Fortune's Favor — IC

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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Perfect! Not the most sanitary place to store supplies though, Ciraco thinks, seeing the sewer access in the basement. He makes his way across the room to the ladder and climbs it. At the top he slowly begins to open the trapdoor, wanting to find out where it leads and if it could be useful - as well as not wanting to have to leave through the sewer. He lifts the trap door slowly, hoping not to alert anyone who might be in the room.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Leads to where the dancers take their clients, obviously." Narciso stands up and stretches. "Can't get in there right now, I'm pretty sure there's someone in there. But I'm pretty sure this is the stall I saw when I was coming back to you guys."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx's embarrassment only grows as the man mentions the time of day as being suspicious for anything other than companionship, but she does her best to keep her wits about her anyway. He does, he thinks me a harlot! But I can't let him catch Ciraco, that would ruin everything. She listens to him describe the women on the stage, and each time she looks up at them she feels her face grow warmer and likely redder.

When her friend mentions the last of the girls, her embarrassment fades some as she instead feels genuine concern and sadness for the girl. Wow, she has had a hard life in this city. Like me. I wonder if she'd want to just talk? "Do you think that I could speak to one of them? Is that alright, or do you have to do that in... private?" she asks Vinn, hoping her question doesn't make him think even less of her. Maybe she'd enjoy coming to the estate with us. I am sure Gina would be fine with it.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig nods sternly. Only pretty sure? We can't create a plan on simple suppositions.

With a sigh, he nods in the direction of the business-front. "Well, let's go tell the others. Perhaps they've had some luck." He leads the way out of the alley, into the club, and back to the table to take stock of his companions.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso thinks for a moment longer before following Idrig back into the club.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Pushing up the trapdoor, you peer into a darkened corner of what you assume to be behind the main stage. The trapdoor is in the corner of the building from what you can tell, concealed from view with crates and barrels of foodstuffs and drink circling it, save a narrow passage directly ahead.

Looking across to the opposite end of the backstage area, you can see it's much more brightly illuminated, with a pair of dancers minding their own business. One appears seated in front of a long silvered mirror mounted on the far wall, applying makeup. To her right, you can see another small door, leading to the corridor with private rooms based on its position. The other stands by a rack of clothing along the building's rear wall, filing through a variety of gaudy apparel. Neither seem to notice your presence, though you can spot your movements in the mirrow straight ahead.. Centered on the rear wall, between you and the clothing racks, you notice a thin rectangle of light, which signs point towards being a door. One sign in particular reading Rear Alley Loading Zone with lipstick kiss stains on it.

"On in five, girls!" you hear a boisterous voice echo through the room, though you don't see there it came from. It sounds like an older woman, though, yet with just as much fire in her tone as a much younger one.
Bad Paint Sketch
Vinn furrows his brow for a moment before shrugging and showing a weak smile. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Many of them may find a kindred spirit in you. Gods know the hardships we endured at the hands of the Buffones. A friend may do them some good." His eyes scan across the dancers on stage before finding their way back to you. "Who would you like to speak with?"
Idrig & Narciso
Returning to the club, you spot Luca sitting at a table. He gives a quick wave, watching your approach to the table. Nyx is at another table, still with the bartender, with Nyx in particular fixated on a young dancer in a modest blue dress. Notably, you notice Ciraco's absence. "Welcome back. You two find anything out there?" Luca asks, raising an eyebrow as you approach.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes!" Nyx says, feeling excited that Vinn read more into her inquiry than just pure perversion. "I mean, that is what I was thinking," she continues, more calmly again. "I was hoping to speak to Corinna, if that's alright. Her story reminds me a lot of the stories of our fellow Carnivale employees, my own included. Perhaps I can offer some aid to her, and if not then at lest a break from the stage. She doesn't seem to enjoy it up there, does she?"
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso finds a seat near Luca and relaxes slightly. Keeping his voice low, he says: "There's a little hidden entrance to the back rooms. Maybe we can use that to our advantage." He shrugs.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Rear Alley Access. That could be useful too, Ciraco thinks spotting the door across the room. He climbs fully out of the trap door, shutting it slowly trying to be as quiet as possible. He remains crouched down, taking up a position behind the crates and barrels.

I'll just wait here until they have to go on stage and then sneak out the back once the coast is clear, he thinks as he watches the dancers getting ready through a small crack in between the barrels that make up his hiding place.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig nods. "A possible egress for our... friend. Perhaps if we had rented the room in particular, it'd allow us access to the alley in but a moment. Quicker than anyone would notice."

He stares over in the direction of Nyx for a moment, before turning back to Luca. "Any news?"
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Neither of the dancers respond to the shouting voice, but you can tell they've quickened their pace. The one closest to you seems to endlessly file through the rack of clothes before pulling out a silver and red leotard and rushing behind the curtain, out of view. The one applying her makeup finishes shortly after, disappearing in the same manner as the first. Stepping further into the room towards the rear door, you easily catch sight of yourself in the mirror straight ahead. From the edge of the mirror, you catch sight of another woman approaching from the wings. "I told you that wasn't your size! I'll just have to find you something myself."
What do? Try and sneak out quick? Hide? Give stealth either way
"It's hard to say whether she simply lacks confidence or what," Vinn says, standing and approaching the stage with Corinna on it. He whispers something to her and you catch her glancing towards you for a quick moment before back towards him. After a moment, he returns to his seat, the girl in tow. She stands between you, meekly staring towards the ground, though she occasionally sneaks a glance at you as before.

"Corinna, I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine. She asked to speak with you, and maybe offer comfort. Her tale is similar to yours, but that's hers to share."

Corinna looks up at you fully now, eyes somewhat widened, nervousness clearly behind them. "I.. I am Corinna. What is it you have to say?" she says somewhat plainly.
Narciso & Idrig
Luca hms over the findings, glancing up towards the ceiling for a moment in thought. "That's not a bad plan, if we can rent it and actually access it." He taps his fingers on the table. "Though I can't imagine there's enough space for all of us back there. One or two of us would have to handle it." As you all speak, you catch sight of the barkeep approaching the stage and speaking to a dancer in a modest blue dress. He returns to his seat with Nyx, dancer in tow. She stands between the two and, judging from the look on you face, you assume the dancer to be quite meek and nervous.

He shrugs, looking towards the bar for a few seconds before fixing his gaze back on Idrig. "Ciraco went to check out a hatch behind the bar. Guess he found something or he'd be back by now. Nyx, I'm unsure."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Seeing the woman approaching in the mirror, Ciraco decides to bolt for the door. He moves as quickly as he can while trying to stay somewhat quiet, hoping he has yet to spotted.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Perhaps one of us should try to get on his good side then. Which one of us is the least suspicious?" Narciso asks, pausing to think. "I don't think it should be me, but perhaps my relatively positive relations with the people who run this place would give me an advantage."
Narciso is referring to the Prince here. I figured Narciso was smart enough to not openly say the Prince's name, or refer to him directly. As of now, they could be talking about anyone.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Aug 14, 2021 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I'll let one of you humans handle that job. People around this city tend to get a bit... anxious around me." He grins, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"A hatch behind the bar, then? I hope we don't have to pick him up in the sewers if he gets lost."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

"Um, hello," Nyx begins nervously, as she glances between Vinn and Corinna. "I don't... I'm not here to ask you to do anything for me, if that's what you're thinking," she continues, not wanting to give the young woman the wrong idea about her intentions. They both think I am a harlot, here to satisfy my base urges, I know it.

"I... just wanted to speak with you," she begins again, slightly more confidently. "To get to know you. From what Vinn has told me, we have had similar turns of luck in this town, and if it is in my power I thought I'd do what I could to help you. I wouldn't be where I am now if someone didn't help me. Is that alright with you?"
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With both speed and care, you manage to make it out of the door both unseen and unheard by the approaching woman. You're left in the building's rear alley, wider than many in the surrounding labyrinth of alleyways and corridors, but still notably narrower, and seedier, than the main roads. It seems rather bare, save a handful of crates and barrels, or entrances to other buildings. You notice some of the walls have wrought iron ladders leading up to terraces or rooftops of surrounding homes and businesses.

Without another eye in sight, the path back around to the club's main entrance seems clear.
Narciso & Idrig
"Don't forget we'll be in costume. Whoever looks the best should be the one, I'd think," Luca says with a shrug. He looks between the bar and the doors, wondering what's been keeping Ciraco. "He seems to have a knack for getting in and out of trouble. Guess we know where it check if he doesn't show soon."

After a few minutes pass, Ciraco strides in the door.
"I... T-this is a surprise," she says, her tone still shaky but noticeably more comfortable than before. "What help can you offer? I have had enough of moneylenders and their bold lies." She stomps her foot down lightly, frowning. "But you do not seem like one. So what can you do?" Corinna crosses her arms and watches you curiously and cautiously, waiting for the answer that may change or crush her fortunes.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco glances around the alleyway, making a mental note of the alleyway's layout for the future. Satisfied he managed to successfully escape, he begins making his way back around to the front of the establishment to join up with the others once more.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Stepping back into the club, you immediately notice Idrig, Narciso, and Luca all seated at a table. They seem to notice your arrival and Luca gives you a quick wave.

At another nearby table, you notice Nyx, still seated with the bartender, but with one of the dancers standing near their table as well. The dancer wears a cautious yet defensive posture, though you're unable to hear any words from their conversation.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Looks the best and talks the best," Idrig reasons. He turns to see Ciraco enter the main doors and head their way. "Speaking of..."

The dwarfs nods to greet the mercenary, a curious smile creeping across his face. Well, he must have found a way to the street level. That's key.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well..." Nyx begins, offering a weak smile as Corinna seems to lower her guard some and become more noticeably comfortable with the situation. "It was not so long ago that I was in a similar situation to you. I had my livelihood and many of my freedoms ripped away by the criminals that make this city home, and I felt helpless, hopeless." She twirls a finger in her hair as she speaks, a nervous tick she'd had since her own stroke of bad luck months before.

"But now I've found someone who has offered to help me, and others like me, all who've been chewed up by this city and spat out onto the ground. We work for her - not in sex work, or anything like that - and in return she offers us lodging and food and pay in a quite nice home. If you were at all interested, I could talk to her and see if she'd consider bringing you in as well? I'm sure it would be more comfortable to you than you looked dancing on that stage," she says, a more solemn look forming across her face with the last few sentences.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Spotting the others at their table, Ciraco returns Idrig's smile with a nod and sidles over to take a seat.

"So I have a pretty good idea of the layout of this place now and we definitely have some options. The trapdoor behind the bar leads to a cellar and there's access to the sewers, which might be our way out. The cellar also leads to the backstage area and the private rooms, and from there you can exit into the alley behind the building," he says to the others, keeping his voice low.

"I didn't get a chance to check out where the sewer tunnels go but with the map back at the Villa we might be able to figure it out. Taking our friend back out on to the street via the alley might not be a terrible idea though, we should be able to lose anyone following in the crowds. Especially if we can change his costume," he continues, thinking over their options. "In general though, if we can get him to a private room it's all very doable."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig nods, satisfied by Ciraco's work. "Good, good. If the tunnels lead to the rest of the city, especially the Villa, then that's even a bonus. If all goes well, my concoction should keep him sedated should we swap his drink. I'm sure the guards won't bat an eye at us good people, ferrying home our dear friend who's had one too many."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods at Ciraco and gives him a smile. "Good work!" He says, taking a moment to think. "I wish we knew what the outfits looked like, it would be easier to guess who of us should try to convince him to come to the bar with us."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The woman glances between you, Vinn, and the stage, a look concern and confusion on her face. She looks conflicted and is doing a poor job of concealing it. "I... I do not know. That all just sounds too good to be true. And I've had enough of false promises." She frowns and looks back towards the stage, where you can see the head of an older woman peering out from behind the curtain, watching her.

"I... I'm sorry, I must return to work now. Thank you for the offer." She quickly stands up and scurries towards the stage, disappearing behind the curtain the other woman had been behind. Vinn stands up next and lets out a sigh. "I suppose I must return to my duties now as well. It was lovely to see you again. Good luck out there." He gives you a quick nod and returns towards the bar.

By now, you've noticed Ciraco has returned and the rest of your companions are seated at a nearby table where you join them.
Everyone else
"Nicely done," Luca says with a nod towards Ciraco. "Let's just hope there's a clear path, preferably without crazed old men this time."

He turns towards Narciso and says, "Our friend is a master at his craft so they'll all look equally good, I'm sure. But we can decide who does what later." He shrugs and then leans back into his chair. A moment later, you see Nyx's company vacate their table, and she approaches your own table but a moment later.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx frowns as the woman scurries away. She knows all to well the fear and the hopelessness that she is experiencing, and is sad that she could not get through to her. I will just have to come here again, when I have time. Or perhaps I can ask Gina to send someone! Yes, I will ask her once this job is done.

Returning to the rest of the group, she looks them over and asks, quietly, "well? Anything?"
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig turns to face Nyx as she approaches, her apparent rendezvous having finished. "Yes. Ciraco here found a way to a cellar and the tunnels by way of hatch behind the bar. There's also a false wall in one of the private rooms that leads to an alleyway."

He cocks his head at the young woman. "You?"
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh, no," she replies, confusion clear on her face as it is obvious she was not expecting the question. "Well, not about that at least. There is a woman working here, though, that is in a similar position as I was before Gina found me. I am hoping we could get her on our side, but that is more a problem for later," she continues, not sure what else to add.

After a moment, she has an idea. "Actually, wait. If that private room is one of the ones the dancers use, one of us could always hire her and use that room. Then we could take her with us, if she wants to come. Would that work?" she says, unsure of her own new idea and looking to the others for validation.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso shrugged, looking between Nyx and the others. "That's as good of a plan as any of the rest of us had. One of us needs to convince him to come with us, bring him back here, and then maybe that dancer could help us tie down that room for long enough to get out. This plan is getting rather complex, though, if we add getting back... possibly through the sewers, again."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Lure him into a private room, then grab him, and either escape through the false wall into the alley and disappear into the crowds, or backstage and into the sewers," Ciraco says outlining the summary of their plan. "It seems simple enough to me. We'll just have to be prepared to make decisions in the moment depending on the circumstances," he says, looking at Narciso.

"A spare costume would help a lot if we want to smuggle him away using the crowd for cover."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig's mind chews over the plan, and he considers the possible loose ends.

"This woman... Do you know her? Trust her? This simple nab will elevate our group from glorified street thugs to sworn enemies of the crown. And if she assists us, the owners of this establishment could easily tie her disappearance and her identity back to us. Fancy costumes be damned at that point."

He studies Nyx' face carefully. "It is a strong plan for execution, but a weak plan for anonymity. Then again, perhaps our patron wouldn't mind a bit of infamy."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

"I..." Nyx begins, beginning to doubt her idea now that it is being scrutinized by the others. "I do not really know her well, no. I spoke with her, and I was told of the misfortune that brought her to work in this place." She eyes the table now, keeping from glancing at the others. "If it is a bad idea I can always speak to her later, after the job. I just wanted to help her, like Gina helped me."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

She just met this woman, and she feels indebted to aid her? Why? Because our patron showed her similar compassion? Idrig's brow furrows as he sits — confused, or unwilling to understand. Perhaps I misplaced my faith in her strength. This is the softness that can get one killed on these filthy streets. There is no room for kindness, there is only survival.

He holds his tongue, curious whether how the others feel.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Maybe bringing in an outsider isn't the worst idea. She can't know much about us and if everything goes tits up we have a convenient place to lay the blame," Ciraco says replying to Idrig. "If things do go well then she's probably worth bringing into the fold,"
he adds, not wanting to dissuade Nyx now he has seen value in the woman as a patsy.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods along to the conversation, tapping a random beat idly on the table. "Hm... maybe she could be useful. I haven't seen her before today, but... she might be useful. Want me to try talking to her? There's a chance." He offers up, but shrugs. "Hm... I have gotten to know Mimi a bit," He nods to the dancer who seems to be the leader of the four up on stage. "She's a little older, but I like her. Maybe she'd be willing to help if I explained to her what's going on... Dunno if I trust her that much, so I'd use some looser terms." He shrugs. "Maybe we could say that we're bringing out a good friend for a bachelor party, and need to pre-book a room."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca shrugs throughout the discussion as the party debates the inclusion of an outsider into their plans. "We might lay blame, or she might simply point her finger back towards us. Is that a risk we want to take?" he asks, keeping an eye on the stage and those around them.

He sighs, crossing his arms. "Booking a room ahead of time may also tie things back to us. But maybe Gina will have more insights." He looks over each of his companions for a moment. "If we're finished here, we can return to the villa, or scout another place in the route."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"This seems like the place to me. I don't think we'll find anywhere better," Ciraco says in reply to Luca, happy to head back to the Villa.

"Besides, we can never know exactly which places our friend will chose to stop at. If he skips this one we just adapt the plan to fit the next establishment. They all work mostly the same I'd imagine," he adds, offering up a shrug.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Ciraco's right. Our man may not even make a stop where we want. This task requires a certain flexibility and knack for improvisation."

"We should leave," Idrig agrees, before turning to Nyx. "I leave the decision to bring this stranger aboard up to you. Often times, our gut instinct is our best one. Mine says to minimize possible loose threads, but if you believe she can be valuable to our... cause... then I have no aim in stopping you."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes, let's go back," Nyx says, still seeming a bit down after hearing all the flaws with her plan. I guess I will just talk to Gina, and maybe Alina. Maybe they can help this girl without involving her in our plan.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The bartender waves goodbye as you make your way out of the Farfalla Cremisi and you once again find yourselves on the street outside. By now, the midday sun hangs high overhead, though a steady sea breeze keeps the streets below cool. By now, the streets are much busier than earlier in the morning, foot traffic filing in and out of the nearby plaza as tourists and the people of Teiros go about their business.

The red-garbed woman still stands out front, her mask-concealed eyes scanning the streets like a beast scanning for prey. She turns as she notices you leave. "Thank you for stopping by, darlings. I hope to see you all quite soon!"

The walk back to the villa is uneventful. Merchants try and peddle their wares. Hapless tourists wander the meandering streets. The drunkards finally awaken for the day, clutching their head through a hangover induced by cheap booze the night before. And soon, you find yourself crossing the threshold past the gates that have become so familiar to you these past several days.

You spot Gina straight ahead, sitting in the patio on the opposite side of the villa grounds. She sips from a small crystalline glass, setting it down once she catches sight of you. She beckons. "Welcome back, my friends. I trust your costumery are in the works? And have you anything else of note to share?"
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco makes his way towards Gina, assuming the others will follow. "They are, and we have arrived at a plan of action," Ciraco he says, answering both of their patron's questions. "Well it's more a rough outline of a plan but it's enough that we can fill the blanks in with some quick thinking in the heat of the moment," he adds after a slight pause, giving Gina a flirtatious wink as his mouth curls into his signature smug smirk.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Aye. We're keeping things flexible for now," Idrig adds. "Considering our mark may not show up exactly where we plan, it will take a bit of strategy, instinct, and luck."

Despite our misgivings, and the... variety of this group, I am surprised by how confident I feel in our chances here. Perhaps that is the work of this new recipe from that elf. He shares a quiet grin to himself.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx follows after the others, her thoughts all over the place as their plan and the younger dancer keep her mind occupied. When Gina comes into view she produces an involuntary smile, the woman always seeming to bring one to her face. As Ciraco and Idrig speak of their plans for the prince, she simply listens along and nods when appropriate. They can speak of strategy. I will wait until after to speak to her about Corinna.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso follows the group back to the villa, for the most part keeping quiet and thinking to himself. Eventually, they do make it back to the villa, and he attempts to hide his moment of brooding with a bright smile and a nod.
"I think we made some good progress today -- I have great faith in my companions, and I think we'll be able to do this."
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The young Salucci glances over each of you, her eyes meeting yours, lingering on Ciraco's a moment longer than the rest, and gives a quick nod. "Good, good. That flexibility will no doubt be the key to your success." She picks up her glass once more and takes another sip.

"Well, unless you've need for a reprieve for a time, I believe Nico has need of your talents," she adds with a contented smile.

"You talking about me?" a voice rings down from the terrace above and behind you. Looking up, you see the shape of Nico, bathed in the unshaded morning sunlight. With someone spectacular acrobatic prowess, he hops the balcony's railing, grabbing hold of the corner's pillar and riding it to the gardens below.

Gina gives him an unamused look, to which he shrugs. "Are the stairs being polished, or did you just want to show off?"

"You wound me, Gina. I simply didn't want to keep our friends waiting, nor have a shouting match the whole district could hear." He crosses his arms, looking over your party. "I assume Gina told you I require your help, yes? To not waste any time, we have several people in the city who owe us money for..." he pauses. "Services rendered. They are particularly stubborn in their refusal to pay. I had thought your team might be able to convince them."

Gina chimes in once more, saying, "Yes. I understand it is not the most exciting, but those funds are the lifeblood of our operation. But you will be rewarded, I assure you."

"You can into groups, or do this together. Though I warn that some of our debtors are particularly difficult." He hands Idrig a piece of parchment, names, streets, and home descriptions scrawled upon it in black ink. "Either get the owed coin or a signed promissory note, and return them to me."
Fabia Corti - Strada Rosalia, mauve door

Nadia Giroux - Via Maximus, broken lantern outside

Dierk Bretz - Strada Calixtus, Tulrissian crest on door

Hiroto Kazama - Piazza Vittoria, Amkharan restaurant Sekiko

Keoni Hale - Via Palma, bar by the beach with shells and starfish on roof
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Taking the list carefully, Idrig studies it for a moment. A shakedown should be trivial with as many as we have. Perhaps we should split up to cover more ground. Hm, a restauraunt owner, a Tulrissian noble... I wonder what sort of services they might have needed from the Saluccis.

He frowns suddenly, looking back up. "This list doesn't say how much coin they owe the family. How will we know they aren't holding back when they do happen to oblige us?"
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina shoots Nico an annoyed glance. "Ah hell, I knew I forgot something." Gina simply sighs and shakes her head. Nico grabs the parchment back and rushes back into the house in a whirl.

Gina rubs her temples. "I suppose I should not be surprised. He was up rather late on another assignment last night. He is surely thanking the gods for coffee."

A few moments later, Nico returns and passes the list back to Idrig, with newly-added numbers written in still-wet ink. "There, that should be right. If you've got any other questions, now's the time to ask."
Revised Parchment
Fabia Corti - Strada Rosalia, mauve door 250 gold

Nadia Giroux - Via Maximus, broken lantern outside 500 gold

Dierk Bretz - Strada Calixtus, Tulrissian crest on door 2500 gold

Hiroto Kazama - Piazza Vittoria, Amkharan restaurant Sekiko 1200 gold

Keoni Hale - Via Palma, bar by the beach with shells and starfish on roof 700
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Show off, Ciraco thinks as Nico slides his way down the pillar. While Nico and Idrig talk, Ciraco removes his dagger from his belt and balances it on a finger by the pommel, in his own act of showmanship.

Once Nico writes the amounts on the parchment the Brenisian flicks the dagger up slightly before snatching it out of the air and stowing it, before stepping up next to Idrig and taking a look at the paper. He glances at the names and the amounts owed for a moment before speaking.

"It makes sense to go for the biggest amounts," he says, stepping away from Idrig. "I'd say the dwarf and I take Bretz, everyone else pays the Amkharan a visit," he suggests, trusting the most valuable debt only to himself and the only other person in the group who he believes has shown any kind of competence in the last few days.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx listens as the others talk and plan, feeling like her input is not needed for the time being, and still feeling slightly down from earlier. When Nico finally asks if they have any questions she perks up some, and turns to face Gina. "I did actually have a question. Not about this mission, but something else. Do you have a moment?" she asks their hostess, hoping the woman says yes.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig nods curtly. "I find that agreeable. If either mark has trouble fulfilling their debt, we can simply return later, with all of us." He looks across Narciso, Luca, and Nyx. "I'm sure they'll acquiesce, then."

When Nyx requests a private word with Gina, his brow furrows. Most likely to request aid for that dancer, I assume. Nyx could go so far in this city if only she would shrug the binds of sentimentality. He stays quiet though, not eager to interfere with her dealings, or his employer's, for that matter.
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Re: Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso watches Nico's display of showmanship with a look of awe. "Brava! Brava!" He says and claps. He goes back to being quiet, however, watching the discussions take place. "I think we are capable of this task, for sure!"
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