A Shadow Looms — IC

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon had never thrown a man, or whatever Tobias had become, out of a window before. But he felt the same rush of ecstasy he'd had the first time he had given a man the ol' Vizidel dip from the pier. The rush of euphoria immediately shifts into terror as his buddy screams out in pain.
"It got you?!"
Varon clenches his jaw.

Varon quickly snaps out of his distracted state, looks down to see Aurelius's wound, and then takes a quick look around the room to see if there's anything to clean or bind the wound with.


Try to find water/alcohol/cloth without rummaging through drawers or closets etc.
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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Marcus, Varon
OOC - Aurelius

Sure, make the heal check if you'd like.


You are quickly able to find a mostly-empty bottle of liquor as well as a clean rag from atop one of the nightstands.

Smock grimaces, stepping away from Aurelius as the trainee cries out in pain. "You're gonna wanna see if the Princess can help with that. She's got steady hands... and well, that ring o' hers..."

He nods toward the window. "Shame it didn't help that one. Blade to the belly, now that's a bleeder." His eyes pass over Varon and Aurelius, their armor wet with trickles of blood from dragging Tobias.


"Spices, yes, and a proper cook," the Princess says with an emphatic nod. She leans in, her lips tight in discomfort. "The Mare's cook wasn't here when everything... happened. Mathilda's been making due, but she was a hostess, not a chef." She eyes you with a curious glance, straightening her posture again. "I don't suppose you've any culinary prowess?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas frowns slightly as Liviana talks of their cooking situation. His eyes widen as she asks him of his own cooking abilities. "Maybe one or two things my mother taught me, but not much else. I'm more of a theatre hobbyist than a culinary one," he says, giving a proud smirk at his last words. He sighs. "Not that there's much use for a thespian these days."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius attempts to stop his arm from bleeding.


Heal check: 12(1d20) +12 = 24

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Fuck if I know," Marcus responds to the newcomer. This is why I said we should kill it first. If this idiot turns, I am not tossing him outside until he is a lifeless corpse first. "Do as they said, see the princess. She's not good for much, but she does have a unique skill in healing. If anyone can keep you going, it will be her."

With the deed done and the reanimated Tobias now resting safely outside of the Mare, Marcus sighs and turns back to the room where their prisoner is being kept. He steps to the door once more, saying, "well, now that that is over with, I suppose we should finish our conversation." He looks expectantly to Smock and Cassandra, hoping to pass into the room again.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"Here, let me help you." Varon says as he tries to help Aurelius with his wound.

Aid another: Heal

Use cloth and alcohol to help Aurelius with his wound.
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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Varon

As Aurelius applies heavy pressure to his upper arm and shoulder, Varon manages to drizzle some alcohol over it and begin to dress the wounds. It burns even worse, but after Varon tears off a few strands of a thin bedsheet and applies some bandaging, the wound seems contained for now.

Marcus leaves the room, and Smock follows behind him.


As you walk through the corridor, Smock follows you back to the door of the room Presius is being held in.

Cassia gives you a nod before stepping aside. "He was banging on the door a bit, but stopped again. Just be careful, alright? He's killed one already."


"A theatre hobbyist," Liviana echoes in a curious tone. "And I disagree. Survival may be important, but if you haven't guessed it already, morale is too. It is as my mother used to say: 'a bored city is a weary city, and a weary city is bound to fall.'"

She smiles. "Did you know it was she that enacted the Brennissian Thespian Grant? I think a lot of the actors' guilds out there wouldn't have been around if not for that." The Princess sighs suddenly with great disappointment. She clasps her hands together, fiddling with her ring again. "I suppose they're not around now, either. That's, um... That's a shame."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I suppose you're right," Leonidas says, a grin returning to his face as the Princess speaks of the merits of his hobby in such times. "The Queen is a wise woman. I had no idea that she is such a patron of the arts." His frown returns at Liviana's disappointment. Seeking to make her feel better, he says, "Perhaps now, but they will return. Wherever there is an audience, there shall be an actor. Maybe I'll have to perform for the lot of you, to keep morale." And to impress the lovely princess...

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Thanks." He offers a kind smile. "I hope that's enough for now. Though, maybe I should speak to... the Princess, like they suggested." He said thoughtfully.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"Don't mention it. Varon replies calmly.This could have been a lot worse.
"Let's go and find her then, I was heading down anyway to grab my stuff."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"I always am," Marcus says bluntly to the woman, before he opens the door and looks to their prisoner.

"Alright, well you were right. He'd turned, we had to toss him out the window. Now how about you tell me how you knew he'd turned, when to everyone else he seemed normal?" Marcus asks, looking sternly at the man, but more intrigued than mad given recent events. "And what did you mean that we all are turning?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Princess Liviana smiles once more. "That would be quite something," she says. Heavy steps down the stairs interrupt your conversation.

See next sblock.

Leonidas, Varon, Aurelius

Varon and Aurelius descend the stairs with heavy steps. The survivors in the tavern spin to face them, blood matting their armor and clothing.

"Is it done?" an older man asks, seated behind the bartop and leaning against the wall. "We heard yelling and thrashing."


"I meant just that," Presius says, having retreated to staring out the window. "Every single one of us — we will all become one of those. The fragments... the husks." He turns to face you, his eyes wide. "Unless we don't let it happen. I've already denied the Pantheon their will, three times. Ninatta, Ophemi, and Celia. The Pantheon took them from me, but I did not let go."

Presius shakes his head, running bloody hands through his hair. "Can't you hear them? The whispering, the words. I can only just make them out."

The Who and Where

Calepha Avenue — Western Plaza — The Gilded Mare

Tavern Level


Inn Level

Human Survivor
Builo (wrists bound, unconscious)

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

While holding his own arm, Aurelius approaches them. "He's been dealt with. Where's the princess?" He asks, looking around

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Right here," Leonidas says to the novice guardsman, pointing towards Liviana. He eyes the man suspiciously. "Why?" What's he need her for? Seems a strange person to randomly request. Besides, I doubt he's her type.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"I hear my own thoughts and the sounds of this tavern, but nothing more. What do you hear? And what do you mean that you have denied them?" Marcus asks. This man is no fool, though he appears to be one. There is something going on and he must know more than we do. Now if only he would stop talking in riddles and speak plan.

He steps slightly further into the room, slowly so as not to alarm the man. "Look, it is clear you are experiencing something that not every one of us is. None of us want to turn into those things, and if one of goes then it is likely many more will follow. If you know something you need to tell me. The more we know about... whatever is going on, the better we can protect ourselves."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Leonidas, Varon

Princess Liviana straightens up at Aurelius' inquiry. "Yes, I am she," the young woman says, eyeing the Watchman trainee curiously. "Are you all alright? Is it dealt with?"


Presius listens to you, giving a sigh as he does. He seems to relax his posture a bit, sitting against the windowsill. "My family. They were going to turn. I... couldn't let that happen. The gods may judge me, but I couldn't let it happen. You saw what needed to be done."

He takes a deep breath, squinting hard and leaning forward as if listening. "You truly cannot hear them?" the troubled man asks in a quiet tone. "Their muttering. Overlapping, rampant. I cannot make out the words, but I know it must be them. The Pantheon. Their judgement."

Presius shakes his head at you. "There is no protecting ourselves from their wrath. We can only choose — do we die by our own hands, or by theirs?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"Yes m'lady. It is all dealt with." Varon answers courteously before he collects his belongings.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius approaches the princess, then speaks to her quietly. "The man was dealt with, but a stray claw caught my arm. I was told you have powers of healing that may assist in at least delaying it." He looks down at his arm and then back up at her.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas' eyes go wide as Aurelius mentions he'd been clawed by the undead creature. What was he thinking? He should have been more careful. Gods, it might only be a matter of time before Khloros is knocking on our door. He looks to Liviana, wondering how she might care for the man. "Is there anything you might need to help him? Is there any medicine I can grab for you?" he asks the woman, eager to both impress her and to keep the guard from turning.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


"The pantheon?" Marcus asks, raising an eyebrow at the man's words. "You mean to tell me it is the gods causing all of this chaos? To what end? What do they say?" Everything about this man pegs him for a fool, but fools are not right this often. There is something to what he says, but how much of it is clouded by his own beliefs? Why would the gods seek to smite us, and in such an abhorrent way?

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Leonidas, Varon

The Princess steps toward the base of the stairs, drawing closer to the bloody men. "You are a Watchmen, no? Your armor. Here, let me." She clasps her hands around your injured arm and takes a deep breath. In a quiet voice, the young woman begins to pray. "Goddess Aurelia, grant us your mercy and tender care. I beg you, as your servant — heal this man who has suffered while protecting your people."

The ring on her hand atop your arm glints, and she grips harder.


You feel a surge of relief trickle through the wound, your arm, your shoulder. The throbbing seems to halt, and the pain has mostly subsided apart from superficial stinging from the claw marks.

"There," Princess Liviana says with a smile as she releases your arm and takes a step back. "Thank you for your help." She nods to you deferentially. "I am Princess Liviana Arvina. Who might each of you be?"


"Yes!" Presius shouts, his eyes wide. "The Pantheon. It must be them. I told you, it is their wrath. It has to be. It has to."

He takes a long look at you, his sudden outburst abated. "Marcus, will you help me? I will beg if I must." The withered man slips down from the windowsill, kneeling on the rug beneath him as he peers up at you. "Grant me a clean death. One deserving of a believer. Do not let me turn into one of these creatures." He points to the sword at your hip, and he leans forward, offering his neck.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius takes a moment as he feels relief flow through his body. He takes in a deep breath and flexes his arm slightly, looking back at the princess. "I am Aurelius. A Watchman, yes. In-training, prior to this, but a Watchman no less." He gives a polite bow to the princess.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

In training is right, Leonidas thinks, watching with interest as the princess seems to work her healing magic. No way a seasoned guard would let that happen. He turns towards Liviana and raises an eyebrow. "You seem quite versed in healing. Maybe you could teach some of us the basics sometime?" he says with a small smile. "It'd certainly help us through this mess."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon bows courteously for the noblewoman. "Please forgive our manners m'lady. My name is Varon. How can I be of service?"

Fuck, if someone told me I'd be working for a princess a year ago I'd call 'm stupid. Something good might come from this still, if we don't fuck up.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


Marcus shrugs and steps towards the man, perfectly willing to comply with the request. However, after a moment he realizes how it might look, him openly killing and unarmed and imprisoned man, behind closed doors. No, that will not do, he thinks before he removes his hand from the hilt of his blade. Instead, with his other hand he reaches to the smaller sheath attached to his lower back, and produces his dagger.

"Here, you can do it yourself," he says, handing the blade to the man before returning to the door. "Make whatever peace with the gods beforehand if you like, I won't fight you on it. I will make sure you are left alone," he adds, before tapping at the door to be opened once more.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Varon, Leonidas

"Yes," Princess Liviana says to Leonidas with a nod. "If we're to continue to face these creatures, then everyone will need to know a bit of medicine."

She turns back to the other two newcomers. "It's a pleasure, Varon. And you said Aurelius, right?" The Princess eyes the Watchman closely. "Your parents must be quite something. It's a wonderful name." She smiles. "I'll take this as a good omen that She sent you three our way."

Guthrik clears his throat, and her eyes dart toward him. "We brought two more with us. They attacked us, initially. The human's compliant but that legionnaire is going to cause problems." He sighs. "I should probably go and make sure they're not already doing so." He begins making his way up the stairs.


"But I..." Presius says, his eyes full of concern as he looks between the dagger in his hands and you. "I... I can't... I can't..." The door opens and you leave him, stuttering.

In the hallway once more, Cassia closes the door and stands in front of it. "You were in there for some time. Did he confess to what the hell he thought he was doing?"

Guthrik appears at the top of the stairs, coming up from the tavern floor. "Hey. Where's the two others? The orc and the human."

Smock points down at the end of the corridor, where the human is sitting in an exhausted heap next to the unconscious Builo.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

He nods quickly. "Yes, truly my parents are wonderful people. I have to only hope they've found somewhere safe to be during all this." His voice seems to trail off. "I have to hope I can find them soon."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


"Yes," Marcus says, looking to Cassia as she asks. "He said he believed Tobias was turning before we went downstairs and saw that his worries were reality. He rambles and says things that seem odd, but he has some more insight into what is going on than we do, clearly. He believes the gods have cursed us and that we are all going to become those... things," he adds with a stern frown.

As Guthrik enters the hall once more, he looks to where Smock points, then back to the orc. "Thanks for the reminder. Guess we have that issue to solve now as well." He begins to step down the hallway, before turning back to Cassia. "Oh, right. He wanted to end his life, Presius. I told him I'd make sure he is left alone, so if you go in to find a bloody mess, that's why."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"It's good that at least one god is still watching out for us, and I'm glad it's Her. I can't imagine Calixtus offering us much guidance in these times," Leonidas says, glancing up at the ceiling as if it's the heavens itself. At Guthrik's mention of the others, Leonidas nods. "Aye, those fools made enemies of us while surrounded by those creatures. Certainly not the smartest folks."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Varon, Leonidas

"I hope that you can too," Liviana says with a downcast look now.

"Yeah," Weasel says, backing up Leonidas' claim. "They were protecting this warehouse, yeah? You won't believe the kind of supplies we can nab if we go back there. Big catch," he says with a grin.

"Food?" the old, squat man behind the bar asks.

Weasel shakes his head. "No, no, not food. Building supplies and all. Y'know, lumber, bricks, stuff like that."

A middle-aged man with a bandaged belly nods emphatically. "Perfect. We'll need to haul as much as we can back. Sounds like I've got some work to do soon."


"Marcus?" Cassia manages, taken off-guard. "What the hell?" She yanks the door open and rushes in, while Smock recoils in disgust.


"Gods," the Watchman captain whines from inside the room. After a short moment, she steps back out holding a bloody knife. "Well, looks like he got what both of you wanted." She glowers your way as you step away.

"I'll... I'll stay to help," Guthrik says, peering inside Presius' room.

Down the corridor, the human observes your approach with tired eyes, next to the unconscious Builo.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"The warehouse had a sewer entrance too," Leonidas chimes in as discussion turns to their group's findings. "We could use those to haul some of the smaller stuff, avoiding the streets and walking corpses where we can."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

They want to go back to that hellhole already? We barely made it out there alive. Fuck. Some of the guys from the orcs group didn't.
Remembering the logbook, Varon decides to share his discovery with the people around the bar.
"We barricaded the warehouse, but I don't think it could keep those biters out. So it's probably crawling with 'em there now. We should give it a day or two before heading back there. I've got another lead though. I found this inventory logbook back in the warehouse. It said something about a shipment of timber from Arenport. The shipment could be stuck in the harbour. Might be worth it to check that out first, right?."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"I agree with Varon, we left that warehouse as it was being swarmed with those... things. Probably not a good idea to rush back, least of all unprepared." He considers the dock proposition. "The docks could work for now, perhaps we make ready and head there next?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


Stepping up to the man, Marcus looks down at them. His face shows a mixture of fatigue and annoyance, both at the two before as well as the reaction he was given by Cassia and Smock. What, would they rather I do it myself? If he wants to end his life then who's to stop him?

"So, we are here. You are safe. Your friend is safe, or at least safer than he was back in that warehouse," Marcus says gruffly to the man. "You owe us. Now tell us, what is it you were doing, and why did you attack us on sight? We are not enemies - or at least we do not have to be."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Varon, Aurelius, Leonidas

"Leaving so soon?" Princess Liviana asks, raising an eyebrow. "Well... I suppose there's no sense in holing up in here without being proactive about our survival and supplies."


"Look, sir, I was just following orders, alright?" The man looks down at Builo for a moment, who is unresponsive. He cocks his head back up to you as you stand over him. "You're a military man, right? That's what he said at least. Surely you can relate to taking orders. I didn't have a problem with you lot, myself, okay? But those supplies..."

The man shakes his head. "Those building supplies mean everything right about now. And Builo didn't want to share, especially not with a new group showing up like you did. It's like Maddris tells us — no groups. Only people who are alone. A group your size showed up, and there wasn't any mistaking it — you were a threat. To the plan, to the supplies, to the others."

"Look, he tried to warn you to stay away. Why couldn't you have just fucked off? We didn't need your help. You ruined everything by drawing dozens of those things toward both of us." He sinks his forehead into his hands, his voice continuing in hoarse tone that toes the line between exhaustion and self-pity. "Guess it doesn't matter anymore. The rest... they're all gone. Torn apart by those things. And I'm stuck here with Builo and whoever the fuck you people are."


Since it's relevant in a safety sense, both the human and the orc are disarmed. The orc is manacled but is still wearing scale armor and the human is wearing leather armor.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Believe me, I'd like to rest. But duty and the protection of others comes first." Tenderly, he brings a fist to his chest. "My sworn duty as a Watchman is to be upheld at all costs."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

There's never been a day in my life where putting my feet up was an option.
"Yes m'lady. Me and the dwarf are fighting men, and the boy here has his duty." Varon replies heartily.
"If possible, it'd be nice to have a meal first, then we can also ask Marcus what he thinks. Sitting around and twiddling our thumbs makes no sense to me."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Speaking of the dwarf, where is he?" Leonidas says, raising an eyebrow at the clear absence of their other companion. "He came in with us, did he not?"

His thoughts and concerns are interrupted at the mention of a meal. "Aye, a meal would do us all some good. Yes, please!"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


Marcus listens to the man's words, not agreeing with the ideas, but understanding them. You need to be even more paranoid than me to think remaining isolated in a situation like this is preferable to outside help. Whoever Maddris is, he is clearly a fool.

"And what was this plan?" Marcus asks. "As you can see now, we are not a threat - or at least weren't a threat until provoked. I can understand being wary of outsiders, but no one is going to make it out of... whatever is going on, alone. We either group up and help one another, or we are all going to slowly fall to those creatures. And by the looks of it, add to their numbers."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Aurelius, Varon, Leonidas

"Your sworn duty can wait," comes the voice of the older man behind the bar. "It sounds like you boys are hungry." He sighs. "What's another few mouths, at this point? Already given almost everything I have to you people, including this inn."

Princess Liviana looks concernedly at Varon. "You mentioned a dwarf?" she asks, while a few of the others get to work on preparing you a meal. "Is he assisting Marcus, then?"


"The only plan... the plan to survive. Build up the district, wall off problem routes, make it safe." The man shrugs. "Look, I don't know what you want from me. I joined up because there was no other option. Maddris is a hardass, but he seemed the type to get shit done." He gives you an odd look. "Like... like you, I guess."

You notice Builo beginning to stir by the sounds of your voices. His bruised eyes crack open, and you can see him trying to get a fix on his surroundings. "Shut the fuck up, Kam," he croaks, giving considerable effort to sit up straight against the wall. The orc squints at you, his manacled hands on his knees. "Where are we? And why am I not dead yet, you coward fuck?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »


"That can be arranged, if you like," Marcus growls. He narrows his eyes at the man, still not eager to help someone who until recently was so eager to kill him. I could slit his throat and no one would even fault me for it. At least none who were there with me. It would certainly help ease some stress... But no, this is not the time. He is strong and we could use him.

"It sounds like Maddris has the same idea as we do," Marcus says, turning now to the human. Kam, huh? "We began with this tavern, since it is where we all were, but the plan is to make this blocks safe. Who knows, after awhile maybe more." Now turning towards Builo, he continues. "But that can't happen if we are small in number, and especially not if we are at war with some rival survivors. So that is where you two come in."

Marcus lowers his voice a bit and his tone becomes more stern. "You can join our group here, and help us build this place up. Hell, if you are close with this Maddris then perhaps you can help us work out some sort of agreement or alliance with him." Focusing on Builo more intently, he adds, "or you can continue to fight us and rot in the street like all of the other victims of this calamity." As he speaks, the hallway behind him begins to dim, shadows from seemingly nowhere appearing to obstruct their view. They gather in just the right way around Marcus' face to make him appear more menacing, a technique he'd used a few times in the past when caught in precarious positions in both war and infiltration.

This Kam might join in earnest, but if Builo doesn't opt for the sword he is going to be a problem. I can see his loyalties still lie with whoever Maddris is, and I know he will be trouble. But his false loyalty could prove useful still. If he wants to contact his old friends, I will let him. He can simply lead us to them, and then we know who and what we are dealing with. The cat fellow could certainly help scout them out. If it's war that asshole wants, I sure as hell am not going to lose.


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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'd hardly be one to pass up a meal, especially if we're to head out soon again," Leonidas says, his eyes lighting up as it seems they might finally get fed. Anything's better than scraps like before.

He shrugs at Liviana's question about the dwarf. "I'm not sure. I didn't see him come in with us, but he must've been trailing behind."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"I... suppose if we're to wait for Marcus, we might as well eat a meal before being shot out the door again." Aurelius allows himself a moment of rest, taking a seat at the bar.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"He must be m'lady. I'll go check on Marcus and see if I can find Einkill. Please excuse me." Varon answers before heading upstairs to find Marcus.
I'll need to show the logbook to Marcus, make sure he's onboard with our plans for the shipment.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Both Kam and Builo stare up at you with wide eyes. The orc shifts uncomfortably as your threat flows easy through the light-drained hallway. He takes a deep breath. "I'm no fool — I know when I'm beat. But I'm not planning on—"

"Look, I'll join, alright?" Kam interjects, drawing a glare from the orc.

"Course you would, Kam. As I was saying, I'm not. Let me walk free, Aemilianus. I was wrong about you. I think you got what it takes to live in this hell-hole. But your people seem soft." Builo squints past you, a flash of something crossing his face. "Know what? Why don't you come with me? You're the type of stock that Maddris is looking for. I'm sure he'd make you quite the lieutenant." He grins, exposing reddened teeth and a fat lip.

You hear footsteps behind you — Varon approaches.

Aurelius, Leonidas

"Yes, eat up. We've been fortunate with supplies for now." the Princess says.

"Is it time to bring out that salt pork they found last week?" a sunken-eyed man asks, arms across his chest and white-knuckled.

The innkeeper bristles. "No, Rorsi. I told you. It's cured, so it's the last thing to be eaten. We're working through what spoils soonest." He shakes his head, returning to his work.

The other man nods in solemn understanding, now watching as Varon climbs the stairs to the second floor.


"Yes, eat up. We've been fortunate with supplies for now." the Princess says behind you as you climb the stairs.

You spot Marcus at the end of the hallway, standing over the two captured men. The orc appears to be awake now. As you move toward them, you come across an open door to your left, the room that Cassia and Smock were guarding. Smock leans against the wall outside, giving you a raised eyebrow.

Inside, Cassia and Guthrik appear to be inspecting a quite bloody man who appears to be dead.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas raises an eyebrow as the others mention cured pork. He licks his lips, trying to suppress his stomach from growling as he watches the innkeeper. "Well if you've need of a scout for more of those supplies, I've got a strong nose and some other talents," he says with a smirk.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius takes a seat at the bar, moving his sheathed sword to lean against the bar rather than being on his back. "Once again, I thank you."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon walks up to Marcus and asks: "Marcus do you have a moment?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus opens his mouth to respond to Builo, but is interrupted by Varon's arrival. He nods to his words, before saying to their prisoners, "wait here," and turning towards Varon. As he speaks his shadows begin to fade from the hallway, and he looks to the man expectantly? "Yes?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"You'll want to take a look at this." Varon replies as he hands Marcus the logbook. "I've shown it downstairs, if we can get our hands on these materials, we can turn this place into a fortress. "

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