A list of ways to gain extra actions. Let me know if i missed anything.
Full Turn…
Warmaster: ED 21: Standard/Move/Minor during a surprise round
Borrowed Time: Ardent 22 Daily: Standard, Ally takes a Standard/Move/Minor
Radiant One: ED 30: Once per day, take a turn
Sea Tyrant Oracle: PP 11: Spend an AP on an attack and and miss all targets, must use before the end of the encounter
Life Singer: PP 12: You and Each ally, can't attack with it
Timeless Locket: Neck 15 Daily: Minor gives you a standard, can't attack with it
Spur The Cycle: Barbarian 16 Daily: Kill an enemy
Baldric of Time: Waist 16: Roll a 20 on initative
Gem of Valor: Consumable 20: Use it and roll a 20
Time Stop: Wizard 22 Daily: Minor gives you 2 standards, can't attack with it
Unexpected Clarity: Barbarian 22 Daily: Give up your Rampage
Eternal Seeker: ED 24: The turn after you spend an AP
Legendary Weapon: weapon(any) 25 Daily: on critical hit
Clockwork Cowl: Head 26 Daily: Minor gives you 2 standards, can't attack with it
Fatesinger : ED 26 Daily: Spend an AP in the zone to get 2 actions
Steal Time: Wizard 27 Encounter: On a hit Stun and gain the standard
As an Action Point…
Symbol of Victory: Holy Symbol 9+ Daily: On a crit
Avenging Spirit: Feat: Paragon Human, fighter or warlord: Ally is reduced to 0
Battle Field Archer: PP 12 Encounter: Kill an enemy
Pathfinder: PP 12 Daily: Ally spends an AP
Heroic Interjection: Bard 16 Daily: Ally spends one, and gains one
Adroit Explorer: PP Human 16: Start with 2 each day
Infernal Strategist: PP 20 Daily: Hit (relaible)
Vistani Foresight: Feat: Epic, Vistani Heritage: Start with 2 each day
Fatesinger: ED 21: Spend an AP to make an ally attack, if he hits, regain the AP
Act of Desperation: Fighter 22 Daily: Minor, Ally is dying, use that turn
Harper of Legend: ED 24: Start with 2 each day
Violet Solitair: Wonderous 26 Daily: On a crit
Action Point Limit…
Charm of Abundant Action: Wonderous 28: 1/encounter.
Crown of victory: Head 29: spend 2 per encounter.
Warmaster: ED 30: No limit
As a Minor instead…
Dwarf Racial: Dwarf: Second Wind
Duty's Virtue: Feat: Aid defense.
Frantic Recovery: Feat, Human: With an action point, Second Wind
Combat Medic: Feat, Heal: Stabilize dying
Switft Turning: Feat, cleric, turn undead: Turn undead
Quick Fingers: Rogue 2: Thievery check
Master Spy: PP 11: Bluff to gain CA
Daring Blade: PP 16: Bluff to gain CA
Sword of Assault: PP 16: 1/encounter At-will attack
Beastlord: ED: 1/round command your beast
Quickened Spellcasting: Feat: Epic, arcane: 1/encounter At-will attack
Primal Summoning Expertise: Feat, 21 druid: Standard action command to a summon
For ally's..
Pack Master: PP 11: With an action point, lose the extra action
Light Bringer: PP 11: With an action point, lose the extra action
Favored of Mielikki: PP 11: With an action point, lose the extra action, spend a surge
Life Singer: PP 12: You and Each ally, can't attack with it
Haste: Bard 16: Minor
Warmaster: ED 24: With an action point
Warmaster: ED 26 Daily: Standard(Basicly a free action), You and Ally's gain a Standard.
Haste Sigil: Artificer 29: Minor
Avengin Opportunist: Feat, Human avenger: 1/enounter, Kill your oath
Eldritch Speed: Swordmage 2 Daily: Durring the first round
Baldric of Time: Waist 6: Roll a 20 on initative
Boots of Eagerness : Feet 9 Encounter: Minor
Time Bender: PP 16: Loose your move action form next turn
Surprise Action: Feat 21, 17 Wis, Ranger: In a suprise round, with a minor.
Claim the Dead: Assassin 22 Encounter: Kill a target
Keybearer: ED 26 Daily: Every round, sustain standard.
Extra, with an action point (11)
Horizon Waker: PP:
Divine Oracle: PP:
Mercurial Assasin: PP:
Vessel of Ichore: PP: While bloodied
Pathfinder: PP:
Cat Burglar: PP:
Master Infiltrator: PP:
Daring Acrobat: PP:
Gatcrasher: PP: Teleport your speed
Evermeet Warlock: PP: +1 speed for a turn
Planeshaper: PP: Teleport 10
Dujun of Erathis: PP: Ally's get a move action, you loose your extra action
Combat Veteran: PP: Ally get a move action
Master of Moments: ED 24: and a minor
As a Minor instead…
Kobold Racial: Kobold: Shift
Quick Familiar: Feat, Familar: Move the familar
Shapeshifting Contortioinist: Feat, changling: Excape
Escape Artist: Feat, Acrobatics: Excape
Arcane Familiar: Feat, arcane: Saddle Squire for mount and dismount
Boots of the Fencing Master: Boots 2: 1/enounter shift 2
Practiced Rider: Nature Utility 6: Mount or Dismount
Bonded Summoner: PP 11 + Magehand: Teleport 2
Packrunner: PP 16: You and your beast Shift
Master of Moments : ED 24: move action as 2 minors
Clockwork Engineer: PP 11: With an AP, for sommons only
Vessel of Ichore: PP 11: With an AP, while not bloodied
Surprise Action: Feat 21, 17 Wis, Ranger: In a suprise round, with a move.
Master of Moments: ED 21: With an AP, and a move action
Master of Moments: ED 24:
Ring of Free Time: Ring 29, enounter: 1/turn after a milestone
As a Free instead…
Quickdraw : Feat, Dex 13: Draw a weapon/object
Swift Familiar: Feat, Familar: 1/turn, between active and passive
Arcane Familiar: Feat, arcane: Disembodied Hand, Draw or stow
Speed Loader: Feat: Load a crossbow
Fast Hands: Thievery 2 At-Will: Draw or stow
Stormhawk Vigilance: Shaman 2 Daily: Roll init, and each ally in burst can draw a weapon/impilment
Battle Harness: Light Armor 4: Draw or stow
Spell Anchors: hands 9: Daily for a free sustain minor.
Cloaked Sniper: PP 11: Load a crossbow
Quick Wild Shape: Feat, 11 druid: Wild shape
Rapid Infusion: Feat, 11, artifice: Healing infusion
Combat Opening: Feat, 11, half-elf fighter: MBA from Combat Challenge
Sudden Call: Feat, 11 shaman: 1/encounter Call Spirit Companion
Nimble Spirit: Feat, 11 shaman: Call Spirit Companion
Avalanche Hurler: PP 12: Draw or stow
Charging Aegis: Feat, 21, swordmage: Mark with aegis after a charge
Rapid ____ = Feat: Epic, Certain Defenders Defenders can use their mark 1/round without expending their immidiate
Death's Quickening: Feat Revenant: Minor.
Fierce Vitality: Feat Revenant: Stay conscious untill you fail 2 death saves (still dazed)
Avenging Haunt: PP 16 Revenant : Stay conscious untill you die (still dazed)
Eternal Blade: PP 16: 1 turn
Blooded Champion: PP 16 Minotaur: Till you fail a death saving throw
Soulforged: Plate 19: 1 turn
Ghostly Vitality: Feat Revenant 21: Move and minor.
Enduring Rage: Feat Barbarian rageblood 21: while raging
Quori Desperation: Feat Kalshtar 21: 1 turn
Perfect Slayer: ED 24: 1 turn
Song 'n Silence's List [/quote]