4E, Defenders and the MMO mentality

[quote="Unmaker"]I specifically chose to put this topic in the optimization forum because I feel, by and large, the Optimization posters are typically smarter than the average forum bear, and because this issue pertains to the assumptions that we have when we look to design our party (specifically, our Defender) for optimal performance.

It occurs to me that we are NOT all on the same page with regard to how much damage the Defender should reasonably be expected to soak. Some among us seem to think that a Defender is very much like an MMO "tank." In other words, some of us feel that the Defender should be virtually the *only* guy taking hits.

This is ridiculous.

Why do people feel this way? There are a few reasons.

1) MMORPGSs. Massively Multiplayer games have created the convention of the "main tank." And because 4E has incorporated *some* of that convention into its concept of "Defender," people behave as if some = all.

2) Stupid DMs. Some DMs, either unimaginative or perhaps buying into the MMO mentality, utilize the "Dogpile DM" approach to handling monsters. They act is if monsters are obligated to stay on the Defender.

3) The Battlerager. I'm just going to say it: This Fighter build is broken down the middle. However, because it CAN take so much damage, it perpetuates the lie that D&D Defender = MMO main tank.

Do you see how this mentality affects the sort of builds you can use? If your DM is running an MMO, you're probably not going to get away with your Greataxe-wielding Great Weapon Fighter. And yet too often we're all arguing about what does/does not work without consideration for the environment in which build is intended to perform.

Myself, I'd like to see the MMO/Main-tank mindset killed once and for all. Intelligent monsters shouldn't dogpile on the tank. Rather, they should select targets based on a common sense threat vs. risk analysis. Easier-to-kill, high-threat targets (such as obvious strikers, like sorcerers) should be targeted long before harder-to-kill, low-threat targets (such as defenders.) Intelligent monsters should ALWAYS try to evade the defender. I will say it again: Intelligent monsters should ALWAYS TRY TO EVADE THE DEFENDER!

Particularly tough defenders (such as Battleragers) should actively discourage monsters from continuing to engage them. Why waste your time against a very tough, low-threat opponent when that squishy Invoker back there could wipe out half your crew? It doesn't make any sense.

Please, intelligent people, go forth and dispel the MMO mindset. Demand that your DMs make Defenders *work* for their stickiness. Open up new builds by removing the Defender's need to soak any and all damage. Lets all get on the same page of the discussion… and not have to base builds on ridiculous assumptions.
