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Post by ratwizard »

"Aye, easy coin, but split many ways," Idrig replies, eyeing Narciso and Luca in particular. I suppose less risk, though, too. Five against one?

"To the Villa, then."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With coin in hand, you weave through the crowds and begin making your way back to the villa. The streets are alive with the sounds of music, of laughter, of coin changing hands. A low rumble shudders through the streets, and you spot a cluster of darkened clouds approaching off the coastline as you continue your climb towards the villa. The light trickle of rain begins as you cross the threshold into the estate's garden, and you spot Gina sitting upon the second-story veranda, beneath an umbrella.

She sips from a short crystal glass, looking at you all expectantly. Her eyes linger on Narciso in particular, before she says, "Come, we shall speak in the parlor." She stands from her seat, disappearing into the building. A moment later, you see a warm light begin emitting from the parlor.

A wind picks up, and the rain grows steadier. You make your way inside, finding Gina seated nonchalantly on one of the leather sofas. "Help yourself to a drink, if you like. And tell me, how did the collection go?" she asks, her eyes fixated on the window.
You see Fioralba, the gardener, tending to the vegetables. She looks at you, offering a quick wave and a warm smile. She holds up a ripe tomato, clearly quite proud of it.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso wears his guilt and embarrassment on his face as he returns to the villa, unable to bring himself to look at Gina as she speaks. He follows the others inside but chooses not to take a drink when offered. After a brief moment, he speaks up; "We... er, Nyx and Luca were able to collect from Hiroto." He clearly hesitates, not wanting to take credit. He looks over at Idrig now, not wanting to speak for him.
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Post by Namelessjake »

No wonder this town had to turn to gambling to draw in the tourists. They're certainly not coming here for the weather, Ciraco thinks as he hears the distant rumble of thunder and spots the dark clouds drawing in - instinctively pulling up his collar for warmth as he does.

As with their previous debriefs with the Saluccis, Ciraco heads straight for the parlor's bar - before Gina had even offered them a drink. He glances at the wine bottles for a moment before picking the most expensive looking one he has yet to sample and pouring himself a healthy glass. Imardanian, very nice, he thinks leaning against the bar and taking a sip.

 "I've got the money from Bretz," he says, pulling out the tulrissian's coinpurse and tossing it onto the bar.  "He offered us more work as well. His father sent a man here after him and he'd like us to take care of him," he adds, curious to see Gina's reaction to the news.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig smiles coyly at Fioralba, making a mental note to find her after their proceedings. She is green, but she shows promise.

Once inside and speaking to Gina, the dwarf nods along to Ciraco's explanation. He motions silently for the man to also pour him a glass.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this executioner brought lackeys," Idrig says. "Sending a single man is reckless, no matter how much Bretz' father trusts this blackguard."
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Post by Fialova »

As the rain begins, Nyx nervously tightens her hood against her head, then pulls it tight against her chest. Hope we can get back before it gets bad, she thinks, doing her best to make sure she stays dry either way. As the group reaches the villa and she spots Gina on the balcony, she can't help but to smile. It is like returning home, almost.

Once inside, Nyx frowns when she notices how distraught Narciso seems. Turning to Gina, she elaborates on his words, saying, "yes, our mission was a success too. Hiroto was initially very cold, but he warmed up after some, uh, coercion. He invited me to come to the restaurant again, so that seems promising, right?" she continues, her last words less confident than the rest. Or maybe he just wanted to speak to me, and not do business. It wouldn't be the first time I was invited to such things. She shudders slightly at the memory of some of the Carnevale's patrons she had to put up with.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina nods to Narciso as he speaks, raising an eyebrow as she glances at him, but remaining wordless. She towards Ciraco, smirking as he helps himself to the wine. "If you enjoy that one, perhaps I should show you the wine cellar someday." She chuckles briefly, taking another sip from her own drink. She listens on as Ciraco explains Bretz's plight, her face contorting in thought. "I would say more work is good news, but these circumstances are quite dire." Her head moves to Idrig, nodding along thoughtfully to his addition. "Indeed, you're unlikely to face just one man. I've known sweet Dierk many years. His father is ruthless and would spare no expense to see his family's tapestry rewritten." She sighs, twiddling her fingers around her glass. "He's trusted this task to you, so I will leave it to your capable hands. I would simply ask you take care of it sooner rather than later."

Gina glances out the window for a moment, where the rain is growing steadier and the city darker. A rumble echoes through Teiros. "A stormy night may be the perfect time to strike, even..." Her voice trails for a moment, before turning towards Nyx and smiling gently. "That is good to hear. Hiroto can be... stubborn, and he has a unique sense of honor. But if he's taken a liking to you, that is a boon. Well done, Nyx."

"Now then," she says, standing up and stepping towards Narciso. "Would you care to tell me where you've gotten this mark?" Her finger gently traces over it, her expression both concerned and confused.

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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco pours Idrig an equally healthy glass of the expensive wine at his prompt and slides it over to him.

"I'll take you up on that offer," he replies to Gina with a wink as she offers to show him the wine cellar. 

"It may have to be tonight. We may not get a chance if we have to lay low for a while after the parade - and then a dead Bretz isn't good for business," the Brennissian says, agreeing they should take out the assassin sooner rather than later. He continues to drink his glass of wine.

He continues to drink his glass of wine, eager to hear Narciso's tale of what happened to him.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso barely glances up at Gina before quickly looking away. "I let myself get too heated at Hiroto's words. After challenging us to a fight with his cronies, which we refused, he kept calling me a lost kitten." He closed his eyes, trying not to show his pain. "I couldn't let him make a fool of me, his crew is the reason why Yuuto is dead. The one person I could call a friend, my dear Yuuto, is dead because of the Blood Lions. And he, the gutless turd who dared us to fight his men, called ME a lost kitten." He glared at Gina, but it was clear his anger wasn't at her. "I will not be so openly mocked in front of anyone, I swear it." He paused for a moment, trying to hold back his tears. "I will not." He said weakly. At this, he finally breaks, turning away from Gina as he begins to cry, but he doesn't walk away. "I'm sorry for nearly blowing the mission... it will not happen again." He whispers, staring at the floor.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig gives Ciraco a grateful nod, raising the glass to the human before sipping delicately from it. Quite good, he admits to himself. Gina may only be a fledgling boss around this forsaken city, but I cannot fault her nose for wine. Well, assuming she scouted this.

"Tonight is best," he agrees. "If we cannot find and kill these assassins, then at least we'll have laid some groundwork."

The dwarf stays quiet as he listens to Narciso's mewling apology. This Hiroto, it seems, was right. He does resemble a lost kitten. It is pathetic. However, Idrig dares to never mention his disdain to the man's face. He seems unhinged, and we have seen his prowess before. No, I should like to stay on his side while I have to.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco turns away as Narciso starts to cry, feigning looking back at the bar's drinks to hide his smirk. He bites his tongue, resisting the temptation to call him a kitten, feeling it wouldn't lead to anything productive.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx listens, concern on her face, as Narciso explains what happened. His friend, murdered by this man's gang? No wonder he lashed out. I was angry just thinking of Hiroto being similar to the Clowns, but if he'd been one of them. I don't know if I would have been so calm either. She frowns as he speaks, feeling sorry he had to go through the trauma, but also not wanting the same thing to happen again.

As the conversation turns to their plans for the evening, she is a bit disappointed to once more have a task to complete before she can return to relax. "Very well, let us find them swiftly," she says, when it becomes clear the others are intent on hunting the assassins tonight. I suppose we are to get wet, then.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina sips from her drink slowly as she listens to Narciso break down and explain his tragedy. "I see," she manages, wearing a look of concern. "Well, I must ask you to at least contain yourself when dealing with him going forward. We cannot afford to tarnish the relationships we've fostered." She sighs and begins stepping towards the door. "I suppose I should pay Hiroto a visit, just in case. I'll leave you now to your planning." She gives a quick bow and smiles slightly, stepping out of the room.

"Well," Luca says, breaking his observational silence. "How do you plan we start this?" He glances towards Idrig and Ciraco in particular, crossing his arms.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig frowns as Gina leaves the room. And here, I thought we would be paid for our efforts. Hmph. I suppose we shall have to wait until the kidnapping job is done.

He turns to Luca, crossing his arms as well. "We're looking for a Tulrissian by the name of Fulke Horsfall," the dwarf recites. "He's a human, in his late twenties. Six and a half feet tall; long, dark, brown hair; a trimmed beard; a scar on his left cheek; and green, piercing eyes."

"Ciraco, do you have that map, still? Bretz said the fellow might be around Palazzo Lumino. Somewhere flashy, to flaunt the patriarch's wealth."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods as Gina scolds him, trying to dry his eyes to get rid of the stinging feeling. Eventually, he looks back up, sighing. "I'm sorry." He looks back up at the others, feeling like he's contained himself enough to speak. "I'm ready to go."
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Post by Fialova »

"In this weather he is probably inside, now," Nyx responds, glancing over towards the map when it is produced. "Do you see any casinos near the palazzo? That would seem like a good way to show off your wealth. We had patrons like that at the Carnevale constantly. Big talking men with heavy coinpurses, who think they own the place..." Gods, they were the worst. And why did their breath always smell? Do the rich not know how to take care of their teeth?
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco produces the map and rolls it out on the bar, waiting for the others to gather round. Already being somewhat familiar with the city's geography he sticks a finger on the Palazzo Lumino.

"It's next door to the Crown Royale," he says, answering Nyx's question. "Although the Carnevale and the Desert Lotus are just across the plaza," he adds, spying the other casinos on the map.

"The Crown Royale would be the best place to start."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Keen thinking," Idrig says, nodding at Nyx's supposition. "To the Crown Royale, then." He pulls his coat tighter around his shoulders, making for the door. I suppose Fioralba's bounty can wait.
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Post by Fialova »

"Let's hope he is there, then," Nyx says, as Ciraco mentions the nearby gambling dens. "Me entering the Carnevale would be... bad," she continues, a frown streaking across her face as she speaks. I am not sure I'd ever make it back out. As they make their way to the exit once more, Nyx makes sure her cloak is pulled as tightly as possible around her, not wanting to get wet if she can avoid it.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco raises an eyebrow at Nyx, wondering what the unassuming girl could have done that would have such grave repercussions.

Well I suppose I have a whole island I can't ever go back to. At least for her its just the one casino, and it's not even close to the best one, he thinks after a moment. He leaves the map out on the bar, knowing the city well enough by now to find the biggest destinations without one, and pulls up his own cloak, following the others outside into the rain.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Why's that?" Idrig asks plainly, curious what Nyx might be alluding to. She seems the type to have made an enemy or two.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx sighs, as the expected question comes. There is no point in hiding it. Having such a powerful enemy as the Clowns is something everyone should know about. "Until a few days ago, when we met Gina for the first time, I was their 'employee,'" she begins, frowning as she remembers her recently-past life. "Basically a slave. You don't quit the Clowns, especially if you never agreed to join in the first place. They caught me using my tricks," she continues, as she manifests a small casino token in her hand and begins to play with it, "and my punishment was servitude. Working at the Carnevale. Anyone in there would recognize me, I think," she finishes, as she allows the coin to disappear once more. 
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig hms, considering Nyx's tale. "Do you suppose these Clowns might come for you? Especially during one of our jobs?" After realizing the tone of the questions, he smiles smugly. "I ask not in order to cast you out, but to instead understand the threats against us. Despite our repeated efforts to do things our own ways, we... are a team, it seems. Our strengths, weaknesses, and proclivities should be common knowledge between us for optimal operation."
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Post by Fialova »

My proclivities? Nyx thinks, memories of her time in Cru'un coming back at the words. This place is more accepting of them. I would hope our group is the same. "I'm... not really sure, actually," she responds, pondering the question. It had been her fear since she left that she would be pursued, but so far there had been no signs.

"I was a popular card dealer. They make us adopt personas based on face cards, and I was the Queen of Diamonds. But I did not know their secrets, or work as part of the gang, just in the casino, so maybe they will simply cut their losses and replace me." I hope whoever does replace me is being paid and doing the job of their own free will. I wouldn't wish that life on anyone. "But if we can avoid it, I'd rather not find out."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I didn't realise we were amongst royalty all this time," Ciraco says, performing a mock bow towards Nyx.

"I'm sure we all have weaknesses and proclivities," he says in reply to Idrig, emphasising the final word. "Even you. When the Saluccis came to us we were all in a position to accept their offer. Whatever our individual reasons were - I doubt any of them were because things were going particularly well," he adds with a shrug.
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Post by ratwizard »

"If you were simply a paid hand, then either they are taking their time on rooting you out, or they've lost interest long ago," Idrig responds. He turns to Ciraco, nodding in agreement. "That is correct, even me. The Morettis took something of mine. I am taking it back." He thinks of the coinpurse in his pouch, too short on coin. "Well, eventually."
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx cringes as Ciraco bows to her, but appreciates the light-heartedness of their responses. It is nice to find people who understand what it is like. What this city does to people like us. Those two are so different from me, and yet they understand. How refreshing.

"It has only been a few days since I left without word, so I am unsure if they'd have forgotten so quickly," she responds to Idrig. "But maybe, if I'm lucky, they will think it not worth the hassle to come after me." The gangs of this city are not known for being so forgiving, but maybe things will go my way for once, she thinks, sighing to herself as she realizes the absurdity of hoping for such things.
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Post by ratwizard »

"And if they do, then we shall be ready," Idrig says confidently. "We have proven ourselves more than capable, in a variety of facets. These Clowns would be fools to pursue you, especially considering your magical talents."

He looks at the streets as they walk, finding some of the names familiar but others not. Are we going the right way?
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso walked with the others, listening to Nyx's story. "I have enemies as well," he smiled softly, "Other than the Blood Lions, who... at least here have seemingly forgotten me in the last few years." He smiled grimly to himself. "I'm here because I made an enemy of the Saints. I used to... search for rare artifacts. Jewels, sword sheaths, anything I thought I could sell for a pretty penny. My last target turned out to be one of them, and I'm lucky I made it out with my life." He continued looking forward, clenching one of his fists for a moment as he talked. "I thought that in coming here, things would be different, but I'm beginning to realize the change has to come from me, I think."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Did your searching include the pockets and footlockers of another fellow?" Idrig asks, a smirk on his face. "The sailor's tongue is not my first, but I would more accurately call that petty theft."

He raises a hand placatingly. "Still, it is nothing I haven't done myself. Perhaps these Saluccis can forge a more successful operator in you."

The boy may be easily trumped, but a weakling he is not. He just needs to be taught a bit of subtlety.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco's heart quickens as Narciso mentions the Blood Lions, reminded of the deal with them that had cost most of his mercenary company their lives. Idrig's joke makes him chuckle though, and his heartbeat slows to its normal rate.

"Well you're not the only one with enemies in the gangs of Talguta," he says to the man. "The mercenary company I was a part of betrayed the Ágrypno. I'm sure they'd still like to see me dead," he explains, absentmindedly scratching his chest where the musket ball is still lodged from that fateful night.

"I'm free of enemies on this island though. At least as far as I know anyway," he adds with a laugh.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx becomes slightly flushed at the high praises from Idrig, still not accustomed to praise from anyone, let alone someone so very stern and unamused with the world. "We all have or demons to face, it seems." Hopefully they will be easier to face together than they were alone. She continues to trudge along, not knowing what more to say. She peers ahead through the rain, imagining their later return to the villa where she can remove her wet clothes and finally relax in the warmth of their new patron's home. 
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Feeling a bit of warmth begin to grow inside of him at the shared histories, a smile grows too on Narciso's face. "Together we are stronger. We can face any challenge!" He says with a bit of a hop and a laugh, at least pretending like his spirits have been raised by the conversation.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

After what feels like a longer-than-usual walk, you arrive again in Piazza Vittoria. The steady rain pitter-patters on the cobblestone streets below, a constant presence but not oppressive enough to discourage some travelers. Though many of the street performers have abandoned their station or moved beneath cover, some merchants still peddle their wares to the modest crowds weaving throughout the plaza. Off the coast, you spot a cluster of inky clouds, lit up every few moments with the dances of lightning and the percussion of thunder that follows.

It takes next to no time to find the Crown Royale, easily the largest and most distinct building in the Piazza when combined with its adjacent Palazzo Lumino, both easily multiple stories tall. Its dazzling lights contrast the dreary skies, like an almost-overpowering beacon in the darkness. The building is painted in eye-catching golds and silvers and purples, easily standing apart from much of the plaza, for better or worse. A large crown-shaped sign hangs near the roof, with seemingly-enchanted gemstones nestled within, shimmering against the gloomy cityscape. A large archway is on the ground beneath, its entrance lit up brilliantly golden and seeming almost like a portal.

Luca sighs and grits his teeth as you approach it. "Always hated this place. Far too gaudy for my liking." He crosses his arms, looking upwards at the structure. "A piece of advice. Shield your eyes when you walk in."

After a moment of hesitation, he leads the way inside. Immediately, those who fail to heed Luca's warning are assaulted by almost oppressively-flashy lights, a variety of colors dancing through the air and swirling around you. As your eyes adjust, you find yourself in a large atrium, with the ceiling seeming to go all the way to the roof, where a stained glass dome rests. There are alcoves built into the walls above, where you spy mages, painted akin to golden statues, casting their enchantments. Golden pillars reach to the ceiling, shimmering as every light passes. The floor beneath is an intricate tilework mosaic, with the same crown as outside against a black backdrop.

As your vision returns, you see there are three paths ahead of you. One goes straight forward, music and chatter constantly emitting from the deceivingly-darkened interior. The other two flank you, with the left path much brighter than the others.

A middle-aged man hurriedly steps into the room from the forward hall and smiles at you. He looks fairly attractive, with his salt-and-pepper hair and slight crow's-feet the only things betraying his age. He's dressed in an ornate black and purple doublet beneath a black robe. "Ah, excuse my tardiness. Welcome, welcome, welcome, friends! Welcome to the Crown Royale, where even you"—he points to Idrig in particular—"can become royalty!" The man performs a strange shaking gesture with his hands, fingers separated and palms towards you, as if trying to dazzle you all. 

"Behind me is our illustrious main hall, where you're sure to strike it big! To your left, you may wander back into the exquisite accommodations of Palazzo Lumino. And to your right, dine on ambrosial fare at Barone's Chophouse." He pinches his fingers, seeming to kiss them in an effort to sell the scene. "May I help you with anything, my friends?"
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx frowns and does her best to hide her annoyance as the man speaks. It is all so fake, she thinks, remembering the ways she had to dress and act only recently, and how similar they were to the man before her. At least all of the casinos have that in common. She looks towards Ciraco, assuming - hoping - he will be the one to speak up first.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig squints as his eyes are assaulted by the glinting lights and his ears plagued by the cacophony of the casino. This entire city deserves to be purged, he considers. I am not one to follow divinity or a greater power, but if one does exist, they have certainly failed the people of Teiros.

He frowns, refusing to acknowledge the greeter's ostentatious welcome. Instead, he looks about for anyone who might fit the bill for Bretz' would-be assassin.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco looks around the casino entrance as they make their way inside, having not visited it yet in his time in the city.

A classy place, he thinks, impressed by the display of opulence and wealth.

"We're good," he says, dismissing the greeter with a wave of his hand. "Let's try the main hall first,"/color] he says, turning to his companions as he begins walking past the man and towards the casino floor.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso grimaces as they walk into the casino. It certainly wasn't the first time he went there, it was likely one of the largest reasons for his continued stay in poverty.
He glances at the middle-aged man as he introduces them to the Casino Royale. He sighs quietly and becomes momentarily distracted... before looking back. "Right, right. Keep focused... this place can be more tempting than it seems." Narciso says, possibly more towards himself than the others. He takes a deep breath, blinking. "Let's see if we can find our guy here. It can't be that hard, right?" He continues.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Oh," the host says, seemingly defeated, as you begin to walk away. He frowns before forcing a weak smile. "H-have a royal time!" you hear him say as you stride past. The short stretch towards the Main Hall is oddly darkened, and your eyes comfortably adjust as they're no longer assaulted with the brilliantly blinding lights of the prior room. This comfort is short-lived as you soon cross the threshold into what almost feels like another dimension, but one somehow more illustrious and extravagant than the entrance. "God, I think I need a drink," Luca says, wearing a grimace plainly on his face as a bolt of shimmering light whizzes past his face.

Your eyes soon readjust and take in the majesty, or tragedy, that is the Crown Royale Casino. Looking upwards, you see that the ceiling extends all the way to the roof, golden pillars soaring upwards and sparkling in the light. Scattered about are countless purple velvet tables, cards and dice in play as various games take place. Visitors and staff alike weave through the colossal room, delivering drinks, counting coin, and some even sobbing uncontrollably. In the room's center, you see a large castle-like structure, a scale replica of sorts, where mages and musicians stand to entertain the masses.

At its base, you spot a massive golden and purple wheel, with a sign labeled Royale Roulette atop it. While the whole casino floor is busy, you can see this wheel attracts quite a bit of attention.

A waitress walks by with a tray of drinks, and Luca snatches one quickly. Taking a shallow sip, he says, "So, we splitting up? Sticking together? Got a lot of ground to cover."
Feel free to roll as you'd like to find your quarry, whether looking yourself or asking others, etc
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco follows Luca's lead and grabs one of the drinks from the tray as the waitress walks past. He takes a sip as the man then speaks. "Splitting up makes sense to me, especially as we don't even know if he's here," Ciraco says in reply. He takes another sip of his drink, glancing around the room as he does so. "I''ll take a look over there," he says, noticing the crowd around the large wheel of the Royale Roulette and point at it with his drink.

He begins to make his way towards the wheel, not waiting to see what the others say. He takes a couple more sips from his glass as he walks, continuing to look around the crowds for any sign of their quarry.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Don't have too much," Idrig warns, not interested in imbibing at the moment. "This man may have friends, and you will need your wits about you." After a sudden thought, however, he snags a drink as well. It would do well to blend in. Besides, I could always spike it and give it away to our quarry.

At the mention of splitting up, the dwarf nods. "I'm off to the side passages, the washrooms, the like. Perhaps we can find him indisposed." Assuming nobody follows him, he heads off to the recesses of the repulsive casino.

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso glances around, shrugging. "I'll go have a look around, as well. Maybe one of the patrons will have a clue or two." He says, slipping off into the crowd and grabbing a drink of his own.

Perception, looking for people who stand out: [1d20+7]=5+7=12.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx does not have time to speak up before the others all head off on her own. I would have suggested we group together, she thinks, as she wanders somewhat aimlessly through the room, not exactly sure what to look for, but trying to take in everything.

Nyx will try to find someone she can relate to. Staff members who seem down or dissatisfied with their job, or who are having a bad day. Ideally ones who are alone or with only few people/
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Making your way to the roulette, you see a large crowd seemingly constantly gathered around it, sipping on their own drinks and mingling with one another. A short man in an intricate casino uniform stands before it, gesturing wildly to the crowd. "Try your luck and you might end up better off than even royalty, friends! The Crown Jackpot is back, and it's bigger than ever!" he shouts out, trying to entice passersby to take a chance. Every so often, a patron will step up, toss a few coin pieces, and walk away dejectedly as the golden slot on the wheel remains unclaimed.

Of the gathered patrons, most look fairly ordinary from your experiences in Teiros. Either well-dressed or wearing typical "tourist clothing", the out-of-fashion Brennisian garb sold to unprepared visitors for a high markup. Notably, though, you spot two people standing quite out of place. There are two men, fairly tall but not overly so, wearing black pants and black blouses. They appear to be talking with one another, though you can't make out any words.
The music grows quieter and the bustle nonexistent as you approach the side passages towards the washrooms. Every so often, a patron will stride past you with quickened steps. Approaching the washroom door, a fairly tall man rushes in front of you, a flustered look on his face. His dress strikes you as unusual for a casino-goer, with black leather pants and a black blouse. He looks at you for a brief moment. "Sorry," he says before rushing into the washroom. You detect some sort of accent in his words, but his voice was too strained for you to pinpoint it.
Weaving through the crowd and sipping on your drink, you're taken by how bustling this place is, rivaling even the streets outside on a busy day. In your wandering, you come across a small lounge nestled in an alcove within the wall. Plush chairs are set around small tables, with a handful of patrons sipping on their drinks and watching the crowds move by.

At one table, you spot a young couple sharing laughter, and some kind of shellfish appetizer. At another, a middle-aged man sits alone, smoking a cigar. At a third, you spot two older women, sipping on wine and chatting as they watch the casino floor.
Wandering through the casino floor, catch sight of something that seems to immediately trigger your empathetic connection. Coming across one of the small lounges spread out across the hall, you see a young man dejectedly cleaning tables. He wears a uniform similar to the waiters you've seen weaving about, although his looks more unkempt than the others. Untucked, ill-fitted, and the like. The lounge is empty save him, and he seems too focused on the tables to notice your eyes on him.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco eyes the two men suspiciously for a moment. Part of the Tulrissian's entourage perhaps? He wonders. He decides to try to eavesdrop on them by approaching the roulette wheel which the intention to place a bet, but angling himself so he has to walk right by them in order to do so.

Coin in hand he steps past the black clad men, keeping his ears open to see what he can pick up from their conversation. "I'm feeling lucky today," he declares to the casino employee as he hands over the coins, touching his newly acquired Silver and Citrine Democles Necklace for luck.

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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig harrumphs as the man passes, frowning when he realizes the heights aren't a match. Fulke is much taller than most humans, he remembers. And he doesn't seem to be washing up at the moment. Perhaps we'll find him in a more populated area.

The dwarf makes for the roulette, where he had seen Ciraco headed toward.
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Post by Fialova »

"Hey," Nyx says to the man, loudly enough to grab his attention, but not so loud as to reverberate through the entire room. She gives a small wave and a smile should he turn to face her, before drawing closer. Once close enough to the man to lower her voice more, enough so that it is unlikely to carry far, she continues.

"How are you? Are they making you clean this entire lounge on your own?" It would not surprise me. The Clowns did the same thing all the time. I can't remember how many times I was made to clean large areas on my own after dealing all day, in full makeup and costume.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso made his way through the crowd, looking around in mild shock at just how busy it was. He took a slow sip of his drink before making his way over to the table with the older women. He gave them a proper bow, before asking, "Excuse me, ladies, may I sit with you?" He asks, looking between the two of them.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"We have a taker then!" the employee says as you step towards him, taking your coins and placing them in a metal chest next to him. As you approach you overhear portions of what the two men say. However, between the volume in the casino and their thick accents, you can only make out a few words here and there. "...waste of time," you hear one of them say. You hear the other reply with "...find the kid... .... and get paid." Finally, you hear the first say, "Where's Fulke anyways?" but you only see the other shrug.

Stepping up to the roulette, the employee gives you a forced smile and gestures for you to spin. As you do, your necklace seems to heat up in your grasp. The wheel spins and spin as the onlookers watch with great interest, the anticipation almost tangible in the fragrant air of the casino floor. The ticks begin to slow as the wheel loses momentum, and soon it comes to a stop.

There's silence for a few moments before some in the crowd begin to cheer. "We have a second prize winner!" the man barks with feigned enthusiasm. Looking up at the wheel, you see it landed on a silvered space opposite from the jackpot. He hands you a small silver chip with a crown engraved upon it. "Take that to the Royale Treasury and they will get you squared away." He ushers you back into the crowd where you spot Idrig approaching.
Approaching the roulette, you catch sight of the large crowd gathered before it, and Ciraco getting ready to spin it. You watch it spin, the elaborately-colored wheel almost mesmerizing, hypnotic. As you look through the crowd, you spot two men standing next to one another, both wearing black leather pants and black blouses. Your focus on them is briefly interrupted as you hear the crowd cheer and the employee manning the wheel shouts out, "We have a second prize winner!" A few moments later, you see Ciraco returning to the crowd.
The older women look at each other for a moment, giggling meekly. Looking back at you, you can tell they're blushing slightly. "Of course, dear," the first says, taking a short sip from her drink. "Pull up a chair and relax for a time." She gives you a warm smile.

"What's a handsome man like you doing courting a couple of old maids?" the second asks, giggling as she does so. "Not that I'm complaining. Most of the folks passing here look sorrier than us!"
"Ah!" the man says, almost seeming to jump for a moment as you full him from his focus. He blushes sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he watches you approach. He looks at you quizzically as you pose your question, something you're too familiar with from the brief times patrons asked you similar. "H-how am I?" he asks, pausing for a moment and frowning. He lets out a deep sigh. "Terrible, in truth. I was late today, only a few minutes mind you. But I was yelled at, said that I would be fired if this lounge wasn't spotless by tonight. I can't be fired. I'm barely making rent..."
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig makes note of the two men and their position, before finding his way through the crowd to Ciraco. "Win big?" he asks quietly, trying to get a closer look at the two men without drawing attention.
They fit the height and build description?
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