Fortune's Favor — IC

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well it's a talent that should serve you well here," Ciraco replies. "Let's go get a better look shall we? Who knew we had a strongman among us," he chuckles before starting to make his way across the plaza to join the crowd around Narcisco.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso seems emboldened by the cheers and excitement of the crowd, continuing his little performance, and tries to get a little more flashy with it.


Athletics: 3(1d20) +13 = 16
Acrobatics: 11(1d20) +9 = 20

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


"Let's," Valdyn says with a smile, giving a polite bow goodbye. "You know where to find me. And if the sea beyond calls to you and pushes your sails, I'm but a letter away."

As you step out, the elf turns to clean up the aftermath of the research, cleaning his alchemy set and restoring books to their rightful places.

Walking back onto the main road, you struggle to head back in the direction of the villa, the congested street growing more and more crowded as more tourists awaken from their alcohol-induced slumber and head to the heart of the city. Rather than fight the crowd, you're left little choice but to join the flow for now.

Soon, you're back in the same plaza as the costumer's, a bustling hub full of tourists, merchants, and street performers. Even through all the crowds, you're able to spot Nyx and Ciraco stepping out into the plaza from a jeweler's store. They seem to be approaching a street performer surrounded by a growing crowd, a performer you recognize as Narciso. He's performing feats of strength and acrobatics with a pair of kettlebells, swinging, lifting, and twirling them wildly as he plays to the crowd.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"That's quite something," Idrig says casually as he strolls beside Nyx and Ciraco, joining them to watch their odd companion. I've never truly given him a fair ocular pat-down, the dwarf realizes, noting the weight the man is able to pick up and fling about with little effort. His body is durable, his muscles are hungry. He would make a fantastic research assistant, able to withstand much more corporeal experimentation than the last few fools that have tried. He jots the thought down in his logbook.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx nods and follows closer, eager to see their companion doing what he seems to love doing. She claps for the man as he does his routine, seeing that he is responding positively to the audience's encouragement. Who'd have know that he had this inside him all along? she thinks, genuinely pleased to be witnessing the act.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

More passersby toss coins in the crate, but gradually, the crowd begins to disperse and the four of you are left alone at the plaza edge. By now, it's late morning and the city is alive as more and more awaken, clutching their heads from hangovers.

A young woman approaches, handing out a pamphlet to each of you. "Buongiorno! Don't miss out on the parade. It'll be really great this year!" She smiles and quickly steps away, handing pamphlets to the next she sees. As with the ones in the basket, it details the route of the parade and serves as a reminder of the next job to be done.


Gain 40gp

Parade Route

Based upon the map within the pamphlet, the parade begins at Democles' Redoubt and ends at Empire Beach, largely occupying the main streets of the city, as well as moving through the three prominent plazas.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Sidling closer to Nyx, Ciraco, and Narciso if he comes around, Idrig wags his notebook at them. He speaks in a hushed tone."I've got something we can use. It'd be best to do the deed in a tavern, where food or drink is being served."

Pointing to the pamphlet, he traces the parade route with his finger. Louder, he asks: "Shall we begin?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco sarcastically slow claps Narcisco once his perform winds down. "Bravo!" He shouts with a smirk on his face.

That was certainly something.

"Yes, we probably should get to work," he says as Idrig draws their attention to the parade map. "We should probably walk the entire route. Do we head towards the beach first or the Redoubt?" He asks.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

As the crowd leaves, Narciso begins bowing at the people leaving. "Alright, alright. I've had my fun." He pockets the gold. "I suppose we should get going, yeah?"


Looted 40gp.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Redoubt, I'd say. The closer to the manor we can execute the plan, the easier time we'll have in getting out." He stares at the map again. "Though we should have a few backup plans."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx nods along as the others plan their next course of action. Always more work, she thinks, as they discuss their plans for scouting the parade route. "We could see if any key spots intersect with sewer access," she suggests, at Idrig's mention of a quick escape. "We already know it gets us to the estate, and we have some experience navigating it. Seems a good backup at least, even if there are better options."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Redoubt it is then," Ciraco says agreeing with Idrig. "If we spend too long down there we'll end up going crazy too," he jokes as Nyx mentions the sewers again. "That is a good idea though. They're so old very few people probably know their way around down there."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"To the Redoubt, then." Narciso says.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We'll swing by the Villa to grab Luca on the way. He didn't come along with you two, right?" Idrig asks, beginning to walk westward.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"No he missed all the fun," Ciraco replies, setting off in the direction of the villa. "I wouldn't be surprised if we spot him on our way to the villa leading a tour group," he adds with a signature smirk.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig grins. "He does seem to prattle on about this city, doesn't he?" Shrugging, he continues. "I can't fault him, though. His knowledge is sometimes a boon. It's also sometimes a better sleeping aid than anything I can make."

The dwarf pauses. "Well, I guess today's haul might challenge that claim." he says cryptically.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

I wonder if they talk about all of us behind our backs, Nyx thinks, as she follows after Idrig and Ciraco. They are certainly very judgemental. Luca seems nice, and he's very helpful.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Yeah, let's get Luca then head over. Having him would certainly be helpful." Narciso agreed, not really caring where they went but also agreeing that having Luca along was better than not having him.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With a quick stop at Villa Salucci, Luca rejoins the group and you start to make your way towards the Redoubt, the place where your journey together began. The day is much different from then, however. The sun is bright, the sky is clear, and there is a pleasantly warm breeze off the sea.

After about a twenty minute walk, longer than usual as much of the foot traffic heads in the opposite direction, you arrive outside Democles' Redoubt. A pair of guards stand out front, as with a woman seated at a table. A painted sign sits in front of the table, reading, Accesso Volontari. Peering in, you see makeshift scaffolding and curtains with volunteers scattered around. "Ah, I'll bet they've got all the parade floats being built back there, including the royal float. They're always really secretive about this stuff," Luca says, trying to sneak a look past the towering stone walls.

The woman looks up from a handful of papers and glances over you. "Did you all sign up as volunteers? Otherwise I must ask you to come back another time so the magic of the parade isn't spoiled!"

Luca looks over the group. "Unless you really want to get a sneak preview, shall we check out the taverns?"


Assuming no sneak preview...

Gimme Streetwise rolls to find taverns, Dungeoneering to locate or estimate sewer access, and/or Perception to try and find any unique hiding/ambush areas

Brennisian Translation

Volunteer Access

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh, no, we are not volunteers," Nyx responds to the woman. Without much interest in seeing the floats, she instead focuses on searching for clues to help in their mission to come.


Rolling all three, since why not?

Streetwise: 17
Dungeoneering: 16
Perception: 9

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We should focus on the job at hand," Ciraco replies to Luca. "If all goes to plan we won't be around to see much of the parade."


Streetwise: 7
Dungeoneering: 24
Perception: 16

7(1d20) = 7; 19(1d20) +5 = 24; 4(1d20) +12 = 16

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"And neither will our mark," Idrig says, more focused on finding a good tavern to ply the prince with food and drink than any other aspect of their plan.


Streetwise: 11(1d20) +8 = 19
Dungeoneering: 3(1d20) +1 = 4
Perception: 8(1d20) +1 = 9

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso looks around calmly. "Many apologies, we'll be on our way." He says to the woman as he keeps an eye out for potential ambush locations.


Perception: 27(nat20)
Roll: 20(1d20) +7 = 27

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


As you step away from the Redoubt and return to the main road, you quickly find several taverns lining the streets. From what you're able to tell, they seem to also double as small-scale gambling parlors. Almost all are named after Democles, given their proximity to the trickster god's shrine. However, one particular tavern stands out: Old King's Haunt. It appears to be more popular and in better condition than the other bars around it.

You keep your eye out for sewer entrances in alleyways, but you're unable to spot any. However, when all is silent, you're able to hear the faint trickle of water below, leading you to believe there are still functional sewer lines somewhere beneath you.

You're unable to find any noteworthy ambush spots, with the alleyways not particularly hidden and the streets largely bare in anticipation for crowds.


You notice a row of shoddy taverns near the Redoubt, but none particularly stand out to you.

Between your own senses and your brief studying of the sewer map, you come to the conclusion that there aren't any sewer entrances above ground in this area of the city. Between the higher elevation and the faint trickle of water beneath your feet, you determine that nearby entrances are likely in the basements and cellars of some of the nearby buildings. Given the age of the underground system, you find it likely that an entrance be within an older building.

The streets and alleys are largely bare in anticipation for the parade, but you're able to spot a handful of balconies and terraces. Most, however, seem to be packed with chairs, leading you to believe they'll be crowded as well on the day of the parade.


As you step away from the Redoubt and return to the main road, you quickly find several taverns lining the streets. From what you're able to tell, they seem to also double as small-scale gambling parlors. Almost all are named after Democles, given their proximity to the trickster god's shrine. However, one particular tavern stands out: Old King's Haunt. It appears to be more popular and in better condition than the other bars around it.

You're unable to determine any sign or sight of the sewers being nearby.

You're unable to find any noteworthy ambush spots, with the alleyways not particularly hidden and the streets largely bare in anticipation for crowds.


The streets and alleys are largely bare in anticipation for the parade, but you're able to spot a handful of balconies and terraces. Most, however, seem to be packed with chairs, leading you to believe they'll be crowded as well on the day of the parade.

Additionally, you notice one of the buildings is abandoned and crudely boarded up. It has a veranda with a partially-collapsed roof which provides a good view of the street below, barring obvious safety hazards. Though its front façade is boarded, it may have another entrance.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I don't see any taverns likely to be frequented by the Prince," Ciraco says after a while of walking. "Nor any sewer entrances. The sewers definitely extend out this far - I remember them being here on the map at the villa. The entrances are probably going to be in the basements some of the older buildings,"" he adds, offering up what he's been able to surmise from their reconnaissance.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Old King's Haunt could work," Brannik says. "Newer, not as much of a shit-heap as the rest of these gambling dens and drinking halls. Problem is, I'm not sure if it connects up to the underground or not."

He looks curiously at the others. "Would you like to check it out? We could get a drink, see the entrances, exits, and if there is sewer access."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"I noticed that one too," Nyx responds to Idrig, before turning to Ciraco. "I couldn't see any entrances either, but I could hear the water trickling beneath our feet as we walked, so the maps were definitely right. Just finding an entrance will be the difficult part, if we wanted to."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It shouldn't take too long to at least scope it out. If not there's always the rest of the parade route. It might be further from the Villa but with sewer access that shouldn't actually make a difference," Ciraco replies weighing up their options.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso notices a partially collapsed building that may be a good vantage point before nudging Idrig to point it out. "You might be able to help us find a way in there." He whispered, "Hopefully it will stay up long enough for us to do what we need."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"I could also send my shadow in," Nyx responds to Narciso, as he points out the precarious structure. "It has the benefit of not needing to worry about rubble falling on it," She adds, giving a weak smile as it seems clear that her abilities will be useful once again.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"That's a good idea. No point in trying to get in there ourselves only to find out it doesn't help us," Ciraco replies to Nyx.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"I suppose you're right. I guess I did just jump on the first thing I saw." He said dejectedly.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Worth a look," Luca says, glancing towards the dilapidated building Narciso had pointed out. "We've got the rest of the route to look at if you'd rather keep moving though. The taverns are usually nicer closer to the plazas and beach, but the prince'll probably go wherever he smells booze."

"Oh, right, Gina wanted me to tell you," the man says, stopping for a moment to gather his thoughts. "The Saluccis own a safehouse near the beach as well, plus the Imperial Brennisian. We could use those if the villa's too far."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"That knack is quite something," Idrig says, regarding Nyx' shadow.

"Of course, doing the deed closer to a safehouse will make transporting our goods much easier."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"It can't hurt to have multiple options, though," Nyx says with a shrug as Idrig mentions finding a place closer to a safe house. "But if you'd rather keep going that is fine too."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"No, no, I think we should still take a look. Nyx, maybe you can eye that collapsed building," Idrig suggests. "The rest of us can look for sewer access, if there's any to be found."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Doing it closer to a safehouse, I agree, would be in our best interests."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Nice of her to mention that," Ciraco laughs as Luca reveals the existence of the safehouse. "Yes we should still have a look around here. The safehouse might not work as well somewhere around here for different reasons we don't know yet," he says, agreeing they should continue looking around near the Redoubt before scouting out the rest of the parade route.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »


How far away is this abandoned building?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


The building is about 15 yards away on the right side of the street. Its front entrance is boarded up, and it has a second-story verandah with a partially-collapsed roof over it. The building looks like it's been abandoned for some time, and in disrepair for even longer. However, it's still standing. Whether that's a testament to Brennisian construction or sheer luck is anyone's guess.

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

"Alright," Nyx says to Idrig, slightly excited that she is able to be useful again. She marches over to the building and checks that the coast is clear before manifesting a portion of her consciousness, as she'd done times before, on the verandah above.


Shaped Consciousness

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


In a moment, your shadowy simulacrum appears on the rickety verandah. It offers a suitable view of the street, with the caved-in portion of the roof being closer to the street and partially concealing the verandah. The pillar holding up what remained of the terracotta roof appears to be crumbling, leaving it unknown how much longer it'll last. Other than the roof, you notice that portions of the floor seem less sturdy than others, with crumbled holes in the tile leading to the building below.

As a whole, the verandah offers a superior view while concealing those on it. However, its state of decay leaves it a risky vantage point. The building has held up this far, but it has likely not had five people in it for some time.

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

Wasting none of her limited time, Nyx sends her shadowy figure towards the nearest path to the next floor down, eager to seek out any potential sewer entrances.

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Your shadow falls through the holes in the floor and you can see the dim main floor of what's left of this building. The tile flooring is almost completely caved in into the cellar, where you can see the sewer channel trickling. However, it seems as though the way down into the cellar has also collapsed, leaving no safe way down and no way up. From what you can tell, the tunnels lead directly across the street, towards the Old King's Haunt.

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

Curious to see where it leads, Nyx has her shadow descend into the sewer tunnel and follow it across the way, pausing only if she draws too near to curious eyes.

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

As Nyx wanders off, Narciso looks around. "So... what about us? What should we do while we wait for her to finish? Should one of us stand with her?" he asks the party.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We probably don't want to attract any unwanted attention," Ciraco says, leaning against the wall of the building opposite the abandoned one. "It shouldn't take her too long I wouldn't have thought," he adds, pulling out a dagger and beginning to practice spinning it in his hand while he waits.

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Just wait here," Idrig commands, leaning against a wall. "Keep an eye on her though. If anyone comes to chat, we'll intervene."

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

A few moments pass and a young boy, maybe about 8 or 9, dressed in a miniature legion costume approaches you, pulling a small cart filled with assorted wooden boxes. "Buongiorno! My name is Alfio and I am part of Legio VII Piccolo," he says with a wide smile, proudly showing off a patch with VII on his sleeve. He's missing an upper canine tooth but it doesn't seem to hold back his joyous grin. He motions to his cart. "I am selling biscotti to raise coin for my Legio. Would you like to buy some?"


Your shadow delves deeper into the tunnel, with all sense of light fading for a few moments before a faint light appears ahead. Soon, you can see what appears to be the cellar of a tavern. The sewer channel opens directly into the cellar with a curved grate hatch serving as a sort of door on it. You cannot see anyone in the room, but loud cheers and shouts come from the floor above. Looking upwards, you notice a pair of holes in the ceiling directly above the sewer channel.

The cellar is fairly neat and sturdy, lit well by oil lanterns hanging from the ceiling. The walls flanking the sewer are lined with barrels and kegs, likely full of ale, wine, and other spirits for the patrons above. The opposing wall has a doorway where you can see the edge of a stairway ascending to the main floor. The rest of the cellar has neatly stacked crates and baskets, some open and containing smoked meats and cheeses.

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »


Cautious not to make her presence known - or rather, that of her shadow - Nyx inches the projections forward through the room, aiming to check on the door at the top of the stairs to get a sense for its location within the room above.

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