of heroes then," Nanako says to the world-worn vagabond as she fishes for her recent purchase in her pack. Retrieving the book, she hands it to the man with a light smile. "I found this in village and thought you may like it. Perhaps give you new material and earn us some more coin along the way."
After a moment, she adds, "It's full of poems of heroism and the like. An epic poem of a hero long ago too. And in times like this, a hero may be what the people need."
[sblock=Mechanics]Transfer Book of Poems to Kekeng[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:02 pm
by ratwizard
Kekeng's eyes light up. "My sweet, sweet friend," he says, taking the book with delicate hands. He rolls it to and fro, inspecting every angle of it with a wider smile than you've seen yet.
"This is a tremendous gift," the vagabond says, reaching out to gently shake her hand. He opens the book, flipping through the pages with utmost care. Then, he sighs as he closes it once again. A thin frown creeps across his face. Kekeng peers down at the book, then up to Nanako.
"Perhaps... you could read it to me? I... never learned my characters."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:22 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Nanako beams at Kekeng's initial reaction, grateful she was able to make such an impact upon the man. She is, however, caught by surprise as the man's expression turns somber and he explains his predicament. Has he really never learned? I wonder, would it be the same for me had Father not been so adamant about learning it?
Hoping to salvage the sentiment of the gift, she says, "Maybe we could read it together and I could teach you. It's never too late to learn. And what better way than with verse and rhyme?" She smiles at the man, hoping his mood perks up at the prospect. "My brother struggled with his characters when we were younger, and I would help him. This is no different."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:54 pm
by ratwizard
"I would love that," Kekeng says with a humble smile. "If you teach me how to read the songs, I will teach you how to sing them. Perhaps the tales within this tome might be what our people need to last through this war." He carefully places the book in his pack. They're the only things that keep me on the path forward.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:47 pm
by Fialova
[sblock=Jin]You travel along the road headed northwards. You've been told there is a contingent of the rebel armor moving that direction to siege a holding of the Tenjun, but do not know anything more specific than that. The little you do know is merely rumors learned from passersby that you have encountered earlier than the day.
The horror of the previous day - your farm scorched, your life left in shambles - is still fresh in your mind. You brought with you what you could carry on your trip, anything you thought you may need on the trek from your ruined home to the war front. It isn't much, but it should last some time, and you have the funds to keep yourself going for some time longer the Spirits willing.
Towards the end of the day you come across what appears to be an abandoned wagon on the side of the road. It is moved off to the side, as if someone pulled it over to camp for the evening, or perhaps take a break during the day. The wagon does not hold much, a few sealed sacks and a sideways barrel that appears quite old, and strewn about are a few cloths as well.
As you look at it longer, however, you notice two things. The first is that there seems to be a few small spots of blood on the ground near the wagon and, looking further off the road into the woods you can spot a few more spots of blood headed eastward as well. The second is that a decently-sized group of people seems to be approaching from the same direction you came from, and from what you can see they appear armed.[/sblock]
[sblock=Everyone Else]The rest of the day passes by relatively uneventfully for the party as they traverse further along the road. The fields of of the small town you passed through fade back into a not-so-dense forest, much like it had been initially, near Shan Da. The ground is much flatter, though, and continues that way for a time.
Later in the day, as sunset draws ever closer, you spot in the distance a wagon off to the side of the road. Nearby you can see the visage of a man standing near it, who appears to be looking the wagon over with some interest.[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 1:22 pm
by FinalTemplar
Jin's mind began to race. What if they assume I did it? He waved the group down and ran towards them. "That wagon there --- they seem to have been attacked, please, help me find them!" He said in his outside voice when he was a little closer. Yes, that's how you do it! They could never think I killed them now! He thought to himself.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:54 am
by ratwizard
Kekeng holds back a moment, unsure of the situation. Gripping his flute tight as the man closes the distance, he looks the stranger over closely. "Find who?" he asks. "And who are you?"
[sblock=Mechanics]Insight roll to see if Kekeng knows if Jin is telling the truth or not: 2(1d20) +6 = 8[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:08 pm
by Slashstick
Bao Tap Den senses a trap as the stranger by the wagon runs towards them. Drawing his staff, he says with wariness "Another bandit trap." The wary warrior adopts a fighting stance at the back of the party and scans the area for enemies."Watch out for archers!"
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check to detect people in the surrounding area.
6(1d20) +1 = 7[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:25 am
by FinalTemplar
He senses their hesitation and freezes, pointing at the cart. "They were attacked! Perhaps by loyalists!" He said, betraying his bias slightly. "I-I'm Jin. I just came across this wagon heading to the next town --- I feel wrong not helping!"
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:31 pm
by Fialova
[sblock=Kekeng]You do not get the sense that the man, however odd, is lying.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bao Tap Den]You cannot tell if there are others hidden nearby or not, though you do not see anyone out in the open other than the man and your own group.[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:07 am
by ratwizard
Kekeng tramps through the brush toward the man and the wagon, ignoring Bao Tap Den's warning. He peers into the cart himself. Another bandit ambush? What was this?
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 12:06 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Nanako eyes the man suspiciously as he raves about an attack on the wagon before them. "You sure seem quick to blame someone else for the attack. How do we know it wasn't you who did this, hm?" May as well just wait for the rest of his men to come out from the woods.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 2:25 pm
by Namelessjake
Satomi eyes the stranger suspiciously. He doesn't speak, leaving it to the others, but his hand curls around the hilt of his sword - Just in case.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 1:36 pm
by Zaranius
"Pray tell, who is it that you claim has been attacked here?" Zara inquires, confused by the absence of others. "I see only you here?" Zara continues, observing her surroundings, as well as the wagon.
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check to observe the wagon's condition: 5(1d20) +7 = 12[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 7:51 am
by Fialova
[sblock=Zaranius]From a distance it does not appear that the wagon is damaged at all, merely pulled off to the side of the road. However, you do catch glimpses of items at the base of the wagon that appear to have been removed from it, perhaps as the result of it being ransacked.[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 2:45 pm
by ratwizard
[sblock=OOC]What does Kekeng see in the cart?[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 5:23 pm
by FinalTemplar
Jin froze up, realizing his error. Now stuttering like a scared child, he responds. "I-I-I d-don't know, I was walking and saw the cart pulled off to the side, blood everywhere!" Quickly he regained his composure and took a deep breath to still his nerves. "I swear I have nothing to do with it, I was merely walking along and feel compelled to help. I can't help but feel like they can potentially be saved, perhaps we -- I -- could help them to the next town." He finishes, looking around at the others, hoping to fix his earlier errors.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:52 pm
by Fialova
[sblock=Kekeng]The wagon does not hold much, a few sealed sacks and a sideways barrel that appears quite old, and strewn about are a few cloths as well.
As you look at it longer, however, you notice that there seems to be a few small spots of blood on the ground near the wagon and, looking further off the road into the woods you can spot a few more spots of blood headed eastward as well.[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:54 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Either this man has had too much sake or he's a loon, Nanako thinks, glaring at the man with cautious eyes. Mimicking Zaranius' thoughts, she remarks, "And who do you hope to save when you're the only one sifting through that cart?" You're certainly not saving our first impression of you, that's for certain.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:12 pm
by ratwizard
"He speaks the truth," Kekeng says, inspecting the blood along the path. "Whoever was here, they went that way." He points eastward, deeper into the forest.
Kekeng turns to face the others, an uncomfortable look on his face.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:39 pm
by FinalTemplar
Finally realizing they wouldn't be of assistance, and knowing he wasn't capable of going searching alone, he forfeited his attempts. "I won't push it. Maybe there's a chance whoever owned this cart is still alive, but, I can't do it alone. My name is Jin, like I said. Are you heading to Sonjiin as well? Perhaps I could go with you."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:13 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Very well," Nanako replies, eyeing Kekeng with unsure eyes. The uneasiness grows as he points into the forest. A strange man by a blood-stained cart urging us to follow him into the woods. What could possibly go wrong?
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 10:23 am
by Namelessjake
"Sonjiin may be getting ahead of things," Satomi says. "We should probably look for the person in the forest first," he adds, trusting Kekang's judgement. He may be a drunken fool but he seems to know people quite well.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 4:58 pm
by ratwizard
"I suppose you can lead the way," Kekeng offers the strange man he just met. Better him than I. Who knows if some deranged murderer may still be afoot?
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:04 pm
by Slashstick
Hearing the plan, Bao Tap Den moves to the stranger's right side intending to follow him. With the slightest squint of his eyes, the wary monk tightens his grip on his staff. In a flat, neutral tone he says "I'll be right behind you" while looking the stranger in the eye.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:56 pm
by FinalTemplar
Jin nodded and put on a smile. "Yes! Good. We go hunting for some bandits then, yes?" He said and started towards the forest, knowing the others would be happy enough to be keeping an eye on him. He took the lead, drawing his sword to have it at the ready but keeping in eyesight so they could see him as the followed the trail.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:11 pm
by ratwizard
Kekeng cocks a weary eye at the stranger as the man steps forward, sword free. "Who said it was bandits?" he asks quietly to anyone behind him, as he follows along.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:06 am
by Scratcherclaw
"Didn't he claim it was loyalists before?" Nanako quietly replies to Kekeng, eyeing the newcomer even more suspiciously now. "Keep your weapons at the ready."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:52 am
by Zaranius
"I'll keep an eye on the man" Zara says, very softly, to her companions, careful to keep quieter than Jin can hear. She shifts into the form of a fox and stays a little ahead of the man, while keeping watch of his behavior. He seems relatively harmless, but his inconsistencies lead to wariness...
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception to keep an eye on Jin: 6(1d20) +7= 13(it's supposed to be +7 to perception, not +5 oops)
Stealth to avoid being noticed by Jin: 18(1d20) +6 = 24[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:01 pm
by ratwizard
"He said it could be loyalists," Kekeng clarifies to Nanako. He nods to her and twiddles his flute nervously as they edge forward into the woods.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:04 am
by Fialova
Quen Lu Tam watches and listens to the conversation, before responding, "I suppose it is fortunate that we are aware of the risk of a bandit attack prior to meeting with them, this time." He steps forwarding, warily leaving his wares off to the side of the road near the other cart. He places some of the scattered cloth from the first onto his own, hoping to suggest to any passersby that it has already been looted. "Keep close," he says to Suzume, who complies and moves near to the man.
As the group continues forward they spot more droplets of blooding moving through the sparse tree cover, though they grow farther and farther apart from one another as you move. After a moments, a tree is spotted with a bloody handprint on the side of it, though it is unclear from there where to move next.
[sblock=Zaranius]You do not find it difficult to keep up with the man, and you do not notice him doing anything especially strange or ominous. You are unsure whether or not he is aware of your presence.[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:17 am
by FinalTemplar
Jin doesn't appear to be worried whether or not he's being watched. His sword is held at the ready as he keeps his eyes peeled for other people. He speaks up after several moments of silence: "I ... apologize. For my oddness, I mean. I harbor no ill will towards any of you." He said just loud enough that he hoped they could hear.
[sblock=Mechanics]Looking for signs of people:1(1d20) +7 = 8[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:49 am
by Fialova
[sblock=Jin]Perhaps it is the sun in your eyes or your unfamiliarity with the area, but you are unable to spot anything more than you had before.[/sblock]
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:27 am
by ratwizard
"Never apologize for oddity," Kekeng says to Jin with a smile and a wink. "If you have no quarrel with us, then we have no quarrel with you."
As they walk, the vagrant turns to the man again. "Are you traveling alone out here? Such an endeavor seems quite dangerous."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:25 am
by FinalTemplar
Jin turned his attention to Kakeng, returning the smile and a nod. "Yes, I'm alone. My family and I were attacked by loyalists on our own farm. I'm heading to Sonjiin hoping to find a rebel recruiter there. I didn't want to join the war, but... sometimes you don't have a choice, yes?" He laughed quietly and looked back to the ground.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:29 am
by ratwizard
Kekeng frowns, wearing an understanding look. "I'm sorry to hear that, traveler." He considers the man's words a moment longer. "There is always a choice, however. What good do you desire to achieve by joining these rebels?"
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:51 am
by FinalTemplar
With a sense of pride and purpose, Jin grips his sword tightly. "I wish to join the rebels to strike back at the Loyalists!" He looked back at Kekeng again. "Do you not hate the Loyalists?" He asked.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:01 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Revenge will do vile things to a man," Nanako remarks as the strange man expresses his wish to get back at the Loyalists who had cost him his family. "It may consume you, like war has consumed this land."
At the man's question, she replies, "Rebels or Loyalist, it matters not. Both fight with such recklessness that they forget about the common man. They forget about us."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:10 pm
by FinalTemplar
Jin nodded. "They have taken my livelihood, I will take their lives." Jin said, before shaking his head. "Enough of that, we need not fight over difference of opinions, yes?" He finished before continuing to look around.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:31 pm
by Zaranius
Zara listens to Jin's conversation with the group, before moving ahead of them. She leads forward, through the forest, wary of bandits and in hopes of detecting the potential owners of the cart. He seems truly harmless to our band, perhaps I'll find some of evidence of others up ahead.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Perception, to check for signs of others ahead of the group: 18(1d20) +7 = 25
Insight, to discern Jin's interactions with the group: 10(1d20) +7 = 17
Stealth, to move unnoticed through the wood: 14(1d20) +6 = 20 (
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:37 pm
by ratwizard
"You know, you could always find a new form of livelihood," Kekeng says with a shrug. "I never thought I'd be a caravan guard, but, well, here I am!" He twiddles his flute with glee as he steps through the brush with a drunken sway. Join some rebel army to kill soldiers for an action their leader commanded them to do? I'd rather find my own path elsewhere.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 2:52 pm
by Fialova
Zaranius- [SHOW]
You sense no hint of lying in the man's words, and you continue to move quietly. Near the tree you do spot the faint hint of a trail of more blood and very lightly disturbed brush heading in one direction.
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:08 pm
by FinalTemplar
Jin shrugged. "Farming is my life; it was my father's life, and his father before his." He shook his head. "I appreciate the advice but, I am set on my path and I am sure of myself."
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:21 pm
by ratwizard
"Ah," Kekeng responds, a wide smile creeping across his face. "Isn't that the most refreshing sensation? To know, in your mind, how you want to pursue peace and happiness? For me, that is traveling this land. Learning. Singing. And, well, drinking, I suppose." He pops the cork from the jug of rice wine at his waist and takes a pull.