A Shadow Looms — IC

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A Shadow Looms — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Death Incarnate, Chapter 2:
A Shadow Looms


You were heading into Vizidel. Others were leaving. Quickly, and in mass droves, you noticed. So what was the fuss?

As you pushed your way through the city, you begin to hear rumors of the dead walking the streets. It wasn’t until you made it to the Calepha district that you truly believed them.

A pack of ferocious ghouls tore you from your horse. If it wasn’t for Aurelius, they might have gored you too. Together, you set out to help evacuate as many people as possible.

Days later, you ran into a starved Varon, who agreed that there was strength in numbers. That night, you stooped down to pet a passing cat. A cat that became a man — Leonidas.

Together, the four of you — Einkill, Aurelius, Varon, and Leonidas — have spent the last week and a half surviving. What little food you can find is eaten within a day, and trying to steer clear of the living dead has proved difficult. While hardly exciting, the best means of survival you’ve found so far is simply shelling up where you can, only setting foot outside to scavenge when necessary.

You are now laying low in a ruined shop on the eastern edge of the Calepha district, near the east bridge across the channel. You’ve managed to barricade the door and have opted to only use the back entrance for passage in or out.

Morale is low. Supplies are low. Your options look grim.

Discuss amongst yourselves the best course of action. Feel free to roll any relevant skill check, or ask me about details your characters would have seen during this time.


Malvus, your boss, was dead. Fezzel, missing. The shock of the outbreak wore off quickly, but the solitude did not. You spent days holed up in Malvus’ residence, carefully rationing what little supplies you could find.

After almost a week, you decided that you’d rather die fighting than starving. Besides, you were losing your mind being alone in this chaos.

You crept through the alleys as quietly as possible. While ransacking a couple nearby homes in the Calepha district, you found a Watchman-in-training and some sort of wandering sellsword. As much as your training told you to stray from them, you decided that life seemed less bleak with a couple more armed men beside you.

Together, the four of you — Einkill, Aurelius, Varon, and Leonidas — have spent the last week and a half surviving. What little food you can find is eaten within a day, and trying to steer clear of the living dead has proved difficult. While hardly exciting, the best means of survival you’ve found so far is simply shelling up where you can, only setting foot outside to scavenge when necessary.

You are now laying low in a ruined shop on the eastern edge of the Calepha district, near the east bridge across the channel. You’ve managed to barricade the door and have opted to only use the back entrance for passage in or out.

Morale is low. Supplies are low. Your options look grim.

Discuss amongst yourselves the best course of action. Feel free to roll any relevant skill check, or ask me about details your characters would have seen during this time.


It started like every day of your training did. Sun-up. Do your sprints. Spar your partner. Take an early lunch. Study the lawbook. Take a test. Watch a citizen get torn apart by a pack of… the dead?

No. You never understood what, why, or how, but you knew where you needed to be. As you rushed your way through the Calepha district of inner Vizidel, you tried as best as you could to save those around you. However, most people seemed to only be interested in fleeing as far as they could go, or ignore your calls.

It wasn’t until a couple hours into the mess that you saw a dwarven man getting torn from his horse. Helping him cut down the violent creatures surrounding him, you decided to stick together, setting out to evacuate as many citizens as possible.

Together, the four of you — Einkill, Aurelius, Varon, and Leonidas — have spent the last week and a half surviving. What little food you can find is eaten within a day, and trying to steer clear of the living dead has proved difficult. While hardly exciting, the best means of survival you’ve found so far is simply shelling up where you can, only setting foot outside to scavenge when necessary.

You are now laying low in a ruined shop on the eastern edge of the Calepha district, near the east bridge across the channel. You’ve managed to barricade the door and have opted to only use the back entrance for passage in or out.

Morale is low. Supplies are low. Your options look grim.

Discuss amongst yourselves the best course of action. Feel free to roll any relevant skill check, or ask me about details your characters would have seen during this time.


The biggest heist you’d ever planned — spoiled. You found yourself fleeing Abinessa Muratzi’s lavish quarters, spurred by the screams and scrambling you witnessed out the windows. You can still hear her wails as she was torn apart by her butler.

Your city was dying. Your people were dying. Worse, they were coming back to “life?” This was almost too much for you to handle.

The first few days, you hardly dared leave your bestial form. You picked through scraps of food taken from what shops were still accessible, but your time and resources were running out.

It wasn’t until a friendly Einkill stooped down to pet you that you decided it might be best to make new friends.

Together, the four of you — Einkill, Aurelius, Varon, and Leonidas — have spent the last week and a half surviving. What little food you can find is eaten within a day, and trying to steer clear of the living dead has proved difficult. While hardly exciting, the best means of survival you’ve found so far is simply shelling up where you can, only setting foot outside to scavenge when necessary.

You are now laying low in a ruined shop on the eastern edge of the Calepha district, near the east bridge across the channel. You’ve managed to barricade the door and have opted to only use the back entrance for passage in or out.

Morale is low. Supplies are low. Your options look grim.

Discuss amongst yourselves the best course of action. Feel free to roll any relevant skill check, or ask me about details your characters would have seen during this time.


Morale at the Mare has been solid. No deaths in the two weeks you've been together. Food and supplies for several weeks have been built up in the basement, thanks to the constant scavenging you've been leading since that first night. Mahren has crafted a few sets of thick, leather armor, able to withstand some of the creatures' attacks — but not well.

Today was the day you'd decided to investigate the eastern bridge across the channel. Hopefully this one wasn't drawn up like the western one was, near the Mare.

You creep along the southern edge of the avenue, Weasel, Redros, and Guthrik in a line behind you.

This area was new territory. Going any further north would place you in danger of running into Maddris and the rest of those in his 'safe zone.' Despite your urge to brutalize him and the men that you encountered that first night, you know that you'll need your fellow survivors to be as suited up as you are to take on that fight.

For now, you are content with scouting.

"The plaza's just ahead," Guthrik notes. He looks up at you, his jaw set and his eyes determined.

"Bein' this far out from the Mare ain't a good feelin'," the chubby henchman comments, his eyes scanning for the dead.

Redros grunts in agreement, pausing for a moment to keep watch behind and on the side streets.

The Who and Where — The Newcomers

Eastern Avenue — Ruined Shop


The Who and Where — Marcus

Eastern Avenue — Plaza


The Gilded Mare


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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


"Agreed," Marcus responds quietly, not keen to reveal their position to any foes that might be lurking nearby. Those bastards will get what is coming to them in time. "But it is only for a short time. We only need to get a lay of the land and the state of the bridge before we can head back and prepare for a more exhaustive investigation of the surrounding area."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

His city, his home, had changed in an instant. Vizidel, once so full of life, was now the opposite. And he found himself holed up with strangers, barely clinging on to their last thread of hope. Staring up towards the ceiling, he lets out a sigh. "You know, we can't stay in here forever. We'll lose our minds before we starve to death. And I quite like having my mind in tact." Not to mention it's so boring staying cramped inside... Closing his eyes, he mutters, "Gods, I could go for roasted pig right about now."


Streetwise to know of any nearby shops/bars that might have food supplies: 4(1d20) +9 = 13

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Vizidel always had her bad sides. But today all sides looked equally awful.
"Just my luck". Varon mumbled under his breath. Leonidas was right. Looking at his new companions, Varon realised that they'd go down before him without food. Two weeks ago I wasn't doing well either. We need to get our hands on some food today, then can make a plan to get out of this wretched city.

"This hideout isn't half bad. I say we go out and get some food, and then return here. Stores are easier to target than homes, so I think most homes haven't been touched by other scavengers."


Streetwise check for places that might have food 4(1d20) +1 = 5

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

"Stay strong, lads. I'm certain if we remain calm, the gods will reward our efforts."

Einkill considers the local religious institutions, wondering how they might be fairing


I'm going to make a Religion check to see if any locally worshipped gods would have food stores in their temples. 4(1d20) +5 = 9

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius looked around at the allies he has spent the last week adventuring with. As each spoke in turn he slowly stood, bringing his heavy sword up to rest on his shoulder. He takes a deep breath and smiles as he steps forward; "I agree, we cannot stay here long. We need to find other civilians who need our help." He says cheerfully, seemingly not feeling the lack of morale that the others might be having. "We can do this together, I believe in all of us and our skills, for Aurelia's light is shining down upon us." He smiles even brighter.


Trying to convince my new buddies to cheer up (Diplomacy): 15(1d20) = 15

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


"Got it." Weasel itches at his nape. "Might do us good n' all to put together some sort o' map, yeh?"

You step to the edge of the plaza, coming into view of the bridge, which hasn't been drawn up yet.

"A way to the mainland. That could be good, or bad," Redros remarks.

The plaza itself appears larger than the one the Gilded Mare is part of, with three other streets branching off to the north, northwest, south, as well as bridge itself. Several storefronts line the wide open space, with a small garden plot bearing a tall statue of Aurelia marking the center of the intersection.

To the south, a pack of four creatures slowly pace down the street, away from you. In addition, you note a large pack of about a dozen of them migrating across the bridge, coming into the plaza. You have not been spotted yet, but you may be.

"Find cover, yeh?"

"Mm," Guthrik grunts in response.


Having been to this district a couple times before, you remember a tavern a block or two south -- or was it southwest? Surely it's around here somewhere.

Other than that, there is likely to be a butcher or a baker somewhere along the main avenue westward.


While you worked in this relative area for some time, you rarely ate here. Fezzel dealt all the ordering of supplies, and you brought most of your meals to the job.

However, you figure that following this avenue westward, you may bump into a worthy scavenge.


You're not quite sure if the temples would have supplies or not, but you figure it's probably worth a try. Besides, they may even be better venues to hold up in.

Feel free to roll Streetwise to see if you recall any temples nearby that you've seen.

Leonidas, Varon, Einkill

You can decide if Aurelius' roll of 15 to diplomacy + his words lift your morale, or have no effect.


You feel that your words are particularly optimistic, but you aren't sure if the others feel the same.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Oh, spare me your honeyed words, Aurelius," Leonidas says, swatting his hand as to dismiss the motivational speech. "In case you two haven't noticed, the only god out there is Khloros the Vile, and his army of death." Besides, we should be worrying about ourselves before others. How can we help others when we've barely got enough food for me?

The man rises to his feet, stretching his stiff limbs before saying, "Well, we all agree on one thing, at least. It's about time to head out. I recall a tavern a block or two to the south or southwest. Bound to be a butcher or baker on the main road too."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

Einkill stands up and points at Aurelius. "See, he's got the right attitude! Now, I believe a temple of some kind may be more defensible than our current position, and as an added bonus, depending on what god the temple belongs to, it may have food stores. We just need to remember if there's a nearby temple we could bunker down in."

Einkill thinks back, and tries to remember if there are any nearby temples.


I'm going to make a Streetwise check. 14(1d20) = 14

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

The kid is still showing some spirit. Maybe this group can pull through. Good.
Varon gets up. His body and armor feel heavier than usual. After a few seconds of just standing Varon Blinks slowly and turns to Aurelius and Einkill. "We all agree with Leonidas then. No time to waste. I'll lead."


Varon prepares to leave, putting all valuable resources left (if any) in his backpack.


Stealth roll for leaving silently and stuff. 7(1d20) +9 = 16

Last edited by BartNL on Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Well, I suppose you'll... come around eventually..." Aurelius says in response to Leonidas before thrusting a first into the air. "Yes! Lets get a move on!" He says excitedly and heads to the back door, peering outside.


If he has to open the door, I'll provide a stealth roll below.


Stealthyboi doesn't want to get seen by zambamboes 11(1d20) +11 = 22

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


"More likely good than bad. We don't know if whatever is happening here is happening everywhere, but we've a better long term chance of survival if not isolated on this island," Marcus responds to Redros.

Watching as the creatures shamble ahead, along the bridge, he quickly adds, "though that does look bad. Cover is good. Let's head for one of those shops," he says, pointing to the nearest location that looks vacant and capable of hiding them. Hopefully none of those shamblers are lurking inside.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


You recall a temple to Elphabus to the north about two blocks, along the channel. It's not as large as some that you've seen in the city, but seemed to hold events like plays.

Einkill, Aurelius, Varon, Leonidas

The four of you collect your gear and move through the dusty, barren shop for the back door.

Aurelius, Varon

As the two of you open the door to peer out, you catch sight of a figure slipping quickly into the shop across the alley from you, to the west. They appeared to enter from the street level, from the north.


The pack of creatures isn't moving particularly fast, but you heed the orc's advice. Checking the first door on your right — a bookshop — you move into the store quickly, with Guthrik, Redros, and Weasel trailing behind. The chubby henchman quietly closes the door behind you.

"Suppose we can wait for them to pass by, and keep track where they're headed,"
Redros suggests. "The last thing we want to do is to run into them again."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon points his finger towards the building the shadowy figure entered.
Then he whispers to the rest of the group: "Stay on guard. Someone just entered the building over there."


Stealth roll for speaking while hiding.
18(1d20) +9 = 27

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well unless these creatures have learned to use doors, it's safe to say that someone is among the living," Leo replies at Varon's shadowy sighting. "I could go scout. I doubt whoever they are would think twice about a cat running around."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"I agree. I trust your judgment, Leonidas. Report back to us with what you find." Aurelius says as if he's trying to take the lead.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


"Yes, that is a wise idea. You should keep watch out the window. The rest of us might as well take a quick look around this place for anything useful while we're here, and make sure nothing is lurking to ambush us," he continues, before turning from the door to take a look around.


What do I see? What is the layout of this place like? Gonna take a look around.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Squeezing past his companions, Leonidas cracks the door open and assumes his cat form. He skulks across the alleyway, his ashy fur becoming one with the shadows. As he does so, he keeps his eyes and ears out for any prowling creatures. Approaching the store, he examines the building for any points of entry he might sneak through. Perhaps some sorrowful meowing might open that door if all else fails. What kind of monster would turn away an adorable cat?


Nature's Mask to assume cat form

Stealthy: 10(1d20) +14 = 24
Perception to look for danger and look for ways in the building: 4(1d20) +1 = 5 mmkay

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


You're able to muffle your voice well. You'd be surprised if any unseen listeners heard you.


Redros nods to you, stepping up carefully to the front of the store to watch out the windows to the north. "That pack is still moving into the plaza, though at a slow pace."

Weasel stands guard next to the doorway casually, watching with mild interest as you and Guthrik search the building.

Tightly packed with shelves of books, the store is tight without being claustrophobic. There is a service counter, drawers pulled and clearly rifled through in a scramble.

A shelf near the south wall of the main room appears to have been knocked over. Based on the lack of a struggle anywhere, you imagine it may have been a customer or employee on the move.

In the back, there is a small room that is likely the owner's office, with several hand-tools and materials for repairing bindings, refacing covers, and other book-related maintenance. From the other room, you hear Weasel's voice, uncharacteristically sing-songy: "And what's your name, lil' guy?", followed by a chuckle.


You round the corner of the alley, coming to the north side of the store in question. In the plaza east of you, you note a large pack of several creatures moving across the bridge into the area. While not quick, they appear to be traveling in a deliberate fashion.

As you stalk along the facade of the building, you notice a small vent on the end of the walkway, ajar. Creeping along, you slide through it tentatively, entering what appears to be the front section of a bookstore. Shelves tower above you on either side, filled with books of various shapes and sizes.

Ahead, you see two men — one portly, pale man holding a thick blade and keeping watch near the door, the other a tall, thin middle-aged man whose eyes are peeled outside.

Tail high and twisting, you strut forward, catching the attention of both the humans. The chubby man nearest you smiles widely, leaning down and holding his hand in a fist for you to sniff. "And what's your name, lil' guy?" he asks cheerfully, before letting out a soft chuckle.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


Not much use for this stuff, Marcus thinks, as his foray into the building reveals that it had likely been a book store prior to the current state of the city. May be useful to ease boredom, but won't help us survive. Hearing weasel's odd words, Marcus, quickly and quietly returns back to the front of the shop.

"Who are you talking to?" he asks as moves, hoping that whatever it is, it isn't a threat.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


You see a tomcat in the front of the shop, whom Weasel is leaning down toward with an outstretched fist at to beckon a friendly sniff.


You see a man wearing a suit of heavy plate armor across his torso, arms, and shoulders. He wears an eye-patch and has a faded crimson half-cloak weaved through his armor and down his back.

Roll a history check for me.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas looks up at the chubby man as he approaches, knowing the grin on his face to be a good sign. Too easy. No one can resist this charm, whether I'm human or not. He meows playfully in response to the man's question, stiffing at his hand to keep up his part. I've never known a man to smell so much of ale and cheese. Truly astonishing. At least he's friendly.

As a third man enters the room, Leo's eyes go wide, watching him carefully. He looks awfully serious. Can a lovable cat break down his walls too? He struts over to the newcomer, emitting a gentle mew, and looks up at him.


History: 6(1d20) = 6 haha nope

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


The cat seems chatty, meowing at Weasel before sniffing his hand.

It turns to watch you with tentative body language, before strutting your way casually. The cat mews softly, its wide eyes staring up at you.


The man's armor bears no special significance to you.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

While Leonidas is off exploring, Einkill speaks up. "As I was saying before, I believe a temple may be more defensible than where we are right now. I believe I saw one dedicated to Elphabus a few blocks north of here. We should gather what materials we can, then hole up inside that temple until we can come up with a more permanent solution."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

As they wait for Leonidas to return, Aurelius turns and nods at Einkill. "I agree, a temple would be a good place to hold out and it would be a good place to draw civilians too to keep them safe." He says, and gives him a thumbs up. "We should suggest that to Leonidas when he returns." He nods again.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon smiles thinking about taking over a temple as a base. He'd never been a godly man, but that Ephalus out of all gods could bring him salvation was downright hilarious to him. I need to stay focused now. We need to assume Leonidas and the rest of us are in danger. Varon turns to his enthousiast companions and puts a vinger against the bottom of his visor.
"Stay quiet." Varon whispers. He continues sternly: "Let's not get our hopes up about that temple now. First things first. Leonidas is checking out who just entered that store. Get ready to kill if it isn't a friend. Remember if it isn't there may be more like him nearby. Stay on guard and stay focused."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


Just a cat, Marcus thinks, eyeing the small feline for a moment before turning his attention to Weasel and Redros. "This place has nothing of value so far, and I didn't find anyone else. Just an old book store. Any changes on the situation outside?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Well, they don't appear to be murdering sorts. But it's better to be safe than to end up on the receiving end of a blade. He scampers up the nearest bookshelf, carefully positioning himself atop it. Careful not to tip the wooden shelf, he reassumes his human form. An impish grin adorning his face, he remarks, "Aye, we've got a group of more survivors next door. And some of those shamblers coming quick. And of course a cat who just became a man, but you asked about outside."


Nature's Mask: Revert to human form

Acro to balance atop the shelf: 4(1d20) +13 = 17

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus waits expectantly for a response from his colleagues, and is shocked to hear a voice coming from behind, and apparently above. He turns quickly to face the source of the voice, moving his hand to the haft of his weapon instinctively. Seeing the strange man perched above, he half-asks, half-shouts, "who are you? And how long have you been there?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leo looks upon Marcus, dumbfounded at the man's reaction. "D-did you not just hear a word I said? The cat and I are one in the same," Leonidas replies, somewhat amazed at the man's selective hearing. It's a wonder he's survived this long if he's this dense. "But I am Leonidas, since you asked. I've been holed up with others next door for some time now. When we spotted you lot sneak in here, I thought I'd scout it out. See if you're the type we can help, and get help from."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Forgive me for tuning out speech that sounds insane," Marcus responds to the man, his tone annoyed at the man's condescension. Though given recent events, nothing seems crazy now. If a man can walk around after death and attack the living, what is stopping him from being a cat as well?

"So you are truly the cat that we saw. That is a useful skill," he continues, his voice now more to its usual calm and collected tone. He lowers his guard and returns Leonidas' introduction, stating, "I'm Marcus. We're part of a larger group currently staying in the Gilded Mare. You are welcome to join us there if you're interested in contributing towards making a safe haven. Someone with your unique talent would make an excellent scout."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I suppose I can find it in my heart to forgive you," Leonidas replies with a lighthearted smirk. "Especially after you've so graciously extended your invitation." Hopping down from the shelf, he adds, "And what of my companions next door? Might they join as well? I promise each can pull their weight. Though that rookie watchman is grating at time..."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"We aren't picky about who joins. If you are able to help out we ask you do so, but we've some elderly and children as well who aren't able to do much. Survival is the goal here, not forming some sort of military unit." Though things would be going much smoother with more military discipline. Some of them may be useful, but the others... by the gods.

"We'd be wise to stay here until that large group of shamblers move along, but afterwards we can grab your friends and head out. The lot of us are currently on a short mission to scout out the bridge ahead and make plans for further scavenging, you can stick with us for that then we will return to the tavern where we can make further assignments for you newcomers."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm inclined to agree," Leonidas replies to the man, thinking it odd that such a dense man is suddenly possessing competence. Perhaps my charade really did him in. "I pray those creatures pass quick, lest my companions, not friends, think the worst happened of me."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

Einkill seems to be getting impatient. "That Leonidas fellow sure seems to be taking his sweet time. Maybe some of us should go out and search for him. There's no way it could be taking this long to scout something out. He could be in trouble."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Marcus, Leonidas

"Guthrik," the orc says, taking his walking stick in his other arm to extend a hand forward. "Good to see another group out here that isn't looking for trouble."

"Yeh," the chubby man agrees with an emphatic nod. He looks torn between discomfort and joy. "Name's Weasel, by the way. That's a... that's a cool trick, hm? Teach it to me sometime?"

Redros sighs, apparently unshaken by the newcomer. He keeps his eyes out a gap between the shutters, watching the pack of shamblers. After a moment he raises a finger for your combined attention. "Think they're moving down the road to the south. Hard to tell if they're on patrol, or moving mindlessly. But they're sticking together, that's for sure."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas offers a warm smile to the pair of men introducing themselves. Returning the orc's handshake, he remarks, "Trouble is the one thing we have too much of already, dead walking the streets and all."

At Weasel's words, Leo stifles as chuckle, not wanting to draw in too much noise. "I'm afraid it's nothing I can teach. It's more... innate, I suppose."

As the third man speaks up, Leonidas frowns at his overly serious nature. Well, we can't all be charming and friendly, I suppose. As he speaks, the young man replies, "Patrols? I've never known them to be so organized. Always more like a pack of drunks leaving the tavern if you ask me."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Does it look safe to head out, then?" Marcus asks, turning his attention to Redros as the man updates them on the situation outside. "If so we should go grab the others and finish our mission before we head back." I know the man is a bit strange, but he knows animals. If they seem to be moving as a pack that could be bad for us.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Leonidas, Marcus

Redros nods curtly, to which Guthrik and Weasel fall in like behind you. "Suppose you'd lead us to your companions?" the orc asks Leonidas, gesturing him to take point.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That I can do," Leonidas replies with a swift nod. "They're right next door," he adds, heading towards the shop's door. With the newcomers in tow, he makes his way towards the back entrance of his own group's base of operations, tapping upon the door to make his presence known.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

Einkill sighs with relief. "THERE you are! Was just about to go look for you. I see you've made some new friends."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Einkill, Varon, Aurelius

With Leonidas, you see four men — one portly, pale human holding a thick blade, another tall, thin middle-aged man whose eyes never stop scanning.

There is also an aged orc in traveling robes carrying a heavy stick.

The last is a man wearing a suit of heavy plate armor across his torso, arms, and shoulders. He wears an eye-patch and has a faded crimson half-cloak weaved through his armor and down his back.

Roll a history check for me if you'd like.


As you and your men follow the newcomer, he leads you across the small alley to a ruined shop. Inside, you come across three men — one sturdy-looking dwarf in traveling gear, a heavily armored human male, and a young man that wears the telltale signs of a Watchman trainee.

"Greetings," the aged orc says, offering a hand to each of you. "The name's Guthrik. This here is Redros," he says, pointing to the shifty, tall man beside him, who nods.

"Name's Weasel," the chubby man says, introducing himself before the orc can. Weasel flashes you a smile and you catch a gleam of a gold tooth within.

"Yes. And Marcus," Guthrik says, gesturing toward the eyepatched man wearing the suit of heavy armor.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius very cheerfully goes over to introduce himself. "Aurelius, pleasure to meet you. Have you come across any other survivors?" He asked, more interested in that than anything else.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

Einkill thinks back to see if he recognizes any of these people.


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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


You recognize the armor that the eyepatched man is wearing as the uniformed armor of the Brennissian Legion. The exact rank, you're unsure.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

Einkill stares at the eye patched man's armor for a moment then says "Brennissian Legion are you? Well, at least we know one of you can fight."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Not any today apart from you," Marcus responds to Aurelius, looking at him with some confusion as he comes across so cheerful in these dark times. This fellow is certainly doing his best to stay positive. "We have a number of others all holed up in a tavern a ways down the road, though. As we mentioned to your friend here, you are all free to join up. We all pull our own weight, though, so be prepared to help with keeping the place safe from those... things."

As the other man speaks, Marcus turns to face him. "Ah, a dwarf. Not often you see your kind this far into the archipelago," Marcus responds. He picked a bad time to travel here. "Ex-legion, been retired for years now. I still remember how to swing a sword, though, aye." Hopefully the same can be said for the rest of this lot. We've too many civilians, not enough sword arms.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Might we head to this tavern now, then?" Leonidas remarks, relieved that their group's worries of food and safety have been lowered. "Or have you more to this mission you need to finish?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

He nodded. "No issues here, I can swing a sword." He smiled brightly patted the sword on his back.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

Einkill laughs. "Well, I've seen my fair share of battle. I tend to prefer hammers and the like, though."

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