[quote="11235"]I was intrigued by this feat, so I decided to play with some numbers to see when it was worth using in terms of DPR. First off, here's the text from p137 of MP2:
Martial Ploy
Prequisite: Any Martial Class
Benefit: When you use aid another on an ally's weapon attack roll, the ally can roll twice and use either result. This effect replaces the normal +2 bonus to the attack roll. An ally can benefit from this feat only once per attack.
Here's the text for Aid Another (PHB p287):
Aid Another: Standard Action
Attack Roll: Choose a target within your melee reach and make a melee basic attack vs AC 10. If you succeed, deal no damage but choose one ally. That ally gets a +2 bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target or to all defenses against the target's next attack. This bonus ends if not used by the end of your next turn.
Note that Martial Ploy only applies to weapon attack rolls, so Monks are out of luck. Also note: Aid Another counts as an attack, so a fighter will mark the target with Combat Challenge.
So if you have a low DPR fighter or warlord, is it worth it to use this feat to help other classes? Let's say you're a defensive sword and board type with 18 str at first level. You're +8 vs AC and deal 1d8+4 dmg with your at-wills; against a level 1 monster with AC 15 you have a 6.13 DPR. Your buddy is a str 18 con 18 rageblood barbarian with a greataxe; he's +6 vs AC and deals 3d12 + 8 if he hits with Avalanche Strike. The DPR on that encounter power is 17.65 normally, but it becomes 23.35 if you give him an extra d20 to roll; you've improved his DPR by 5.7 -less than the DPR you gave up to provide that reroll. Of course the math improves for higher AC monsters. If you were fighting a level 3 soldier with AC 19, you'd give up a 4.43 DPR to boost the barbarian's 12.15 DPR to 19.85.
Now this seems like these should be the optimal builds to make the feat worthwhile, but it's still situational to have the DPR math come out in your favor. It doesn't help rangers as much because they usually make two attack rolls, and rogues are a lot more interested in making sure you give them CA. Most dailies deal half damage on a miss, and Paladin or Figher dailies are often reliable. A warlord with Wisdom or Charisma as a secondary will be much better off with Intuitive Strike, and Int-based warlords have other ways to boost attacks. That leaves fighters that don't lean towards striker or controller.
On the other hand, the DPR math of using Martial Ploy might not allways be great, but other benefits of making big attacks hit shouldn't be discounted. For example, everyone will breathe a lot easier if you make sure the taclord hits a dangerous elite or solo with Lead the Attack.
To sum things up, I'd say that this feat is a good pick for a fighter in a group whose leader can't do much to buff other players and particularly good if that group has a barbarian who needs help hitting. Your buddies will really appreciate the help hitting with dailies, but in most groups the feat is just solid for a fighter and weak for everyone else.[/quote]