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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:38 am
by FinalTemplar
On any other day, I'd likely enjoy some time here, Narciso thinks. He pauses and looks around.
But today we're here on business. He keeps his eyes on the building, not the dancers.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
- Perception, scoping out the inside of the building. What can Narciso see from here? (still with the party): 14(1d20) +7 = 21
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:45 am
by Namelessjake
Ciraco eyes the archway for a moment before pointing it out to the group. "Places like this often have private rooms, so I've heard," he says with a smirk. "They could be down there. That'd be the perfect place to grab our target if there's another exit back there," he adds.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:16 pm
by ratwizard
What a sad place, Idrig thinks as he looks over the tables of lonely people. Is this how people here occupy their desires, their lives? They lack merit.
He peers toward the archway and nods at Ciraco's words. "Yes, that'd be the best place to do so. Any sewer access is a plus. Who wants to take a look around back there?"
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 7:11 pm
by Fialova
Nyx blushes slightly as the sights of the room come into full view. While she'd spent plenty of time in changing rooms with other women, something about them being on display in such spectacular fashion makes her feel dirty, and predatory. She instinctively pulls her hood tighter across her head and averts her gaze towards the floor, trying not to focus too much on the dancers on stage.
"I think it would be too suspicious for me to go," she says, at Idrig's mention of viewing the private rooms. She then glances around for an empty table a sufficient distance from other occupied ones, and makes her way over to sit. The bartender ought to have insight on this place's clientele. Maybe he'd be willing to talk some about it.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:21 am
by FinalTemplar
Narciso keeps his voice down, "It's not the first time I've been here, though I don't come here often. Maybe I could get back there again, with something to look for beyond myself." He says carefully, not wanting to say too much.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:58 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig studies Narciso for a moment. "You should take point, then. I stand out... You? Not so much. If anything happens I'll stay here and create a distraction."
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:24 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso takes a look around before approaching the bartender. "Heyo again, it's been a while since I've done this, but I'd like to get a lady please."
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:36 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig waits patiently with Luca and Ciraco, keeping an eye on both Narciso and Nyx.
"This place is a shithole," the dwarf grumbles, mostly to himself as they wait. He turns to Ciraco. "You have any other ideas? I don't like sitting around and waiting."
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:51 pm
by Scratcherclaw
As Nyx takes a seat, the bartender finishes mixing his cocktail creation. He places it on a small silver platter, delivering it to a middle-aged man sitting by his lonesome in the front row. The man barely notices, too fixated on the dancer nearest to him.
Immediately after, the bartender makes his way to Nyx's table.
"Welcome, my dear. Might I get you anything to drink?" he asks, a worn smile on his face.
"We've half-priced drinks for the morning. I would recommend the Monarch, quite perfect for mornings such as these."
Luca shrugs at Idrig's question, moving his eyes around the establishment.
"Might be a cellar entrance somewhere. A trapdoor or something. Or you could try and sneak backstage."
The bartender turns to Narciso, raising an eyebrow for a moment. He nods in recognition and says,
"Aye, of course. Take your pick. Ten gold pieces for a private dance, hands off, twenty-five hands on. Who'll you have?"
Narciso- [SHOW]
- There are four women on the stage to choose from: three humans and an elf.
The woman in front appears older than the rest, both from her appearance and the way she moves and presents herself. You know her as Mimi, the matron of this establishment. She still looks beautiful however, and you'd assume she was in her twenties from far away. Up close, it's clearer that she's likely in her forties and wearing heavy makeup to hide any blemishes and wrinkles.
On the left end of the stage stands the elf who you think is named Claire, likely in her late twenties with long blonde hair and a shimmering pink dress which shows her stomach on. She looks confident in her moves, swaying back and forth and showing her skin.
On the right is a brunette human you recognize as Rita, also in her late twenties by the looks of it. She's wearing a tight black and green top that accentuates her rather large bosom, and she has a small matching bikini bottom on below. She exudes similar confidence to the elf, leading you to believe she's experienced.
In the rear of the middle is the last of the human women, looking to be in her early twenties. She's dressed more conservatively than the others, wearing a flashy blue dress that covers her midriff. Her movements are shaky and unrefined but still somewhat artful. You don't recognize her, leading you to believe she's a recent hire at the Crimson Butterfly.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:33 pm
by Namelessjake
"Sneaking backstage might not go down too well at a place like this," Ciraco replies to Luca, imaging the gladiator walking in on the dancers' changing rooms.
"A cellar isn't a bad idea though. Did anyone see an entrance outside or is it in here somewhere?" He asks the group, trying to remember if he had clocked one outside himself or not as he also scans the room for signs of a cellar.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
- Perception to locate cellar entrance: 15(1d20) +12 = 27
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:17 pm
by ratwizard
"I saw sewers running through this plaza, so cellar access would make a lot of sense," Idrig says. "As much as I am eager to get our scouting done, I recommend you do all of our wandering here. A handsome, young human like yourself seems to warrant a lot less scrutiny in this city than myself, I've found. Curious how that works."
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:02 pm
by Fialova
"Oh?" Nyx asks, lifting her head to face the bartender's at his mention of the drink. What could he mean, mornings such as this? "What is in it?" she asks, her gaze once more drifting towards the stage, where her mixture of embarrassment and anxiety causes her to once more look down towards the table.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:34 am
by Namelessjake
"I thought you'd at least go half as unnoticed," Ciraco says to Idrig with a smirk, making another joke about the dwarf's height.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:11 am
by ratwizard
"Is that the only joke you know?" Idrig says, eyeing Ciraco wearily. "You're like a one-trick pony. I feel sorry for all the women who cross your path, expecting more." He shakes his head. "Why don't you go find us our cellar, then?"
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:57 pm
by FinalTemplar
"The elf, Claire." He says, nodding.
"Please." He adds.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
- 25gp is handed over.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:03 pm
by Scratcherclaw
The bartender nods to Narciso, taking his coin and putting it into a pouch hanging by his waist. He turns towards the elven dancer on stage, gesturing for her to come over. She approaches him, nodding. She looks to Narciso and gives him a weak grin.
"Follow me then, signor Angelo," she says, leading Narciso into the private corridor.
With the dance's transaction completed, the bartender turns his attention back towards Nyx.
"The Monarch? It is orange juice, blackberry syrup, and a bit of rum. Just enough to leave you functioning fine," he says, winking playfully. He looks towards Idrig and Luca and asks,
"And you, sirs? Is there anything I can grab for you?"
Luca shakes his head.
"Nothing for me, no. But thank you."
Narciso- [SHOW]
- You step across the archway as you've done a few times before and find yourself in the familiar hall that extends the length of the building. Directly across from where you entered are rows of small chambers, large curtains offering a sense of privacy for those in the rooms. You notice cloth flags decorated with butterflies draped across two sets of curtains, but most are unadorned.
You turn left into the hall, following closely behind Claire as she approaches a stall. Directly ahead is an unmarked wooden door, closed and sturdy by its looks.
Finally, Claire opens a set of curtains and ushers you into the small chamber. Inside is a plush chair and a sconce illuminating the room in a vibrant purple. "Sit whenever you're ready," Claire says, closing the curtain behind her. She retrieves a butterfly flag from a small nook in the wall, draping it over the curtain. She turns back towards you and gives a small grin. "Whenever you're ready, we can begin."
Ciraco- [SHOW]
- As you look around the establishment, you take note of the bar's relation in comparison to all the other visible entrances and exits. More specifically, you notice it's closest to the front exit and distant from the backstage entrances, far from ideal for restocking. You step over towards the bar, leaning over it when you spot it: a trapdoor centered behind the bar. It does not appear locked but it appears quite heavy.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:44 am
by FinalTemplar
"I'll be sure to come find you afterwards --- Don't worry about me, I can look after myself." He gives a brief smile at the others. After he says this he looks back at the dancer, and follows her to the back corridor.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:19 am
by Namelessjake
Ciraco lets out a small chuckle as Idrig bites back. Leaning against the bar but turning to face Idrig and the others in such a way no one else would see, he gestures pointing downwards. "It's behind the bar," Ciraco he says quietly, barely louder than just mouthing the words.
That is not ideal. There's no chance we'd be able to sneak in and out of there easily. Especially if this place is full of patrons on the day of the parade. Hopefully Narciso has better luck in the back.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:53 pm
by Fialova
"Oh, that does sounds nice," Nyx responds, offering the man a weak smile as he explains the contents of the beverage to her. "How much is your smallest glass?" she asks. Should I even be drinking right now? I hope it is not too strong, we still have so much to do.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:27 pm
by ratwizard
"Signor Angelo?" Idrig repeats to Ciraco, disgust in his quieted voice. "We're at a place where the staff knows his face and his name?"
The dwarf sighs, before realizing the bartender has addressed him.
"Much appreciated, but no thanks." Besides, I'm sure I could mix up something much better than the swill these amateurs in this rotting establishment make. A true drink is a work of art, not a commodity to be traded.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:38 am
by Scratcherclaw
"It's half-priced, so..." He hesitates for a moment, squinting at you as if in recognition.
"On second thought, it's on the house." He smiles, returning to the bar with a quickened step. He takes several bottles, expertly mixing them together in a tumbler before shaking and pouring them into a glass. He places it on a small silver platter, returning to Nyx's table and setting down her drink. It's a vibrantly orange drink with streaks of more viscous black moving throughout it, akin to a monarch butterfly.
Luca shrugs to Idrig.
"You're forgetting we'll be in masks and costumes. Pretty hard to know a face when you can't see it." He notices Ciraco gesturing behind the bar and raises an eyebrow, giving a nod after he hears the quiet words.
"Not the best entrance, but it's something."
After a few minutes, Narciso returns from the side room, cheeks flushed but otherwise the same. A few moments later, the woman he'd hired appears back on the stage from behind the stage's curtains.
Narciso- [SHOW]
- Once you're ready, Claire nods and begins her routine. Her body begins to sway and move in exotic ways, proof of her skills as a dancer.
* * *
Several minutes seem to pass in an instant, with Claire's body almost hypnotizing you as your eyes fixate on it. Finally, she finishes her act and throws on the clothing she'd be wearing before. "I hope you enjoyed the show." She sighs, leaning against the wall for a moment as she regains her composure after the dance. "It is truly nice to see a friendly face before the festivities. There are always so many here... It's hard to keep track of everyone." She opens the curtain again, stepping out into the hall and gesturing you back towards the main room.
"It was a pleasure. I am sure I will be seeing you." With this, she walks down the length of the hallway towards the unmarked door. She opens it, revealing part of the backstage area. As she turns to close it, she smiles and winks. Then, with a click, the door shuts behind her. You easily make your way back to the main room and find Ciraco leaning by the bar while Nyx remains at a table and Idrig and Luca stand where they were before.
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:43 pm
by Namelessjake
"True, it would do in a pinch. We could always have Nyx obscure us or cause a distraction or something," Ciraco says, replying to Luca.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:52 am
by FinalTemplar
Narciso- [SHOW]
- Narciso allows himself to be dragged off to the back hallway. As they walked, he smirked a bit but tried not to forget his business here. They got to the room and he sat down and lost track of time watching her dance.
He waved at her as she left through the door, sighing to himself. He made his way slowly back down the hall again back towards the front room, looking for hidden entrances and exits now that he's alone.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
- Perception: 18(1d20) +7 = 25
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:22 am
by Fialova
"Oh," Nyx responds, as the man walks away.
What changed? Has he seen me before? Did he used to come to the casino? I'm not poor, I can pay, she thinks, as she watches and waits for the drink to arrive.
"Are you sure?" She asks, when the man sets the drink in front of her without asking for payment.
"Won't you get in trouble?" She gazes at the glass and the strange colors, a bit pleased to see a drink so vibrant and unique.
- Streetwise to see if I recognize the man: 17
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:21 pm
by ratwizard
"Provided his mask doesn't come loose and he doesn't speak," Idrig says, glowering at Luca.
As Narciso returns, the dwarf studies him. Flushed cheeks. He must have gotten a rush back there. From a woman, or from his findings? Let's hope the latter.
"Any luck?" Idrig asks him.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:03 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Nyx- [SHOW]
- As you look at him, you do come to realize that he looks somewhat familiar to you as well, though you struggle to place where you've seen his face before. Then it hits you where you know his face from. Several months prior, a young elf had been working as a bartender at the same casino where you had been employed up until recently.
Though you rarely directly interacted, you're almost sure it's the same man. You recall stories of him being fired for telling Mr. Dimenare off after a new policy was introduced, one that led to watered-down drinks and cheap mixers. Particularly, you recall hearing the bartender spoke about how the staff and customers deserved better than what they were getting. Dimenare, however, scoffed and promised to ruin the elf.
Narciso- [SHOW]
- Looking down the hallway, you notice something peculiar about the last of the curtained stalls, the one closest to the backstage door Claire had gone through. It appears to have a faint light, almost like sunlight, feeding in behind the curtain. The bottom of the curtain moves slightly, indicating a slight flow of air hitting beneath it.
You also notice a butterfly flag draped over the top of the curtain, indicating the stall is occupied. Nonetheless, you assume there is an exit of some sort built within it. You don't see any other signs of a hidden entrance or exit elsewhere and realize you should not linger in this hall much longer.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:35 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso returns to the others after some time. "Good news, I *might've* found something. Bad news, the spot I might've found is a stall for... well..." He indicates the dancers. "But there appeared to be natural light coming from it. Perhaps a window, or some other kind of opening. It was occupied, I couldn't look." He says quietly, keeping his voice down.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 9:00 pm
by Fialova
As memory of the man and his past at the casino flood back to her, Nyx chuckles lightly to herself. "I guess getting in trouble is not something you worry about though," she responds, giving the man a genuine smile - the first she'd shown since she entered the place. "How are you? I am happy to say I escaped that place as well."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:15 pm
by Namelessjake
I hope he enjoyed himself with how long that took, Ciraco thinks as Narciso returns. "We could check the back of the building to see where it comes out. It won't matter if it's occupied or not on the day," he suggests, chuckling slightly as he imagines them barging past a surprised dancer and patron with the Prince in tow.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:10 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Glad I am to hear," the bartender says with a chuckle, taking a seat down at the table with her. "I did not know if you would remember me. After all, Vinn the Bartender's time was pretty short there." He glances around the room, making sure all customers are taken care of momentarily before looking back towards Nyx. "I am well, though. We have almost finished preparations for our Carnival festivities. I may need time off after it's over."
Luca raises a brow as Narciso returns and discloses his findings. "Doesn't sound like all bad news. If we get lucky and find it unoccupied, maybe no one'll think to check it," the man says, shrugging his shoulders.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:56 am
by Fialova
"Oh?" Nyx asks, her curiosity piqued at his mention of the Carnival. Right, that is the whole reason we are here. I guess I should ask him about it, she thinks as she takes another small sip of her drink, smiling again while savoring the taste.
"What sorts of preparations are you making? More beautiful ladies, dancing in the street?"
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:59 pm
by ratwizard
"Good find," Idrig says to Narciso. "Ciraco, Luca, perhaps you can keep an eye on Nyx while we go and find a window where that room leads outside to. If we're lucky, it's the alleyway." He looks at Narciso expectantly.
Besides, I'd like to leave this debaucherous hall. It is for lesser souls.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:38 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso gave a thumbs up. "I'm glad I could help." He nods. "Lets go, Idrig." He says. "My friend and I are just going to step outside, I'll be back soon." He gave a nod and a wave to the bartender.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:11 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig grunts in agreement, following after Narciso. Before he leaves, he cocks his head back toward Ciraco in particular. "Keep an eye on the lass," he murmurs, nodding at Nyx. "She's probably the most useful of us all."
Once outside the establishment and out of earshot from the hostess Ciraco spoke with, the dwarf turns to Narciso. "Which side of the building?" he asks. "Lead the way."
Re: Fortune's Favor IC
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:35 am
by Namelessjake
"That's debatable but ok," Ciraco replies to Idrig. She's definitely not the least useful, he thinks, glancing over at Nyx sitting with the bartender.
"Actually, she may be more useful than I thought, especially in this moment," he says to Luca, as he realises how distracted the Bartender is. "I'm going to check out that hatch," he says before making his way towards the back of the bar. He does his best to make sure no other patrons are looking before ducking behind it and making his way towards the trap door.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:48 pm
by FinalTemplar
Narciso considered it for a minute, considering where the room would have been. "Yeah, I think I can find it. Follow me." He says, leading Idrig out of the building and around the side.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:09 pm
by ratwizard
Idrig nods at Narciso, following along behind him.
Of course, this is only going to be helpful if we need to take our prey to the street instead of the sewers. Still, it's better to have options.
His theorizing draws his attention, and he only keeps half an eye out.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
- Perception to help look for the other side of the light: 4(1d20) +1 = 5
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:25 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Luca nods to Ciraco, waving him off while he keeps a close eye on Nyx.
Nyx- [SHOW]
- "Oh, you know, stocking the cellar, preparing decorations, hiring musicians," Vinn says with an exaggerated sigh. "We're holding quite a large party. Live music, dancing with patrons. The private rooms will be closed off and guests will be able to join on stage." He gives you a tired smile, one that shows he's excited for it but that it's taken quite a bit out of him. "We make a killing on booze, though. But gods, we can barely keep track of what's going on during the party. It gets wild."
Idrig & Narciso- [SHOW]
- At Narciso's direction, you head outside and towards the side of the building, which is tucked into a narrow alleyway feeding into the nearby plaza. Despite being in almost assuredly the right place, you don't see any sign of a door or window: just a large brick wall, unadorned and unguarded.
Idrig- [SHOW]
- You're unable to find the source of where the light may have been feeding into the building, or any sign of an obvious door or window.
Ciraco- [SHOW]
- You make your way to the trapdoor, unnoticed by any of the staff and patrons. As before, you find it centered behind the bar, which conceals yourself as you get to work.
You notice the trapdoor doesn't have any sort of lock on it, but it does appear to be quite heavy, constructed of sturdy wood with iron construction holding it together. It has a large iron ring to lift it, slowly wearing away after years upon years of heavy use.
- Gimme a strength or stealth roll to open the trapdoor, or both if you prefer
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:04 pm
by ratwizard
"Don't see anything," Idrig says curtly to Narciso. "You sure it wasn't an atrium or a sky-facing opening?"
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:08 am
by FinalTemplar
"I couldn't tell, it was just the best lead I could get." Narciso looks around quickly for a way up the wall.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
- Perception to look for stuff to do the climby thing: 8(1d20) +7 = 15
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:29 pm
by Namelessjake
Ciraco, tries his best to silently open the trapdoor behind the bar.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
- Stealth: 25
Strength: 2
20(1d20) +5 = 25; 1(1d20) +1 = 2
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:24 pm
by Fialova
"That sounds so hectic!" Nyx responds. "I hope they tip well at least. You deserve it after all of that work." So this place is a good place to sneak around during the event it seems, that is good to know.
"I'll have to stop by to say 'hi,'" she adds to the man, giving him a small smile once more. "We working folk have to stick together after all."
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:06 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Nyx- [SHOW]
- Vinn nods and smiles. "Most do. The really rich folk visiting from overseas though? Not so much." He shrugs and laughs. "But they usually get drunk enough that they can't remember the drink prices anyways."
He stands from his seat next to you, stretching a bit. "I should truly be getting back to work, but it was truly a pleasure to see you. Happy Carnival!"
OOC-ish- [SHOW]
- You had seen Ciraco sneaking behind the bar, and you believe he may still be there. Behind the bar. Where the bartender will go next. What do?
Ciraco- [SHOW]
- You strain to open the trapdoor, but it proves difficult the first time. Thankfully, you're able to keep quiet enough to not draw any attention to yourself.
After several futile attempts and sore arms, you manage to swing the trapdoor open. Looking down into it, you see a ladder leading into the cellar. It's dim within, difficult to see far but not utterly unlit, indicating some sort of light source within. You don't see much within from what you're actually able to see, just a pair of wooden shelves flanking the ladder and a sturdy barrel on the end of one of the shelves. You also hear the faint trickle of water coming from within.
Narciso- [SHOW]
- As you're looking for suitable footholds for climbing the wall, you notice something peculiar about the bricks around where the private stall should be. You notice an outline where there isn't any mortar between the bricks, instead just dark crevices in the wall. Tracing your finger around it, you discover the crevice is in the shape of a small door, going up about as high as your waist.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:38 pm
by Namelessjake
Seeing there's at least a source of light in the basement, Ciraco drops down, shutting the trap door behind him. "That sound of water has to be the sewer, if the bartender comes back tot he bar I can at least get out that way. And if I can't then we definitely can't come this way with the Prince," he thinks, looking around the basement now he's inside.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:25 pm
by ratwizard
"What is it?" Idrig demands, wondering what Narciso is inspecting. It's a blank wall. This establishment seems like a waste of our efforts. We should move on.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:19 pm
by FinalTemplar
"Hold on. There's a small door here." He said and attempted to open it.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:34 pm
by Fialova
"Wait," Nyx says to the man, as she realizes he will discover Ciraco if he leaves. She glances around, trying to think of an excuse to ask him to stay, when her eyes once more drift towards the women on stage. She instinctively blushes again and looks down, when an idea comes to mind. Of course, the performers. I can ask him about them.
"Um," she begins, should he comply with her request. "I was hoping you could, uh... tell me more about the other workers here. The women," she continues, feeling her cheeks flush once more as she says the words. Gods, he will think of me as a harlot for asking such things.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:56 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Ciraco- [SHOW]
- As you lower into the cellar, you hear footsteps from above seeming to approach for a moment. However, they stop and return the way they came.
After a few moments, your eyes adjust to the dimness of the room and you see that the cellar is a straight and narrow room, continuing a little under 100 feet forward. At the opposite end, you can see another ladder headed upwards. Based on the bar's location in comparison to the rest of the building, you estimate the other end to be somewhere backstage.
Most of the walls are lined with shelves holding foodstuff and kegs holding liquor. However, you notice the center of the room seems to be devoid of any shelving. In its place, you find a cross-intersection with sewer tunnels running perpendicular to the cellar. Metal gates, locked with a simple latch from the inside, bar the way on both sides. From the cellar, it's about a two foot drop into the tunnel, which seems to continue its flow beneath the cellar's walkway.
Nyx- [SHOW]
- The barkeep stops in his tracks and looks back at you with a smirk on his face. "I should've known! Why else would someone come in at this hour, after all." He takes his seat back at your table and begins pointing towards the dancers on the stage. He points at the woman in front, older than the rest but still beautiful and quite experienced by the looks of her. She seems to be wearing heavy makeup. "That's Mimi. She's the matron, been here longer than anyone. She's got a fiery spirit and years of wisdom, but she's the sweetest, really."
Next, he point towards an elf with long blonde hair and a shimmering pink dress which shows her stomach. You recognize her as the one Narciso had hired. "That's Claire. Came from Imardin to join a dance troupe, but dreams aren't often realized. She's happy here, though." He gestures towards the woman on the right of the stage, brunette with a particularly large bosom and very little clothing concealing it. "And that's Rita. Believe it or not, this is her dream. Fiercer than a lion in bark and bite, but some clients are into that."
Finally, he points towards a woman in the rear center stage, a younger human woman wearing a blue dress that covers more skin than her coworkers. Her dance moves seem unrefined and her face looks anxious, all to familiar to you. "And that's Corinna. She's quite new here. Mimi took her under her wing after some Barone boys mugged her in an alley nearby." He lets out a long sigh. "Too common of a story, really, but not everyone has someone like Mimi."
He glances over the stage once more before turning back towards you. "As for generally, they're from all walks of life. They earn a fair pay and safety, and they're free to leave when they'd like. This isn't some Buffone dump."
Idrig & Narciso- [SHOW]
- With a little finessing, Narciso manages to shimmy the false door open. Peering within, you simply see a square of shiny leather. You hear voices coming from within, a male and a female voice.
"Mmm, how I'd love to get my hands on that," says the male voice, in a rather creepy voice.
"Not unless you pay, signor Arlotti, as I have told you dozens of times," the female voice replies.
Narciso- [SHOW]
- You notice the leather is the same color as the seat you'd sat on within your own private room, leading you to believe this hidden door is concealed by the chair.
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:13 am
by FinalTemplar
Narciso shudders and quietly attempts to close the door. "So this leads into the uh... yeah. But it's occupied right now. Still, good to know for future reference if we need to bring him through here." Narciso looks over at Idrig. "Maybe that's an option."
Re: Fortune's Favor — IC
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:30 pm
by ratwizard
"Leads into the what?" Idrig demands in a raised whisper. "I'm not a mind reader, you know. Be specific. A room? Which room?"