Fortune's Favor — IC

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »


"Oh, right now? Okay," Nyx asks, a bit surprised by the forwardness of the gesture, but also relieved that the woman was not immediately repulsed by her outburst. "Uh, one moment," she says, sliding off the side of the bed and onto a kneeling position on the floor. She bends down and slowly unties her shoes, before picking them up. She walks over to a nearby table and places them underneath. While at the table she unties the string holding her cloak to her neck and folds it neatly, before placing it on the table. She then glances at Alina for a moment before - a bit more nervously - removing the outer layer of clothes that she'd had on during their earlier time in the city. Like the cloak, she neatly folds the items and places them on top of the table, leaving her in long and very simple, though still comfortable, undergarments.

"I didn't want to make it dirty," she explains unnecessarily as she steps over to the bed. She takes a seat on the edge again and hesitates briefly, glancing towards Alina once more. Her encouraging look urges Nyx to set aside her fears and awkwardness and she slips into the bed, pulling the covers over her. "Wow, it really is softer," she says as she gets situated and really begins to feel the sheets.

As Alina yawns and mentions sleep, Nyx turns on her side and lays facing the woman. Had she not already been showered with compliments and encouragement over the past few minutes of conversation she'd be once more red in the face and unsure of what to do. However, in the bed, next to perhaps the nicest woman she'd ever spoken to, all she can say is, "I will too." After a brief pause she also adds, "thank you." She smiles as she faces towards Alina and a thought crosses her mind, one she did not have the courage to speak aloud. You're easy on the eyes, too.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Alina giggles again, though it's quickly interrupted by another long yawn. "I feel safer already." She pulls the full weight of the covers up over each of you, sighing and smiling widely. "Yes, I do quite enjoy your company. I hope you will visit again soon." She covers her mouth, yawning intensely again as the weariness of the day begins to take hold. She looks over at you, beaming with relaxed eyes. "Perhaps you may stay here some more nights as well."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »


Finally comfortable, Nyx's mischievous side breaks through the anxiety and she says, "if it makes you safer, what kind of knight would I be to refuse?" She grins and laughs slightly at her own joke, her gaze remaining focused on Alina as she does.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Alina smirks at your words. "Not like one from the stories. But you're better than the stories. You're real," she says, closing her eyes as she grins at you. She struggles to keep her eyes open as she gazes upon you in happiness. Her weighty eyelids, however, soon give out as you watch her drift off to sleep, and sleeping soundly at that.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »


Nyx is once more involuntarily red in the face, though this time with a smile instead of a frown or an agape look of shock. She thinks of something appropriate to say in response, but as the indecision racks her brain she watches the beautiful - she really is quite lovely - woman next to her drift off to sleep. "Sweet dreams," she whispers to Alina as consciousness fades from her eyes.

While it is unclear for exactly how long, Nyx simply gazes on at the sleeping woman across from her. Her mind races that night. Feelings well up inside of her, memories pour back, both good and bad. She thinks of her life in Cru'un, and how the position she finds herself in now would get her shunned, purely on the implications alone. She thinks of the joy she felt when she arrived to this city for the first time, and the first instance of that joy slipping away when she was caught by the Clowns. She thinks of the years of despair she had to endure and the loneliness that followed, only to be steadily replaced over the last couple days by hope. Hope in Gina, in her plans, in her new companions and what they might mean to her going forward.

In the midst of her reminiscence Nyx begins to cry. The tears are not purely those of happiness or of sadness, but more of catharsis. Her life was finally - for once - looking up again, and she wished she had a way to tell her past self that, yes, things will get better. That her time as an indentured servant would end. That she'd make friends again, and have a home. And maybe... more. And, before she knows it, she drifts to sleep as well, in the most comfortable bed she's ever slept in, and besides a woman who made her feel truly accepted for the first time.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

After pocketing the gold, Narciso bows to the others. "Vi auguro una buona notte e un riposo meraviglioso." He says and takes his leave, heading back to his room.


"I bid you all good night and wonderful rest."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco finishes his drink and a couple more as Idrig joins him. When the Dwarf disappears off to the garden, the mercenary decides to explore the Villa a little more before bed. He makes his way to the library and peruses the Salucci's collection looking for anything particularly interesting or unusual.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Through your perusing of the library's collection, you come across a handful of interesting works. Of note, you find:

  • A collection of architectural plans for various current and former buildings around Teiros

  • The apparent memoirs of a gladiator at the arena, complete with fighting technique overviews

  • A collection of play and opera programs, seemingly stained with long-dried blood

  • A book detailing the history and members of the Salucci family

  • A terrible collection of poetry, seemingly penned by the Doge of Teiros

  • A collection of very graphic love letters between the Crown Prince and a woman named Catavia. Lust letters would perhaps be a more accurate descriptor upon seeing the contents

  • An exposé detailing the vulnerabilities of different casinos and gambling pits in Teiros. It's dated five years prior

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco makes a mental note of the location of the architectural plans and the expose on the casinos so he can find them again should the need arise. It's almost without question that at some point we'll be sneaking into or straight up attacking one of these places, he thinks as he puts the items back on the shelves.

He pauses at the dried blood on the opera programs. A nose bleed or something more dramatic? He wonders before returning them as well.

He then makes his way to his quarters, finally retiring for the night.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The night passes by uneventfully and each of you sleeps soundly, worn from the events of the night prior. You're awoken by the familiar knocking of the servants, busily moving about the estate as their workdays begin. The rich smell of coffee and pan-seared meats greets you as you exit your room, making your way to the dining room for breakfast. Breakfast is the same as before, with a rich collection of pastries and meats and other delicious dishes.

There's little discussion during breakfast itself, but as you finish your meals, Gina stands. "If you five would remain, we might discuss the plans for today, and more of our grand plan." As the rest of the Saluccis finish, they file out and leave just the six of you in the room. She gestures for you to come closer.

She takes a sip from her coffee. "Now then, today, we'll begin our preparations for our plan during the carnival next week. For starters, all of you will need a costume, with a mask. I've a friend who designs them in town. You are to pay him a visit when you have an idea for yourself and he shall take your measurements. Remember, you want to blend in, but also have some fun with it!" She smiles, taking another sip from her coffee. A servant approaches a moment later, topping her cup off, as with any other who need a refill.

"Oh, feel free to do any shopping while in town as well," she adds, having recalled the payout from the night prior. "Now then, your other main task today. I would ask that you scout out the parade route, as with any notable venues along its route. The Crown Prince will no doubt wish to imbibe during the festivities, and the taverns along the route are sure to be his first stops when he sneaks away." She nods, seemingly thinking through the intricacies of the plan.

"And you'll no doubt need to map out suitable escape routes should you secure the cargo, so to speak."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig rests soundly, satisfied at his earnings bringing him closer to getting him back on his way again. When he joins the others for breakfast, he opts for a heaping plate. My time here is limited. May as well ensure I enjoy it.

After the rest of the Saluccis have left and they discuss plans, the dwarf speaks first. "Masks, costumes, and scouting the taverns. Sounds like a plan. I've not been to the carnival, so what sort of things are common choices? Spooks and frights? Harvest spirits? Beasts?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

The rapping on the door awakens Nyx immediately, and for a brief moment she panics, thinking she has overslept and missed a performance. However, she calms quickly as the sight of the still-sleeping Alina hits her eyes. She smiles and blushes slightly as she rushes over to the vanity to retrieve her outer wear and cloak, frantically putting them on - though as quietly as she can be - before slipping on her boots and heading out the door.

Heading down the stairs, the smell of the breakfast causes her to smile again and she makes her way to the dining area. Hopefully none of them notice me coming from up there. That is not a conversation I want to have right now, she thinks to herself. As she makes it to the dining hall she gives a polite nod to anyone she passes, and her smile fades more to her normal, neutral expression. She eats quietly and waits until their hostess speaks.

After the announcement is made, Nyx turns to Idrig. "Anything strange, at least from what I've seen," she responds to the man. "The Carnival is for the god of 'the Strange,' so the costumes tend to be very unique and often colorful. I've not been, but the guests at the casino would often come in at the end of the day, still in their full get-ups. It made it hard to find other staff."

Turning to Gina, she says, "I have a costume already, though it is my old Carnevale one. I imagine a new one would be best for this plan, right?"


Stealth to not wake up Alina as she gets read and leaves: 22

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Similarly to Idrig, Ciraco opts for a large breakfast, making the most of the luxury of the Villa and it's staff.

"Taverns, costumes and shopping. Should be a nice change of pace," he says with a smile, biting into a pastry he hadn't finished before the meeting was called.

"We could make you a costume here," He says turning to Idrig. "A couple of bits of wood and a cushion and voila! You're a footstool." His smile turning into a smirk.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right," Idrig says, offering the man a mocking smile. "And we could make you one as well. Dress you up like a stuffy mercenary cunt." He pauses, suddenly gesturing toward Ciraco in faux-surprise. "Wait — of course! You already fit the bill!"

Turning back to Nyx, he continues. "Bright, colorful. Good. I'm sure I will find something when we're out and about."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I take issue with stuffy," Ciraco replies to Idrig, nonchalantly pointing a finger at him, his face still bearing a smirk.

"Should we get started?" He asks, looking around the group. "It may be the morning but this is Terios, the taverns will be open already - if they even shut for the night."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, let's," Luca responds, rising from the table and making his way towards the exit.

"I look forward to seeing your costumes. The shop is Razzo Dazzo, right by the clocktower," Gina says with a smirk, waving to the group as you make your way to the door. "As always, take care to not draw suspicion."

With the task for the day set, you step outside. It's a pleasantly warm day, albeit drearily overcast. A strong gust comes in from the sea, giving you a gentle chill before the late-summer's morning air warms you once more. Despite it being morning, the city is already alive and bustling. Stepping onto the street beyond the villa gates, you seen it filled with people, carts, and animals of different varieties. Merchants shout and children laugh. You catch sight of a cage holding a pair of peacocks, exotic birds native to Visha.

As you continue down the streets, the landscape grows more and more "tourist-y" as the locals may say. There are taverns and inns aplenty, with most boasting live entertainment. Jewelry and clothing stores dot the streets. Outdoor seating at cafes and restaurants is bursting and bustling as waitstaff weaving through tightly-packed tables to deliver frothy lattes and almond biscotti.

Eventually, you find yourself in the shadow cast by Centurion Tower, the massive clocktower overlooking Teiros. The plaza, though less popular than adjacent Piazza Vittoria, is lively. Street performers display acrobatic feats or play jovial tunes while tourists watch on. You spot a large standing signboard advertising the coming festival. A small basket beneath holds pamphlets explaining the festival, as well as detailing the parade's route.

Weaving through the crowds, you're able to spot the colorful adorned sign that reads Razzo Dazzo above a storefront on the southern end of the plaza. Stepping inside, you see a pink and purpled-feathered monstrosity moving erratically. You soon discover it's a man, adorned in a bizarre and flamboyant costume. He smiles widely, opening his arms in welcome. "Ciao, ciao, my friends! Welcome to Razzo Dazzo! I am the gracious owner known by all as Il Tonnellato, yet my parents deigned name me Gian. Hardly a name befitting all of this, would you not agree?" he says, gesturing to his entirety. "Now then, what may I help you with today?"

Parade Route

Based upon the map within the pamphlet, the parade begins at Democles' Redoubt and ends at Empire Beach, largely occupying the main streets of the city, as well as moving through the three prominent plazas.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Idrig walks through the lively Teirosi streets, he finds one thing for certain. I stick out like a sore thumb. While not the only dwarf on the entire island, his unruly beard, scarred hands, and heavy coat don't do him many favors.

Looking over Il Tonellato and the man's strange shop, the alchemist lowers his voice as he steps closeby. "Gina Salucci sent us. I can see why you are the best in town," he says, avoiding the pink feathers that flutter far more than he had realized. "My associates and I are looking for costumes, masks included. Now, what do you have in mind for myself? I was hoping for something a bit more... understated than your own."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso entered the business casually and looked around. He finally seemed to be waking up as if he had spent the time since waking up just walking around in a daze. "Yeah, we're here for masks and costumes. We've heard great things about you, I'm sort of excited to see what you can do." He smiles over at the man.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx stifles a chuckle as the shop keeper approaches, the apperance seeming more gaudy to her than even the ones she'd witnessed every day at the Carnevale. As the others mention their basic plans, she steps forward to address the man more directly.

"I already have an idea for a costume," she says, smiling slightly to herself. The idea popped into her head on the walk over, and was based on ideas she'd mulled over for years as a way to spice up the casino attire. "I call it the Chromatic Centurion, the goddess Fiorina inspired the idea," she continues, before launching into an explanation of her outfit idea, which would consist of faux centurion armor draped over with a multicolored cape that merges into a sash. The helmet would be closed almost completely in the front, and multi-colored face paint behind it would complete the 'mask' requirement. After she finishes the explanation she looks expectantly towards the shopkeeper for his response.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco raises an eyebrow at the shopkeeper's appearance, but hangs back as the others talk.

When did she have time to come up with all that? He wonders as Nyx relays her intricate design to the group.

"I'm similarly uninspired," he says, gesturing to the others who also had yet to come up with an idea for a costume.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Il Tonnellato's eyes light up and he grins widely. "Gina? Truly? Ah, how I miss the doll! I must visit her soon!"

"The usual this year, my friend. I trust you made the adjustments we discussed?" Luca says, smirking towards the flamboyant shopkeeper. Il Tonnellato nods, writing down something on a small piece of parchment behind his counter.

He turns towards the dwarf, giving him a once-over. His eyes scan the other two men, repeating this process. He places a hand below his chin, tapping on his cheek with his finger. "Hmm... Yes, yes..." the man says quietly, clearly in the midst of a thought process. "Have you considered an ottoman?" He releases a boisterous laugh, wiping a stray tear from his eye. "But I jest, I jest. For you, I picture a Spettro of Khloros. Some tales tell of these specters who guide Khloros to the soon-to-be-departed. Some claim to see them moments before they die. Yes, yes." He writes down notes. "A hooded cloak, black with luminous blues and whites. A skull-like mask. Faux-dirt for good measure."

Il Tonnellato then looks towards Narciso and nods. "Yes, what a strapping young man." He taps a finger on his temple and then his eyes light up. "Ah, are you familiar with the play Livianus?" He pauses for a moment, sizing the man up. "Well the playwright wrote another play, highly underrated, called Thermas, a comedy in which a crime must be solved at a public bath." He grins and nods again. "And you shall have a costume inspired by its hero, Justus. Daft name, I am aware. You shall wear a crimson toga, with intricate gold details. On your head, we shall place a gilded laurel wreath with a mask incorporated in the front. Yes, that shall do you nicely."

Next, he turns towards Nyx and his eyes light up with joy. He puts his hands on his cheeks and lets out an excited squeal. "Yes, my dear, all things yes! Your inspiration is a breath of fresh air and your creativity as bold and beautiful as the sunsets! It shall be my honor to craft this... this magnum opus!" He gives Nyx a playful applause before writing down the specifications and turning towards Ciraco.

"Mmm, robust and strong. A force that should not be concealed." He smirks. "Yes, you shall be none other than the god of war himself, Aradamus! I see it now, a costume inspired by the legions of ancient yet still lightweight enough for mobility. Bold blacks and blues and purples, streaks of lightning across the ensemble. A flowing cape, yet not so long to trip yourself. And crowned on top, a luminous blue and black wreath with a mask built in, or face paint if you would prefer." He jots his flow of creativity down and smiles.

He looks over each of you. "Are you all happy with your inspirations? If so, I shall take your measurements and leave you on your way. Gods know my perfect will take time."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx can't help but to smile as she is praised so highly by the man. She watches in a mixture of fascination and amusement as he rapidly moves about the room, offering ideas to the others for their own costumes, even including plans that seem to have been made on the fly.

Once the spectacle is over, she responds, "yes, very pleased," to the man, and awaits further instructions. It has been so long since I've had someone take my measurements. This time is much more joyful than the first.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You're a regular?" Ciraco asks Luca as the gladiator gives Il Tonnellato his instructions.

The mercenary can't help but laugh as the man makes the same joke at Idrig's expense that he did.

"A god seems suitably humble for me," Ciraco replies with a smirk. "I'll go for the mask rather than face paint," he adds. This is meant to hide our identities after all.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

You're lucky you're necessary or I would murder you for that comment, Idrig thinks. "You're lucky you're an associate of the Saluccis or I'd take my business elsewhere," Idrig says. He offers a saccharine smile to the costumer.

The dwarf listens carefully to the plan. "Yes, I like this. Un spettro di Khloros," he repeats, embellishing a decent attempt at an Brennissian accent. "Good."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

He nodded and laughed a bit. "Justus. Straight to the point. I like it for sure." He says smiling.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"An irregular regular," Luca says in response to Ciraco with a smirk. "Annual festivals, costume balls, that sort of thing. Il Tonnellato is a good friend of the Saluccis. It'd hardly do to not use the services of a friend."

With the party satisfied with their costume arrangements, Il Tonnellato nods and grins."Excellent then. I would have you all follow me to the back for a moment where I might take your measurements." He gestures for each of you to follow, squeezing in a tight gap between the desk and the wall. To your surprise, the back of the shop is incredibly organized. An array of fabrics and feathers and beads line the shelves, neatly arranged by color and sheen. There's a large rectangular mirror against the far wall, with several curtain partitions adjacent. "If you could all stand by the mirror, I'll be over in a moment. Just take this opportunity to admire how gorgeous each of you is! You in particular, Aradamus." He winks at Ciraco.

The flamboyant man disappears into a side closet for a moment. He comes out of the closet holding a tape measure. He makes quick work of measuring each of you, jotting down his findings into a pad. Once finished, he looks at each of you and grins. "Wonderful, wonderful! You're all... proportional!" He lets out a loud laugh, smacking his knee. "I must get started immediately now, so I will bid you all adieu." He leads you to a door in the back of the shop, opening it to reveal the alley behind the shop. "Come back the day before the carnival to pick up your costumes. I truly must see how they look on you before." He smiles and gives a polite bow before shutting the door and leaving you in the alley.

The alley is rather quiet, the nearby plaza still sounds as crowded as before. Luca looks over the party. "So, do you all need some shopping done before we head to our next destination?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig suffers through the measurements, knowing that were it not necessary to be in disguise, he would never go through with such ridiculous frivolity. Festivals and holidays. Just another reason for hard work to go to waste.

Once they have left the shop, the dwarf nods to Luca. "Yes. I've got an alchemical errand to run," he admits. "I've an idea for a tincture that can put our prince to sleep. It may make our task a bit less troublesome." He offers a wave as he goes. "Let's meet back at the Villa, I shouldn't be too long."


Streetwise to find an alchemist: 16(1d20) +8 = 24

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


After a bit of wandering, you come across a sign reading Solutions by Valdyn near a small alleyway. Following through the alley, you come into a small courtyard tucked between buildings. The courtyard holds a small garden, similar to that in the villa's own yard. You recognize a few of the plants as common alchemical reagents.

Within the courtyard, you notice an ornate door with a mortar and pestle carved into it. As you enter, you find yourself in a room much larger than the exterior would suggest. It's a fairly large rectangular room, extending nearly two stories. The walls are lined with bookcases filled with tomes and scrolls. In the center, there are shelves and display cases full of dried herbs, mysterious flasks, and other reagents. In the rightmost corner, there's a small desk.

You notice a man filing through one of the bookshelves, a tall elven man. He seems to not notice you at first, mumbling to himself. Finally, he looks up, somewhat surprised, and gives a polite bow. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I do hope you were not waiting long," the man says, shuffling towards the desk and gesturing you inwards. "I am Valdyn, welcome, welcome! What may I help you find today?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As if having measurements taken wasn't uncomfortable enough, Ciraco thinks in response to the man's flirting, before putting up with the overly handsy measurement taking itself.

As Idrig sets off to find an alchemist, Ciraco sticks his hands in his pockets where he feels one of the necklaces he had taken from a sewer. "I'm going to find a Jewellers," he announces in case anyone feels like tagging along.


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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Everything moves so fast that Nyx hardly has time to register the measuring or their quick departure from the shop. What an eccentric man, she thinks to herself, finding it appropriate that a family as unique as the Saluccis have proven to be is friends with a uniquely flamboyant costumer.

Once in the alley and discussing their plans, she thinks of what she might like to do. When Ciraco mentions a jeweler, she remembers the rings she'd taken from some of the Ferraro guards. "I can come along to the jeweler's," she says to the man, a bit of nervousness in her voice. I've not spent any time with him without being with the others. I wonder what he is like when alone.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso also gets caught up in the swiftness of the measuring, losing track of time until suddenly he realizes he's back out on the street. "I'll uh... I'll come to the Jeweler's as well." He says, shrugging.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Ciraco, Nyx, & Narciso

With little trouble at all, Ciraco's able to find a jeweler's within the plaza itself, Cuori di Rubino, or Ruby Hearts. Stepping inside, you see a surprisingly large jewelry showroom, filled with locked glass cases of an assortment of gemstones and jewelry. A handful of other customers are inside, browsing the selection or being helped by men and women in ruby red shirts.

A older-looking orc stands behind a cube-shaped desk in the center of the room, adorned in a similar red tunic. He grins and opens his arms. "Welcome, my friends, to the finest collection of jewels your coin can buy!" He glances to Ciraco and Nyx particularly and adds, "My, what a gorgeous couple! Let me guess, you two seek to show your passions and devotions for one another to the world through the honored tradition of matching bands! Am I right?" He looks between the two of you, his grin widening by the moment.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"It's no bother," Idrig says, putting on a friendly grin. "I know what it's like to get lost in the studies. Right. Well, I was looking for a formula — if such a thing exists."

He pauses, frowning now, as he considers how best to describe his idea. "A tincture of sorts. A strong sedative, one that can be taken with food and drink to aid in its uptake. Sleep-inducing. It must be absolutely safe, however." The dwarf peers up at the alchemist. "Are you aware of such a formula?"


Goodnight Tincture is what I'm looking for

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

A smirk creeps across Ciraco's face as the shop keeper mistakes him and Nyx for a couple. He thinks for a moment about cracking a joke but ultimately decides against it - unsure how well the usually timid Nyx would take it. I still have to live with her at the end of the day.

"Not exactly - we're not a couple," he says, glancing at Nyx. Not that I'd say no to her.

"I'm looking to get some items appraised actually," he continues, pulling out the two necklaces and the ring from his pockets. "I trust that's something you can help with?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Uh..." Nyx begins, as the shopkeeper dotes on the presumed couple. She glances to Ciraco to see what he will say. Pretending might get us a better deal, but I don't know if I could feign interest long enough. She is relieved when he reveals the truth, before turning back to face the employee.

"Yeah, I have some things to appraise too," she says, before rummaging through her cloak's internal pocket. She quickly produces three rings, two of noticeably worse quality, but one that features a gem and, she hopes, might be worth something. "What would these be worth?" she asks, holding them out towards the man.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


The shopkeeper hms at your words, quickly making his way towards one of the many bookcases lining the shop. After a few minutes, he pulls out a large tome and returns to the desk with it. "Let us see, sleep aids and sedatives, hm?" He flips through the book, his eyes seeming to move at extreme speeds. "Dream tea? No, induces powerful dreaming. Hm, Elixir of Restfulness? Not quite, allows for a better quality sleep," the elf man says, mostly talking to himself.

"Ah! Here we are, something by the name of the Goodnight Tincture seems to be what you're after. Quite a powerful sleep aid, it seems." He laughs, saying, "If only I'd had this when my son was born! Lad kept us up all night."

He looks into the tome and frowns. "It would seem some of the formula is missing from this tome, so I shall require some time for research. But I estimate such a formula will cost 750 gold for goods and services rendered. I trust that's fair?"

Ciraco, Nyx, & Narciso

A small frown forms on the orc's face as Ciraco explains the true nature of their visit. "Ah, a shame. I apologize for my assumption. My heart simply beats faster when I hear of love!" He smiles, nodding to each of you. "Yes, I can appraise these." He pulls out a small scope, examining the details on pieces of jewelry presented to him.

He examines the rings Nyx placed down first. "Hm." He sets them down and nods. He points to the cheaper pair of rings, saying, "These two are worth little. Iron bands and hastily-made. Perhaps five gold a piece. The third ring, however, is quite remarkable. Silver with a topaz stone. I could offer you 75 gold pieces for it."

He next takes a turn at Ciraco's finds. "Your ring is worth the same. Perhaps it would be more, but it would require quite extensive resizing to fit normal fingers." He turns towards the necklaces, examining the gold one first. His eyes widen in surprise and excitement as it clicks open and reveals the timepiece. "Oh my, this is delightful! The craftsmanship is good and the detail is extraordinary. Unfortunately, the timepiece would require repairs. I could offer 125 gold for it, or I may repair it if you wish to keep it."

Finally, he looks at the silver and citrine necklace. His mouth goes wide and he audibly gasps as he examines it closely. "Wherever did you find this? This necklace is enchanted, or perhaps blessed. It offers great protection and seems as though it may boost your good fortunes in sticky situations. I would value this at 400 gold."



Cheap Iron Rings (2) - 5g each
Captain's Topaz Ring (1) - 75g


Cyclops' Onyx Ring (1) - 75g
Gold Necklace w/ Broken Timepiece (1) - 125g


Once repaired, grants the ability to tell the time of day regardless of location.

Silver & Citrine Necklace of Democles (1) - 400g


Amulet of Double Fortune +1
Level 2
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: +1 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Rarity: Uncommon
Property: When you score a critical hit, you make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end. You gain an item bonus to that saving throw equal to the amulet's enhancement bonus.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx frowns at the prices of her items compared to Ciraco's, before an idea pops into her mind. "Um, alright," she says, her tone more somber than before. "I was hoping to get a little more," she continues, rubbing one of the less ornate rings in feigned worry. "I inherited them from my grandmother just the other day, and I was hoping they'd be enough to pay for her... funeral," she adds, a single tear coming down her cheek as she speaks.

After a few sniffles for added effect, she turns back towards the shopkeep, her watery eyes and slightly quivering lip. "Do you..." she begins, pausing for dramatic effect. "Do you think you could go a little higher? I just need 100 pieces, then my nonna can rest in peace."


Bluff to pull at the shopkeeper's heart strings: 16

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Goodnight Tincture," Idrig repeats, nodding. "Yes, yes, that is certainly the one. I do not know why I could not remember the name of it."

He bristles at the mention of the price. "750 gold coins? Surely that is a bit exorbitant for something of this scale? It seems a bit unfair to charge me for research to recover the formula. After all, what stops the next fool to step in here and only have to pay the more realistic price of 500 since I've already paid ahead your research costs?"

He shakes his head. "Shame. I am aware of at least two alchemists in Teiros that would charge much more fairly on this. Are you sure you won't reconsider? Hells, I'll even make you a sample of it, right here, right now to offset the costs."


Bluff check to price-match the alchemist: 11(1d20) +6 = 17

Willing to use my feature of the Alchemist theme to create a free alchemical item of my level or less (+3 from Master Mixer feat) after a short rest.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Rather quietly Narciso steps away from the other two, letting them get their business finished as he feigns interest looking at the stock of the store. He never really understood the interest in gems or jewels, but rather came along just to make sure they weren't alone if anything bad happened.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well how about that?" Ciraco remarks as the shopkeeper reveals the enchanted nature of the necklace. "Similarly I recently inherited it," he adds, slipping the necklace around his neck and tucking it beneath his shirt where it rests next to his other lucky charm his Father had given to him as a boy.

"I'll take the 200 gold for the other two though," he says, not feeling much need to bargain with the gold from their last job weighing down his pockets and a newly acquired magical item around his neck.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

After hearing the transaction wrap up, Narciso leaves the business and finds a spot in the square to try and do some strength-based street performance. He doesn't do a shout, hoping that he does well enough that his performance draws attention.


Athletics to perform: 14(1d20) +13 = 27

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


The elf rubs his chin, glancing upwards as he thinks for but a moment. "Hm, I will make you a deal. Aid me in my research and the formula is all yours for that price, along with access to my archives should you need it in the future. Does that sound fair?" He glances at you, raising an eyebrow. "If so, let's begin."

Skill Challenge

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to aid Valdyn in research, both through various tomes and experiments so that you might properly determine the formula for the Goodnight Tincture.

Roll one of the following, plus any additional skills you think might be of use with the research process.

Finding the Proper Tomes - Perception
Critical Thinking, Experimentation, SCIENCE - Intelligence
Determining Reagents and their Effects - Nature
Determining Safe Dosage for Body - Heal
Enduring Exhaustion and Fumes - Endurance

Ciraco & Nyx

The orc listens to Nyx speak, emotion overtaking his face. He wipes a tear from his eye and frowns. This frown quickly morphs into a nervous grin as he nods. "I am so sorry for your loss, my new dear friend. The heartache of losing a loved one can be too much to bear. And the stresses of giving a proper service..." He places a gentle hand upon Nyx's hand and smiles warmly. "I can offer you 100 gold for the topaz ring, plus the five each for the iron. Is that enough to ease your aching heart?"

He pulls out a large lockbox from below the counter, along with a weaved basket full of ruby red rock candy. "Please, have a treat, each of you. Cherry-flavored rock sugar to give you the hugs you're no doubt craving in these sorrowful times." He then opens the lockbox and pulls out handfuls of coins, dishing them out to Nyx and Ciraco. "And your coin, of course. Is there anything else I might help you with today?"


Nyx gains 110 gold and 1 chunk of cherry rock candy
Ciraco gains 200 gold and 1 chunk of cherry rock candy


Stepping into the plaza, you find it's bustling with tourists and locals alike. Stepping into an unoccupied nook, you discover a pair of kettlebells sitting in a crate, seemingly unattended to. Utilizing these, you're able to pull off expert lifts and swings. It's not long before a few people stop and watch your feats of strength, clapping after each test of strength.

Soon, a small group is gathered around, watching your performance. They toss a few coins into the crate, viewing with great awe. A scrawny boy, not more than ten years old, is particularly in amazement as he watches you. "I wanna be like you when I grow up," he says between lifts.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig chortles, not expecting the man to take the deal. "You want me to help you? That... That sounds like a blast, actually. Count me in. I haven't had a partner in research in, well, quite some time." He pulls the sack of coins from his bag, counting out 500 gold and handing it over to the man. "Let's get started."


19(1d20) +1 = 20; 16(1d20) +6 = 22; 13(1d20) +8 = 21; 11(1d20) +6 = 17; 20(1d20) +7 = 27; 5(1d20) +11 = 16

Perception: 20
Intelligence: 22
Nature: 21
Heal: 17
Endurance: 27

Plus, Arcana to divine esoteric natures of the ingredients to ensure no unintended, magical side effects occur: 16

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Grazie," Ciraco replies taking his coin and then taking one of the candies which he immediately pops in his mouth. "That's all my errands, what about you?" He replies to the shopkeeper before turning to Nyx.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso pretended not to be overjoyed at the attention he was getting, and merely kept doing his performance. Though, when the young boy spoke up a smile went across his face. He remembered when he was younger, having a similar moment like that and how much it motivated him to do better. "I know it's not the fun way of putting it, but with enough work and effort, you can be like me too." He said, not being the best with words. "You've just gotta work out a lot, and eat your vegetables." He figured that was a good way of putting it. It was honest, after all.


Athletics: 13(1d20) +13 = 26
Diplomacy: 18(1d20) +1 = 19

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh," Nyx says to the man, as he offers her even more than she'd asked, and some candy as well. "You are so kind," she continues through sniffles. "It will, thank you so much. Nonna would have love you, sir."

As Ciraco prepares to leave, she responds to the man, "Oh, no, that is all," before giving a pained smile through her crocodile tears. She gives the shopkeeper a polite bow and a wave, saying, "thank you again, so so much," before heading towards the door with her new companion.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Valdyn smirks and chuckles. "Well, my new friend and research partner, let us get under way."

The two of you make for the bookcases, pouring over every tome you can find for anything useful towards the tincture. Valdyn is still pulling books off the shelf as you come across a key passage in a tome on plants with unusual properties. Through the tome as well as your own botany knowledge, you're able to piece together a rudimentary list of potential ingredients. Your own knowledge of the arcane allows you to avoid unintended side effects, as you point out a stabilizing agent can become a catalyst when exposed to the oils of certain plants.

"Good work! You've got quite the knack for this, you know," Valdyn says, scrawling potential ingredients on a parchment. He gathers the necessary materials and you set to work at Valdyn's own well-kept alchemy station in the rear of the shop. After several moments, the elf leans against the wall and observes, somewhat worn from the accelerated research. You, however, only grow more energized in your pursuit for the formula.

Minutes pass. A bead of sweat rolling down your brow as the flame and steam warm the room. You try one combination. Failure. You try another. A bust.

Your cunning mind races, making mental calculations and adjustments after each failed experiment. You try again, using a new combination and taking note of your observations. Your knowledge of man's physiology allows you to deduce the proper dosage, making the process smoother.

Minutes more pass when.... you produce a dark indigo concoction, its sweet fumes almost making you drowsy. Valdyn watches in awe. "Is that it? Have you got the formula? Gods..." He shakes his head in almost-disbelief. "Again, stop by anytime you need research. I've never felt such a thrill as watching you. And I trust you'll sleep soundly now!"


Perception: Pass
Intelligence: Pass
Nature: Pass
Heal: Pass
Endurance: Pass
Arcana: Pass

Achievement Get!

You now have the formula for the Goodnight Tincture (Lvl 6)

Nyx & Ciraco

"Well thank you for stopping in, and I will pray for you in this difficult time," the orc says, giving a polite smile as you turn to leave. "Oh, I almost forgot. I am Drozzo, and it was my pleasure to assist you today. Stop by any time!"

With cherry candy and heavier pockets, you leave the jewelry store and exit back into the plaza you'd entered from. It's bustling with activity, tourists hurriedly walking every which way, shopkeepers peddling their wares, performers gathering crowds. You notice a sizeable crowd a short walk from the jewelry store, outside a gymnasium of sorts. Most peculiarly, you notice Narciso is the one perform, demonstrating feats of strength and acrobatics with a pair of kettleballs.


The boy smiles at you brightly and gives an excited nod before he dashes off towards his expectant mother. The mother offers you a smile as well, walking over and tossing a handful of coins into the crate you'd pulled the weights from.

You continue your demonstration, the crowd growing and you playing into their excitement. This creates a cycle of energy, almost allowing you to perform even more impressive and risky feats. They pay off, however, as more begin to toss coins into the crate.

"Such a strong man..." one woman says.

"Like a proper son of the gods, he is," says a tall man.

"Let's see those gorgeous muscles move!" says a young woman who's ogling at you.

As you continue your performance, you notice Ciraco and Nyx exit the jewelry store not far from your impromptu stage.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Scratcherclaw wrote:

"Good work! You've got quite the knack for this, you know," Valdyn says

"Yes, I've been told," Idrig drones as he continues to push through the processes.

Once complete, he smiles genuinely, raising the vial and peering at it through sunlight. "Beautiful. Keep this one. Sell it — if you want," the dwarf offers, carefully handing it to the man. "After work that hard, I'm sure I won't need any aid to catch some shut eye tonight."

With the research and formula notes scrawled in his own book, Idrig makes for the door but turns back. "You know, this was exhilarating. You have my appreciation," he says, giving the man a gracious nod. "Let's keep in touch, yes?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It was a pleasure," Ciraco says in parting as he leaves the shop with Nyx.

"You lie better than I expected," he says to Nyx once they are outside and out of earshot of Drozzo, genuinely impressed by her haggling technique.

"And THAT I didn't expect either," he adds, spotting Narcisco across the plaza.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"It's the whole reason I came to this city," Nyx responds to the man, surprised at his compliment, and a bit embarrassed to have shown that side of herself to a man she barely knows.

"And I guess also the reason I am still here," she says, thinking to her exploitation by the clowns. Her dark train of thought is interrupted by the sight of Narciso, and despite her best efforts she lets out a small laugh. "Oh wow, what has he gotten himself into?"

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