The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

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The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Careful, there," Cedros warns, pointing out a fallen log as Caoimhe helps him slide over it. The verdant rainforest, though gorgeous, is bursting with thick vines, roots, brush, and trees that make every step difficult.

While the ruins that your expedition made camp in as well as other nearby sites have been devoid of any meaningful discoveries in the last weeks, Cedros has made an incredible breakthrough, but not without Naia's shared expertise. After studying lines of ancient text and patterns on the impassable door in the island's central cave, you've found that a supposed chasm nestled deep in the jungle may have the answers you need to finally get past this ancient barrier.

You spent a week to finally locate the chasm using small scouting parties. Now, the several of you have set out to find out glean whatever new clues you can from exploring its depths. You've been hiking for two days now, and the promise of being only a single night away from the chasm has helped keep morale despite the humid, bug-ridden conditions.

"Is everyone doing alright?" the wizened dwarf asks, looking back to take a headcount as you continue to push your way through the thick vegetation.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras

Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe only smiles at the man, pleasantly amused by his concern for her safety when it is indeed herself who is meant to keep him out of harm's way. It is not a difficult task to get the elderly dwarf over the log, but it does certainly slow progress down.

"It seems there is another up ahead," the woman says, pointing to a spot a few hundred feet away. The thick vegetation somewhat obscures the future obstacle, but the elven woman's eye for detail makes it easy for her to spot.

"Oh! A parrot, did you see?" she says aloud, as one of the majestic colorful birds bursts from a branch above before soaring towards another. It is only visible for a moment, but any who looks should catch a glimpse. "They are so beautiful. Perhaps we can take one as a pet," she says, as the group continues to walk forward. "I wonder what they eat. I doubt it would be much effort to keep one alive."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras

Post by GingerGiant »

Dolorian catches wind of an opportunity to wax poetically:”Parrots, you say? Mostly eat fruit, insects occasionally. Would be easy enough to keep. My dear Aesha had one as pet. Reminds me of the time it got out of its cage...” Dolorian’s pedantry is only broken by the occasional chop from his machete as he clears the path ahead.

Dolorian somehow weaves in a tale involving his Aunt Persephone’s bad knee, the proper care and maintenance of racing canoes, and how he convinced the Naval Academy to let him attend on a music scholarship.

”...which reminds me, we had to get permission from the dean to climb the school boat shed’s roof. Rather funny, at Aesha’s recommendation I created a sock puppet to imitate a female of the parrot’s species. I still have scars from the parrot’s...” Dolorian clears his throat and shudders, “...advances. At least we got the parrot back.” Dolorian waves his left hand, to indicate which carries the scars.

Dolorian continues chopping brush, whistling a popular drinking song. While his whistling is quite melodious, the tune is sure to get stuck in someone’s head.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras

Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe listens intently to Dolorian's tale, marveling at the various bits of avian info the man drops. She laughs at the amusing parts and frowns at any less so, before speaking up at the end. "Well then we shall endeavor to not make any puppets, I will make sure the others at the camp know it is a bad idea," the woman says with a chuckle. "But then, how to go about catching one? They can certainly go quite high, and they don't seem to come down here often. Perhaps we can climb to them? But what if they fly away..."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, lass, a parrot. You ain't ever seen one? The Forelle's full of 'em," Naia replies to the elven woman, swatting a mosquito flying much too close to her face. Awful buggers, leave me be. I'll kill every last one of ya. As she walks, she zones out the chatty pair, having heard almost enough of their voices for one days. Remembering the dwarf's query, she adds, "Well I've got a couple bugs buzzin' in my ear nonstop. And then there's the insects." She smirks to herself, watching the pair continue to talk of parrots and puppets and gods know what else.

As his story finally reaches its end, Naia breathes a sigh of relief. "Ya hear that? Silence. Ain't it glorious?" She closes her eyes and spreads her arms wide, savoring the moment. She can't help but smile as it's cut short by Caoimhe once more. "Some fruit, a cage, and a rope, and you've got yourself a birdie."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

Koro, the hunter accompanying your trek, shakes his head in disagreement. "Parrots," he repeats. "Lousy pets. Loud. Keep 'em away from camp, yeah?" He whittles the shaft for a new arrow as he tramps along beside you.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

"I'm still on my feet," Morag mutters, more to herself than out of any interest in conversing. It's the principle of the thing, to answer a question after being asked, even if nobody cares about the answer.

She's at the rear, doing what she can to keep her distance from the chattery ones in front, and to keep an eye on anyone lagging behind. And most emphatically not getting Dolorian's song stuck in her head, thank you very much, how dare you imply such a thing? Her footfalls were already at that tempo.

"Because sleeping in the wilderness without a trapped animal would be too easy," she mutters once again when the topic is finally changed. And once again, this is more to herself and whoever else has taken up the rear guard, than for those she's actually responding to.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Fialova »

"But to lug a cage so high," Caoimhe says, pondering the suggestion as if it were not made sarcastically by the silver-tongued Naia. "It would certainly require more than just one person, I think. Perhaps it could become a group effort. On a day when we are otherwise unoccupied, of course," she says with a nod, sure that at least some of the group would be eager to aid in catching such a creature.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu considered the Parrot debate as they walked, thinking. "I think it wouldn't be too hard, perhaps we could get one!" He laughed. "I might even finally have someone to talk to about magic." He looked around as they walked, enjoying the sights and sounds of the island. "I don't think I could ever get tired of this place."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

As they walk, Amon continues to find appreciation for the density of the jungle they've been traveling through. Senshenk had spots that were dense, true, but in comparison it feels like the Woods were open and inviting. The fauna and flora clearly different, Amon spent much of the travel time trying to identify similarities between that which he is surrounded by and that which he is familiar with. This focus had him paying little attention to the parrot-talk of the others, but did pull his eye towards the creature for observation.

Cedros' question pulls his attention back just in time. "Couldn't be better," he called out, just in time to duck and sidestep Naia's outstretched arms. Ducking under one of them before leaping over a small plant now in his path, he turns, "Don't stand there with your mouth open if you don't want a bug-filled snack..." Amon hops over another plant to get back on the "trail" they've been following. "And yes, it is glorious."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I've endured worse," Daris says in answer to Cedros' question. "I'm one for bigger animals," Daris says, joining the parrot conversation as he too walks through the jungle in the middle of the group. His eyes dart to the treeline, as the mention of animals makes him think of Valcus off somewhere nearby, hunting in the jungle.

"I'd take Sera over this jungle. Same heat but none of the humidity," he says to Ryuu, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

Hana is thriving in this jungle. Her tiny stature towers over the rest as she rides on the shoulders of a bear walking upright. "Oh, come on. This isn't so bad!" She hops off the bear and reaches out to pet the parrot, who preens happily as she scratches it's head. "Why not take a pet? It's auspicious."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu laughed. He hopped up towards Naia and nudged her, snapping his finger to produce a small flame. "So, where did we leave off -- right, right, so you see... Magic is all powered by belief. You see, you relax, then you actualize it -- snapping your fingers, yeah?
And then there's a sacrifice, the energy exerted through snapping your fingers, the friction. See?"
He smiled at her.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

"It's obnoxious," Morag corrects Hana, louder this time. She punctuates this comment with a particularly emphatic swipe at a stray branch that had somehow survived the front of the group.

"There's a reason we didn't bring anything unnecessary with us, and picking up passengers now isn't better."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

Koro raises a fist for a moment, slapping away a mosquito with his other hand. "Gotta take a leak, hey? You mind stopping for a second?" He hooks a thumb toward a patch of thick brush where a large kapok tree reaches up from the earth.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

”Sure, if our dear Cedros is amenable to it,” Dolorian says as he turns to Cedros. ”You don’t mind, do you? Amon and Hana could take a look around. I have a little magic to work once I figure out how far out we are from the chasm.”


Perception: 13(1d20) +15 = 28

At the last second, Dolorian adds, ”Naia, would you care to lead the song? I’ll join in on the chorus and harmony.”


Dolorian and Naia together will cast Traveler’s Chant with her cooperation. Dolorian will use his free 1/day bard ritual feature.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »

"Well then, I'll better make myself useful as well." Ilmoto notes that Daris is sweating heavily and most of the others are doing only slightly better. "That's what you get when you don't dress the part." Ilmoto mumbles to himself. Ilmoto quickens his pace to catch up with Daris. "If it pleases you ser Daris, I could quickly freshen up your clothes." Ilmoto proceeds to pull out a vial from one of his pockets which contains a white soapy smelling powder. Uncorking the vial with just his prosthetic thumb while turning towards the centre of the group Ilmoto continues speaking. "If anyone else feels the need to clean their clothes, please let me know."


Use prestidigitation; clean/soil items to freshen up my clothing, and that of any group member who asks me to help with theirs.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Go ahead," Daris replies to Ilmoto, letting the man work his magic. "I wouldn't be much use as protection without my armour," he says, hearing Ilmoto's comment about attire, giving his chest plate a couple of knocks with his fist. "It's not the most breathable material though."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

"Oh, alright. These things are too noisy to be useful. I'll go scout the area around us, maybe see something important."
Hana whispers to her bear and owlbear as she weaves through the trees.


Perception (Hana): 20(1d20) +18= 38
Perception (Bear): 17(1d20) +20 = 37
Perception (Owlbear): 2(1d20) +20 = 22

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"A song beats more yappin' about parrots, yeah?" Naia remarks with a grin at Dolorian's suggestion. She retrieves her lyre from her pack and strums a few notes, humming with the pitches as she does so. "You know The Witch of Beignac, aye? It's one of my favorites." Best song out of Imardin, I'd say. Beats them preachy hymns, she thinks as she begins warming up. Finally, she strums the first note and her melodious voice begins to echo through the dense jungle.

"She's got hair like a dog,
and a nose like a witch,
a face like a hog,
and a complexion like pitch.

She's covered in sores,
and dresses like whores,
and is missing all of her teeth.

She looks like a ghost,
she's nothing to boast,
but damn, that woman can cook."

She sings in tandem with Dolorian, his harmonies complimenting her siren-esque voice.


Also cast Traveler's Chant, using free daily ritual via Bardic Training

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

Dolorian joins the chorus with his buttery baritone, and picks harmonies that dance around the melody. The duo seamlessly switches roles for the second verse, as Dolorian enthusiastically leads in:

"She looks like she just rose from the dead,
like a monster you'd find under your bed,
Her voice can fill the bravest with dread,
but have you ever tried her cornbread?

She could make all the babies in town cry,
or make the priests think that the end is nigh.
You'll feel scared when she runs by,
but have you tried her fruit pie?

She's covered in sores,
and dresses like whores,
and is missing all of her teeth!"


We cast Traveler's Chant.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Naia strums her lyre, expertly weaving the instrument with their voices. As the song's end draws near, she prepares for a powerful finish.

"She looks like a ghost,
she's nothing to boast,
but damn, that woman can cook."

She momentarily stops her lyre, beginning the final stretch a capella in a true crowd-pleaser fashion, or so she had learned in her night barding.

"She scares the whole town,
her face always a frown,
but damn, that woman can cook."

Finally, she resumes and powerfully strums the chords to the song's end.

"Damn, that woman can cook!"

With the song done, she smiles and mock-bows. "Nicely done, Dolorian. Can you imagine a more perfect rendition? The ol' broad herself would be proud."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

"She'd be beaming if she had teeth," he says before erupting with laughter.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu listened along, even though he wasn't a fan of it. He realized that Naia ignored him, however, and he slowed down again while they sang and continued mumbling to himself as he played with a small flame in his hand.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I don't mind stopping a bit," Cedros says, wiping his face with a weary hand. "Oh, yes, Ilmoto. I wouldn't at all mind. Thank you." He beams at you, waiting his turn after Daris to witness your alchemical creation at work.

Koro grunts a word of thanks, stepping off into the brush a ways out to relieve himself.

Cedros claps emphatically at the crescendo ending of The Witch of Beignac. "Well done. Well done!" he croaks. "I'm glad we've brought our own entertainment. It would be a tough journey without song and music."

Dolorian, Hana

While you don't see the chasm in your scouting, you do recall that it will be at least another several hours of traveling, likely more than you can do with the remainder of the day.

Amon, Dolorian, Hana

You hone in past the idle chatter of your companions, something odd sticking out to you.

A moment ago, the canopies were filled with birdsong, but now only the buzz of many insects are heard. The parrot that had flown past is long gone, and there is an uncomfortable stillness in the air.


Traveler's Chant is now active. Your speed for determining distance covered while traveling is now 7.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

Amon nods to Dolorian and after watching Hana and her beasts, heads off in a direction opposite them. Not wanting to venture too far into the unknown, he finds a nearby tree to serve as his vantage point and with almost cat-like reflexes scales it, effortlessly, to just above the low growing plant-life. He looks around, but as far as he can tell it's just more jungle.

As the song of his companions starts to end, though, something feels wrong. His companions in earshot, he calls down, "What was that little song of yours supposed to do?" He looks around more vigilantly, trying to determine what has caused the sudden change.


Perception: 16(1d20) +10 = 26
Use Acrobat's Trick to scale tree.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »


As you deftly climb a nearby tree, you peer around slowly through the thick canopy, looking for any signs of interest.

To the west, you catch the slightest of rustling within some of the brush in the same direction that Koro headed to relieve himself. The foliage is too thick to make much out at this angle and distance.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

Hana notices the sudden fade to buzzing, and pauses, holding her hand up, as to signal "stop". "Something's wrong. Does anyone else hear that? The birds have stopped."

Last edited by TauNeutrino on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

Not sure if the others heard him, Amon keeps looking until he notices some brush off in the distance moving. "Koro," he says to himself as quickly drops to lower branches and then almost sliding down the remainder of the tree and leaping back towards the others.

"Something feels off," Amon says as he passes through the others, almost exactly as Hana notices the same thing. "I hate to interrupt his privacy, but I'm going to go check on Koro." Before heading into the weeds, Amon looks at Daris, "Up for a quick walk?"

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

Morag pushes her way to the front, on alert the moment people start talking about an actual potential problem instead of the same inane chatter they've been spewing for the last two days. And, just as importantly, an actual potential excuse to get away from the rest of these people and their aforementioned inane chatter. Privacy or no, it would be a break from the crushing monotony.

"What kind of 'off'?"

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Just a shanty to invigorate the spirit," Naia remarks cheerfully as Amon questions the purpose of their song. Her grin, however, fades quickly as Hana gestures the others to pause. "Maybe a storm's comin'," she says, unsure what else would cause the melodious birdsong to cease. Or somethin' much worse.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

"The kind of 'off' that tells hunters to hunt elsewhere, Morag," Dolorian warns. There's a look in his eye that betrays his desire to elaborate, but he's more concerned with the lightning under his skin. "If you don't mind, I have another ritual to cast. Let's find out if a storm's coming," Dolorian says, his eyes already filled with his ominous magic. "Everyone, be on guard."

Antov Eyes

All of the Antovs have a curious penchant for magic, and manifest it in a specific way: their eyes become maroon orbs. If someone watches an Antov's eyes closely, they seem to fill up as if surrounded by a glass vessel, with a maroon liquid violently churning and rising from below. This phenomena apparently has no effect on the Antovs' ability to see.


Dolorian casts Portend Weather. This costs 2.5 Rare Herbs and no skill check, but takes 5 minutes to cast. Dolorian has 22.5 Rare Herbs left. Anyone present receives a +5 bonus to endurance checks related to the weather.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu starts looking around suspiciously, dismissing the small flame. He keeps his eyes peeled for movement.


Using my Elf Eyes to See: 16(1d20) +2 = 18

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto's prosthetic hand twists and turns almost without a sound, revealing an embedded crossbow, during this Ilmoto moves towards Ryuu. Ryuu, Naia, Do you sense any magic from outside our group? Ilmoto asks just loud enough for both of them to hear.


Standard action Arcana check: Sense the Presence of Magic 9 squares range 20(1d20) +12 = 32

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

At Ilmoto's question, Naia begins to focus on the air around them, particularly on any magical energy that was not present a moment ago.


Arcana to detect magic: 14(1d20) +13 = 27

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe instinctively moves to Cedros' side as the others mention the sound, or lack thereof. "Yes, I noticed it as well," the woman says. "It is certainly alarming, there was so much to listen to not moments ago. What does your ritual tell you?" she asks, turning towards Dolorian.


You can tell that in a few hours from now there will probably be some rainfall, a standard occurrence in these lush jungles you find yourselves in. Apart from that you do not sense any more severe weather in the near future.


To the west, you catch the slightest of rustling within some of the brush in the same direction that Koro headed to relieve himself. The foliage is too thick to make much out at this angle and distance.

Ilmoto, Naia

Through your skillful surveying of the surrounding area, you feel fairly confident that there are no signs of magic in the vicinity apart from the effects created by your own companions.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

"If it's going to rain, then the insects should have started quieting as well. Could just be the jungle, but I don't have a great feeling about this."


Nature check (using Guidance of the Past) to see what the silence of the birds and the droning of the insects could mean: 20(1d20) +15 = 35

Last edited by TauNeutrino on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu draws his sword quietly and moves toward the bushes. "Koro?" He called out hesitantly, not wanting to attack a friend.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »


In your experience, you've seen that birds tend to leave areas if they expect poor weather conditions, or an approaching threat. The droning insects have always been present, you realize, but are heard much more easily now that the birdsong has stopped.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Let's take a look," Daris replies to Amon. "Something is definitely up, we should be vigilant," he adds, drawing his sword as the two men move to follow Koro.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

Amon nods as Daris replies, and noticing he draws his sword, draws his own. Pushing through the jungle, Amon leads Daris towards the rustling spot he noticed from his vantage point in the tree, keeping an eye on his surroundings for tracks or anything else that stands out. When he thinks he is getting close, he calls out to let the man know they are approaching, "Hey Koro, hope you found the relief you needed." before continuing on to the spot.


Perception (+10) or Nature (+7), whichever is more appropriate. I just toll a d20, so add the appropriate score if needed. 16(1d20) = 16

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

“Rain, a few hours out, Caoimhe, but nothing of the ordinary,” Dolorian replies. “Certainly nothing like this. We’ll hold our ground until Daris and Amon return with Koro.” Dolorian’s hand finds the ivory stock of his hand cannon, but it affords him little reassurance.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »


As you push through the thick vegetation in the direction of Koro, you hear no callback from the man. After about a half a minute of trudging, you come across Koro's longbow on the ground.

Ahead and to the left, you notice some of the brush has been disturbed, the small branches drooping.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

Noticing the bow but no sign of Koro, Amon leans down to pick up the weapon, slinging it across his body. Drawing his blade, Amon moves towards the disturbed brush. "Koro?" he calls out again. When he reaches the spot, he pushes aside the brush looking for any sign of Koro or where he went.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Naia shrugs as she's unable to detect more than the latent magic from her companions. "Whatever it is, it ain't magic. Can't say I like the feelin' of this," she says, growing somewhat uneasy as they're unable to explain the strange phenomenon. If I'm to die, let it be with rum in my hand.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu's eyes widened as they come across Koro's bow. "Koro! This isn't funny!" he calls out louder, and worried he breaks into a jog, moving forward faster than the other two, his sword still readied.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »


Together, you approach the trampled brush, discovering a small clearing beyond it.

Not twenty yards ahead, four hulking gorillas tower over the remains of your companion. They tear at his corpse with powerful hands, consuming his flesh with their gnashing teeth.

Just as soon as you notice them, the largest among them stops eating and looks up at you.


Roll initiative.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Init: 13(1d20) +2 = 15

Lower than the wood elves, so +2 = 17

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »


Init: 10(1d20) +3 = 13
Lower than Wood Elf's Perception; Sense Threat 13+2 15

Last edited by BartNL on Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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