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Beyond the Tainted Mire — IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 2:01 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Darkness. The clang of a bell. A shadowy figure growing nearer. Eyes glowing like coals. Horns like a beast. Screaming, crying, burning. Unable to move. Unable to escape. Black tendrils rise from below. Everything is dark. Footsteps nearer. Blade scraping on stone. An intense heat. A terrible, guttural roar. You work up the courage.
You open your eyes.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
You wake in your bedroom, your nightmare’s cold sweat already growing uncomfortable in the Great Swamp’s dreadful summer humidity. A fact of life, but one that you’ll never get quite used to. You peer out into the world, faint beams of pink and orange trickling in through the canopy before fading into the morning’s fog. The village is quiet, but the swamp is not. Birds above chirp while buzzing bugs swarm past your heads. And though it looks like any other day, it’s far from the truth. Today, your journey begins, when you cross the threshold and go beyond the tainted mire you’ve made your home for as long as you can remember.
You hear a familiar voice. “Ah, good morning, dear.” You turn and see Shaman Deyra smiling with her wide toothless grin you’ve become so accustomed to after all these years. A smile that’s brought comfort to those around her for as long as you’ve known and hasn’t failed yet. She straightens her walking stick and gives you a good look. “Let’s all break bread by the Stone this morning. Join me when you’re ready,” she says with a content sigh, continuing her walk to greet the rest of the village as the Coven comes to life.
You go about your usual morning routine, though stepping through your home feels bittersweet today. You’ve spent your lifetime in that home, and it’s finally time to leave the nest, at least for a time. You step out your door, making a quick glance at your packed bags in the doorway.
You make your way towards the Elder Stone, the center of the village and its belief system. A large log-constructed table is laid out near it, surrounded by crackling fires of various sizes. Upon the table is an impressive spread of the Coven’s breakfast fare, including many of your favorite dishes. The village’s leaders are all seated on one side, proud grins on their faces, even Pedagogue Nefes’ to your surprise.
“Come, children. Humor us with one last meal with your elders before you leave?” says Shaman Deyra, her voice cracking a bit. You notice her eyes are red and puffy, the telltale sign of tears had. “Yes, eat,” says Tolga without a hint of emotion to his voice. “You will need the strength in your trek to come.”
Nefes sighs, wiping something from her eye. “You children were brats but… You brought a certain life to our village. However, I will enjoy the quiet while it lasts,” she says, nearly straying from her bitter demeanor with a genuine compliment. Nearly.
Scryer Esma, meanwhile, looks up and towards each of you, sensing your energies despite her lack of sight. “How are you all feeling, children?” You get the sense that she already knows the answer but hopes to hear it with her own ears. “Let us answer all that you might ask of the outside world, that we might quell your fears and inhibitions.”
“They should have already prepared for this by now.”
“Avuulamak knows I tried.”
“Cease this bickering at once. We are here to celebrate, not fight,” Deyra says, chastising her subordinates. She turns back towards you. “Do you feel ready, children? Have you decided if you'd like to go north to Imardin or south to Tulrisse first? Tell old Deyra what’s weighing on your minds.”
As she speaks, Esma's body grows tense as she grits her teeth and grasps her head. Not a moment later, the same occurs to Emre. "No... Why now?" he barely mutters through the apparent mental assault as you all watch on. Deyra looks between you and the seers, waiting for anyone to speak up.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 2:52 pm
by BartNL
So, this is how it's gonna be. I could have seen this coming. Hell, from the looks of her, Deyra must have known this was coming.
Egash stands up on his chair, drawing the attention to him.
"Thank you for your kind words elders. In a minute or so, Scryer Esma and Emre will likely share their vague words of wisdom with us. As we are yet untouched by wise words, and we came here unenlightend to break bread, I propose we do so quickly before we become ununelightened." Egash says loudly and sarcastically.
After his speech Egash sits down as fast as he can, while grabbing some of the food closest to him.
He does not start eating it yet, knowing that would be pushing his luck.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:20 pm
by ratwizard
When Guvenc sees Egash's uncouth display, she knows better than to snicker, or else she too might receive the inevitable wrath of Nefes. I'm the target of her complaining far too often. Let me pass without a backhand this single time.
Ignoring the heaping table of delicious-smelling food that makes her gut rumble, she watches with concern as Emre and Esma begin to suffer from an unseen assault. Stepping gingerly toward her peer, Guvenc puts a hand on his shoulder to keep him steady. "You alright, Emre?" she asks quietly.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:40 pm
by KaraInMontana
Fay daintily settles herself into a seat, not responding immediately to the chatter of the elders members of the coven. A disembodied hand scuttling from her shoulder to the table catches her attention, ready to resume his usual meal duties.
"Manners, Thing," she scolds softly, but with a slight smile on her lips as the familiar stops short. At Shaman Deyra and Protector Tolga's invitation however, she gives a slight nod and the hand makes its way to the hot water to begin pouring a cup of barley tea. Her eyes rove across the table until landing upon a bowl of cornmeal porridge and the steaming tray of meat and peppers sitting in thick brown gravy next to it. Unable to help herself, the little witch reaches over and spoons the porridge into a bowl before adding the braised mixture of meat and vegetables on top.
Upon sitting back, she glances momentarily at the skull nestled in her lap. "You hush. Today is important", she chides. As she puts the first spoonful in her mouth, Egash, unsurprisingly to Fay's mind, lets out the first satirical display of the day. Foolishness. Does he truly wish to be upbraided on our way out of the village?
Instead of thinking further on the masked man's commentary, Fay considers Shaman Deyra's question. Drawing herself up, she answers in a measured tone, "I still believe we should make our way to Imardin first.
While I do not fear the Tulrissian turtle-men in their armor and their stone houses, Tulrisse is much more agrarian and I believe a group such as ours would draw more attention there. We should begin in Imardin, where we will stand out less to the heretics. When our business is concluded there, we can perhaps obtain disguises to aid our venture into Tulrisse."
As she finishes, Fay notices the commotion as the two seers presumably receive insight from The Elder One. Cocking her head as Guvenc attempts to soothe Emre, the young witch comments under her breath,"What do they see, Kafa? Would that I had such insight..."
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:56 pm
by FinalTemplar
Sekil, now sitting with the others seems quiet. Though not his usual level of quiet. His eyes are drawn off into the distance for a few moments. Egash's outburst however, brings him back for the moment, his trademark grin now returning to his face. "Well shit, bro, give'm a minute to prepare, yeah?" Once given permission, he'd eat some of the food, quietly mumbling a soft prayer that allowed him to get over the worry of eating meat. Good protein. We give our lives to protect them, and they give their lives to sustain us in a never ending cycle. He thinks to himself. "I, uh, for one, agree with Fay-lady over here. Imardin first sounds like it's all up and the good option. But uh, I'd be willing to hear the opinions of others."
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:50 pm
by LeoMatheus
Pieter was anxious for when this day would arrive. Leaving the coven, the swamp. What would they find out there, among strange beasts and heretic people? He was even quieter than usual.
Now, at the table, that wasn’t any different. Just once he spoke until now:
“Hey Barlowe, come here. Have some of these greens”. He said in a hushed voice, while grabbing something for the capybara to eat.
While he did that he was considering Deyra’s question. Internally he wanted to go to Tulrisse first, as from what he heard they were a bit gentler to nature than Imardin, but that was a weak preference and he would just follow what the others end up choosing. But as soon as the mental assault on the seers begun, he thought Well, that makes it easier, they should come up with our destination any time now.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:48 pm
by Fialova
Ravza makes her way to the gathering area near the Elder Stone with an air of anxiety hanging over her. She is still not quite sure why she was made to leave the village with so many others, and she had not quite grown to accept the fact yet. Where she would typically be humming a joyful tune as she strolls through the village, it is instead replaced by one more somber, more dissonant.
She perks up slightly when the sight of the feast before her comes into view, as well as the faces of the elders and her future traveling companions. She knew all of their faces, but not them too well. She'd never been one to make many friends, and now it seemed she would have to, or risk a very uncomfortable trip into the unknown. She instinctively ceases her humming once she draws near to the others, not wanting to burden their ears with her voice.
Tulrisse sounds much more interesting, she thinks to herself, as the topic turns towards where to go. But if we are going to both then does the order really matter? They are probably all the same. She slowly reaches around the table, trying to grab an assortment of the different dishes. After all, if it is indeed the last time she will have a home cooked meal for awhile then it is best to have a bit of everything.
While the others speak of things to come, and where to go, Ravza's attention is instead drawn to Barlowe. Oh wow it's cute, she thinks as she sees Pieter feeding it some of his food. She'd seen the man with his beast before, but never so close, and never when it was eating. "Do you..." she begins, speaking quietly to the man so as not to interrupt the main conversation. "Do you mind if I pet it?" she finally asks, hesitantly reaching her hand towards the creature.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:26 pm
by LeoMatheus
Would you mind it, Barlowe?
Sensing that it would not mind, Pieter gestures “go ahead” to Ravza.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:23 am
by Fialova
Ravza smiles at the man, before eagerly reaching her hand towards the animal's head. She lets it pause to sniff her before she does anything more, something she'd seen the animal handlers doing with other beasts. Once she is confident it will not bite her hand, she moves to stroke its head. She does this a few times before moving to scratch the capybara's chin, hoping it likes that. She instinctively begins to hum a little tune as she does so, very much enjoying the moment.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:34 am
by Namelessjake
Argan makes his way over to the Elder Stone quickly, keen for whatever the day holds. He remains silent as the elders speak, helping himself to a hearty breakfast.
"Tulrisse or Imardin, it makes no difference to me," he says as the topic of where they will journey comes up. "It would be good to take the fight to the Priestesses to the South though," he adds after thinking about it for a bit longer.
He watches as the Seers begin to suffer the effects of their shared visions. Let us see what the Elder One wishes of us.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:43 am
by Scratcherclaw
Nefes glares daggers at the indolent Egash. “You will show some respect,” she says, slamming her fists upon the table. "Or must I force some into you?"
Deyra raises her hand to silence Nefes, replying, "Stay your anger. I do not want our last moments to be spent like this."
Nefes sighs, easing her tensions and turning towards Fay. "It gladdens me that you've paid attention in class. At least someone did." Her words are interrupted as Esma's head thuds upon the table. The elders' eyes all go wide at the sight before Nefes speaks again. "A strong one, hm. Concerning... Tolga, why don't you carry her to her chambers?" He grunts in response, picking up the scryer with ease and disappearing into the village.
"It has been some time since a vision of this intensity," Deyra says, picking at her meal with disinterest. "Tell me, children. Have you been stricken by strange dreams as of late? Nightmares, even?" She looks over each of you, an expression of grave worry washed over her.
A moment later, Emre comes to. He looks towards Guvenc, concern painted on his face. "I don't...... no." He hunches over, staring at the ground before turning to face his snake-bearing peer again.
Guvenc- [SHOW]
You swear you faintly hear the sound of Emre's voice in the back of your mind. "They're coming... Here. Danger."
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:19 pm
by FinalTemplar
Sekil distractedly munches on food, seemingly very intent on devouring it whole. At the mention of dreams and nightmares, however, he swallows and goes still. He nods slowly. "I, uh, well, I can't all up and speak for the others, but I've seen some." He cleared his throat. "The weeks leading up to this, uh, trip... they've gotten more frequent, a little uh, clearer." He looked down at the table, not wanting to make eye contact.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 1:43 pm
by LeoMatheus
Pieter returns Ravza a smile.
She knows her ways with beasts too, not only plants? Good.
Pieter gives a small nod to the elder.
“A few, but probably born out of the anxiety of leaving...”
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 1:58 pm
by ratwizard
Guvenc's eyes narrow as she hears the familiar sound of Emre's voice in an unfamiliar place — within her mind. What? What does that mean?
"Emre, who is coming?" she asks, louder now, and desperate. Ignoring the conversation regarding their destination, or their dreams, the tamer continues. "Why are we in danger?"
She scans her surroundings, and her eyes find him before her brain even tells her so. Meer. Come. The anaconda effortlessly slips from a sagging bough of a black willow tree, stretching along the dirt and patches of grass as he approaches. Tongue flicking and eyes dark, Meer slides beneath the table, between the others, and finally — wraps up and around Guvenc's leg, coming to rest atop her shoulder.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 2:41 pm
by BartNL
So that confirms it. I wasn't the only one to dream that dream. Wonder what caused it. Did Deyra send it? Can she do that?
In between bites Egash answers:"Honestly, nothing worse than the usual."
Realising someone has to say something more encouraging, Egash rises again, this time speaking seriously:
"Friends, there's nothing worse out there than we have faced before here. It's the turtlemen in their stone houses, those kniggets or what are they called, that should be having ominous dreams."
After sitting down, Egash stares at Deyra first, then at Nefes while mumbling under his breath:"It can't be that hard after all if you trust me to complete the mission."
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:31 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Deyra hms at your answers, appearing lost in thought for several moment before she snaps back to reality. "I had thought that may be the case. Perhaps it is simply the Elder One simply wishing to send a farewell message to you all." She turns back to her meal, helping herself to a portion of the cornmeal porridge. "Our cooks truly outdid themselves today. I must thank them properly later," she says with a content grin.
Meanwhile, Emre stays directly into Guvenc's eyes, placing his index finger over his mouth to call for silence. He glances at Shaman Deyra, repeating the gesture.
Suddenly, the swamp around you grows quiet, eerily so. A thick fog begins to roll in, veiling the village and its inhabitants in uncertainty and tension. The fire crackles, and a dish clanks.
Then, something unmistakable. Nightmarish. Horrifically familiar.
A terrible, guttural roar.
It echoes across the swamp, shaking the village, seeming to pierce your very core.
"That," Emre says to Guvenc, the spine-chilling sound speaking for itself.
The world begins to darken around you, the thick canopy and impenetrable fog ousting the sunlight from the realm you find yourselves in. Moments later, the sound of steel meeting stone. Quaking footsteps, trudging through the swamp.
And then...
The Coven's warning bell lets out, commotion arising as the protectors begin scrambling through the fog. Deyra stands, a look of determination and worry on her face. "Haluk, find Tolga and ready the beasts. Nefes, get everyone to the sanctum. Do not forget Esma. And children," she says, looking towards each of you, tears beginning to form in her eyes again. "Gather your things, say your goodbyes, then meet by the north gate."
Before you part ways, Nejla dashes by. Deyra grabs her arm, bringing her to a halt. "Nejla, dear, what is out there?"
She looks over the group, her eyes lingering upon Razva longer than the rest, before looking back towards the shaman. "Fleshstalkers," she says quickly, eyes darting towards the village's exterior for a moment. "But not like any I have seen. They seem perverted... corrupted. Their eyes glow like a thousand flames. It is... unnatural."
Deyra sighs and then turns to you. "You had all best hurry."
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:15 pm
by ratwizard
Just like the dream, Guvenc thinks, her breathing rapid and her eyes wide. "Fleshstalkers..."
More resolute, she takes a deep breath and walks past the table full of breakfast, ignoring the clawing hunger. "We should head north, to Imardin. I'll meet you all at the gate."
Splitting off from the others, Guvenc makes a sprint to retrieve her things, and Meer dislodges himself from her shoulder perch to slither along behind her.
The hut is a tiny thing, built on swaying stilts just yards off the soggy ground. But it is hers. And inside of it is the one thing she holds dear.
Maybe we'll find Kova, the young tamer thinks as she jams a few supplies into her pack. She holds up her tome, inspecting it closely for a moment. And Imardin is where they are, too... I think. She gingerly places the tome inside her pack and ties the strap across her shoulder. "Let's go, Meer. The others are waiting for us."
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 4:33 pm
by KaraInMontana
After observing the commotion of the seers for a few moments, Fay's attention was stolen by a light tugging on her sleeves. Looking down, she sees Thing sitting back on his wrist and pointing with his index finger at a steaming mug of barley tea.
"Thank you, Thing," the small smile returning to her lips as she takes her first few sips. "It is wonderful as always, love."
Moments later, as the threatening noises and fog roll into the center of the village after Emre's pronouncement, the young witch stands suddenly with Kafa held against her abdomen and looks about. At Shaman Deyra's words, Fay blinks for a moment and nods. "Yes, you are right. Thank you elders. We will not fail in our quests". Then, with a final glance at Pedagogue Neges, she reaches out to allow her familiar to crawl up to her shoulder and rushes back to her small hut.
Shoving aside the dark curtain that served as a door, Fay thanks herself for the wisdom of preparation as she grabs her already packed bag and strings her belt pouches to her sash. In a matter of moments, she is headed north to the village gate. As it comes into sight, she doesn't even glance down at the ever present skull as she says aloud, "No, I'm not forgetting anything. Besides, this will be a long trek through the swamp and potentially beyond. More weight would slow us down."
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 4:49 pm
by FinalTemplar
Sekil's eyes go wide, nodding at the Elder. He attempts to stay calm, but after bowing to the Elders he rushes back to his hovel to gather his things. His few possessions, some food. He straps the pack to his back, running towards the north gate, hoping to rejoin the others quickly.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:58 pm
by Fialova
Ravza's eyes go wide as the commotion begins, her humming stopping as her state of calm fades away. She watches with no small amount of fear as people rush by, Nejla included. She looks scared. I've never seen her look like that before.
As the others begin to rush off, following Deyra's command, Ravza does the same. She heads to her home to gather what few belongings she has. Should Banuk be there she tells him to hide, her tone and the look on her face clear that something is amiss. She leaves before he'd be able to respond, rushing to the north gate as fast as she can. Why are they coming here? What could be their goal? Will the others be safe?
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:38 am
by LeoMatheus
Pieter seems a little lost. Leave now that they are under attack?? Shouldn’t we stay and help? Protect them?
But another look at Deyra is enough for him to know better than to disobey. He grabs his stuff things were already bagged at his side, wondering why the others hadn’t brought their stuff with themselves. And seeing that there was no time left to discuss their destination, he heads to the northern exit.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:52 pm
by BartNL
Enraged that Fleshstalkers would dare to attack his home, Egash curses the monsters. "You will rue the day that you have disturbed the Swamp's peace. May bees sting your eyes, may snakes bite your toes and may you lay down to rest in ant nest"
While humming jinxes and hexes Egash realises that he brought all he needs for the journey with him as his 'house' sits alone outside the Coven, in a tall tree.
Seeing the others run away from their breakfast, Egash decides to fill his backpack with the mostly untouched feast before he hurries to the gate.
Fill backpack with bread, and other non-sticky foodstuff. Then draw implement and leave the table.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:15 am
by Namelessjake
While they await the result of the Seers' visions, Argan pays the conversation about dreams little notice, focusing on his breakfast instead. The sudden roar draws his attention - his hand reaching for the hilt of his blade ready to defend the coven, he however heeds Deyra's orders.
While it would be good to fight along side the other Protectors, the Elder One clearly wants us elsewhere, he thinks as he runs back to the hut he calls home. He had left his bag by the door and grabs it quickly before making his way to the Northern Gate.
"North then?" He says, rejoining the others by the gate.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:22 pm
by Scratcherclaw
With belongs in tow, you all quickly reach the northern gate and find Shaman Deyra waiting for you, her face heavy with worry. She appears lost in thought for but a moment before glancing towards each of you, her gaze lingering on your faces in ways mothers do. "Good, you have all arrived. Let us move then. Worry not for the village, for we've endured far worse," she says with a quick nod, cautiously stepping out into the world beyond the wooden walls.
By now, shouts and screeches and bestial growls echo across the swamp. You look towards the west, squinting to peer through the fog. Piercing through the clouds, and nearly through your souls, you spot them: the fiery eyes of the approaching hordes. They strike you as familiar, as those from your dreams. You shiver.
But they spot you. Letting out horrific shrieks, you can only watch as the soulless and hellish eyes barrel towards you like a hunter upon prey.
Fifty feet.... Forty feet....... Thirty feet.......... Twenty feet.......... Ten feet.
Shaman Deyra raises her walking stick. "Hap-Setmek!" she shouts as black tendrils rise from the murky waters below your feet. The shadows wrap hold of the fleshwalkers, coiling around them and binding them in place. She drops to her knees, regaining her strength in the few moments she's afforded. She pulls herself up again and says, "Come, we haven't much time til they break free."
With your path ahead clear, you start your move, sloshing through the ankle-high waters on a futile journey towards safety. Soon, the sounds of the Coven fade into obscurity, seemingly swallowed whole by the fog. After about an hour of walking, the fog too gives way to clarity ahead. As you continue, you notice the smell of smoke trailing towards you. You stick northward and eventually draw near the source of the smell: a small village, not unlike your own. It seems heavily in ruins, however, some of the logs still glowing hot with embers. It's quiet, almost uneasily so. Unnaturally so.
More attacks? Why do we feel your wrath, Elder One? Emre eyes the scorched village warily, his eyes darting between his companions as he hopes one of them is first to make the move. Maybe the big one will go first. He looks... strong.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:42 pm
by ratwizard
As the unnatural Fleshstalkers approach, Guvenc curls her hands around her tome, clenching her teeth while Meer hisses and bares his fangs. In an instant, the assailants are behind her, and she is running.
Her senses return to her minutes away from the Coven's edge, and she follows along woozily at Deyra's command. Where are we going?
When they approach the smoking village, Guvenc stops on her tracks. "It's... just gone. Why is this happening?" she asks nobody in particular. If those mindless beasts caused this much havoc here, then I can only imagine what they would have done to our village...
She inches forward, eager to see if there are any survivors, though she knows when it comes to the Fleshstalkers, the chances of that are slim to none.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:05 pm
by FinalTemplar
Sekil grunts as the Fleshstalkers approach, quickly shifting into the form of a crocodile to wander through the swamps easier, taking only a few moments to adjust as they get out of sight of the village that has taken up much of his youth.
As they wander, he becomes much more accustomed again to the new form, seemingly being more comfortable walking like this than in his bipedal form. As the fog parts, croc-Sekil gives an over-exaggerated slap of his tail, however upon seeing the small village, croc-Sekil's head lowers, looking away from the ruins.
Such destruction. What have we done, oh great one? croc-Sekil thinks to himself.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:10 pm
by Namelessjake
A shame, Argan thinks as Deyra stops the flesh stalkers in their tracks, his hand moving back from his sword to his side.
"The Elder One must be testing us. Only his strongest followers will survive, and they will be stronger for it," He says, surveying the ruined village in front of them. He steps forward, his eyes darting around the buildings and surrounding swamp.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:41 pm
by KaraInMontana
As the water and mud of the swamp squelches beneath her boots, Fay considers her companions once again. Perhaps we should shift into something like a battle formation? We don't want to be caught unawares by another group of Fleshstalkers...well, I'll just be sure to keep the oaf between myself and any of those freaks that pop up.
Turning her gaze from Argan, she notices Sekil's shift in form and a small smile slips across her face. Seizing the chance to soften the somewhat tense atmosphere, she calls out in a conversational tone to Ravza and Guvenc. "Don't you find this to be a grand improvement for Sekil, girls? He's much more handsome this way." She cuts off her slight giggle with a glance down to the skull in her sash. "Oh hush, Kafa," she chides in a softer tone. "It was funny. I'd like to see you do better."
As the group nears the ruined village, Fay stiffens then relaxes at Thing's reassuring grip tightening on her shoulder. Speaking in a low tone so that none beyond the circle of companions could possibly hear, she cautions the group. "This place could have recently been ravaged, but we need to keep an eye out for any enemy stragglers."
As she removes Kafa from his spot nestled in her sash, the skull's dim inner light appears to be tinged with light blue. With this done, the witch calmly but carefully examines the group's surroundings.
Perception- [SHOW]
14(1d20) +10 = 24
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:48 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Fay- [SHOW]
As you gaze upon the ruined village, you're stricken by how oddly calm, almost peaceful, it looks, despite being smoldering and destroyed. You don't sense any movement from within the village ahead, save a stray burnt husk of lumber collapsing, or hot embers bursting into the air.
You do, however, notice what seem to be figures, human in nature, on the ground, caked in ash and mud. They're not localized to any one area, instead being spread around the visible village. Through the smoke and coals, you're able to see the glint of metal shining ahead, almost lost under the rubble. From this distance, you're unable to make out what it is, but it might benefit a closer look.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:03 pm
by KaraInMontana
Fay remarks on the scene before the companions, in a somewhat detached and scholarly tone. "This doesn't appear to be an organized midden nor are there obvious signs of predation on these bodies. This seems inconsistent with the usual mode of operation for Fleshstalkers."
Turning her attention to a metallic glint in the distance, she takes a step forward before looking around. "We should take a look at that," she says, pointing.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:17 pm
by ratwizard
"Um, yeah," Guvenc says softly, taken off-guard by the sudden teasing. "Much more handsome." She keeps her eyes forward, watching for signs of danger.
When Fay points out the bodies, Guvenc edges toward one, with Meer at her heels. "Hold on for a moment, Fay. I think we should see what sort of danger we're dealing with here." She kneels down beside one of the fallen bodies, sliding mud and ash aside to quickly look for any wounds or afflictions. If it wasn't the Fleshstalkers, then who? Who would attack a village in this manner?
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Heal check to determine cause of death, if possible: 20(1d20) +8 = 28
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:51 pm
by LeoMatheus
”More handsome indeed” says Pieter, not quite getting it’s a joke, as he indeed prefers the company of beasts. I should talk to him later, how he learnt to do that.
Entering the village Pieter looks around for any bird or small beast to try to find any information on what happened here. He also assumes a stance similar to that of a hunting cat, ready for anything.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
Using “Beast Empathy” knack and entering “Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx” stance
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:45 am
by FinalTemplar
Sekil doesn't pay the joke much mind, looking forward at the village. Carefully he'd shift back into his humanoid form, looking back at the others. "Should we check it out? I mean... we might as well, right?" He winced, not sure if the denizens were even alive or not anymore. "Maybe they have some supplies we could scavenge, maybe... so they don't go to waste." He says.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:26 pm
by Scratcherclaw
As you step closer to the village, you find yourselves alone. Corpses litter the ground and rubble, caked in mud and ash but unmoving. Only a handful of buildings still stand, their mud-clay bricks more resistant to the burning fires than the wood and thatch constructions that likely made up the rest of the village. You see no signs of any life, whether village inhabitants or their assailants. Stepping further in, you catch sight of a small doll, roughly sewn from hempen cloth and feathers. You also notice two still-burning coals embedded into its eyes.
Closer in now, you're able to more clearly see the metallic glint Fay had pointed at. You can tell it's a pedant or chain of some sort, its nature unclear to you without looking closer. It appears to be hanging from the hilt of a crude iron blade, as if a makeshift grave or memorial.
What messages is the Elder One trying to send us? Is he angry? What have we done to deserve this? Emre thinks, inching into the village behind the others.
Feel free to explore the village and look for clues or supplies or whatever as you see fit. Include appropriate rolls if you're taking such actions.
Guvenc- [SHOW]
As you examine one of the corpses, you're struck by several things. Firstly, its face is contorted, twisted in a horrific manner. The body's eyes and mouth are still wide open, as if watching on in fear. You then notice the body lacks any outward wounds that might obviously determine the nature of their death. However, what stands out to you is their veins, blackened against their pale flesh. This leads you to believe the death was either through internal causes, arcane sources, or both.
Pieter- [SHOW]
As you step into the ruined village, hear the telltale ribbit of a frog. Following its sound, you soon spot a large bullfrog resting in a shallow pool of water. It looks up at you as you approach but does not flee, as if waiting for you to speak.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:18 pm
by ratwizard
"Blackened veins," Guvenc says, standing up from the body. "Poison? A curse, perhaps? I don't understand." She scans the ruins before her, taking the scene in. This is horrible... What if something like this happened to us, and our village?
She turns instead to their elderly leader. "Shaman Deyra, have you ever seen anything like this? A village put to the torch, its inhabitants purged?"
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:32 pm
by BartNL
Egash who has not said a word on the walk, breaks his silence and speaks just loud enough for the group to hear:
"Someone or something was around to put that chain on that sword not to long ago. Let's be carefull. I'll take a quick look around"
For those without keen eyes, it seems that Egash's unnaturally fades away into his surroundings.
Egash sneaks around the village, entering the brick houses while looking for traps and any sign of life
4(1d20) +12 = 16; 8(1d20) +8 = 16
16 stealth general (+1=17 for sneaking)
16 perception
Gain concealment from shadow walk
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 4:39 am
by FinalTemplar
Sekil began stealthily searching the homes for supplies.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
16(1d20) +6 = 22; 18(1d20) +12 = 30
22 for Stealth, 30 for Perception.
Sekil is carefully sneaking through the homes, looking for abandoned tools, supplies, unspoiled food and water rations. Anything that could potentially help on their journey.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 4:35 pm
by KaraInMontana
After a quick look to the others spreading around the village, Fay sighs to herself before lifting Kafa in an outstretched hand. Her voice takes on an echoing quality as she chants softly, "Veraeodius Utzana Utzal Ecruyuguin."
As she finishes, nearby shadows lengthen and stretch into purple and black hands that engulf her entire figure before vanishing back into the gloom. The young witch, suddenly extremely difficult to spot, begins moving towards the jewelry hanging from the blade in the distance, keeping to the sides of ruined building and watching for any signs of enemies or valuables.
Stealth- [SHOW]
Chameleon's Mask lets Fay use Arcana in place of Stealth 12(1d20) +17 = 29
Perception- [SHOW]
11(1d20) +10 = 21
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:27 pm
by LeoMatheus
Pieter approaches the frog as he has done so many times before. Not threatening, no sudden moves. He knows the frog doesn’t talk, it is not a magical being, but some communication is possible, and all information he could get on what happened here would be welcome.
Using gestures and noises he tries to ask “What happened here?”, and keeps looking for the answer.
Dice Rolls- [SHOW]
Diplomacy: 15
8(1d20) +7 = 15
Insight: 20
12(1d20) +8 = 20
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 6:50 am
by Fialova
Ravza is overwhelmed by all of the action, barely able to follow after the others as they flee the village. She seems to be in a sort of trance as they run, her fight or flight instincts shifting fully into flight mode. The escape from their home is bittersweet to her. She knows the shaman has said that they are going to be alright, but she cannot help but to worry about her father, Nejla, all of the others left behind.
She has little time to continue thinking about others as their trail ends at the ruined village. The destruction of this place is terrifying to the girl, and while she fears the same might come for their home, she realizes that there is more immediate potential danger to worry about. What could have done this? And why? Was it the fleshstalkers?
Spotting the doll in the middle of the village, and seeing that no one has chosen to approach, she begins to slowly and carefully step towards it. She cannot quite recall if she has heard of such a thing before in Banuk's tales, and she racks her brain to see if she can remember.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
History, to see if Ravza knows any stories about dolls with burning coals for eyes: 33
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:22 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Shaman Deyra uneasily steps towards Guvenc and the corpse she had been examining. She strains to kneel before it, letting out a deep sigh as her joints crack from the movement. She looks over the body for a moment before getting to her feet again, using her walking stick to support her strength. She frowns. "Seen? No. But I have heard of such a thing. A forbidden ritual. Souls sucked from the living as only corruption remains within them. My memory fails me for more answers. Forgive me, child."
Egash- [SHOW]
As you scout the village, you're surprised to find no signs of life remaining. Those who were around have likely long-since departed, you might assume. The first of the brick buildings appears to be a granary of sort. Another seems to function as a rudimentary temple, though you find little of interest in it. Upon entering the final brick structure, tucked between the remains of two charred homes, you immediately notice a trapdoor constructed into shabby flooring. It doesn't appear to have a locking mechanism and you hear nothing coming from below.
Sekil- [SHOW]
You easily sneak through the village, undetected, although you don't spot any signs of life regardless. You find little of interest or value in the homes themselves, the intense fires having burned away or buried all that remained within them. However, you do come across the village's granary. Within, you find some slabs of cured meats as well as sacks of assorted swamp fruits and grains. The sacks are sturdy, made of a hempen weave. Atop a crate within the granary, you also find some of the empty sacks, as well as a long spool of rope.
You find:
5lbs of cured meats
10lbs of assorted fruits and vegetables, within sacks
20lbs of grain, mostly rice
8 empty Sacks
50 ft of Rope
Fay- [SHOW]
Keeping to the shadows, you inch your way towards the makeshift memorial. Upon a closer look, you can see the blade is of good craftsmanship, similar to your own village's make. You know from your studies that it's not of Fleshstalker construction, so it is likely a villager's. The necklace appears to be gold and steel, with two small gemstones embedded within. It's shaped like a large animal skull, with imposing horns and grotesque fangs sculpted into the metal. In its eyes, there are a pair of fiery sunstones, which glimmer and shine even in the dim sunlight under the swamp's canopy.
Pieter- [SHOW]
The frog stares at you blankly for a moment before beginning to hop towards the charred remains of a building, occasionally looking back towards you to make sure you're following. It lets out a long ribbit before hopping upon a mound of dirt and rubble, suggesting something is buried beneath.
Ravza- [SHOW]
You recall a sort of dark tale you were once told on a stormy eve some years ago. Although Banuk seemed to weave it as more fiction than fact, you're now learning there may be more to it. The tale told of a small village, similar to this. Growing overzealous and violent, they undertook a ritual to spread their influence. The ritual involved sacrificing a child to their false god in order to gain some dark power.
As the tale goes, the child's soul would be bound to their favored toy, and this vessel would grant the power to raise and control the dead. Though Banuk spoke little of the ending of this tale, he offered a cautionary warning: seeking to bind the boundless may only bring destruction upon yourself.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 1:03 pm
by LeoMatheus
Pieter follows the frog among the ruins. When it finally stops above the mound of dirt, he says to it “Thanks, friend”.
He then turns to Marlowe and says “Can you help me dig through this? But take care not to get hurt, we don’t know what lays beneath.”
Pieter then looks for any large piece of wood that is laying around, to use it as a makeshift shovel, and with Marlowe’s help he begins digging.
I don’t know if I need to roll something, or what should I roll. If you tell me on discord I can edit the post with the result.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:08 pm
by BartNL
Egash opens the trapdoor and looks inside.
Mechanics- [SHOW]
13(1d20) +8 = 21
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:39 pm
by ratwizard
Guvenc stays near the middle of the village with the Shaman and Emre while the others fan out to investigate. "A forbidden ritual?" she asks, frowning. "Leaving only corruption behind..." She looks back at the bodies, tracing the blackened veins along. That sounds horrifying. I can't imagine what that would feel like.
"Surely you must remember something, Shaman Deyra? Try and remember, if you can. We aren't safe here, and neither are the rest of the Coven." Guvenc turns to the young man. "Or you, Emre. Have you seen anything? In... in your visions?"
Mechanics- [SHOW]
History check to see if Guvenc had ever been taught such things by Nefes, or read about anything related to this type of ritual: 2(1d20) +13 = 15 ._.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:23 pm
by KaraInMontana
Examining the blade and piece of jewelry hanging from it, Fay cocks her head slightly as she considers for several moments. In a breathy tone, she speaks to her constant companions. "Yes, it is quite the pretty bauble, Kafa. Still, we must not do anything foolish first. Thing, on my mark."
The familiar scuttle from his perch on the witch's shoulder to the ground, ready as usual to do the bidding of his mistress. Stopping short of the blade, he prepares to pull the amulet free when commanded. Eyes going from sharp and considering to half-lidded, Fay whispers to herself and attempts to sense the presence of magic in any of the objects before her.
Arcana- [SHOW]
Checking for any signs of...magic auras or curses (is that a thing?) coming from the pendant, the blade, or the grave
13(1d20) +17 = 30
What sort of blade is it? Something bigger like a sword or something more like a knife or dagger?
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:52 am
by Namelessjake
Argan moves slowly and silently through the village. He watches the trees closely, his hand never straying far from his blade.
"If the ritual is forbidden by the Elder One they should have known better than to perform it," he says, spitting on one of the nearby corpses.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:44 pm
by FinalTemplar
Finding the goods, Sekil puts them away in his backpack quickly and steps back outside, looking for the others.
Added things I found to my sheet. Didn't take the rice.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 6:28 pm
by Fialova
At mention of the ritual, and seeing the doll in the village, Ravza recalls an old tale she'd learned from Banuk. It was a cautionary tale, one that told of rituals gone wrong if misused by the unworthy. She begins to sing rather quietly to herself, though loud enough for the group to hear,
"Power, great power,
how do we gain more?
Give him a child,
no older than four.
Tie him up, behind him,
remove all his clothes.
Where will his soul go?
The Elder One knows.
Search through his bedroom
and bring out a toy.
Place it beside him,
the sacrificed boy.
The power we gain
will be dark and be cruel.
No one will question
the Elder One's rule.
But what if the bound
disobey our command?
They'll break free and bring
only death to the land..."
When she is done she turns to Deyra and Guvenc, worry on her face. "Banuk told me of a ritual, one that sacrifices a child to gain power. Power to raise the dead and control their actions. But a power which could easily overwhelm those who performed the ritual, and, if not put in check, could cause great death and destruction." She pauses, and frowns, before returning her eyes to the doll. "I think... I think they might have tried it here." That poor child.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:05 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Emre simply shakes his head at Guvenc's question, his gaze fixated upon the strange corpse before them. Blackness. Unending blackness. A sign? Maybe. They are rarely so unclear.
Shaman Deyra sighs and looks ready to speak as Ravza's melody fills the air. She pauses, turning towards the girl to listen. "If this is true, then I can lead you no longer. Our people have need of me. But all of you are to press on, am I clear?" She carries a frown on her face, eyes lingering over each of you present for several moments.
Fay- [SHOW]
As you examine the grave, you notice the faintest hints of magical energy, but it leaves a lingering coldness within you. It is as if a once-enchanted artifact had its very essence drained from it, akin to a soul being torn from a body. The energies of death and decay are all that remain but any enchantments the pendant or blade once held have since faded.
Egash- [SHOW]
As you open the trapdoor, you're immediately hit in the face by a powerful odor, akin to the smell of death. It subsides after a moment, however, and the air is instead stale, earthy, and somewhat sour. Looking in, you see what appears to be a partially-flooded cavern with tufts of grass and dirt throughout. Squinting into the darkness, you make out the shapes of bodies, corpses, in varying states of decomposition. Some of them look similar to what you know of Fleshstalkers, while others seem to be ordinary villagers.
Pieter- [SHOW]
With Marlowe's aid and a makeshift shovel in hand, you manage to clear most of the rubble from where the frog appeared to be gesturing. Beneath, you find another corpse, a young man by the looks of it, presumably one of the villagers, although more beaten and cut than the others lying about the village. Clutched in his arms, you see a large grimoire covered in crocodile skin.
Re: Beyond the Tainted Mire IC
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:02 pm
by LeoMatheus
Pieter silently thanks Marlowe and reaches for the grimoire. Not having any arcane knowledge, he brings it back to the others.
”Ravza, Fay, I found this under some rubble, clutched in a corpse arms. Any idea what it is?”
And he hands it for whomever comes to inspect it.