[quote="auspex7"]This thread is basically meant to help people have even more fun playing their Avengers. Much of the forum talk centers on the character sheet, but even a build hobbyist like me has even more fun when it's actually time to sit down and throw some dice.
As formatting goes, I've found that the easiest way to organize my threads is to use the first page as a Table of Contents/Directory of sorts, referring readers to listings by Post #. Once there are enough posts to do this, I'll edit this initial post to list each specific offering within an Sblock.
For the record, I'm not trying to hop on a pedestal with my Avenger threads. I just love the class, and like having a place for folks to come and discuss Avengers in various ways. Contributions are VERY welcome. I know there are a lot of people out there who are vastly more intelligent and/or creative than I am, people whose rules mastery far exceeds my own, etc, and I look forward to seeing what everyone has to contribute.
Note: While some of these are simple, others are quite a bit more complicated.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]The "Hide Behind The Bigger Kid"
Heroic Tier
Shift, Overwhelming Strike (forgo forced move @ target)
OK, look at your cell phone's number pad. Visualize this:
A) Your OoE target is on '2'.
B) Your Defender friend is on '5'.
C) You're on '8'.
The idea here is simple. Shift to '4' or '6', paste your target with Overwhelming Strike. Take your built-in shift, moving back to '8', and forgo the forced movement portion of the attack.
This is a good tactic to use when you need to fight conservatively, and can be used by any Avenger with Overwhelming Strike (which is probably 99% of them).[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]The "Night at the Roxbury"
Heroic Tier.
Ever see the SNL skit where those dudes get on either side of some girl on the dance floor and bounce the poor girl back and forth with chest bumps and grinds? It's like that…
Overwhelming Strike + Fury's Advance– for FA damage rider.
Using cell number pad for positon reference, visualize:
A) Your flanker on '1'.
B) Your enemy on '4'
C) You on '7'.
Overwhelming Strike, sliding back to '*', and sliding the target to '7'.
Fury's Advance to push the target back to '4'.
Depending on the situation, you can either opt to 'follow' the target, using FA's built-in move to finish on '7', or you can forgo the self-move portion of Fury's Advance, ending on '*'.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]The "Kevin Costner" aka "The Bodyguard" (… like it would have been 'aka, The Postman'…)
Heroic Tier
Overwhelming Strike + Fury's Advance– to defend an ally
Using cell number pad for position reference, visualize:
A) Your ally on '2'.
B) a melee baddie on '5'.
Move to '8'.
Overwhelming Strike. For your built-in shift, go to '6'. Force-slide the target to '8'.
Fury's Advance. Push the target to '0', and slide yourself to '8'.
This assumes an Int mod of 0. It's possible to push & chase larger distances.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]"Go Sit In the Corner!"
Heroic Tier
Fury's Advance + Chains of Censure– for melee action denial and Chains rider.
Using cell phone for position reference, visualize:
A) you on '1'
B) Enemy on '4'
Fury's Advance. Push target to '7', slide yourself to '4'.
Chains of Censure. Wheeeee, bonus rider!. Immobilize target.
Shift 1 back to '1'.
Point and laugh.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]"Death From Above"
Heroic Tier
*best with Distant Vengance, Censure of Pursuit, Painful Oath*
Wings of Vengance for defense and Censure of Pursuit triggers
set up & position notes:
1. Create space between your target and your allies. IE, get it off to the side, alone.
2. Position yourself so that the target is between you and your allies.
(minor) Wings of Vengance
(move) fly! you may use Distracting Flare if you wish to avoid provoking an OA. End move hovering, with the target between you and allies
(standard) ranged attack– ideally an RBA.
1. You're hovering out of reach of the target, able to rain death from safety. If you have Divine Vengance and Painful Oath, you're able to deal a respectable amount of damage from here– and tap into Censure Triggers.
2. The target must move away from you (triggering Censure) to attack someone.
For extra fun–
After the creature moves to attack one of your allies, have that ally move away from you (free action– in-character shout). This sets the enemy up to have to move away from you *again* on its next turn to attack.
[quote="auspex7"]"Smoke Bomb"
Heroic Tier
Distracting Flare + Stealth for defense, Censure triggers, and Combat Advantage
set up & position notes:
pull your enemy away from your allies, near something you can use for cover. Note that this cover terrain must be farther from your allies than the enemy is.
(standard action) attack
(move) Distracting Flare –> move behind object. Stealth check as part of move.
Distracting Flare (invisible) provides the concealment you need to hide, so your target is unaware of your location– provided you succeed on your stealth check.
The target must move away from you to attack your allies, which triggers Censure of Pursuit.
If you're within range to charge the target as your first action when your turn comes around, you'll do so with Combat Advantage, as well as the normal +1 accuracy from charging.
With any item, power, or feat that allow you to draw a potion as a free action (Fast Hands, Potion Bandolier, Deep Pocket Cloak, etc), you can use your spare Minor action to drink a potion. This allows the maneuver to be used both defensively *AND* offensively. As a result, you'll not only get your Censure bonus as added damage, you'll also get a healing potion down, and avoid being attacked for a turn while your OoE target is unaware of your location.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]"Smoke Bomb 2"
Paragon Tier
Astral Cloak for offense, defense, Censure of Pursuit triggers
set-up & position notes:
pull the target away from your allies. You need the target to be between your allies and an object/bit of terrain you can use to hide behind.
(minor) Astral Cloak
(standard) attack– with Combat Advantage.
(move) move behind cover –> Stealth check
Result: Angry enemy runs off to attack one of your allies, triggering Censure of Pursuit in the process.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]"Angel of Death"
Epic Tier
Twin Step + Wings of Vengance for Bond of Justice and Inevitable End riders, Censure of Pursuit trigger, and… style points.
set up & position notes:
pull your target away from allies, positioning him/her between you and your allies.
(minor) Wings of Vengance
(move) Twin Step
(standard) Bond of Justice
–Action Point–
(standard) Inevitable End
(free action) Twin Step teleport 8– Up. End turn hovering, with your enemy between you and your allies.
Your OoE target can't hit you, so he/she is likely to trigger your Censure of Pursuit while running off to attack one of your allies.
On your next turn, you:
(move) teleport to a square adjacent to your OoE target, dealing 5+Dex damage as part of the teleport– Bond of Justice rider.
(standard) Inevitable End– recovered when enemy didn't end its last turn adjacent to you. This attack deals extra damage per your Censure of Pursuit.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]"If you keep playing with that, you'll go blind!"
Epic Tier
Temple of Brilliance + Spark of Hatred for debuffing and chuckles
Note: Works best with Mighty Enmity, Censure of Pursuit. Extra awesome as a Dread Imperator.
(standard) Temple of Brilliance @ OoE target.
(minor) Spark of Hatred @ off-target.
The target you hit with ToB is going blind. There's no way around that. The target you hit with Spark of Hatred was dominated through its turn, and attacked your OoE target, ending adjacent– which put it in the zone from ToB.
Since they're both blind, you have concealment from them, and are able to:
(standard) attack
(move) shift, stealth
(minor) sustain zone
Build-specific additional notes:
If you're an Avenger/Dread Imperator with Mighty Enmity, there are even more laughs. Your next turns are:
(standard) @ Spark of Hatred target: Soul Stab. Force it to attack the ToB target.
(move) shift 1, stealth check.
(minor) sustain zone
(standard) @ Spark of Hatred target: Imperator's Judgment. Make it attack the Temple of Brilliance target.
(move) shift 1, stealth check.
(minor) sustain zone
(sustain) @ Spark of hatred target: Soul Stab (recovered with IJ on previous turn).
(move) shift 1, stealth
(minor) sustain zone.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]"Eddie Griffin" aka "Crazy Eye!"
Epic Tier
Evil Eye of the Vistani for Inevitable End recovery, Bond of Justice rider, or both (with Action Point), and Censure of Pursuit triggers
set up & positioning notes:
pull your OoE target away from everyone, and position him/her so they're between you and your allies. You'll want to use this on melee enemies.
(standard) Bond of Justice -or- Inevitable End
(move) shift 1 back, -or- (minor) Fury's Advance, forgo self-move after pushing.
(minor) Evil Eye of the Vistani.
Your target either has to give up its turn, or move away from you to attack on its next turn.[/quote]
[quote="auspex7"]"Eddie Griffin" aka "Crazy Eye!"
Epic Tier
Evil Eye of the Vistani for Inevitable End recovery, Bond of Justice rider, or both (with Action Point), and Censure of Pursuit triggers
set up & positioning notes:
pull your OoE target away from everyone, and position him/her so they're between you and your allies. You'll want to use this on melee enemies.
(standard) Bond of Justice -or- Inevitable End
(move) shift 1 back, -or- (minor) Fury's Advance, forgo self-move after pushing.
(minor) Evil Eye of the Vistani.
Your target either has to give up its turn, or move away from you to attack on its next turn.[/quote]