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Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:16 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig's ears perk up at the mention of a map. He waits as Ciraco takes a look around for it. Moving through the underbelly of the city is sure to be a massive boon. Not just for this operation either.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:37 am
by Fialova
"Well," Nyx begins, involuntarily grabbing her arm out of nervousness. "The cell she was in was in an abandoned building. It didn't seem out of the ordinary at first, just an empty building with a woman being kept prisoner in the basement." she continues, glancing at the others as she speaks.
"I let Alina out with my magic, and she found us outside. However, when we went back in there it was... different. Before it had been dark and barely lit, but this time it was bright and... glowing reddish. And there were masks, so many, all over the ground. Not Carnevale masks, though. These were like... monsters, demons. It was super creepy, and they all seemed to be looking towards my shadow even though it is barely visible." She sighs after she finishes the tale, still clearly unnerved by the experience.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:32 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Gina furrows her brow as she listens to Nyx weave the tale. "Carnivale masks of monsters? This is... disturbing, to say the least," she says, beginning to pace as if in deep thought. "We'll remain vigilant, then. Perhaps our oafish Clowns are not to be underestimated." She shakes her head, looking towards the floor. "Still, I am thankful you've saved Alina from whatever sinister fate may have awaited her. Prepare what you need for tonight. Nightfall approaches," she says, making her way towards the exit.
Ciraco- [SHOW]
It doesn't take long for you to to find a timeworn scroll tucked between a pair of large books upon one of the shelves. Unraveling it, you discover it's an extensive map of the sewers and tunnels beneath the city. On its upper corner, you spy its date of creation: nearly a hundred years prior. While new sewers may have been built, and old ones collapsed, in that span, it still appears like it may largely be accurate.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:16 pm
by Namelessjake
"Ciao," Ciraco says to Gina, not looking up from the map, his mind focused on the task at hand. He takes the map over to a nearby table and spreads it out across the surface. "This is a bit dated but it should be usable," he says. "Gather round. We should come up with a plan before we head out," he says, ushering the others towards him. "The sewers seem like a safe bet for getting there and back without having to deal with being followed or running into anyone we don't want to. Especially after we dealt with that crazy guy."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:50 pm
by ratwizard
"Dated as this map is, I'm sure the underground hasn't changed much since," Idrig says as he peers down from beside Ciraco. A smirk grows across his bearded face. "Those Ferraros won't know who hit them."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:41 pm
by Scratcherclaw
A few moments pass and Luca enters the room, a troubled look on his face. With a heavy sigh, he sits down upon one of the armchairs. "Alina is resting now, but seems to be ravaged by night terrors. I pray that she'll return to normal in time." He perks up, noticing the dated map Ciraco has unraveled. "Ah, you've found a map. Good. How are you wanting to handle this. An ambush, aye?" He looks at the others expectantly, hoping they've formulated a plan for their mission.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:33 pm
by Namelessjake
"That would be the idea," Ciraco replies to Luca. "In and out quickly. We probably won't be able to win a straight up fight so we need to be fast about it," he adds.
"A ambush better matches our... skill set," he says, pausing to look around the group. Whatever our skill set actually is.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:29 am
by ratwizard
"The further we hit them from the Ironworks, the less bodies they'll have in the area," Idrig explains. "I say we strike just before the docks. No reinforcements save the cart guards and whoever they've got near the boats."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:02 pm
by Fialova
"I could lure them with my shadow," Nyx replies, eager to get the planning finished so they can head out. The faster we get this over with, the faster we can get back here and relax again.
"If I focus a lot beforehand I can make it almost resemble a person and not just a faint shadow. Hopefully real enough that from a distance, in the dark, it is enough to trick the Ferraros," she continues. The last time I tried it didn't work very well, but maybe this time will be better, she thinks, her confidence wavering almost immediately after she suggests it.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:51 pm
by Namelessjake
"Maybe even a little bit further from the docks" Ciraco adds to Idrig's plan.
"That way we might not have to deal whoever is by the boats and still be far enough away from the Ironworks to avoid reinforcements," he elaborates. "Nyx's shadow will then either draw some of the guards away or at least distract them before we strike. Then we disappear into the sewers."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:08 pm
by ratwizard
"Aye," Idrig nods to Ciraco, liking where the man was leading. "The less bodies on the field, the less dirty our hands have to get." And the less chance we have to bring the corpse of that dolt back to this beautiful manor, he thinks, staring at Narciso.
"A shadow, an ambush. Good. We'll need a strategy on bringing back the freight, however. We can't take their whole cart. Their reinforcements would cut us down before we made it halfway back here. But, we can ferry as much as possible into the sewers during the chaos," the dwarf explains. "Any amount we walk away with boosts our coffers and drains theirs."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:04 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"We'd still have to be careful," Luca says as their plan finally starts to take form. "The Legion sometimes patrols the docks and surrounding streets, but usually not that far from the fort." He points to the edge of the map, where the sewer lines appear to end. "The docks are around here. Fort's further west, closer to the passenger docks."
He glances at his companions, curious if they've finished their plans or if they've got more to decide.
If everyone's ready, I can move it forward to the evening
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:36 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso shrugs, looking down at the map then back up at the others. "I think we'd be just fine --- What's the big deal? We go in, we knock out the guards, sack the caravan, and then scatter like rats. Not hard at all."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:13 pm
by Namelessjake
"The Ferraros will likely be trying to avoid the Legion as well. So they'll have dealt with that part of our plan for us." Ciraco replies to Luca with a smirk. "Exactly, it's a fairly simple plan. In and out nice and quick and we'll be drinking wine on the terrace looking over our new collection of swords," he adds in reply to Narcisco.
Skip away
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:49 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig shrugs. "You can keep the swords. I'll take payment in coin."
Skip us forward!
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:48 pm
by Fialova
Nyx smiles slightly as her suggestion seems to be accepted by the group. "Coin for me as well," Nyx replies. Even if I got a sword, how would I use it?
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:28 pm
by Scratcherclaw
With a plan set in place and the dated map stowed away, you set out back towards the garden. By now, the sun has dipped below the horizon and the last bit of daylight fades away into dark. The sky above is strangely clear, a rarity during the monsoon season but a welcome treat. Stars above dapple the sky as the moon rises above Mount Arada. From the Piazza below, echoes of upbeat music and joyous laughter fill the air, a reminder of the blissful ignorance Teiros is shackled in.
"One moment." Luca vanishes into the villa for a moment before returning with an oil lantern. You file into the garden shed, descending into the tunnels you'd recently become familiar with. With map in hand, you make quick work of navigating the sewer system, though collapsed portions offer a brief challenge. "It might be of benefit to create a new map sometime. I've never been great at cartography, however."
After some time spent navigating the subterranean maze, you spy a gate with moonlight piercing in. "This should be about where we want." The gate opens with a gentle squeak and you find yourself in an alleyway leading towards an apparently-barren street. However, you hear the telltale sound of a cart stumbling over rough cobblestone, quiet for now but readily becoming louder. Luca looks towards the others, waiting for their moves to enact the plan.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:58 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig slips out a bottle of alchemist's fire, hefting it carefully between his hands. I think I've mastered churning these little devils out, he considers, smiling at the thing.
"Nyx, whenever you're ready," he suggests sternly. "I think I might be able to cause some chaos with this firebomb as well."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:47 pm
by Namelessjake
"Be careful to avoid the cart, we don't want to damage the merchandise," Ciraco warns Idrig, as he draws his sword and does his best to conceal himself along the walls of the alleyway. He then looks to Nyx at Idrig's words, waiting for her to cast her spell.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:47 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig shrugs. "I figure we may as well destroy whatever we can't steal. No use in letting the Ferraros recoup the leftovers."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:04 am
by Fialova
Nyx peeks out to get a look at the street, and an idea hits her. "Hey, how far can you throw that?" She asks Idrig quietly, before motioning for him to look too. "I had an idea. See that other alley down there? I was thinking, maybe, that I have my shadow run down there and if you are able to, you could throw the fire so it hits near there too. They would think we are down that alley, then we come from behind and surprise them."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:50 am
by Namelessjake
"Good plan," Ciraco says to Nyx as he too eyes the alleyway across the street. "Even if the fire bomb doesn't reach them it could trap them in the other alley."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:38 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig scratches his beard, weighing the firebomb in his hand. "Well, fifty paces, give or take. It might be enough. You want it on the ground after your shadow has drawn their attention? If they get close enough, I might be able to land it right on the fools.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:17 pm
by Fialova
"Well I was hoping to make it seem, in the dark, like the shadow threw it. They get hit, see the shadow flee, and they give chase. I don't know how easy that would be, though," the woman continues, still not super confident working in this capacity.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:19 pm
by ratwizard
"I'm certain I could lob it up so that it lands from above and doesn't give away our position. How about a few paces from the other side of the cart? Close to your shadow, but not close enough to the cart to damage our plunder."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:44 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso stays quiet. He kneels down near them with his swords drawn, ready to pounce.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:29 pm
by Fialova
"That sounds perfect," Nyx responds, nodding at the man's suggestion. "I guess I will put things into position, then," she continues, before finding a secluded spot to sit. "I need to focus harder than usual to make it appear more solid, so silence would be nice for a bit," she adds, as she takes a seat in the alley and closes her eyes. Hopefully this work...
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Use Shaped Consciousness to place my fragment as close to the other alleyway as I can get it, then move it into the other alleyway.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:20 pm
by ratwizard
"I'm ready," Idrig whispers as he holds the bottle of alchemist's fire tightly in his hands, waiting for the opportune moment.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Once the cart is between the alley mouths, Idrig will toss the firebomb over the cart at a lob, between the cart and the shadow.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 2:08 pm
by Scratcherclaw
With expert precision, Idrig successfully lobs his potent firebomb between the cart and Nyx's shadowy conjuration. The cart stops almost immediately. You hear commotion beginning to erupt from around the cart as the guards scramble to figure out what had occurred. One guard, caught directly in the blast, screams out in agony as his flesh sizzles from the burning concoction. "Guess that's our cue," Luca whispers, watching the scene play out.
"It came from that alley!" shouts one of the guards, pointing towards the direction of Nyx's mental fragment.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Idrig: Throws Alchemist's Fire, crits, damages Guard 1 for 12 damage.
Map- [SHOW]

Map Info- [SHOW]
Cart: A simple wooden cart loaded with crates of Ferrero weaponry. It is impassable terrain but may be climbed on.
Lamps: Iron lamp posts that dimly light portions of the street. Moving between a post and a building requires squeezing.
Fire: The residual fire from Idrig's firebomb. Currently taking up E26 to G28. Ending one's turn on one of these squares causes 1d4 damage. Will dissipate after one round.
Terrace: A second-story terrace overlooking the street and alleyway. The walls can be climbed with an athletics check (DC 15).
Steps: Short steps leading up to the homes' front doors. These are difficult terrain.
Enemy Info- [SHOW]
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Status & OOC- [SHOW]
All enemies are currently considered to be unaware of you. If you plan to attack, roll init. Otherwise, stealth if you want to approach undetected.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:02 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig chuckles at the guards' misdirection. "It worked." He turns to the others. "I don't think they're going to push up any further. Shall we?" The dwarf loads a bolt in his crossbow.
We fite?
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:24 pm
by Namelessjake
"Let's wait a few moments longer to see if they split up some more," Ciraco replies to Idrig, hoping some of the guards will try to investigate Nyx's shadow further.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:01 pm
by ratwizard
"Pah, fine," Idrig sputters, sitting impatiently against the wall as he peeks out into the avenue.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:51 am
by Fialova
Nyx does not register the words of her allies, too focused on the task at hand. Her next step is to move the fragment out of sights of the lamp, to further obscure their involvement. She moves it just enough that the men will have to venture further down the alley, but not so far that she cannot still get a good shot at one if needed.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Move fragment to (-D, 27) if possible.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:04 pm
by Scratcherclaw
The firebomb's flames dissipate as quickly as they arrived, leaving the street noticeably darker. Out of precaution, the guards quickly light dim lanterns hanging from their belts. Two of the guards rush into the alleyway, trailing Nyx's shadowed figure. The guard caught in the blast, meanwhile, stumbles towards the cart and rests against it, attempting to tend to his burn wounds through the stings of pain.
The captain and remaining guards scan the perimeter, particularly around the alley's entrance, gauging if their comrades require aid against their unknown assailant.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Nyx: Moves Fragment to -D27
Guards 4 & 5: Move into Alley
Guard 1: Moves against cart
Map- [SHOW]

Map Info- [SHOW]
Cart: A simple wooden cart loaded with crates of Ferrero weaponry. It is impassable terrain but may be climbed on.
Lamps: Iron lamp posts that dimly light portions of the street. Moving between a post and a building requires squeezing.
Terrace: A second-story terrace overlooking the street and alleyway. The walls can be climbed with an athletics check (DC 15).
Steps: Short steps leading up to the homes' front doors. These are difficult terrain.
Enemy Info- [SHOW]
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Status & OOC- [SHOW]
All enemies are currently considered to be unaware of you. If you plan to attack, roll init. Otherwise, stealth if you want to approach undetected.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:50 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig looks to Nyx and Ciraco for their reaction. "Well? Is it working?" He holds his crossbow tight, ready to strike.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:32 am
by Fialova
"They seem mostly focused on the shadow," Nyx says, the excitement at her plan working clear in her voice. "We should go now, before they find it and realize it was a ruse."
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Initiative: 19
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:53 am
by Namelessjake
"Yes let's go!" Ciraco replies moving forward, his sword at the ready.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Initiative: 10(1d20) +5 = 15
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:09 pm
by ratwizard
Having spent far too long hatching and waiting for this plan to coalesce, Idrig surges into action himself. They're already dead. They just don't know it yet.
Initiative- [SHOW]
20(1d20) +1 = 21
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:05 pm
by FinalTemplar
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:22 pm
by Scratcherclaw
With the party in agreement, you sneak forward to launch your ambush, taking the guards by surprise.
Ambush! Go: Idrig, Nyx, Luca, then Ciraco, then Narciso
Mechanics- [SHOW]
All Guards: Suffer from Surprised status effect, granting a CA until the next round. They are unable to take actions and cannot flank.
Map- [SHOW]

Map Info- [SHOW]
Cart: A simple wooden cart loaded with crates of Ferrero weaponry. It is impassable terrain but may be climbed on.
Lamps: Iron lamp posts that dimly light portions of the street. Moving between a post and a building requires squeezing.
Terrace: A second-story terrace overlooking the street and alleyway. The walls can be climbed with an athletics check (DC 15).
Steps: Short steps leading up to the homes' front doors. These are difficult terrain.
Enemy Info- [SHOW]
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Status- [SHOW]

Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:48 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig grabs Narciso by his tunic before the man takes off. "Here. It'll help," he says with an odd grin as he sprinkles some sort of strange powder over his shoulders.
The dwarf spins and draws another small flash from his waistband, splashing it across Ciraco's blade. "Don't worry," he warns, pointing at it. A chemical reaction blankets the blade's surface, spreading a pungent, azure frost along as it goes. "That'll give it some more bite."
He stands tall, lifting his crossbow. "On me. Tracer bolt coming through." He pulls the trigger and a shining bolt jets forward, slamming into the guard captain from behind. Even from the mouth of the alley, those around Idrig can easily make out the glowing bolt embedded in the man's back.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Icebound Sigil on Ciraco's weapon. Until the end of the encounter, his attacks deal an extra 4 cold damage. As a free action, Ciraco can end this effect on a hit. If he does, the target is immobilized (save ends).
Healing Infusion: Resisitive Formula on Narciso. He gains +1 to AC until the end of the encounter. He can end this bonus as a free action to gain 13 THP. (This can be done after an attack hits, but before damage is applied.)
Magic Weapon on Caravan Guard Captain.
8(1d20) +14 = 22; 4(1d10) +6 = 10
Hits 22 AC for 10 damage. Nyx, Ciraco, and Narciso gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +4 power bonus to damage rolls until the end Idrig's next turn.
Combat Block- [SHOW]
Idrig Mal'talis
Male Genasi Artificer 3
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Age: 32
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision
AC: 18
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 12
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1
Arcane Empowerment
MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d10+1 damage
Resist 5 acid
Active Effects:
Magic Weapon
Static Shock
Second Wind []
Acid Surge []
Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture
Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
Burning Weapons []
Shocking Feedback []
Icebound Sigil[X]
Shadowy Figurine[]
Augment Energy[]
Impart Energy[_]
Important Features:- [SHOW]
Elemental Origins: Idrig is considered an elemental creature.
Causticsoul: Idrig can breathe underwater. (This is flavored as always having a personal water-breathing concoction.)
Arcane Rejuvenation: Any ally expending a magic item daily power gains 6 THP.
Crossbow Caster / Crossbow Expertise: Idrig may use crossbows as an implement and can ignore partial and superior cover with crossbow attacks.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:36 am
by Fialova
Following Idrig's example Nyx also aims to cut off the apparent leader of the guards before he can fight back. She taps into the man's mind, causing him to freeze in place against his will. Just as the man is realizing his predicament, she sends him flying around the alleyway, slamming against his own men, and causing one of them as well as himself to fall to the ground.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Standard Action: Living Missile on Caravan Guard Captain
Attack: 23 vs Fort = Hit
Hit: Target is immobilized (save ends)
Miss: (unlikely) target is slowed (save ends)
Effect: While the target slowed or immobilized by this power, I can make a secondary attack once per round.
Minor Action: Living Missile Secondary Attack
Effect: Caravan Guard Captain is slid to (E, 29), passing adjacent to guards 1,4, and 5.
Attack vs Caravan Guard 4: 17 vs Reflex = hit?
Hit: Caravan Guard 4 takes 19 damage and falls prone. Caravan Guard Captain takes 19/2=9 damage and falls prone.
Miss: Caravan Guard takes 19/2=9 damage and Caravan Guard Captain falls prone.
Move Action: move shadow to (-G, 26)
Combat Block- [SHOW]
Female Tiefling Psion 3
Languages: Cru'unish, Brennissian, Okani
Age: 22
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Speed: 6
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision
AC: 15
Fort: 12
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 33/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 5/5
MBA (dagger): +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
RBA (Mind Thrust): +6 vs Will, 1d10+5 psychic damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
RBA (dagger): +5 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none
Active Effects:
- +1 damage against bloodied foes
- cannot grant CA until EONT when I attack with Holy Symbol
- targets I hit that have not yet acted in encounter take -4 to hit me until my EONT
Mind Thrust
Unnerving Suggestion
Second Wind []
Adept's Insight []
Infernal Wrath []
Shaped Consciousness [X]
Minor Creation []
Intellect Fortress []
Walker of the Dark Path Damage []+
Shroud of Shadow [_]
Living Missile [X]
- see important feature below for details
Sending [_]*
- can use for free once per day
Consumables: none
Important Features:- [SHOW]
Class Features
Psion Augmentation: Lots of finnicky rules, see PHB3 for details.
Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, ritual book, and one level 1 ritual for free. Also gain Sending ritual, and can use it for free once per day.
Racial Features
Bloodhunt: gain +1 racial bonus to damage against bloodied foes
Fire Resistance: have fire resistance equal to 5 + half my level
Theme Features
Level 1 Noble Adept Feature: gain 1 PP, can take powers that grant PP when taken in place of non-augmentable powers of the same level. Gain Adept's Insight
Ritual Casting: can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, see PHB for more details
Holy Symbol Expertise: when I attack an enemy using a holy symbol, all enemies become unable to gain CA against me until my SONT, unless I use another power or ability that specifically makes me grant CA
Walker of the Dark Path: gain a skill and access to holy symbols. Once per encounter, when I make a weapon attack with CA, target takes CHA mod extra damage from hit
Imperious Majesty: use CHA for Init. When I hit a target that has not yet acted in an encounter, it takes a CHA mod penalty to hit until my EONT
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:12 am
by Namelessjake
With the Idrig and Nyx Targeting the Caravan's apparent leader, Ciraco sets his sights of one of the other guards, moving up towards them.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Move: Walk to (N,15)
Standard -> Move: Walk to (N,22)
Minor: Oath of Enmity on Caravan Guard 2.
Readied: Relentless Stride, Your oath of enmity target ends its turn within 10 squares of you but is not adjacent to you, I teleport to the target and make an attack.
Combat Block- [SHOW]
Ciraco Veturius
Male Elf Avenger 3
Languages: Common, Brennisian
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Speed: 7
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-Light Vision
AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 36/36
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1
MBA: 1d20+7 vs AC, 1d12+2 Damage
RBA: 1d20+6 vs AC, 1d4+5 Damage
Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Active Effects: attacks deal an extra 4 cold damage. As a free action, Ciraco can end this effect on a hit. If he does, the target is immobilized (save ends)
Overwhelming Strike
Bond of Censure
Second Wind []
Oath of Enmity [x]
Raging Tempest []
Abjure Undead []*
Divine Guidance []*
Relentless Stride []
Skullduggery []
Elven Accuracy []
Holy Blessing []
Thunder and Echo [_]
*One per encounter
Important Features:- [SHOW]
Heavy Blade Expertise: Gain +2 to defenses against OAs when wielding a heavy blade.
Fey Origin: You have the fey origin.
Wild Step: Ignore difficult terrain when shifting.
Group Awareness: Allies within 5 squares gain +1 to perception.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:16 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Shoddy Updated Map- [SHOW]

Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:32 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso runs out from their hiding place in the alley, looking around for a target. Seeing none, he readies a defensive maneuver.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Move: Walk to L15.
Standard: Ready an Action to use the Charge action against the first enemy creature to enter my range (7 squares).
Combat Block- [SHOW]
Narciso Angelo
Male Human Ranger 3
Languages: Common, Brennisian
Age: 17
Height: 6'0
Weight: 180 lbs.
Speed: 7
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision
AC: 17
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 12
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: N/A
MBA - Broadsword: +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage
MBA - Broadsword: +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage
MBA - Unarmed: +8 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage
RBA - Unarmed: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage
Active Effects:
At-Will - Bull Rush Attack, Grab Attack, Opportunity Attack, Hunter's Quarry, Careful Attack, Twin Strike
Item At-Will - N/A
Encounter [] Second Wind [], Thri-Kreen Claws [], Dire Wolverine Strike [], Confusion of Blades [], Ruthless Demonstration [], Invigorating Stride [],
Item Encounter [] - N/A
Daily [] Jaws of the Wolf [],
Item Daily [_] - N/A
Important Features- [SHOW]
Powers- [SHOW]
Hunters Quarry - Minor Action - Designate a single enemy as my quarry to deal 1d8 bonus damage a turn when I hit. This mark lasts until either the end of the encounter, they die, or I designate a different target as my quarry. (This damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level, and 3d8 at 21st.)
Careful Attack - Standard Action - One Creature - 1d20+12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage.
Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two creatures - +10 to hit, 1d10+1 damage/+10 to hit, 1d10+1 damage.
Ruthless Demonstration - Free Action - Trigger: Bloody an enemy adjacent to me or reduce an adjacent enemy to 0 hit points or fewer. Effect: Enemies that see me take -2 penalty to hit until I am hit by an attack or the end of the encounter. Also if I bloodied the triggering enemy, can immediately make an Intimidate check to force it to surrender.
Thri-Kreen Claws - Minor Action - One, Two, or Three enemies - +10 to hit, 1d8+6 damage (+1 per target hit, up to +3).
Dire Wolverine Strike - Standard action - Close burst 1 - Each enemy in burst you can see - +10 to hit, 1d10+6 damage to each target in the burst.
Invigorating Stride - Shift a number of squares equal to my Wisdom modifier (+1) and not end the shift adjacent to any enemy. Can use my second wind after.
Confusion of Blades - Standard action - One creature - +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage/+10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage. Deals 1 additional point of damage per enemy adjacent to me.
Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One creature - Two attacks - +10 vs AC, 2d10+6 damage/+10 vs AC, 2d10+6 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Race (Thri-Kreen):
Feature: Multiple Arms 1/turn, draw or stow a weapon or item as a free action
Feature: Natural Jumper You are always considered to have a running start while jumping.
Feature: Torpor Enter aware torpid state for 4 hours instead of sleep for extended resting.
Feature: Thri-Kreen Claws - You have the Thri-Kreen claws power.
Class (Ranger):
Feature: Running Attack - This class feature replaces Prime Shot. If you use a standard action that lets you move (such as Charge) and you move at least 2 squares, you gain +1 to Attack rolls made with that move.
Feature: Two-Blade Fighting Style - Wield one-handed weapon as an off-hand weapon; gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Feature: Hunter's Quarry - Minor action, designate nearest enemy you see as quarry; deal extra damage to quarry once per round.
Theme (Yakuza):
Feature: Ruthless Demonstration - When I bloody an enemy adjacent to me, or drop an adjacent enemy to 0 HP or fewer, enemies that can see me take a -2 vs AC on attacks against me until I'm either hit by an attack or until the end of the encounter. Also, if I bloodied the triggering enemy, I can immediately make an intimidate check against it to force it to surrender.
Toughness - +5 HP (+10 at 11th level, +15 at 21st level)
Master at Arms - +1 bonus to hit with weapons (+2 at 11th, +3 at 21st). Draw and sheathe a weapon as the same minor action.
Lethal Hunter - The damage dice for my Hunter's Quarry class feature increases from d6s to d8s.
Ambush Tactics - The first enemy I damage during the first round of an encounter takes an extra 1d6 damage if it has not acted yet.
Items: N/a.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:47 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig's bolt meets its mark, the guard captain grunting through the pain and glancing towards the direction in which it came. Before he has a chance to call out, his mind is clouded while Nyx takes control. The trio of swordsmen rush forward from the alley, eager to get their hands dirty with the caravan guards.
"Fuck off, scum!" shouts the guard who'd been caught ablaze moments before, rushing towards Luca but failing to land a blow on the expert gladiator. The guard nearest the caravan's rear cautiously approaches, weapon readied for the battle to come.
Go: Idrig, Nyx
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Idrig: Buffs Ciraco, buffs Narciso, hits Captain for 10 dmg, buffs
Nyx: Hits Captain, immobilizes, slides, hits Guard 4 for 19 dmg, Captain takes 9 dmg, knocks Guard 4 & Captain prone
Luca: Moves
Ciraco: Moves, targets Oath, readies action
Narciso: Moves, readies action
Guard 3: Moves
Guard 1: Moves
Narciso: Charges, hits Guard 1 for 11 dmg
Guard 1: Attacks & misses Luca
Map- [SHOW]

Map Info- [SHOW]
Cart: A simple wooden cart loaded with crates of Ferrero weaponry. It is impassable terrain but may be climbed on.
Lamps: Iron lamp posts that dimly light portions of the street. Moving between a post and a building requires squeezing.
Terrace: A second-story terrace overlooking the street and alleyway. The walls can be climbed with an athletics check (DC 15).
Steps: Short steps leading up to the homes' front doors. These are difficult terrain.
Enemy Info- [SHOW]
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Status- [SHOW]

Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:26 pm
by ratwizard
As the avenue fills with the sounds of violence, Idrig loads his crossbow and fires off another tracer bolt. It whizzes past Luca and Narciso, catching their assailant in the shoulder. He takes the moment to rush into the street, getting a better view of the situation. That Cru'unish woman can sure cause some trouble.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Load crossbow.
Magic Weapon on Caravan Guard 1.
12(1d20) +12 = 24; 3(1d10) +6 = 9
Hits 24 AC for 9 damage. Until EOMNT, Nyx gains +1 atk / +4 dmg on rolls.
Walk to I, 15.
Combat Block- [SHOW]
Idrig Mal'talis
Male Genasi Artificer 3
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Age: 32
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision
AC: 18
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 12
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1
Arcane Empowerment
MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d10+1 damage
Resist 5 acid
Active Effects:
Magic Weapon
Static Shock
Second Wind []
Acid Surge []
Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture
Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
Burning Weapons []
Shocking Feedback []
Icebound Sigil[X]
Shadowy Figurine[]
Augment Energy[]
Impart Energy[_]
Important Features:- [SHOW]
Elemental Origins: Idrig is considered an elemental creature.
Causticsoul: Idrig can breathe underwater. (This is flavored as always having a personal water-breathing concoction.)
Arcane Rejuvenation: Any ally expending a magic item daily power gains 6 THP.
Crossbow Caster / Crossbow Expertise: Idrig may use crossbows as an implement and can ignore partial and superior cover with crossbow attacks.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:50 am
by Fialova
Not wanting to lose any momentum, Nyx increases her control over the captain's mind, now causing him to be slower to react against her allies. While still unable to move of his own volition she sends him flying around the street once more, slamming against some of his men. However, the darkness causes her to swing him in the wrong direction just as she is trying to knock another of the guards over, and the man remains standing.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Move Action: move to (K, 14), move fragment to (-F, 26)
Standard Action: Mind Thrust, Augment 2 on Caravan Guard Captain
Attack: 12 vs Will = hit?
- If miss, use Adept's Insight, Augment 1 to add 2 to the triggering roll
Hit: 27 psychic damage and the target takes -4 to all defenses until the end of my next turn.
Minor Action: Living Missile Secondary Attack
Effect: Caravan Guard Captain is slid to (G, 23), passing guards 1, 3, and 5 in the process.
Attack vs Caravan Guard 5: 8 vs Fort = crit miss ._.
Miss: 13/2 = 6 damage to guard 5, and the captain falls prone (though he already was)
Combat Block- [SHOW]
Female Tiefling Psion 3
Languages: Cru'unish, Brennissian, Okani
Age: 22
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Speed: 6
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision
AC: 15
Fort: 12
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 33/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 3/5
MBA (dagger): +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
RBA (Mind Thrust): +6 vs Will, 1d10+5 psychic damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
RBA (dagger): +5 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none
Active Effects:
- +1 damage against bloodied foes
- cannot grant CA until EONT when I attack with Holy Symbol
- targets I hit that have not yet acted in encounter take -4 to hit me until my EONT
Mind Thrust
Unnerving Suggestion
Second Wind []
Adept's Insight [?]
Infernal Wrath []
Shaped Consciousness [X]
Minor Creation []
Intellect Fortress []
Walker of the Dark Path Damage [_]+
Shroud of Shadow [_]
Living Missile [X]
- see important feature below for details
Sending [_]*
- can use for free once per day
Consumables: none
Important Features:- [SHOW]
Class Features
Psion Augmentation: Lots of finnicky rules, see PHB3 for details.
Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, ritual book, and one level 1 ritual for free. Also gain Sending ritual, and can use it for free once per day.
Racial Features
Bloodhunt: gain +1 racial bonus to damage against bloodied foes
Fire Resistance: have fire resistance equal to 5 + half my level
Theme Features
Level 1 Noble Adept Feature: gain 1 PP, can take powers that grant PP when taken in place of non-augmentable powers of the same level. Gain Adept's Insight
Ritual Casting: can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, see PHB for more details
Holy Symbol Expertise: when I attack an enemy using a holy symbol, all enemies become unable to gain CA against me until my SONT, unless I use another power or ability that specifically makes me grant CA
Walker of the Dark Path: gain a skill and access to holy symbols. Once per encounter, when I make a weapon attack with CA, target takes CHA mod extra damage from hit
Imperious Majesty: use CHA for Init. When I hit a target that has not yet acted in an encounter, it takes a CHA mod penalty to hit until my EONT
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:27 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Idrig and Nyx emerge from the alleyway, with the dwarf's bolt marking another guard for attack. Nyx, meanwhile, continues to try infiltrating the captain's mind, but finds his resolve to be too steely. Despite this, she still takes control of his movements as he's helpless to her control.
Face to face with the charred guard, Luca swings an immensely heavy blow, leaving him barely standing. Sounds of commotion echo from the alleyway as the one guard nears closer to Nyx's shadowy fragment. He draws out a hidden dagger, effortlessly tossing it towards the figure. At this moment, Nyx feels her connection shattered as it fades into nothingness.
Go: Ciraco
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Idrig: Loads, hits G1, buffs Nyx, moves
Nyx: Moves, misses, slides Cap, critmisses
Luca: Crits, marks, grabs
Guard 5: Moves, attacks Nyx's Fragment, "kills"
Map- [SHOW]

Map Info- [SHOW]
Cart: A simple wooden cart loaded with crates of Ferrero weaponry. It is impassable terrain but may be climbed on.
Lamps: Iron lamp posts that dimly light portions of the street. Moving between a post and a building requires squeezing.
Terrace: A second-story terrace overlooking the street and alleyway. The walls can be climbed with an athletics check (DC 15).
Steps: Short steps leading up to the homes' front doors. These are difficult terrain.
Enemy Info- [SHOW]
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Status- [SHOW]

Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:21 pm
by Namelessjake
Now close enough to the caravan guard, Ciraco raises his sword and charges the man, deftly feinting left before bringing his sword down on the man landing a hefty blow - the frosty coating from Idrig's potion adding an extra avenue of pain to the man's new wound.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Standard: Charge CG 2 using Raging Tempest
Crits for 17 normal damage, 6 thunder damage and 4 cold damage for a total of 27 damage.
The next time CG2 takes damage before the start of my next turn, they take 1d6 thunder damage.
20(2d20.takehighest(1)) +11 = 31; 8(1d12) +5 +1(1d6) +4 = 18
Readied: Relentless Stride, Your oath of enmity target ends its turn within 10 squares of you but is not adjacent to you, I teleport to the target and make an attack.
Combat Block- [SHOW]
Ciraco Veturius
Male Elf Avenger 3
Languages: Common, Brennisian
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Speed: 7
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-Light Vision
AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 36/36
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1
MBA: 1d20+7 vs AC, 1d12+2 Damage
RBA: 1d20+6 vs AC, 1d4+5 Damage
Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Active Effects: attacks deal an extra 4 cold damage. As a free action, Ciraco can end this effect on a hit. If he does, the target is immobilized (save ends)
Overwhelming Strike
Bond of Censure
Second Wind []
Oath of Enmity [x]
Raging Tempest [x]
Abjure Undead []*
Divine Guidance []*
Relentless Stride []
Skullduggery []
Elven Accuracy []
Holy Blessing [_]
Thunder and Echo [_]
*One per encounter
Important Features:- [SHOW]
Heavy Blade Expertise: Gain +2 to defenses against OAs when wielding a heavy blade.
Fey Origin: You have the fey origin.
Wild Step: Ignore difficult terrain when shifting.
Group Awareness: Allies within 5 squares gain +1 to perception.