A Shadow Looms — IC

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Despite your life spent in Vizidel, you know little about the sewers other than the practical knowledge you've gained over the years.

Vizidel as a city has networks of sewers in each district, and many of the citizens wealthy enough have access to plumbing. Your former employer, for instance, did.

You've never been in the sewers themselves, but you know they do run under the main avenues from what you've heard.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius rudely wakes the orc up after binding his wrists. "Get up, or you die here." Aurelius said, intending for the orc to walk with them. He wouldn't carry him even if he wants the orc to live.


Aurelius will go wherever the party decides to go. Count me as a +1 to the majority.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Wed Jan 22, 2020 7:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by benderfan »

Einkill heads back to the rest of the group. "Well, the good news is I've found a way out. The bad news is its through the sewers. Although, I supposed a bit of time in the stench is better than getting eaten."


I definitely think we should go through the sewers.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leo's eyes dart back and forth between the creatures flanking the building. He shuts the door, shaking his head. Returning to the others, he says, "There's a rear door into the alley, but we've got shamblers on both sides of the building. No chance in getting out that way without a fight."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus spits on the ground and releases his grip on the terrified man. "Fine." he says, stepping back and letting the man straighten himself up. "We're leaving, and your weapon is in the street out there. If you've a head on your shoulders, you'll come with us. You can carry the lieutenant there," he says.

Turning to Einkill and Leonidas, he says, "looks like the sewers it is then. Lead the way."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"We can only hope those creatures haven't found a way down there already," Leonidas says as he makes his way towards the sewer's entrance. He grimaces as the cool, dank air hits his face. I suppose there are worse places to escape through.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"Good job Einkill. Let's move! What are you waiting for?" Varon shouts from the loft. After coming down from the loft Varon tells his companions what he knows about the sewers.

Sewer intell

Vizidel as a city has networks of sewers in each district, and many of the citizens wealthy enough have access to plumbing; meaning there should be entrances and exits like the one we found all over the city.

Varon remembers someone telling him that the sewers run under all the main avenues.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Encounter 1.5: Warehouse Skill Challenge

The human survivor visibly relaxes after Marcus releases him, nodding his apparent understanding of the situation. He steps over to the orc, who is just coming to.

"Builo! We need to move!"

The orc sucks in a breath, his reddened eyes taking in the warehouse around him. "What the fuck? What's going on?" he barks through a pained groan.

"These people," he explains in a frantic tone. "They won. Mila, Jun, the others... they're gone. Damn biters got 'em."

"I told them to hold the damned line. Good-for-nothing chickenshits." He climbs to his feet, looking down at his tight bindings, then at the rest of you as you move for the sewer entrance. "So what the fuck, then? You want me to just come along like your goddamned prisoner?"

His question is punctuated by the cracking of the double-doors, as the dead and stinking forms begin to squeeze through the edges of the failing barricade, albeit slowly.

"Move your ass, mate," Weasel insists, clearly uninterested in the orc's dramatics.

Amidst the chaos of the breaching dead, the complaining prisoners, and the crossfire of quick chatter and planning, the ten of you begin to crowd around the door downward. Guthrik and Redros bring up the rear, ensuring the two prisoners stay in the middle of your group. You file into the dank, dark stairwell and Redros shuts the door behind him, which grinds against the frame.

As your eyes begin to struggle against the lack of light further down, you hear the dampened sounds of the walkers tearing their way through the boxes at the entrance of the warehouse. They haven't broken through — yet. Ahead of you, the steps descend, curving back around in a U-shape before disappearing into an eventual, oppressive darkness.


I believe Aurelius has torches.

The Who and Where

Calepha Avenue — Mid-city — Sewer Stairwell, Warehouse


Human Survivor
Builo (wrists bound)

Calepha Avenue — Western Plaza — The Gilded Mare i[/i]


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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yeah, that's exactly what I expect you to do," Marcus responds, as they rush towards the sewer entrance. "Unless you want to stay here and join your friends in the afterlife," he continues, as it becomes clear the creatures will be in the building soon.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas rolls his eyes as the orc rambles incessantly and angrily. "Gods, shut your mouth or we'll shut it for you. Your people are dead and it's all on you, you godsdamned moron." I'll kill him myself if he keeps this up. He shakes his head, descending the stairway into the sewers below. He squints into the darkness, hopeful that someone can light the way.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius follows down after the two prisoners, mumbling some mild obscenities as the Orc complains. As the stairway begins to darken, he pulls out a torch and lights it. With the torch lit he looks around, hoping they were heading the right way.


Lighting a torch and perception check: 13(1d20) +14 = 27 Listening for sewer sounds or looking for signage to see if it's the right way.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Fuck you both," the manacled Builo growls dismissively, following along for the time being. The other man, unrestrained but unarmed, seems to comply as well.

As Aurelius sparks a torch, you can see the stairway a little more clearly. The stone stairs beneath you are damp and worn, but look like they haven't seen much recent use based on the thick, mostly unperturbed moss that has grown along them. The sides of the stairwell are a slick, chiseled dark stone and they curve toward the top, forming an upside-down U-shape with the ceiling.

While there is no banister as a handhold, the steps seem safe downward and around the corner.


Listening in, you think that you can hear the distant, muffled sound of flowing water. There is no signage along the walls, but based on the dank smell, the general direction, and the sound of water, you feel you can trust that this is the way into the sewers.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Choosing to ignore the troublesome orc, Leonidas carefully heads down the staircase, letting the guardsman take the lead. Better him than me. "Just stay close and quiet. Not much of an escape if they hear us down here."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Following his gut, Aurelius takes the lead and tries to walk as quietly as possible down the stairs.


Stealthing to try and walk quietly: 11(1d20) +11 = 22

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

As you descend the stairs with Aurelius in lead, the way forward wraps back under the warehouse. Each step down brings you closer and closer to the sounds of water in motion.

After a complete half-turn, the stairs eventually terminate at a small, tight and level stone landing. This tiny chamber is smooth and bare on all sides, its only feature a single, metal door directly in front of you. On the door are two small grates — one near the top, and one just a few centimeters off the ground. A single, rusted handle is placed center-right.

Those approaching the door, you can barely make out, through the grates, a sewer canal running to the left and the right.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius looks back at his party, nodding. "This seems to be it, the sewer. Are we ready?" He asks, getting confirmation before opening the door.


Once everyone has responded, Aurelius will open the door, if you want to move the game forward.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Lead the way," Leonidas says, gesturing towards the closed door before them. "Mind your step, though. Aurelia's not saving you from drowning in a sewer canal."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus sticks towards the rear, making sure their two prisoners continue moving forward with no issues, and keeping his eye on them for any signs they might be trying something sneaky. Once the man in the front speaks, he says, "yes, not like we've anywhere else to go. Forward or deal with those things again."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius takes a deep breath and opens the door, carefully stepping out into the sewer proper, finding a spot to stand. He takes a moment to catch his bearings.


Trying to figure out what direction the sewer runs: 8(1d20) +6 = 14

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

For anyone who enters

The door grinds open. You step into the sewer channel, where light from Aurelius' torch illuminates the scene.

You are standing on a flat, narrow stone walkway that continues to your right and your left. Across from you, another walkway mirrors this one, inching along the far wall to the right and the left as well. Between them is a channel about two meters wide, filled with wastewater.

To your right and down the walkway several paces rests a heavy grate, blocking access beyond it. There are small doors built into the grate on both sides of the walkways. The wastewater flows from past this area, through the grate in the tunnel and toward you, and then beyond to your left.

As you peer to the left, you see the channel continue down toward what looks to be another intersection, where the wastewater merges with another channel.


From what you can tell, this current channel you are in runs roughly north / south. The grated channel to your right being southward, and the channel leading to the intersection being northward.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


Do we know which direction the Gilded Mare is, and how that goes in relation to this sewer area?

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


You know that you are somewhere east of the Gilded Mare. The avenue you were traveling along before entering the warehouse was headed westward, so you need to move in a westward fashion through the tunnels.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius looks back at Marcus, seeming unsure. "Where are we going? I think I know my way down here."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"The mare is west of here," Marcus responds, remembering the direction they'd been heading in before. "Which of these routes is west? That's the one we should be taking."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas shrugs at the man's question. "I don't suppose they put signs down here. I hope you know where you're going, for all our sake," the young man says, glaring at the guardsman. Getting lost in the sewers would hardly do us very good. There's no food down there! And I'm not eating another rat!

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius takes a deep breath and nods. "Alright, alright. Follow me." He smiles at the others, showing no hint of his fear. If I do get us lost... No. I can't think of that. He follows the walkway to the north towards the next intersection.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

The group takes the leftward passage toward the intersection, your footfalls echoing softly throughout the vacant sewer tunnel. With the aid of Aurelius' torch, he leads you to a T-intersection. The channel next to you filters into a larger one in either direction, under what you assume to be the avenue above-ground.

To your right, eastward, the passage spans with a slight curve to the left that continues past where the torch illuminates. You notice one branching channel set into the north face.

To your left now, westward, you can see the large channel continue in a straight line past your light.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius continues to lead the way, and when they get to the crossroads, he turns left, assuming that to still be the right way.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

With the junior Watchman leading the pack, you continue along the tunnel to the left. It is wider and taller than the smaller branch you entered on, and every so often there is a small stone arch across the channel to bridge the two walkways on either side. There is no light at all, save for Aurelius' torch.

The dark passageway continues on for several minutes, with a handful of smaller tunnels branching off on either side, until coming to a four-way intersection within a moderately sized chamber. Above, you can see a series of small grates in the flat ceiling, each with light pouring through. At your level, bridged walkways connect all four mouths of tunnels, allowing movement between corners of the central chamber.

Ahead of you, the tunnel descends westward a couple meters before tapering in size to a stone pipe about two meters wide. "Think that leads to the river?" Guthrik asks, to which Weasel grunts a knowing affirmation. "Yeh, we should be close."

To your left, a smaller tunnel curves off to the south and out of sight.

To your right, another tunnel cuts north. Several meters into this tunnel along the right side of the wall, you can see some sort of metal door similar to the one that you entered from.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Chances are that door is a way out," Marcus says, pointing it out to the others. "We should check that before going anywhere else."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Where do you suppose it exits?" Leonidas says, raising an eyebrow as he walks towards the door. "Another basement or warehouse, maybe?" He eyes the young guard. "Why don't you take point, Aurelius," he says, eager to use the honor-bound man as a shield if danger should arise.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »


1(1d20) +2 = 3
Dungeoneering check to see if Varon has an idea how far they have travelled underground, and where exist leads to.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Based on cues from the westerly route terminating in a drain, you've likely hit the edge of the Calepha District, with one tendril of the river just beyond where you are.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius carefully goes over to the door and examines it before checking if it is locked.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"I don't know, but it could hardly be worse than the sewer," Marcus responds.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

I could think of a dozen things worse than a sewer right now, Leonidas thinks, glaring at the young guard impatiently.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


You find the door unlocked. The small handle turns easy in your grip. Beyond the grates in the door, you see a similar stone landing with stairs leading upward.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"We should check it out anyway. Quietly." Varon says. "If the place is safe we can take a short break to recuperate."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius, satisfied that the door is at least unlocked, finally turns back to the others and nods. "It's unlocked, lets scope it out and see if it's safe." He says with a low volume, and tries to quietly open the door.


Stealthy sneaky door open: 6(1d20) +11 = 17

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

The door opens with a lonely, quiet squeal of metal that is hardly heard over the flowing water behind you. In front of you is a small stone landing that continues forward several meters before ending at an iron ladder upwards. You can see some sort of hatch at the top.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"You've got the best eyes here, check it out," Marcus says to Redros as the ladder comes into view. "Let us know if it's safe."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Redros nods, stepping through the doorway and toward the ladder. Carefully, he climbs it, one bar at a time. At the top, he pulls on some sort of metal handle, and you hear the soft creak of the hatch open. Light creeps in from the street above.

The tracker peers down at Marcus. "I think this is close to the tavern," he says in a whisper. "Want me to take point?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Sure," Marcus responds. "Any of those walkers in sight? Don't want to head up if we're just going to get ambushed again."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Redros peeks his head out for a moment, and he disappears from view. After a short moment, you see him again, from above. "Coast is clear."

Weasel lets out a sigh. "Finally, some good luck around here." He sheaths his long dagger. "C'mon, let's get moving."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus motions for the others to proceed, but holds Guthrik back to watch the prisoners alongside him. Marcus will head up last, after the prisoners and Guthrik are out.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

With a knowing nod, Guthrik stands behind.

"Untie me," Builo grunts, staring at the ladder upward before turning back to address the rest of you. The human survivor, unbound, looks on with eyes wide.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius makes it to the top of the ladder and looks around at their surroundings. "Finally, a moment's respite." He says quietly.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas breathes a sigh of relief as their way out of the sewers appears to be clear. "Thank the gods. I couldn't spend another moment down here." He scurries up the ladder, taking a deep breath of the outside's fresh air. He stifles a cough as a waft of rotting meets his nose. Perhaps the sewer wasn't so bad.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon follows quitely.


Stealth: 20(1d20) +9 = 29

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus waits until all but he, Gurhrik, and the two prisoners have made their way up the ladder before doing anything else. Once that has happened, he walks the orcish prisoner to the base of the ladder before removing his bindings. "Alright, go," he says, waiting intently for the man to climb. "You guys at the top, make sure these prisoners don't make a run for it, and tie them back up once they're out," he continues.

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