Window Shopping in the Astral Sea: A Deity Optimization Guide


Or how to make your choice of deity do the most for your channel divinity powers, domains, items, paragon paths, and epic destiny choices.





Whether you have a deity picked out for character for RP reasons and want to know what you can do with it to make your character work better, you have a character concept and you want to pick whatever deity works best to optimize it, or something in between, then this should help make sorting though the hundreds of options clerics, avengers, paladins, and invokers face a bit easier.  And once you have made your choice this will explore the different ways to enhance your choice through picking your at wills, items, paragon paths and other choices that make your deity work for you.

If you already have a deity picked out and want to know what matches it in the guide, you can use the "find" function of your browser to search out the deity name after opening up the spoiler blocks.

How to get a channel divinity power: 



All regular avengers, clerics, invokers, or paladins start with at least 1.  If you hybrid as one of these classes you can get a channel divinity power by using a hybrid talent feat.  A non divine character can use the feat divine channeller.  This only gives access to that particular channel divinity power once a day, but you count as a member of the class for all other prerequisites.  You can then pick up a separate channel divinity feat and use that power each encounter.



Good Deities and Domains for Each Class Build



(for those who do not want to bother reading a whole guide)



Cheat Sheet




Domains: skill, earth, sun, darkness, trickery, strength, freedom
Deities: Path of Light  Dol Dorn  Moradin  Tempus  Kol Korran  Lolth  Balinor

Domains: Sun
Deities: Amaunator Sehanine





Deities: Moradin Tempus


Deities: Amaunator























Index of Gods and their Domains






Avandra: Change, Freedom, Luck
Bahamut: Hope, Justice, Protection
Corellon: Arcana, Skill, Wilderness
Erathis: Civilization, Creation, Justice
Ioun: Fate, Knowledge, Skill
Kord: Storm, Strength, War
Melora: Life, Sea, Wilderness
Moradin: Creation, Earth, Protection
Pelor: Hope, Life, Sun
The Raven Queen: Death, Fate, Winter
Sehanine: Love, Moon, Trickery

Asmodeus: Civilization, Tyranny
Bane: Skill, War
Gruumsh: Destruction, Strength
Lolth: Darkness, Trickery
Tharizdun: Destruction, Madness
Tiamat: Strife, Vengeance
Torog: Earth, Torment
Vecna: Knowledge, Undeath
Zehir: Darkness, Poison



Amaunator: Civilization, justice, sun
Angharradh: Hope, protection
Bahamut: Justice, strength
Berronar: Truesilver Life, protection
Chauntea: Earth, hope, life
Corellon: Arcana, skill, wilderness
Garl Glittergold: Creation, trickery
Gond: Creation, knowledge
Ilmater: Freedom, hope
Kelemvor: Death, fate, justice
Mielikki: Freedom, wilderness
Moradin: Creation, earth, protection
Oghma: Knowledge, skill, trickery
Selûne: Arcana, change, moon
Sheela Peryroyl: Love, wilderness
Silvanus: Life, storm, wilderness
Sune: Love, skill, trickery
Tempus: Protection, strength, war
Torm: Civilization, justice,protection
Tymora: Change, luck
Waukeen: Civilization, knowledge
Asmodeus: Knowledge, torment,tyranny
Auril: Storm, winter
Bane: Civilization, tyranny, war
Beshaba: Fate, trickery
Cyric: Madness, strife, trickery
Ghaunadaur: Destruction, earth, madness
Gruumsh: Destruction, storm,strength
Lolth: Darkness, poison, strife
Loviatar: Torment, vengeance
Luthic: Earth, protection
Shar: Darkness, knowledge,undeath
Sseth: Arcana, darkness
Talona: Destruction, poison
Tiamat: Tyranny, vengeance
Umberlee: Sea, storm
Zehir: Darkness, poison


The Silver Flame: Hope, justice, protection
The Sovereign Host: Civilization, fate, knowledge
Arawai: Life, storm, wilderness
Aureon: Arcana, justice, knowledge
Balinor: Earth, strength, wilderness
Boldrei: Civilization, justice, protection
Dol Arrah: Hope, sun, war
Dol Dorn: Skill, strength, war
Kol Korran: Civilization, skill, trickery
Olladra: Change, freedom, luck
Onatar: Civilization, creation, strength
The Blood of Vol: Death, undeath
The Path of Light: Freedom, skill, sun
The Spirits of the Past: Protection, vengeance, war
The Undying Court: Fate, knowledge, undeath
The Dark Six: Destruction, wilderness
The Devourer: Destruction, sea, storm
The Fury: Madness, vengeance
The Keeper: Death, torment
The Mockery: Trickery, war
The Shadow: Arcana, darkness
The Traveler: Change, creation, trickery
Cults of the Dragon Below: Darkness, madness


Dragon #378 is the source for the FR and Eberron domains.


Index of Domains 





change: freedom(Olladra), luck(Olladra), arcana(Sel?ne), creation(The Traveler), moon(Sel?ne), trickery(The Traveler)

freedom:change(Olladra), luck(Olladra), hope(Ilmater), skill(The Path of Light), wilderness(Mielikki), sun(The Path of Light)

luck:change(Olladra), freedom(Olladra)

hope:freedom(Ilmater), justice(The Silver Flame), protection(The Silver Flame), war(Dol Arrah), life(Chauntea), earth(Chauntea), sun(Dol Arrah)

justice:hope(The Silver Flame), protection(Boldrei), arcana(Aureon), civilization(Boldrei), creation(Erathis), fate(Kelemvor), knowledge(Aureon), strength(Bahamut), sun(Amaunator), death(Kelemvor)

protection: hope(The Silver Flame), justice(Boldrei), civilization(Boldrei), creation(Moradin), strength(Tempus), war(The Spirits of the Past), earth(Luthic), vengeance(The Spirits of the Past), truesilver life(Berronar)

arcana:change(Sel?ne), justice(Aureon), skill(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon), knowledge(Aureon), moon(Sel?ne), darkness(The Shadow)

skill:freedom(The Path of Light), arcana(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon), civilization(Kol Korran), fate(Ioun), knowledge(Oghma), strength(Dol Dorn), war(Dol Dorn), sun(The Path of Light), love(Sune), trickery(Kol Korran)

wilderness:freedom(Mielikki), arcana(Corellon), skill(Corellon), storm(Arawai), strength(Balinor), life(Arawai), sea(Melora), earth(Balinor), love(Sheela Peryroyl), destruction(The Dark Six)

civilization:justice(Boldrei), protection(Boldrei), skill(Kol Korran), creation(Onatar), fate(The Sovereign Host), knowledge(The Sovereign Host), strength(Onatar), war(Bane), sun(Amaunator), trickery(Kol Korran), tyranny(Bane)

creation:change(The Traveler), justice(Erathis), protection(Moradin), civilization(Onatar), knowledge(Gond), strength(Onatar), earth(Moradin), trickery(The Traveler)

fate:justice(Kelemvor), skill(Ioun), civilization(The Sovereign Host), knowledge(The Undying Court), death(Kelemvor), winter(The Raven Queen), trickery(Beshaba), undeath(The Undying Court)

knowledge:justice(Aureon), arcana(Aureon), skill(Oghma), civilization(The Sovereign Host), creation(Gond), fate(The Undying Court), trickery(Oghma), tyranny(Asmodeus), darkness(Shar), torment(Asmodeus), undeath(The Undying Court)

storm:wilderness(Arawai), strength(Gruumsh), war(Kord), life(Arawai), sea(The Devourer), winter(Auril), destruction(The Devourer)

strength:justice(Bahamut), protection(Tempus), skill(Dol Dorn), wilderness(Balinor), civilization(Onatar), creation(Onatar), storm(Gruumsh), war(Dol Dorn), earth(Balinor), destruction(Gruumsh)

war:hope(Dol Arrah), protection(The Spirits of the Past), skill(Dol Dorn), civilization(Bane), storm(Kord), strength(Dol Dorn), sun(Dol Arrah), trickery(The Mockery), tyranny(Bane), vengeance(The Spirits of the Past)

life:hope(Chauntea), wilderness(Arawai), storm(Arawai), sea(Melora), earth(Chauntea), sun(Pelor)

sea:wilderness(Melora), storm(The Devourer), life(Melora), destruction(The Devourer)

earth:hope(Chauntea), protection(Luthic), wilderness(Balinor), creation(Moradin), strength(Balinor), life(Chauntea), destruction(Ghaunadaur), madness(Ghaunadaur), torment(Torog)

sun:freedom(The Path of Light), hope(Dol Arrah), justice(Amaunator), skill(The Path of Light), civilization(Amaunator), war(Dol Arrah), life(Pelor)

death:justice(Kelemvor), fate(Kelemvor), winter(The Raven Queen), torment(The Keeper), undeath(The Blood of Vol)

winter:fate(The Raven Queen), storm(Auril), death(The Raven Queen)

love:skill(Sune), wilderness(Sheela Peryroyl), moon(Sehanine), trickery(Sune)

moon:change(Sel?ne), arcana(Sel?ne), love(Sehanine), trickery(Sehanine)

trickery:change(The Traveler), skill(Kol Korran), civilization(Kol Korran), creation(The Traveler), fate(Beshaba), knowledge(Oghma), war(The Mockery), love(Sune), moon(Sehanine), darkness(Lolth), madness(Cyric), strife(Cyric)

tyranny:civilization(Bane), knowledge(Asmodeus), war(Bane), vengeance(Tiamat), torment(Asmodeus)

destruction:wilderness(The Dark Six), storm(The Devourer), strength(Gruumsh), sea(The Devourer), earth(Ghaunadaur), madness(Ghaunadaur), poison(Talona)

darkness:arcana(The Shadow), knowledge(Shar), trickery(Lolth), madness(Cults of the Dragon Below), strife(Lolth), undeath(Shar), poison(Zehir)

madness:earth(Ghaunadaur), trickery(Cyric), destruction(Ghaunadaur), darkness(Cults of the Dragon Below), strife(Cyric), vengeance(The Fury)

strife: trickery(Cyric), darkness(Lolth), madness(Cyric), vengeance(Tiamat), poison(Lolth)

vengeance: protection(The Spirits of the Past), war(The Spirits of the Past), tyranny(Tiamat), madness(The Fury), strife(Tiamat), torment(Loviatar)

torment: knowledge(Asmodeus). earth(Torog), death(The Keeper), tyranny(Asmodeus), vengeance(Loviatar)

undeath: fate(The Undying Court), knowledge(The Undying Court), death(The Blood of Vol), darkness(Shar)

poison: destruction(Talona), darkness(Zehir), strife(Lolth)

truesilver life: protection(Berronar)

Core Only

change: freedom(Avandra), luck(Avandra)

freedom: change(Avandra), luck(Avandra)

luck: change(Avandra), freedom(Avandra)

hope: justice(Bahamut), protection(Bahamut), life(Pelor), sun(Pelor)

justice: hope(Bahamut), protection(Bahamut), civilization(Erathis), creation(Erathis) protection: hope(Bahamut), justice(Bahamut), creation(Moradin), earth(Moradin)

arcana: skill(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon)

skill:arcana(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon), fate(Ioun), knowledge(Ioun), war(Bane)

wilderness:arcana(Corellon), skill(Corellon), life(Melora), sea(Melora) civilization: justice(Erathis), creation(Erathis), tyranny(Asmodeus)

creation:justice(Erathis), protection(Moradin), civilization(Erathis), earth(Moradin)

fate:skill(Ioun), knowledge(Ioun), death(The Raven Queen), winter(The Raven Queen)

knowledge:skill(Ioun), fate(Ioun), undeath(Vecna)

storm:strength(Kord), war(Kord) strength: storm(Kord), war(Kord), destruction(Gruumsh)

war:skill(Bane), storm(Kord), strength(Kord)

life:hope(Pelor), wilderness(Melora), sea(Melora), sun(Pelor)

sea:wilderness(Melora), life(Melora) earth: protection(Moradin), creation(Moradin), torment(Torog)

sun:hope(Pelor), life(Pelor)

death: fate(The Raven Queen), winter(The Raven Queen)

winter:fate(The Raven Queen), death(The Raven Queen) love: moon(Sehanine), trickery(Sehanine) moon: love(Sehanine), trickery(Sehanine)

trickery:love(Sehanine), moon(Sehanine), darkness(Lolth)


destruction:strength(Gruumsh), madness(Tharizdun)

darkness:trickery(Lolth), poison(Zehir)








FR + core

change: freedom(Avandra), luck(Tymora), arcana(Sel?ne), moon(Sel?ne)


freedom: change(Avandra), luck(Avandra), hope(Ilmater), wilderness(Mielikki)


luck: change(Tymora), freedom(Avandra)


hope: freedom(Ilmater), justice(Bahamut), protection(Angharradh), life(Chauntea), earth(Chauntea), sun(Pelor)


justice: hope(Bahamut), protection(Torm), civilization(Torm), creation(Erathis), fate(Kelemvor), strength(Bahamut), sun(Amaunator), death(Kelemvor)


protection: hope(Angharradh), justice(Torm), civilization(Torm), creation(Moradin), strength(Tempus), war(Tempus), earth(Luthic), truesilver life(Berronar)


arcana: change(Sel?ne), skill(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon), moon(Sel?ne), darkness(Sseth)


skill: arcana(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon), fate(Ioun), knowledge(Oghma), war(Bane), love(Sune), trickery(Sune)


wilderness: freedom(Mielikki), arcana(Corellon), skill(Corellon), storm(Silvanus), life(Silvanus), sea(Melora), love(Sheela Peryroyl)


civilization: justice(Torm), protection(Torm), creation(Erathis), knowledge(Waukeen), war(Bane), sun(Amaunator), tyranny(Bane)


creation: justice(Erathis), protection(Moradin), civilization(Erathis), knowledge(Gond), earth(Moradin), trickery(Garl Glittergold)


fate: justice(Kelemvor), skill(Ioun), knowledge(Ioun), death(Kelemvor), winter(The Raven Queen), trickery(Beshaba)


knowledge: skill(Oghma), civilization(Waukeen), creation(Gond), fate(Ioun), trickery(Oghma), tyranny(Asmodeus), darkness(Shar), torment(Asmodeus), undeath(Shar)


storm: wilderness(Silvanus), strength(Gruumsh), war(Kord), life(Silvanus), sea(Umberlee), winter(Auril), destruction(Gruumsh)


strength: justice(Bahamut), protection(Tempus), storm(Gruumsh), war(Tempus), destruction(Gruumsh)


war: protection(Tempus), skill(Bane), civilization(Bane), storm(Kord), strength(Tempus), tyranny(Bane)


life: hope(Chauntea), wilderness(Silvanus), storm(Silvanus), sea(Melora), earth(Chauntea), sun(Pelor)


sea: wilderness(Melora), storm(Umberlee), life(Melora)


earth: hope(Chauntea), protection(Luthic), creation(Moradin), life(Chauntea), destruction(Ghaunadaur), madness(Ghaunadaur), torment(Torog)


sun: hope(Pelor), justice(Amaunator), civilization(Amaunator), life(Pelor)


death: justice(Kelemvor), fate(Kelemvor), winter(The Raven Queen)


winter: fate(The Raven Queen), storm(Auril), death(The Raven Queen)


love: skill(Sune), wilderness(Sheela Peryroyl), moon(Sehanine), trickery(Sune)


moon: change(Sel?ne), arcana(Sel?ne), love(Sehanine), trickery(Sehanine)


trickery: skill(Sune), creation(Garl Glittergold), fate(Beshaba), knowledge(Oghma), love(Sune), moon(Sehanine), darkness(Lolth), madness(Cyric), strife(Cyric)


tyranny: civilization(Bane), knowledge(Asmodeus), war(Bane), vengThe thread 0xbf8 has exited with code 0 (0x0). eance(Tiamat), torment(Asmodeus)


destruction: storm(Gruumsh), strength(Gruumsh), earth(Ghaunadaur), madness(Ghaunadaur), poison(Talona)


darkness: arcana(Sseth), knowledge(Shar), trickery(Lolth), strife(Lolth), undeath(Shar), poison(Zehir)


madness: earth(Ghaunadaur), trickery(Cyric), destruction(Ghaunadaur), strife(Cyric)


strife: trickery(Cyric), darkness(Lolth), madness(Cyric), vengeance(Tiamat), poison(Lolth)


vengeance: tyranny(Tiamat), strife(Tiamat), torment(Loviatar)


torment: knowledge(Asmodeus), earth(Torog), tyranny(Asmodeus), vengeance(Loviatar)


undeath: knowledge(Shar), darkness(Shar)


poison: destruction(Talona), darkness(Zehir), strife(Lolth)


truesilver life: protection(Berronar)

EB + core

change: freedom(Olladra), luck(Olladra), creation(The Traveler), trickery(The Traveler)


freedom: change(Olladra), luck(Olladra), skill(The Path of Light), sun(The Path of Light)


luck: change(Olladra), freedom(Olladra)


hope: justice(The Silver Flame), protection(The Silver Flame), war(Dol Arrah), life(Pelor), sun(Dol Arrah)


justice: hope(The Silver Flame), protection(Boldrei), arcana(Aureon), civilization(Boldrei), creation(Erathis), knowledge(Aureon)


protection: hope(The Silver Flame), justice(Boldrei), civilization(Boldrei), creation(Moradin), war(The Spirits of the Past), earth(Moradin), vengeance(The Spirits of the Past)


arcana: justice(Aureon), skill(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon), knowledge(Aureon), darkness(The Shadow)


skill: freedom(The Path of Light), arcana(Corellon), wilderness(Corellon), civilization(Kol Korran), fate(Ioun), knowledge(Ioun), strength(Dol Dorn), war(Dol Dorn), sun(The Path of Light), trickery(Kol Korran)


wilderness: arcana(Corellon), skill(Corellon), storm(Arawai), strength(Balinor), life(Arawai), sea(Melora), earth(Balinor), destruction(The Dark Six)


civilization: justice(Boldrei), protection(Boldrei), skill(Kol Korran), creation(Onatar), fate(The Sovereign Host), knowledge(The Sovereign Host), strength(Onatar), trickery(Kol Korran), tyranny(Asmodeus)


creation: change(The Traveler), justice(Erathis), protection(Moradin), civilization(Onatar), strength(Onatar), earth(Moradin), trickery(The Traveler)


fate: skill(Ioun), civilization(The Sovereign Host), knowledge(The Undying Court), death(The Raven Queen), winter(The Raven Queen), undeath(The Undying Court)


knowledge: justice(Aureon), arcana(Aureon), skill(Ioun), civilization(The Sovereign Host), fate(The Undying Court), undeath(The Undying Court)


storm: wilderness(Arawai), strength(Kord), war(Kord), life(Arawai), sea(The Devourer), destruction(The Devourer)


strength: skill(Dol Dorn), wilderness(Balinor), civilization(Onatar), creation(Onatar), storm(Kord), war(Dol Dorn), earth(Balinor), destruction(Gruumsh)


war: hope(Dol Arrah), protection(The Spirits of the Past), skill(Dol Dorn), storm(Kord), strength(Dol Dorn), sun(Dol Arrah), trickery(The Mockery), vengeance(The Spirits of the Past)


life: hope(Pelor), wilderness(Arawai), storm(Arawai), sea(Melora), sun(Pelor)


sea: wilderness(Melora), storm(The Devourer), life(Melora), destruction(The Devourer)


earth: protection(Moradin), wilderness(Balinor), creation(Moradin), strength(Balinor), torment(Torog)


sun: freedom(The Path of Light), hope(Dol Arrah), skill(The Path of Light), war(Dol Arrah), life(Pelor)


death: fate(The Raven Queen), winter(The Raven Queen), torment(The Keeper), undeath(The Blood of Vol)


winter: fate(The Raven Queen), death(The Raven Queen)


love: moon(Sehanine), trickery(Sehanine)


moon: love(Sehanine), trickery(Sehanine)


trickery: change(The Traveler), skill(Kol Korran), civilization(Kol Korran), creation(The Traveler), war(The Mockery), love(Sehanine), moon(Sehanine), darkness(Lolth)


tyranny: civilization(Asmodeus)


destruction: wilderness(The Dark Six), storm(The Devourer), strength(Gruumsh), sea(The Devourer), madness(Tharizdun)


darkness: arcana(The Shadow), trickery(Lolth), madness(Cults of the Dragon Below), poison(Zehir)


madness: destruction(Tharizdun), darkness(Cults of the Dragon Below), vengeance(The Fury)


strife: vengeance(Tiamat)


vengeance: protection(The Spirits of the Past), war(The Spirits of the Past), madness(The Fury), strife(Tiamat)


torment: earth(Torog), death(The Keeper)


undeath: fate(The Undying Court), knowledge(The Undying Court), death(The Blood of Vol)


poison: darkness(Zehir)

Rating Sytem.  (I will try to rate the various feats based on class, don't know how I will organize that)

Red: Don’t take this, there is always something better
Purple: Might be useful sometimes, but there are almost always better options
Black: Good enough
Blue: Good choice and might be the best depending on different factors.
Sky Blue: Almost always one of the best choices[/quote]



Channel Divinity


I will generally rank channel divinity powers on how useful they are for performing your class role, how commonly you will use them, and occasionally will downgrade powers that provoke OA or if they take more than a minor action.  So ranged powers generally will be slightly downgraded vs close burst powers and use you judgement when I recommend a ranged power since clerics and avengers in particular have both ranged and melee powers. 

Classes (Or what you get for free) 







Divine Guidance This lets allies make a second attack roll against your oath target as an interrupt.

Abjure Undead Kind of like turn undead, but without the feat support and pulls instead of pushes.


Divine Favor +1 to your next attack or save.  This is not much, but is useful to every cleric in every encounter.  Can be augmented a little by feats and paragon paths and all clerics get it.

Healer's Mercy A close burst healing power for bloodied allies that also weakens you.  For many clerics, weakened is not a big deal.

Turn Undead Close bust that pushes, damages and immobilizes undead.  Feats can make it target other creatures as well as other tricks.  Uses wisdom and an implement so strength clerics may not be that accurate with it.


Rebuke Undead Like turn undead but dazes.  Not as augmentable as turn undead.


Divine Mettle Ally gets a save with a bonus

Divine Strength You do extra damage on your next attack.

Paragon Paths

Platinum Mantle (Chromatic Bane) An immediate interrupt +2 untyped defensive boost for you and your allies in close burst when you are hit by an area/close attack.

Censure Devils (knight of the chalice) Weakens Devils.



I am only going to list those that I think are worth considering for at least one class.

Points of Light










Corellon's Grace This gives you an extra move action almost every encounter, but you have little control when it will be.

Moradin’s Resolve At higher levels there are a lot of large creatures that you will get a +2 untyped bonus to attack

Pelor’s Radiance This is like turn undead, but it stuns.

Raven Queen’s Blessing Ranged healing

Divine Rage(No prereqs) Anyone can take this feat.  Close burst wisdom vs will implement power that pushes and gives penalty to attacks.   

Avandra’s Rescue Switch places with an ally

Kords Favormore than other classes you will be critting enough to get good use out of it from low levels.


Armor of Bahamut Ranged damage reduction for an ally

Avandra’s Rescue Switch places with an ally.  Mostly for clerics minoring in defender

Ioun's Poise OK Defense boost for ally

Melora’s Tide Ally Regeneration


Armor of Bahamut Ranged damage reduction for an ally

Melora’s Tide Ally Regeneration


Avandra’s Rescue Switch places with an ally










Power of Amaunator Tack on extra radiant damage.

Berronar’s Salve Help an ally that drops to 0.

Blessing of Silvanus Ally heals extra when spending a surge

Chauntea's BlessingAn ally gets to reroll a save with a bonus

Eyes of Selûne Reroll a save

Glittergold's GambitAlly can reroll an attack or skill check

Kelemvor's Judgment Sort of like turn undead for any class.

Fleetness of Mielikki Bonus to speed and ignore difficult terrain.


Righteous Rage of Tempus maximize damage on a melee hit.

Sheela Peryroyl's Gift Ally rolls a save

Righteous Rage of Tempus maximize damage on a melee hit. 

Tymora's Coin Get an extra double roll most encounters


Sheela Peryroyl's Gift Ally rolls a save

Tymora's Coin Get an extra double roll most encounters

Righteous Rage of Tempus maximize damage on a melee hit.

Ilmater's MartyrdomTransfers your surges to ally when hit by crit.

Tymora's Coin Get an extra double roll most encounters






Arawai's Abundance Good healing/defense bonus

Beacon of Dol Arrah Can be skyblue for heavy radiant using parties

Light Within Depending on party makeup and movement abilities, multiple allies might be able to get healing from this.

Onatar's Gift You or ally get bonus to will defense and do extra fire damage.

Sovereign Justice Give an ally temp hitpoints when you are damaged.

Traveler’s Gift Allies in close burst can shift 1 and lose any marks.

Undying’s Command Vs will attack that dominates undead.


Might of Dol Dorn Temp hitpoints when you hit with a melee attack


Boldrei’s Shelter Close burst power bonus to defense.

Kol Korran’s Boon For pacifist clerics this is useful.

Might of Dol Dorn Temp hitpoints when you hit with a melee attack

Shield of the Silver FlameSave against specific effects in close burst and get temp hitpoints equal to charisma when they save



Boldrei’s Shelter Close burst power bonus to defense.

Might of Dol Dorn Temp hitpoints when you hit with a melee attack

Shield of the Silver FlameSave against specific effects in close burst and get temp hitpoints equal to charisma when they save







Channel Divinity











CD Arcana Ward Potential scaling resistance


CD Cycle of Change Transfer a save ends effect


CD Anthem of Civilization You or ally gets attack bonus while you flank. Good for battle clerics and paladins.


CD Creation Secret Chance to not expend a daily magic item usage


CD Darkness Consumes Close burst concealment

CD Death Knell Kill an enemy or use other CD power later on

CD Path of Destruction  Roll twice for melee damage.  Good for any melee class.


CD Earth Hold Automatically slow close enemies.  Good for paladins and avengers


CD Fate Rolls On Ranged. Penalize/reward someone who makes/fails a save. Only worth taking if you have a lot of save ends powers.


CD Path of Freedom Mass saves against a couple of movement effects.


CD Hope Remains Give bonuses to ally who comes back from 0 hp.


CD Immediate Justice (D374) Do radiant damage when ally hits 0.


CD Sure KnowledgeReroll a knowledge check


CD Pulse of Life Make sure an ally makes their death save.


CD Loving Sacrifice Ranged. Better take one that actually heals them and hurts no one.


CD Imminent LuckThis is really nice for elves or if you have other reroll abilities


CD Screaming Madness Pretty much just for invokers.


CD Moon TouchedOK healing and possible temp hitpoints for an ally.


CD Original Poison I do not think any divine class has enough poison powers to make use of this.


CD Sure Protection Extra protection from second wind

CD Sea Surge Slide an ally


CD Divine Excellence Bonus to skill checks


CD Storm Sacrifice


CD Strength of the Gods For battle clerics and strength paladins.


CD Sudden Strife Ranged Good when combined with slowing/immobilizing powers, so mainly for invokers


CD Solar Enemy Close burst radiance vulnerability!


CD Perfect Torment Untyped save penalties! Good for parties that focus on this


CD Trickster's Fortune Penalize a save and potentially give an ally a save.


CD Master of Tyranny Bonus to attack bloodied creatures.


CD Undeath's AllyAlly gets lots of temp hitponts, but has very short range.


CD Small Vengeance Just a little damage.


CD Path of War Untyped bonuses to attack/penalty to defenses for allies


CD Grasp of the WildCreates area of difficult terrain.  OK for clerics and invokers.


CD Path of Winter resist cold





At will powers and domain index



At will index


I am using the general ratings from the various guides to do this part.


Overwhelming Strike: Change, Darkness, Earth, Madness, Poison, Skill, Strength, Storm, Torment, Trickery, Wilderness
Bond of Censure: Destruction, Justice, Luck, Moon, Sea, Tyranny, Undeath, Winter
Bond of Retribution: Fate, Strife, War
Leading Strike: Civilization, Freedom, Hope, Knowledge, Protection
Radiant Vengenace: Arcana, Creation, Death, Life, Love, Sun, Vengeance

Astral Seal (DP): Fate, Knowledge, Life, Torment, Tyranny, Vengeance
Lance of Faith (PHB): Arcana, Luck, Strife, Sun, Undeath, Winter
Priest's Shield (PHB): Civilization, Darkness, Protection, Strength, War
Righteous Brand (PHB): Creation, Death, Destruction, Freedom, Hope, Justice, Madness, Moon, Poison, Skill, Storm
Recovery Strike (DP): Change, Earth, Love, Sea, Trickery, Wilderness


Avenging Light (PHB2) Fate Hope Life  Strength Trickery Vengeance
Divine Bolts (PHB2) Arcana, Change Sea Skill Tyranny
Grasping Shards (PHB2) Creation Destruction Knowledge Poison Undeath
Hand of Radiance (DP) Moon Winter
Mantle of the Infidel (PHB2) Civilization Justice Torment
Sun Strike (DP) Love Strife Sun Wilderness
Vanguard's lightning (PHB2) Freedom Luck  Protection Storm

Visions of Blood (DP) Darkness Death Earth Madness War



Ardent Strike (DP) Darkness Destruction Strife torment
Bolstering Strike (PHB) Change Creation Earth Life War
Enfeebling Strike (PHB) Death Madness Moon Poison Trickery Tyranny Undeath Winter
Holy Strike (PHB) Fate Freedom Luck Strength Vengence
Valient Strike (PHB) Civilization Hope Protection Skill Storm Wilderness
Virtuous Strike (DP) Arcana Justice Knowledge Love Sea Sun













Domain Feats


Ratings are for general usefulness of power, but see above for each classes rankings.

Power of Arcana (DP) Arcana. Power becomes arcane.  For a few builds using the arcane type feats this is very good, but it is very build dependent


Power of Change (DP) Thievery.  Bonus to next encounter/daily attack.


Power of Civilization(DP) Diplomacy. Power does more damage when you sre adjacent to enemies.  Other feats can always increase damage


Power of Creation (D374/DP) religion. Power gives ac bonus to ally.


Power of Darkness (DP) stealth.  Power gives concealment


Power of Death (DP) Religion. Power does extra damage against bloodied enemies. Other feats can always increase damage


Power of Destruction (DP) intimidate. Power does extra damage against non bloodied enemies. Other feats can always increase damage


Power of Earth (DP) Athletics. Power slows


Power of Fate (DP) insight. Power gets bonus to hit vs bloodied enemy


Power of Freedom(DP) acrobatics. Power gives bonus to ally's save


Power of Hope (DP)Diplomacy. Power gives another ally a bonus to attack


Power of Justice (DP)Insight. Power gives bonus to all your bloodied allies on their next attack


Power of Knowledge (DP) history.  Power gives you a bonus to defense


Power of Life (DP) Heal. Power also gives temp hitpoints


Power of Love(DP) Diplomacy. Power can give temp hitpoints instead of doing damage


Power of Luck(DP) Acrobatics. power crits on 19-20. Lowers to red in epic usually.


Power of Madness(DP) Bluff. Power penalizes the enemy's next round attacks


Power of Moon (DP) Perception. Power lowers their AC until the end of your next turn


Power of Poison (DP) bluff. Makes power poisonous and do extra damage with it.  Poison is easily resisted and other feats can boost damage to all attacks usually.


Power of Protection (DP) Heal.  Power gives ally bonus to all defenses

Power of Sea (DP) Athletics. Power lets you take a save or give an enemy a save penalty


Power of Skill (DP) Bonus to all trained skills and power becomes a basic attack. 


Power of Storm(DP) Intimidate. Power becomes thunder and does extra damage.  Invokers will liek this, but not many others will


Power of Strength (DP) Athletics.  Power does extra damage


Power of Strife (DP) Bluff. Power does more damage to enemies near other enemies.


Power of Sun (DP) Insight. Power makes enemy vulnerable to radiant


Power of Torment (DP) Intimidate. Power grants CA


Power of Trickery (DP) Thievery. Power lets you or an ally shift


Power of Tyranny (DP) Intimidate. Power automatically lowers enemies saves


Power of Undeath (DP) Religion. Power becomes necrotic instead of radiant and does extra damage.


Power of Vengeance (DP) Intimidate. Power causes enemies to take damage if they attack.


Power of War (DP) History. Power gets bonus to attack against unbloodied enemies


Power of Wilderness (DP) Nature. Power lets you and allies ignore difficult terrain.


Power of Winter(DP) Endurance. Power becomes cold and does extra damage.  Helps some with frost cheese if you care about that, otherwise not very good.





Everything else 


Feats that augment Channel Divinity or give you a boost after using a CD power.


CD related Feats

Armored by Faith Temp hitpoints after using a CD power

Darkfoe Allies get necrotic resistance when you use a CD power.

Glorious ChannelerUse 2 CDs powers in one encounter

Domain Synergy Get +2 bonus to at will power after using related CD power.

Channel of Vengeance(PMC Avenger) Get Abjure Undead and Divine Guidance

Oath of Urgency switch oath targets

Divine Boon: Divine fortune makes next attack do 5 extra radiant damage.

Greater Turning Turn undead pushes undead you miss

Dazing Rebuke You can daze instead of immobilize with turn undead

Undead Ward Turn Undead creates a zone that damages undead

Channel of Faith(PMC Cleric) Get Divine Fortune and Turn Undead

Speaker of the GodsCrit on 18-20 after using channel divinity power.

Invoker’s AuraAfter using CD power enemies take radiant damage if they are near you ar hit you.

Channel of Invocation(PMC invoker) Get Armor of Wrath and Preservers Rebuke

Divine Purity Target of Divine Mercy might get necrotic resistance.  Darkfoe is much than this.

Channel Might Get a power bonus to attack after using channel divinity

Channel of Valor(PMC Paladin) Get divine mettle and divine strength

Shared Channeling You can let allies use personal channel divinity powers.

Draconic Majesty

Drow Ecclesiastic

Spider Charmer

Furious Devotion Damage bonus after using channel divinity power.

Divine Approval Make a save when you use a channel divinity power.

Hidden Channeling Gain concealment with CD

Divine FateYou or ally rerolls a save or check

Shadar Kai
Pervasive Gloom

Shadow Legacy

Holy Savagery Gain an untyped bonus to melee attacks when using a cd while bloodied

Covenant Eye


Other Feats That Require Deity




Other Feats

By Deity

Paragon Paths that require a deity or boost your CD usage somehow/give you a CD





Paragon Paths


Require a deity


Morninglord(Amaunator, FRPG) When you use a CD power you do auto radiant damage to enemies, plus this is a sun deity.

Platinum Templar (Bahamut, Dragonborn) CD powers boost defenses of allies.

Silverstar  (Selûne, FRPG) Lyanthrope fighting implement using path.

Heartwarder(Sune) charisma focus and exploits vulnerabilities

Soul Reaper(Raven queen, Dragon) Can use str, wis or cha, ranged/close burst implement powers.

Exorcist of the Silver Flame(Silver Flame, EBPG) Fire and radiant theme

Doomguide(Kelemvor, FRPG) Charisma path with a leader theme.

Soldier of Conquest (Bane, Dragon) Strength themed path.

Hammer of Moradain(Moradin, Cleric or Paladin, DP) Hammer and strength path.

Lightwalker(Kalashtar, Path of Light, EBPG) Radiant themed wisdom path

Champion of Corellon (Corellon, Paladin, DP) Strength path that rewards having a decent dex while in heavy armor.

Raven Herald (Raven Queen, Rogue, MP) Dex theme, that is more for rogues then pure divine characters.

Traveler's Harlequin(Traveler, Multiclassed, MP) Exploitable and can use any stat for powers.

Give you a CD


Chromatic Bane(Divine, Dragon) Any divine class and can use str, wis, or cha for attacks.  Gives you an extra channel divinity power called platinum mantle

Radiant Fist(Monk and divine, PHB3) You get the use of CD and a divinity feat.

Knight of the Chalice (Paladin, DP) Get the CD power Censure Devils.

Help With CD

Dervish of Dawn (Avenger, DP) Get a second CD power when bloodied.

Unveiled Visage (Avenger PHB2) get a second CD usage when you spend an action point.

Blessed Psalmist(bard, and Divine Class, Dragon) Get your multiclassed divine classes CD powers.

Scourge of Io (Cleric, Dragon) Any CD power that effects undead, also effects dragons.

Soul Guide(Cleric, MOTP) Spend action points for extra CD uses.

Sivis Truenamer(Mark of Scribing, EBPG) Action points recharge CD use.

Soulforged(Moradin, Dragon) Wisdom based weapon path.





Epic destinies






require a deity/domain

Chosen(FRPG/DP) Must worship a FR deity

Sublime Flame(EPG) Must worship silver flame

Bahamut's Vessel(Drag) Must worship Bahumut

Raven Knight (Drag) Must Worship Raven Queen

Raven Consort (Drag) Must Worship Raven Queen.

Avatar of Death (DP) Requires Death Knell

Avatar of Freedom (DP) Requires path of Freedom

Avatar of Hope (DP) Requires Hope Remains

Avatar of Justive (DP) Requires Immediate Justice

Avatar of Life (DP) Requires Pulse of Life

Avatar of Storm (DP) Require storm sacrifice

Avatar of War (DP) Requires path of war

Help with CD

Revered One (DP) Pick any CD power and sue all of them each encounter.










Other Powers








Ways to get more uses of Channel divinity






Glorious Channeler Feat










Last Reservation.  You can post now.  Do not expect much in the way of content for a while, but I should have most of the ratings up for clerics fairly soon since I will take that from my own guide.
