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Fleet Action Over Cerelon IV — IC

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 8:01 pm
by Namelessjake
Other Republic elements in system have done their part in distracting and delaying the CIGNEX forces as they approach Cerelon IV, their valiant sacrifices meaning you are currently facing down just one group of CIGNEX ships instead of its full might. However the other groups of ships, having finished off the smaller Republic scout vessels, are no doubt making for Cerelon IV at full speed.

In the darkened CIC of the VSV Storm in Waiting, you wait with baited breath as the battleship's sensors pick up the CIGNEX ships. Intelligence has a good idea of the CIGNEX fleet at this point in the war and the Storm's sensor operators are able to identify hull types and weaponry, marking them on the CIC's central tactical map, which fills with enemy markers. The two largest CIGNEX ships, cruisers, each launch a trio of fighters as the CIGNEX fleet begins to line up for its attack, rapidly approaching effective weapon's range.
Bridge: Roll Initiative!
Status Block

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 8:16 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Now's our moment, team," Genni begins, addressing the others toiling away on the bridge. "The eyes of the Republic are on us. So keep your eyes sharp, and let's show these hunks of code and machine what humanity can do." Morale management might be above my pay grade, but a few encouraging words never hurt.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:07 pm
by Namelessjake
The screens and sensors light up as the battle begins, with ships on both sides opening up and beginning combat maneuvers. The CIGNEX fighters dart after the Wolf in Chase, clearly trying to pick off the smaller corvette, which attempts to strafe one of the enemy cruisers before turning its guns on the harassing fighters.

The Frost and the Tides meanwhile, go after one of the cruisers with the Frost scoring a direct hit with its grav cannon and a torpedo launched by the Tides finds its mark.

Several of the enemy ships fire at the Storm in Waiting, but the ship's armour is easily able to shrug off the weapons fire. Even one of the enemy's anti-ship bombers has its attack run end with nothing more than superficial damage as its fractal impact charges explode harmlessly on your armour plating, barely causing a scratch.

Go: VSV Storm in Waiting

CIGNEX Fighter 3: Evasive Maneuvers, 7 vs 9 DC = fail, fires multifocal laser at the Wolf in Chase, 14 vs AC = hits for 2 damage.

VSV Tides in Motion: Fires all guns:
Torpedo Launcher vs CIGNEX Cruiser 1 - 21 vs AC = hit for 17 damage.
Plasma Beam vs CIGNEX Heavy Frigate 1 - 22 vs AC = hit for 9 damage
Reaper Battery vs CIGNEX Heavy Frigate 1 - 16 vs AC = hit for 11 damage, reduced to 1 by armour.

Boost Engines: 8 vs DC 8 = success +2 speed until SONT

Evasive Maneuvers: 13 vs DC 9 = success, +1 to AC until SONT

VSV Wolf in Chase: Evasive Maneuvers: 9 vs DC 9 = success +1 AC until SONT

Target Systems: CIGNEX Cruiser 2 Grav Cannon w laser 13 vs AC = miss.

Fires all guns:
Flak Emitter Battery vs Fighter 1 - 16 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.
Multifocal Laser vs Fighter 1 - 4 vs AC = miss.

CIGNEX Fighter 1: Fires One Weapon - Multifocal Laser vs Wolf in Chase, 20 vs AC = hit for 1 damage.

Fires One Weapon - Multifocal Laser vs Wolf in Chase, 4 vs AC = miss.

CIGNEX Bomber 1: Fires One Weapon - Fractal Impact Charge vs Storm in Waiting, 12 vs AC = miss.

Fires One Weapon - Fractal Impact Charge vs Storm in Waiting, 19 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, reduced to 0 by armour.

CIGNEX Cruiser 1: Identify weak point on Frost in Dawn - 10 vs 6 = success, +2 to AP vs until EOT.

Boost Damage: 4 vs 9 = fail.

Fires All Guns
Grav Cannon vs Frost in Dawn - 9 vs AC = miss
Plasma Beam vs Frost in Dawn - 5 vs AC = miss
Plasma Beam vs Frost in Dawn - 7 vs AC = miss
Multifocal Laser vs Frost in Dawn - 3 vs AC = miss
Multifocal Laser vs Frost in Dawn - 17 vs AC = hit for 0 damage due to AP reduction.

CIGNEX Heavy Frigate 1: Target Systems: Storm in Waiting Mass Cannon. Torpedo Launcher 14 vs AC = miss.

Fire All Guns
Torpedo Launcher vs Storm in Waiting - 9 vs AC = miss
Charged Particle Caster vs Wolf in Chase - 22 vs AC = hit for 5 damage.

Evasive Maneuvers: 9 vs DC 9 = success, +1 to AC until SONT

CIGNEX Cruiser 2: Boost Damage on Grav Cannon, 5 vs 9 DC = fail.

Fires All Guns
Grav Cannon vs Storm in Waiting - 10 vs AC = miss
Plasma Beam vs Frost in Dawn - 16 vs AC = hit for 9 damage reduced to 0 by armour.
Plasma Beam vs Frost in Dawn - 11 vs AC = miss
Multifocal Laser vs Tides in Motion - 9 vs AC = miss
Multifocal Laser vs Tides in Motion - 18 vs AC = hit for 2 damage.

CIGNEX Fighter 2: Fires One Weapon - Multifocal Laser vs Wolf in Chase, 6 vs AC = miss.

Fires One Weapon - Multifocal Laser vs Wolf in Chase, 17 vs AC = hit for 5 damage.

VSV Frost in Dawn: Boost Damage: 9 vs 9 = success, grav cannon rolls twice for dmg taking highest roll.

Fire One Weapon - Grav Cannon vs CIGNEX Cruiser 1: 22 vs AC = hit for 20 damage

Fire All Guns - Grav Cannon vs CIGNEX Cruiser 1 - 7 vs AC = miss.
Mag Spike Array vs CIGNEX Fighter 1 - 9 vs AC = miss.
Mag Spike Array vs CIGNEX Fighter 2 - 14 vs AC = miss.
Charged Particle Caster vs CIGNEX Heavy Frigate 1 - 8 vs AC = miss.
Status Block

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:29 pm
by ratwizard
"Guilty code 4-7-4! I repeat, 4-7-4!" Captain Mirov shouts into her intercom, her screen a wild nightmare of red and green and blue pips, with a dizzying web of yellow lines between indicating hostile actions. "Tides, Wolf, Frost — cut down those numbers! I want every bit of flak focused on those fighters and bombers until we can regain control here. Storm, all firing solutions — there," she continues, pinging one of the damaged CIGNEX cruisers. "Bring it down, and its friend, too."

Turn Order Assignment
Captain, Bridge, Comms, Engineering, Gunnery.
Support Department (Gunnery), and with my extra action from Star Captain, I will Support Department (Comms). Both stations get 1 extra action to take on their turn.
My opinions below. Your department, your call.

Captain - support department (Gunnery) and support department (Comms)
Bridge - Dogfight Maneuvering
Comms - Identify Weak Point and/or Defeat ECM on a high-value targets (Cruiser #1 or #2)
Engineering - Boost Damage on Mass Cannon or Gravcannon
Gunnery - Fire All Weapons and Fire One Weapon on any remaining crusuiers

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 10:41 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Let's not let the others have all the fun," Genni quips, her eyes scoping out the battle stations across the bridge. "Bring us around and get our gunners an opening!"
Dogfight Maneuvering; Int/Pilot: [3d6c1+4]=11+4=15