The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

Morag moves in again, sidestepping the fallen Gorilla 1 and then passing through the quasi-intangible unperson she'd conjured earlier, making a swipe at Gorilla Prime.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move action: Walk to AB22. Move Spirit Companion to AB27, where it will be out of the way.
Standard action: Singing Strike on Gorilla Prime.

Singing Strike

4(1d20) +12 = 16 +2 CA = 18 vs AC: 3(1d10) +10 = 13 Radiant/Thunder damage.
Hit or miss, the gorilla has -2 to hit until Morag's next turn ends.

[sblock=Combat Block]Morag Siridean

Female Longtooth Shifter Cleric|Runepriest Level 4
Languages: Andorian, Tulrissian, Dwarven
Age: 48
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 17
Reflex: 14
Will: 20
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 0

MBA (greatsword): +11 vs AC, 1d10+9 damage
RBA (javelin): +8 vs AC, 1d6+8 damage

Resistances: Poison 5
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none

Active Effects:

  • Gain 5 THP 1/round after an enemy deals damage with an attack
  • Allies have +5 to Heal checks to administer first aid
  • Regeneration 4 while bloodied


Word of Exchange
Singing Strike
Call Spirit Companion

Second Wind []
Buffeting Wave [X]
Longtooth Shifting [X]
Healing Word []
Rune of Mending [X]
Flames of Purity [X]
Spirit's Prey []
Death Surge [X]
Sudden Inspiration []
Goggles of Aura sight [_]
Blood Fury Greatsword +1 [X]

Moment of Glory []
Speak with Spirits []
Hide Armor of Adaptable Resistance +1 [_]

Consumables: Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4), Alchemist's Essence (Poison) (Level 1) (1)

Important Features:

Class Features
Battle Cleric's Lore: When letting an ally spend a surge with a Cleric power, that ally gains +2 to attack until your next turn ends.

Serene Blade: 1/round, when damaged by enemy attack, immediately gain WIS temp HP.

Hybrid Talent: Rune Master: When using a Runic power, choose Destruction or Protection, and get that extra effect. Enter a rune state until end of encounter or use another Runic power.
• Rune of Destruction: Allies have +1 to hit adjacent enemies.
• Rune of Protection: Adjacent allies have resist 2 all.

Theme Features
Watershaper Lv1 Feature: Elemental origin, Primordial Dwarven language, Aquatic trait. Breathe underwater, +2 to attack non-aquatic creatures, can swim at half speed.

Spirit Talker: Multiclass Shaman.

Longtooth Spirit Shifter: +2 Regeneration while shifted.

Mighty Crusader Expertise: While wielding a 2H melee weapon, don't provoke OAs from ranged/area attacks using a holy symbol.

Item Features
Hide Armor of Adaptable Resistance +1: Resist 5 Poison.

Lifesaving Brooch +1: Allies have +5 to Heal checks to administer first aid.


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

"We can't afford to let it get away! Bring it down!" Dolorian moves after the beast, and sends it spinning with a well-placed shot.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move Action: Dolorian walks to AA 25
Standard Action: Tactician's Invitation, (17(1d20) +10 = 27; 6(2d6) +5 = 11) the next time an ally hits the target, they can slide it 2 squares, shift 2 squares, or deal 4 extra damage to it.
Minor Action: Reload[/sblock][sblock=Combat Block]Dolorian Antov

Male Eladrin Warlord 4
Languages: Common, Imardanian, Andorian
Age: 32
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 18
Reflex: 17
Will: 16
HP: 39/39
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +11 vs. AC, 1d6+5 damage
RBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d6+5 damage



+5 vs. Charm

Active Effects:


Paint the Bulls-Eye
Direct the Strike
Talented Athlete

Second Wind []
Inspiring Word [][]
Race the Arrow [X]
Tactician's Invitation [X]
Surefooted Stride []
"Fiona" Point Blank Shot [_]

Lead the Attack [_]


Important Features:

Canny Leader: Dolorian grants allies a +2 bonus to Perception and Insight.
Explorer Theme: Dolorian can tell which way is north, +5 bonus to skill checks to avoid getting lost, find his way to a specific location, or locate a landmark.
Skirmishing Presence: Allies can shift 5 (Int mod + Tactical Duster bonus) squares before or after making an action point attack, provided the can see

Point Blank Shot: +2 bonus to AC vs. Oportunity Attacks provoked by ranged weapon attacks with "Fiona"; 1/encounter makes a ranged attack without provoking attacks
Tactical Duster (Tactician's Armor): +1 bonus to Intelligence-based effects of powers and class features that do not directly modify attack bonus.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]I can't read Dolorian's magic-infused voice. I'm going to use his normal voice from now on.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

Catching his breath, Amon is roused by Dolorian's words. He sees the gorilla trying to escape and quickly tries to recall if he suspects the fleeing creature will be a liability if allowed to escape.

[sblock=Mechanics]Nature Check: 14(1d20) +7 = 21[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

[sblock=Amon]You get the sense that a single gorilla alone doesn't seem to be a threat, especially heavily wounded.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

"Let it be," Amon replies to Dolorian. "We still have the big one taking swings at us." With a flick of his wrist, Amon sends his dagger towards the primal beast.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor: N/A
Move: Acrobat's Trick, remaining in Y19
Standard: RBA targeting Gorilla Prime (CA from Dazed)
Attack: 6(1d20) +15 = 21 vs. AC
Damage: 1(1d4) +7(2d6) +13 = 21[/sblock]
[sblock=Immediate Actions]1.) If something adjacent attacks and misses me, Disciplined Counter, if I have CA (I am the only one next to it, I am flanking it, it is prone, or otherwise granting CA).
2.) If something adjacent and bloodied attacks me, Wrath of the Destroyer, if I have CA (I am the only one next to it, I am flanking it, it is prone, or otherwise granting CA).[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Block]Amon

Male Human (Wilden) Thief Level 4
Languages: Andorian, Tulrisse
Age: 34
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 20
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 15
Reflex: 20
Will: 15
HP: 26/42
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6 + 8 damage
RBA: +13 vs AC, 1d4 + 8 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Tactical Trick (Move)
Acrobat's Trick (Move)
Unbalancing Trick (Move)
Agile Recovery (Minor)

Second Wind (Standard) []
Backstab (Free) [X]
Battle Awareness (Immediate Interrupt) [X]
Disciplined Counter (Immediate Reaction) []
Wrath of the Destroyer (Immediate Reaction) []
Startling Offensive (Immediate Reaction) [X]
Flowform Armor (No Action) []

Vanguard Weapon (Minor) [_]

Consumables: Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x3), Talent Shard (x3), Alchemist's Acid (x2), Alchemist's Fire (x2), Alchemist's Frost (x2)

Important Features:

Class Features
First Strike: At encounter start, get combat advantage against foes that haven't acted yet.

Sneak Attack: Once per turn, if you have combat advantage and hit with a crossbow, light blade,shortbow, or sling, deal extra damage.

Weapon Finesse: Use Dex (not Str) for melee basic attacks, damage. +2 damage with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, slings.

Thief Weapon Talent: +1 bonus to attack rolls with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings

Skill Mastery: +1 additional trained skill. Natural 20 on a skill challenge check automatically succeeds, +1 additional success.

Racial Features
Fey Origin: You have the fey origin

Hardy Form: +1 to Fortitude

Nature's Aspect: Choose aspect of nature after extended rest (Aspect of the Ancients, Aspect of the Destroyer, Aspect of the Hunter).

Theme Features
Elemental Initiate: Gain +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks; unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage; gain the disciplined counter power

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures

Light Blade Expertise: +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to weapon attacks with light blades; +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to damage of light blade weapon attacks with CA

Battle Awareness: Fighter: skill training; 1/encounter, make imm. interrupt MBA against adjacent enemy that shifts or doesn't include you in attack

Scoundrel Training: Lose one use of Backstab to gain rogue encounter attack power (Startling Offensive)

Item Features
Vanguard Short Sword +1: Deal +1d8 damage on successful charge. Daily (minor): Use this power when you charge. If you hit, all allies within 10 squares gain +1 bonus to attack rolls and your Charisma bonus as a bonus to damage until the start of your next turn.

Rhythm Blade Dagger +1: While you wield this weapon in your off-hand, your shield bonus to AC and reflex increases by 1.

Flowform Leather Armor +1: Encounter (No Action): When you are subjected to an effect that a save can end, you make a saving throw against the effect.

Burglar's Gloves (heroic): +1 item bonus to Thievery checks.


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

Encounter 1: Round 5

Amon's dagger goes wide as the alpha gorilla manages to cling to survival, despite being surrounded.

Go: Naia, Daris, Ilmoto

[sblock=Mechanics]Morag: moves, misses

Dolorian: moves, targets, reloads

Amon: misses

Cedros: total defenses[/sblock]
[sblock=Status]28 Hana (41/41) | 0 AP | Surges: 10/10 | Used: Thunder of Judgement, Healing Word, Wind Wall |
27 Caoimhe (32+5/41) | 0 AP | Surges: 9/9 | Used: Talon Amulet, Mielikki's Endurance, Wind Through the Willows, Oath of Enmity | melee-attacking enemies take 1d6 damage til end of E, +2 to damage rolls til end of Morag's turn R5
24 Morag (40+5/40) | 1 AP | Surges: 8/8 | Used: Blood Fury, Longtooth Shifting, Flames of Purity, Death Surge, Rune of Mending, Buffeting Wave | +2 to damage, allies gain +1 to hit enemies adjacent to her
21 Amon (26/42) | 1 AP | Surges: 5/8 | Used: Startling Offensive, Backstab x1, Battle Awareness | granting CA til end of Gorilla 3's turn R4
21 Cedros (??/??) | 1 AP | Surges: ?/? | total defense-ing
19 Dolorian (39/39) | 1 AP | Surges: 8/8 | Used: Race the Arrow |
17 Naia (40/40) | 0 AP | Surges: 8/8 | Used: Echoing Weapon, Blunder |
16 Daris (45+5/45) | 0 AP | Surges: 11/11 | Used: Holy Smite, Sohei Flurry | Defender Aura active, riding Valcus
16 Valcus (22+5/22) | being ridden, granting CA til end of Gorilla 2's turn R4
15 Ilmoto (41+5/41) | 1 AP | Surges: 10/10 | Used: Shocking Feedback |
15 Gorilla 2 (-164/??) | ded
15 Gorilla 3 (-124/??) | Used: Chest Beat | bloodied, granting CA, next ally to hit target can slide or shift it 2 squares or deal 4 extra dmg
11 Gorilla Prime (-147/??) | bloodied, dazed, -2 to Attack til end of Naia's turn R5, -4 speed if starting turn adjacent to Ryuu, -2 to attacks against Not-Ryuu
6 Gorilla 1 (-150/??) | ded
5 Ryuu (34+5/51) | 0 AP | Surges: 11/12 | Used: Frost Backslash, Second Wind | +2 to damage rolls til end of Morag's turn R5[/sblock]
[sblock=Map Info]Trees: The 2x2 centers of these are difficult terrain. Fallen trees are also difficult terrain. Trees can be climbed, and are about 40 feet tall.

Rocks: Difficult terrain.

Brush: The green/yellow/orange spots. Normal terrain.

Packed Dirt: The darker brown spots. Normal terrain.

Wind Wall: Enemies gain superior concealment against ranged attacks made through it opposing their AC or Reflex.[/sblock]
[sblock=Enemy Info]Gorilla Prime: A hulking gorilla, clearly larger and more dangerous than the others. He stands at two meters tall, with a powerful, muscular frame. Koro's blood drips from the alpha's bared maw.

Gorilla: Adult gorillas that are large, but not quite as large as their leader. Each one is just under two meters tall, and look a bit leaner than the alpha. These gorillas' mouths are stained with the blood of your companion.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Daris plunges his blade into the hulking beast to finish it off. As the other flees he chases after it a top Valcus, to at least ensure it stays away rather than hoping to hunt it down.

[sblock=Mechanics]Standard: Vengeful Strike on Gorilla Prime

33 vs AC hits for 7 damage

18(1d20) +15 = 33; 1(1d10) +6 = 7

If Gorilla Primes isn't dead then;
Free: Holy Smite, Gorilla Prime takes another 6 radiant damage and is dazed until Daris EONT

Move: Walk to (Z, 30) top left square

Immediate Reactions Readied: Raking Claw see mount combat block, and Righteous Radiance[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Block]Ser Daris Caine

Male Dragonborn Cavalier 4
Languages: Tulrissian, Serran, Andorian
Age: 35
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 19
Reflex: 16
Will: 18
HP: 45+5/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 14
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage (Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage (Javelin)




Active Effects:
Defender Aura


Righteous Radiance
Valiant Strike
Vengeful Strike
Defender Aura
Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry [X]
Dragonfear []
Holy Smite [X][X]*
Righteous Shield []
Amulet of Life +1 []
Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1 [_]

Restore Vitality []
Summon Celestial Steed [X][]**
Heavy Preservation Shield (heroic tier) [_]

*Can be used twice per encounter but only once per turn.
**Can be used twice per day unless steed is reduced to 0 HP.


Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Important Features:

Dragonborn Fury: While bloodied I gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against OAs when wielding a heavy blade.

Mounted Combat:Gain gain access to any special mount abilities. Mounts do not take the normal -2 attack penalty to their attacks. The mount can make any Athletics, Acrobatics, Endurance, or Stealth checks using my skill check modifier.

Meliorating Plate Armor +1: Each time I reach a milestone in a day, the enhancement bonus of this armor increases by 1. This bonus resets after an extended rest.

Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1: Paladins can use this weapon as an implement for paladin powers. +1d8 fire and radiant damage on crit.

Mount Combat Block


Male Lion Lion 4
Languages: Lion
Age: 8
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 700lb

Speed: 9 (forest walk)
Initiative: Equal to Daris'
Passive Perception: 12

AC: 25
Fort: 20
Reflex: 17
Will: 19
HP: 22/22
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 0
Surges left: 0/0

Standard Actions
Melee 1, 1d20+9 vs AC, 2d8+4 damage
Battle Pounce [X]
Jumps up to 5 squares and attacks, Melee 1, 1d20+9 vs AC, 3d8+4 damage and enemy falls prone.

Triggered Actions
Raking Claw
Trigger: An enemy enters an adjacent square
Immediate Reaction: Melee 1, 1d20+9, 1d8+4 damage

Important Features

Tiger Agility: Gains +10 bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks. Additionally does not need to move to gain a running start for Athletics (jump) checks.

Forest Walk: Ignores difficult terrain that is the result of trees, underbush, plants or natural growth.


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Dolorian, it ain't a Chathran woman! No use chasin' after it!" Naia shouts out as her comrade insists on bringing the fleeing gorilla down. Not that chasin' them did any good neither.

[sblock=Mechanics]Move: Shift to AE19 so I don't get 'sploded by this clockwork bomb

Standard: Total Defense I guess, I have no idea
Naia's not going after the gorilla anyways[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto grabs the live bomb while mumbling a spell. The bomb stops thicking shortly after.
Is everyone unharmed?

[sblock=Mechanics]Standard action: Diffuse clockwork bomb Thievery DC17 12(1d20) +7 = 19
Minor Action: none
Move Action: none[/sblock]

[sblock=Immediate / Opportunity actions]none[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Block Format]Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Warforged] Hybrid Artificer/Wizard level 4
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian
Age: 26
Height: 5"7
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 41/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage

+2 Racial Bonus against ongoing damage
When you make a death saving throw you can take the better result of your roll or 10.

Active Effects:


Magic weapon (artificer at-will)
Freezing Burst
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand
Ghost Sound
Mystical Debris

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Healing Infusion [X]
Burning Hands []
Shocking Feedback [X]
Warforged Resolve []
Second Wind []
Action Point [X]

Item Encounter [_]

Daily []
Sleep (wizard spell) []

Item Daily [_]

Clockwork Bomb

Important Features:

Arcane Rejuvenation: When an ally uses a daily item power gain 7 (1/2 level + int mod) temp HPs
Eldritch Fusillade Expertise: Once per round you can draw or stow a wand as a free action on your turn. You can load a crossbow as a free action.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.

Battle Harness Cloth Armor +1: As a free action, you can draw a sheathed weapon or retrieve a stowed item. Gain +1 Initiative.
Alchemical Launcher: +1 attack with consumable alchemical item powers and you don't provoke opportunity attacks for making ranged or area attacks with alchemical items.
Armbow Crossbow +1: Load Minor. Expends no bolts. This crossbow becomes a one-handed weapon.
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

Dolorian unloads and sheaths his pistol, conflicted about the fleeing gorilla. He clicks his tongue in disappointment as the beast disappears into the brush. As Dolorian walks over to Koro's remains, he calls Amon over and asks, "Amon, what did you see?"

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

Encounter End

"Yes, I am alright," Cedros answers with a trembling voice, crouching down to gingerly pick up the longbow on the jungle floor. The expedition leader's usual smile has been replaced with a sullen gaze. "I never thought that we'd... lose someone out here."

Nearby, Koro's body lays still in the middle of the clearing, mangled by the combined onslaught of the gorillas. His chest and belly have been gored open, exposing his innards in a grisly sight.

Next: Short Rest?

[sblock=Mechanics]Daris: hits and kills...

Combat over!

The bomb was successfully disarmed, and Ilmoto gains the item back into his inventory.

Gorilla 3 escapes off the map and doesn't look back.[/sblock]
[sblock=Status]28 Hana (41/41) | 0 AP | Surges: 10/10 | Used: Thunder of Judgement, Healing Word, Wind Wall |
27 Caoimhe (32/41) | 0 AP | Surges: 9/9 | Used: Talon Amulet, Mielikki's Endurance, Wind Through the Willows, Oath of Enmity |
24 Morag (40/40) | 1 AP | Surges: 8/8 | Used: Blood Fury, Longtooth Shifting, Flames of Purity, Death Surge, Rune of Mending, Buffeting Wave |
21 Amon (26/42) | 1 AP | Surges: 5/8 | Used: Startling Offensive, Backstab x1, Battle Awareness |
21 Cedros (??/??) | 1 AP | Surges: ?/? |
19 Dolorian (39/39) | 1 AP | Surges: 8/8 | Used: Race the Arrow |
17 Naia (40/40) | 0 AP | Surges: 8/8 | Used: Echoing Weapon, Blunder |
16 Daris (45/45) | 0 AP | Surges: 11/11 | Used: Holy Smite, Sohei Flurry |
16 Valcus (22/22) |
15 Ilmoto (41/41) | 0 AP | Surges: 10/10 | Used: Shocking Feedback |
15 Gorilla 2 (-164/??) | ded
15 Gorilla 3 (-124/??) | escaped
11 Gorilla Prime (-154/??) | ded
6 Gorilla 1 (-150/??) | ded
5 Ryuu (34/51) | 0 AP | Surges: 11/12 | Used: Frost Backslash, Second Wind |[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Daris wipes the ape blood from his blade and sheathes it. "Good boy," he says to Valcus, leaning forward and patting the lion on the neck before dismounting. "He'll be the last," he replies to Cedros. "You brought more than just academics on this expedition for a reason. Unfortunately we've just been reminded why."

[sblock=Mechanics]Short Rest: Both regain encounter powers

Immediate Reactions Readied: Raking Claw see mount combat block, and Righteous Radiance[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Block]Ser Daris Caine

Male Dragonborn Cavalier 4
Languages: Tulrissian, Serran, Andorian
Age: 35
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 19
Reflex: 16
Will: 18
HP: 45/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 14
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage (Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage (Javelin)




Active Effects:


Righteous Radiance
Valiant Strike
Vengeful Strike
Defender Aura
Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry []
Dragonfear []
Holy Smite [][]*
Righteous Shield []
Amulet of Life +1 []
Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1 []

Restore Vitality []
Summon Celestial Steed [X][]**
Heavy Preservation Shield (heroic tier) [_]

*Can be used twice per encounter but only once per turn.
**Can be used twice per day unless steed is reduced to 0 HP.


Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Important Features:

Dragonborn Fury: While bloodied I gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against OAs when wielding a heavy blade.

Mounted Combat:Gain gain access to any special mount abilities. Mounts do not take the normal -2 attack penalty to their attacks. The mount can make any Athletics, Acrobatics, Endurance, or Stealth checks using my skill check modifier.

Meliorating Plate Armor +1: Each time I reach a milestone in a day, the enhancement bonus of this armor increases by 1. This bonus resets after an extended rest.

Vigilant Blade Bastard Sword +1: Paladins can use this weapon as an implement for paladin powers. +1d8 fire and radiant damage on crit.

Mount Combat Block


Male Lion Lion 4
Languages: Lion
Age: 8
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 700lb

Speed: 9 (forest walk)
Initiative: Equal to Daris'
Passive Perception: 12

AC: 25
Fort: 20
Reflex: 17
Will: 19
HP: 22/22
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 0
Surges left: 0/0

Standard Actions
Melee 1, 1d20+9 vs AC, 2d8+4 damage
Battle Pounce [_]
Jumps up to 5 squares and attacks, Melee 1, 1d20+9 vs AC, 3d8+4 damage and enemy falls prone.

Triggered Actions
Raking Claw
Trigger: An enemy enters an adjacent square
Immediate Reaction: Melee 1, 1d20+9, 1d8+4 damage

Important Features

Tiger Agility: Gains +10 bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks. Additionally does not need to move to gain a running start for Athletics (jump) checks.

Forest Walk: Ignores difficult terrain that is the result of trees, underbush, plants or natural growth.


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the battle won, Naia breathes a sigh of relief. A smile upon her face, she retrieves her lyre and strums a chord.

"The King o' the Jungle,
the title's been known!
'Cause Valcus the King has reclaimed the throne!
We beat up the apes,
we passed the first test,
so now we oughta take a quick rest!"

[sblock=Mechanics]Regain encounter powers

Song of Rest
For every healing surge spent, allies can gain an additional 5HP[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Block]Naia Espina

Female Eladrin Bard 4
Languages: Common, Andorian, Modern Serran, Brennisian, Kandorasian
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 14
Reflex: 18
Will: 20
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 1

MBA: +2 vs AC; 1d4-1 damage
RBA: +3 vs AC; 1d4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

+5 vs charm effects
+2 vs poisoned, weakened, slowed, & immobilized

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Adept's Insight []
Fey Step []
Majestic Word [][]
Words of Friendship []
Blunder []
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [_]

Stirring Shout []
Catstep Boots []


Unreadable Ink [_]

Important Features:

Bardic Training: I can perform one bard ritual per day without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 10 squares, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Multiclass Versatility: I can choose class-specific multiclass feats from more than one class.

Skill Versatility: I gain a +1 bonus to untrained skill checks.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, allies and I gain an additional +5 HP for each healing surge spent.

Eladrin Education: I gain training in one additional skill of my choice.

Eladrin Will: I gain a +1 bonus to Will. Additionally, I gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against charm effects.

Fey Origin: I'm considered a fey creature.

Trance: I only need to spend 4 hours to get the same benefits of an extended rest. I'm fully aware of my surroundings in the trance.

Noble Adept: I gain a Power Point.

Linguist: I know 3 additional languages.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 feat bonus to attack rolls made with bard implements. I also gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks.

Master's Accurate wand of Vicious Mockery +1: When I hit with Vicious Mockery using this wand, I can choose another enemy within 2 squares of the target. That enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until EONT.

Catstep Boots: When I fall or jump down, I take only half normal falling damage and always land on my feet.

Tactician's Armor +1: When a power or class feature calls on my Int modifier to determine a value other than attack bonus, add 1 to the value.

Amulet of Physical Resolve +1: I gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects with the poison keyword and effects that render me weakened, slowed, or immobilized.


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu laughs and takes a quick glance below him before dropping to the floor, sitting down for a moment. "Not every day you just get to fight a pack of angry gorillas, eh?" He wiped his weapon clean before sheathing it, taking a moment to rest.

[sblock=Mechanics]Spending a second healing surge, healing for 17 to max out his health. Short rest recharges his encounter powers (if any were used), and he's ready to go.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Block Format]Ryuunosuke "Ryuu"

Male Elf (Genasi) Swordmage 4
Languages: Andorian, Jarangi, Elf
Age: 33
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 51/51
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6

Resist 5 Cold.


+2 Racial bonus against Ongoing damage.
+2 Item bonus against effects with the poison keyword, as well as effects that render me weakened, slowed, or immobilized.

Active Effects:

Aegis of Assault
Frostwing Blade
Frigid Blade

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Swiftcurrent []
Chilling Blow []
Sloth Strike []
Second Wind [_]

Item Encounter [_]

Daily []
Frost Backlash []
Host of Shields [_]

Item Daily [_]


Potion of Cure Light Wounds (3)

Important Features:

Aegis of Assault Effect: Mark a target. The target remains mark until I use the power against another target. If I mark other creatures using other powers, the target is still marked. A creature can only be subject to one mark at a time. A new mark replaces the old one. If my marked target attacks someone other me they take -2 to the attack roll. If the attack hits, as an immediate reaction I may teleport to a square next to them and make a MBA against it. If no unoccupied space exists next to the target, I can't use this immediate reaction.
Frostwind Blade Standard Action. Target: One Creature. Attack: Intelligence (12) vs AC. Hit: 1[W] + 5 (Intelligence) cold damage. A different enemy marked by me within 3 squares also takes cold damage equal to (+4) my constitution modifier.
Frigid Blade Standard Action. Target: One Creature. Attack: Intelligence (12) vs AC. Hit: 1[W] + 5 (Intelligence) cold damage. If the target starts it turn adjacent to me, it takes a penalty to its speed equal to my constitution mod (+4) until the end of its next turn.
Swiftcurrent [] Move Action. Effect: You can shift up to my speed over ground or liquid terrain. I take no penalties for squeezing during this movement, can move through enemy spaces, ignore difficult terrain, and take no damage if the surface or substance I move across would ordinarily deal damage to me.
Chilling Blow [] Standard Action. Target: One Creature. Attack: Intelligence (12) vs AC. Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence (+5) cold damage, and the target takes additional cold damage equal to my constitution (+4) each time it attacks until the SONT.
Sloth Strike [] Standard Action. Target: One Creature. Attack: Intelligence (12) vs AC. Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence (+5) cold damage, and the target is slowed until EONT.
Frost Backlash [] Immediate Interrupt. Target: Creature that hit me. Trigger: An adjacent creature hits me. Attack: Intelligence (12) vs AC. Hit: 3[W] + Intelligence (+5) cold damage. Miss: Half damage.
Host of Shields [_] Minor Action. Effect: Until the stance ends, gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.

Watersoul (Genasi): Can breathe underwater; +2 to saving thrwos against ongoing damage; swiftcurrent power.
Use Vulnerability (Scholar): Encounter. Free Action. Trigger: Succeed on a monster knowledge check against a monster I can see or hear. Effect: If my result meets or exceeds the hard DC for the monster's level, gain a +4 power bonus to all defenses against the monster's attacks until EONT. Additionally, gain a power bonus equal to my Intelligence (+5) until EONT as long as the damage I deal isn't resisted. If my check result doesn't meet or exceed the hard DC, my attacks against the target deal only half damage until the EONT.
Swordbond: Bond with one blade (1 hr.); standard action to call to hand (10 squares); fix it in 1 hr.
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Assault chosen.
Aegis of Assault: Use Aegis of Assault as an at-will power.
Swordmage Warding: +3 AC as long as I'm wielding a blade with one hand and off-hand is free. If other hand is no longer free, +1 AC instead. If unconscious, warding ends.

Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Bastard Sword: +1d8 damage critical. Utility Power (Encounter): Free Action; Trigger: I hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon; Effect: Until EONT gain +2 power bonus to all defenses against enemy. Properties: While holding this weapon, gain an item bonus to initiative checks equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus. When I use this weapon to reduce a nonminion to 0hp, gain temp hp equal to 5+1 (weapon's enhance bonus).
Wintersnap Hide Armor: Gain cold resistance equal to 3 + twice the armor's enhancement bonus. Gain a bonus to Stealth checks in snowy or icy environments equal to the armor's enhancement bonus. Power (Daily * Aura): Minor Action. Effect: I activate an aura 1 that lasts until the end of the encounter, until I deactivate it as a minor action, or until the armor is removed. Squares in the aura are difficult terrain for creatures other than me.
Catstep Boots: When I fall or jump down, I take only half normal falling damage and always land on my feet. Power (Daily): Free Action. Gain a +5 power bonus to my next Acrobatics or Athletics check.


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »

This island has always been deadly Cedros. Ilmoto says with a tremble in his voice.
His prosthetic returns to it's hand shape, hiding the crossbow. Then Ilmoto starts enchanting a small device.

[sblock=Mechanics]Short rest: create healing infusion, use my own healing surge.
Standard action: none
Minor Action: none
Move Action: none[/sblock]

[sblock=Immediate / Opportunity actions]none[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Block Format]Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Warforged] Hybrid Artificer/Wizard level 4
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian
Age: 26
Height: 5"7
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 41/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 0

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage

+2 Racial Bonus against ongoing damage
When you make a death saving throw you can take the better result of your roll or 10.

Active Effects:


Magic weapon (artificer at-will)
Freezing Burst
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand
Ghost Sound
Mystical Debris

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Healing Infusion []
Burning Hands []
Shocking Feedback []
Warforged Resolve []
Second Wind []
Action Point []

Item Encounter []

Daily []
Sleep (wizard spell) []

Item Daily [_]

Clockwork Bomb

Important Features:

Arcane Rejuvenation: When an ally uses a daily item power gain 7 (1/2 level + int mod) temp HPs
Eldritch Fusillade Expertise: Once per round you can draw or stow a wand as a free action on your turn. You can load a crossbow as a free action.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.

Battle Harness Cloth Armor +1: As a free action, you can draw a sheathed weapon or retrieve a stowed item. Gain +1 Initiative.
Alchemical Launcher: +1 attack with consumable alchemical item powers and you don't provoke opportunity attacks for making ranged or area attacks with alchemical items.
Armbow Crossbow +1: Load Minor. Expends no bolts. This crossbow becomes a one-handed weapon.
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

Morag nods, bitter now that the rush of battle has faded. "No more wandering off alone. We're almost there, and we are not about to start losing any more people because we started getting careless. Understood?"

Without waiting for an answer, since she was talking to the group at large rather than any specific person, she stalks over to Koro's body, on the off chance that he might still be clinging to life somehow.

[sblock=Short Rest]Recharge encounter powers.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

Watching the largest of the beasts collapse and the remaining one flee, Amon leans down and wipes his blades along the foliage to clean what he can of the blood from them. Hearing Dolorian, he makes his way over to Koro's remains. "When we came into the clearing, the creatures were hunkered over his body. Couldn't hear anything from Koro over the sound of the beasts... doing what they did." Amon shakes his head, the sight before him utterly gruesome. "Can't say I've ever wished such a death on anyone."

Amon looks around for any sign of which direction the gorillas came from.

[sblock=Mechanics]Short Rest: Recover Encounters, Spend 1 Surge regaining 15 HP.

Check: Perception (17) or Nature (14) (7(1d20) = 7)[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Block]Amon

Male Human (Wilden) Thief Level 4
Languages: Andorian, Tulrisse
Age: 34
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 20
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 15
Reflex: 20
Will: 15
HP: 41/42
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 5/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6 + 8 damage
RBA: +13 vs AC, 1d4 + 8 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Tactical Trick (Move)
Acrobat's Trick (Move)
Unbalancing Trick (Move)
Agile Recovery (Minor)

Second Wind (Standard) []
Backstab (Free) []
Battle Awareness (Immediate Interrupt) []
Disciplined Counter (Immediate Reaction) []
Wrath of the Destroyer (Immediate Reaction) []
Startling Offensive (Immediate Reaction) []
Flowform Armor (No Action) [_]

Vanguard Weapon (Minor) [_]

Consumables: Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x3), Talent Shard (x3), Alchemist's Acid (x2), Alchemist's Fire (x2), Alchemist's Frost (x2)

Important Features:

Class Features
First Strike: At encounter start, get combat advantage against foes that haven't acted yet.

Sneak Attack: Once per turn, if you have combat advantage and hit with a crossbow, light blade,shortbow, or sling, deal extra damage.

Weapon Finesse: Use Dex (not Str) for melee basic attacks, damage. +2 damage with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, slings.

Thief Weapon Talent: +1 bonus to attack rolls with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings

Skill Mastery: +1 additional trained skill. Natural 20 on a skill challenge check automatically succeeds, +1 additional success.

Racial Features
Fey Origin: You have the fey origin

Hardy Form: +1 to Fortitude

Nature's Aspect: Choose aspect of nature after extended rest (Aspect of the Ancients, Aspect of the Destroyer, Aspect of the Hunter).

Theme Features
Elemental Initiate: Gain +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks; unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage; gain the disciplined counter power

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures

Light Blade Expertise: +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to weapon attacks with light blades; +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to damage of light blade weapon attacks with CA

Battle Awareness: Fighter: skill training; 1/encounter, make imm. interrupt MBA against adjacent enemy that shifts or doesn't include you in attack

Scoundrel Training: Lose one use of Backstab to gain rogue encounter attack power (Startling Offensive)

Item Features
Vanguard Short Sword +1: Deal +1d8 damage on successful charge. Daily (minor): Use this power when you charge. If you hit, all allies within 10 squares gain +1 bonus to attack rolls and your Charisma bonus as a bonus to damage until the start of your next turn.

Rhythm Blade Dagger +1: While you wield this weapon in your off-hand, your shield bonus to AC and reflex increases by 1.

Flowform Leather Armor +1: Encounter (No Action): When you are subjected to an effect that a save can end, you make a saving throw against the effect.

Burglar's Gloves (heroic): +1 item bonus to Thievery checks.


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Fialova »

With the fighting over, Caoimhe lowers he fists and heads to Cedros' side. "It's good you're okay," she says, unusually terse for her, though given the circumstances it might not come as a surprise. Seeing that her charge is unharmed, she takes a seat on the ground next to him and relaxes for a moment, listening to Naia's song as she closes her eyes to calm down.

[sblock=Mechanics]Short Rest: regain encounter powers, spend 1 surge to get back to full hp[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Block]Caoimhe

Female Elf Monk 4
Languages: Elven, Andorian
Age: 30s?
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +16 (18 when within 10 squares of Dolorian)
Passive Perception: 26 (28 when within 10 squares of Dolorian)
Passive Insight: 16 (18 when within 10 squares of Dolorian)
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 17
Reflex: 19
Will: 18
HP: 41/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 0

MBA (unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d8 damage (+1 damage with CA)
RBA (unarmed): +7 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage (+1 damage with CA)

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:

  • ignore difficult terrain when shifting
  • +1 to damage when I have CA
  • cannot be blinded
  • cannot grant CA until EONT when I attack with Holy Symbol


Centered Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Fallen Needle
Agile Recovery

Second Wind []
Oath of Enmity []+
Drunken Monkey []
Wind Through the Willows []
Mielikki's Endurance [_]*

Whirling Mantis Step []
Talon Amulet +1 [X]
Surefoot Boots (heroic tier) []
Symbol of Vengeance +1 [_]

  • see Hero of Faith feature below
  • One of the Harper Pin powers, which all share a cooldown during encounters


Potion of Healing (heroic tier)
Antivenom (heroic tier)
Tanglefoot Bag (level 2)
Blinding Bomb (level 3)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Important Features:

Class Features
Unarmed Combatant: unarmed attacks are +3 to it, 1d8 damage, instead of the base stats. Must have a free hand to use this, even if kicking/etc.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor, and with no shield.

Racial Features
Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Sense Threat: can roll perception in place of initiative. When doing so, allies within 10 squares who roll lower get +2 to their initiative result

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: can make a stealth check to hide when rolling initiative if I have any concealment or cover when doing so

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Holy Symbol Expertise: when I attack an enemy using a holy symbol, all enemies become unable to gain CA against me until my SONT, unless I use another power or ability that specifically makes me grant CA

Hero of Faith: can use Oath of Enmity power once per encounter, and it lasts until the target drops to 0hp. Cannot be recharged or have its duration extended in any way.

Unarmored Agility: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Deadly Draw: when I pull or slide an enemy to a square adjacent to me, I gain CA against until my EONT

Item Features
Talon Amulet +1: +1 to damage when I have CA

Robe of Eyes Cloth Armor (basic clothing) +1: cannot be blinded


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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

"As much as I'd rather not believe these woods are dangerous, it appears that Morag is right... No more trekking off alone. Privacy comes second to safety," Cedros says, his aged voice now returning to a confident tone. He steps over to the fallen Kawani, taking a knee next to him, and quietly saying a prayer to himself. Cedros places a hand on the earth near Koro, placing his other on the man's boot.

After a moment, he stands up again. "If somebody could bury him..." the dwarf says more than asks, turning to the rest of you with an uncomfortable look.

[sblock=Morag]As you near Koro's body, it is clear that the man is quite dead.[/sblock]
[sblock=Amon]It's not clear exactly where the gorillas came from, but you sense they likely were traveling through this clearing, which continues perpendicularly from the path you were blazing toward your goal.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

Dolorian stands and puts a hand on Cedros’ shoulder, ”Amon, Daris, and I should make short work of it. Come on, lads.” Dolorian sets about retrieving shovels and begins digging a grave.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Daris gives Dolorian a nod, with no shovels he begins unbuckling his shield to use it to dig. "Koro was part Imardanian right? I didn't get to know him well enough to know if he was a follower of Elys or not. Are there any burial rituals we should follow?" He asks, mostly looking to Dolorian, the other Imardanian, wanting to lay the dead hunter to rest with respect.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

[sblock=OOC]Dolorian, you don't have shovels on your person. Closest thing in this case is probably Hana, who has a pickaxe.[/sblock]

"Part Imardanian by way of conquest," Cedros clarifies. "Koro was Kawani. I know little of his faith, however." He offers an uncomfortable shrug.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

[sblock=Mechanics]Religion to know about Kawani faith/burial rites: 5(1d20) +7 = 12 well it could have been worse I guess[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

Unbidden, Morag joins the men digging. This is her burden as much as theirs. Likely more. She sinks her greatsword into the earth, loosening it for Daris to better work with. And maybe also venting some of her frustration dirtwards.

[sblock=Mechanics]Morag uses Sudden Inspiration to let Naia reroll her Religion check, with a +5 power bonus.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

[sblock=Mechanics]Religion reroll, thx morag you da bomb: 2(1d20) +12 = 14 ok.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

After a few minutes of hacking at the soft, fertile earth near Koro, you finally break through enough of the roots and terrain for a small grave.

[sblock=Naia]You don't recall much about Kawani religious culture nor their funerary rites, but you know that burial is quite common in the places and regions you've seen.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]We going with a plain Jane burial?[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

With the grave dug, Daris buckles his shield back on to his arm and walks over to Koro's body. He grabs the sturdier looking parts of what remains of the man, and drags the corpse over and then into the grave. "Anyone want to say anything while we fill it in?" He asks before starting to shovel the earth back onto the body.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

"His departure will not be forgotten," Cedros says, still holding the dead man's bow, gripping it tightly while wearing a frown. "I will try my best to ensure that Koro's death will be both the first, and the last that this expedition sees."

Once Daris has piled the earth atop Koro's grave, the dwarf places the bow atop it carefully. He nods to the man, before stepping back near Caoimhe.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Naia shakes her head, unable to recall much of Kawani culture, given its limited community. Despite this, she feels a certain kinship as they both hailed from Forelle. Staring down at the grave, she says, "May the seas guide your spirit home, Koro."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

Without a shovel of any kind, Amon does his best to try to help out, finding a hollowed out piece of tree to act as a crude digging device. Once Koro is laid inside, Amon bows his head in silence as the others speak up. He didn't know the man well, but his company spoke for his character, so he will clearly be missed. Amon waits for the others to say their good-byes as he waits to help finish the burial.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

[sblock=Mechanics]Dolorian may be familiar enough with Chathran customs to come up with an appropriate offering for the burial.
He's rolling Religion (+8) with a +4 DM bonus:
5(1d20) +12 = 17[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ryuu watches on and looks away, not having any words to add and having the feeling that another body trying to dig would only make things harder. He takes the time to think on their next move.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

[sblock=Dolorian]In your experience with Chathran culture, you remember learning about their burials in passing conversation. Optimal resting places are those that have plenty of access to the sun, and are as minimal as possible — not to interfere with the natural landscape.

It is thought that when Jurva shines upon your resting place, you will experience a pleasurable afterlife.

Many Chathrans create a ring of small, loose stones around a burial site to 'invite' Jurva's gaze from above.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by GingerGiant »

Dolorian sighs somberly, "I don't know much about the Kawani, but I do recall a Chathran burial rite. Let's gather some loose stones - a dozen should suffice. We'll arrange them in a circle around the grave." Dolorian spends a few minutes gathering stones with anyone who will help, before arranging them as he described. Dolorian finally stands at the foot of the grave and prays, "May the sun find your resting place."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

After a moment of silence, Ryuu clears his throat. "If we all don't mind... can we keep moving? I don't do well with the whole..." He looks at the grave. "Burial thing." He forces a smile.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

"Death happens."

Proper mourning can come later. For now, Morag hardens her voice and snaps at Ryuu.

"Get used to it. If we don't get our act together, he won't be the only one."

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You're not wrong there," Daris says to Morag. "Although we should keep moving. We've done all we can for Koro now and we've still got a lot of ground to cover," he says, walking over to Valcus. He gives the lion a pat on the shoulder before sticking his foot into one of the stirrups and slinging his over leg over the beast, mounting him.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto clenches his good fist, not knowing what to say about Koro.

And so another life was taken by Kandoras. Was my parents funeral like this? Ilmoto asks himself, realising that he may never find a satisfying answer.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

[sblock=OOC]Please vote if you'd rather do Watch RP or not. These are great chances to build relationships with the other PCs and see how they tick. It's also a good way to help you get further in the groove of your own PC.

However, it can take a few days to get each small group's roleplay sesh completed based on scheduling. So vote if you'd prefer to do so this time, or skip til the next day.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Namelessjake »

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »

[sblock=OOC]I don't mind more RP.
Do we need a long rest after a single encounter though, or was the question more in general Grom?[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

[sblock=OOC]Sure, why not.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

[sblock=OOC]I like the idea of watch RP for long rests.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

[sblock=OOC]Les do it[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by ratwizard »

Dolorian's efforts at gathering stones are aided by Cedros, though his aged frame only allows him to gather a handful before you've gotten the rest. Koro's grave is not one fit for a king, but it is fitting for the little time and few resources you have available.

With Ryuu and Daris urging for your continued trekking, the group of you continue moving through the jungles.

In the wake of Koro's death, the mood has soured since the excited banter from the earlier afternoon. Most of the next three hours is spent in relative quiet, pushing through the thick vegetation with occasional breaks for Ilmoto's alchemical cleansing to take effect and make you more comfortable.

Despite the heavy canopy above, you can tell that the sun has begin to set and the rainforest begins to dim. Cedros calls for a night's rest. "We will be resting in three shifts, like the night before," the dwarf calls, setting up his rest area the best he can despite the moisture present on the ground. "I suppose I will volunteer for the first one, this time."

[sblock=OOC]Watch RP time! We will split into small groups to handle this. Easiest way to do this is with IM groups on Discord.

Claim your shifts so we can get this rolling![/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Quincunx »

"Someone wake me up for the last shift."

Morag goes to bed. She's angry and tired and she wants a chance to sleep without getting woken up a few hours in.

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

[sblock=OOC]Third shift.[/sblock]

Active PCs
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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by BartNL »

"I'll take the first watch then."
Ilmoto softly mumbles while setting up some simple ward spells.

[sblock=OOC]Warforged racial:
Unsleeping Watcher: You do not sleep and instead enter a state of inactivity for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. While in this state, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

I want to reflavour this racial feature as setting up some simple ward spells.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I ain't sleepin' soundly after today. Aye, first watch for me too," Naia says, the day's events not leaving her very tired. The jungle ain't nothin' like the seas, that's for sure.

[sblock=OOC]I'll take 1st watch. Naia also has Trance, so she only has to sleep 4 hours and is fully aware of her surroundings. Let's say she's a light sleeper[/sblock]

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Re: The Lost Legacy of Kandoras IC

Post by am0n »

With everyone else already shooting for the early and late shift, Amon decides to bite the bullet. "I'll take the middle shift, then."

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