Less interested in his place of birth than the bard seems to be, Nanako asks, "Did these foreigners mention why they were after this woman at all? What makes one person worth all that trouble?" Especially the trouble of sailing across the seas to find her, if they're originally from the desert.
The Lion and the Dragon IC
- Scratcherclaw
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- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
The man clears his throat, then spits on the ground once more. He rubs his nose with his hand and sniffles slightly. "Some folk approached us, paid us good money to catch a thief. Redhead, short, Ghian but with Serran garb and weapons. Just like that one," he says, nodding towards Zaranius. "So we search, and we find her. Set up a plan to ambush her on the road, nice and safe, no one will get hurt. We get the rest of the money, those foreigners get whatever they wanted back. Then you folk showed up and ruined the plan," the orc says, looking annoyed but resigned to the current situation.
- Zaranius
- Posts: 41
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"I do no appreciate the idea of being regarded as a thief, as I have not stolen from any individual or organization..." Zara utters calmly, (though notably offended) in response to the orc's accusation.
Zara directs her attention to all who are present. "Perhaps I might shed some light on the matter... In the later years of my time in the Great Desert, I was closely associated with some scholars of great influence. An organization appeared during this time, within Serra, that sought to harm these scholars and the knowledge that they preserve." Noticing her emotions, and that signs of anger are becoming present in her tone, Zara pauses, briefly, to calm herself. "It is my assumption that these pursuers have some connection to that dreadful group. However, I cannot speak with regards to why they would send such a large assault to deal with me alone."
Zara shifts her focus, specifically to her saviors. "Please accept my humblest apology, that you were all dragged into this unfortunate skirmish. Though, I am eternally grateful that you all appeared and were kind enough to aid my struggle, for I might not have survived otherwise." Zara bows her head respectfully to the group of travelers.
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Glaring at the flute player, Bao Tap Den growls "Can we get on with this? I'm eager to get some distance between us and this place. He eyes the surrounding trees weary of hidden attackers like from their last encounter.
Bao Tap Den is feeling irate from how much damage he took from these peons. This venture is taking a higher tole than I expected.
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Kekeng sniffs the air innocently at Bao Tap Den's brooding, turning to Zaranius. "Neither your apology nor your thanks are needed. We did as any good spirit would do," he says toward the newcomer. "Perhaps we can escort you to the next village?"
He turns to the orc. "And you as well, sir. Your transgressions toward this woman -- while the subject of another discussion at a later time -- do not likewise apply to me. If you seek safety in numbers until we can part ways, then I am like to accommodate."
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
As the conversation moves towards its conclusion, Quen Lu Tam steps forward and looks towards the woman and orc, before turning to Kekeng. "This is unwise. Don't forget what you were hired to do. It does not involve recruiting an accused-thief and a violent bounty hunter."
"I've no intention of coming with you," the orc snorts. "If it is not to be a warrior's death then I can only return home and look for the next job that will promise the same chance." With that he stands and begins to walk south along the road. "Perhaps I can find that spineless coward who ran and gut him along the way," he continues, as he moves further from the group
- ratwizard
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Kekeng looks to Quen Lu Tam, bowing deferentially. "With respect, I think it clear that many of us here are capable of violence. Though he may be rough and -- for a moment, in our path -- I do not see this fellow as our true enemy."
The vagabond turns to the orc after he speaks. "Very well. I hope you find what you are looking for," Kekeng offers. Even if it is death.
"As for you," Kekeng says, looking to Zara. "You do not seem like the type of thieves that I have encountered."
- Scratcherclaw
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
With the orc departing from the group, Nanako calls out to him, "May you walk with the spirits in life and in death, whenever that may come." Addressing Quen Lu Tam's concerns, the girl replies, "It's good to exercise caution, though once again she is outnumbered. If she truly is a foe, she'd be a fool to stay with us."
- Zaranius
- Posts: 41
- Registered for: 6 years 10 months
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Bowering her head, Zara replies, “I appreciate the kind words and would not decline an escort, given the numbers we just encountered...” She addresses Quen Lu Tam’s concern, “However, as your friend says, I do not wish to hinder your company, if that would be the case. And towards the end of being a thief, I assure you, that is not the case, not do I intend any harm to those of you who so graciously joined the fray!”
Zara sighs and continues “The claims made by whoever hired these ruffians are entirely false. I can only think that they would choose such lies to make their cause seem just.”
- Scratcherclaw
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"Regardless of this woman's nature or whether she intends to walk with us, it is not wise to linger here for too much longer," the young dragon-devout says, aware of the long journey ahead and the dangers that lurk within the forests. "We've got a job to finish and it won't be finished sitting around here."
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"The young woman speaks the truth," Kekeng says. "Come. We will walk." He gestures Zara along.
- Slashstick
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Noting the direction the conversation is going, Bao Tap Den moves to the body of the Ex-soldier and looks for any valuables. I'm not leaving without something for all this trouble.
Remembering what happened last time, Bao Tap Den thinks I'm pocketing any coin I find before the others get a chance to see it.
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Bao Tap Den]The ex-soldier is wearing a set of lamellar armor (mechanically scale), as well as a katana (longsword), wakizashi (shortsword), and tanto (dagger). In addition, he is wearing a bright red sash on his head with a symbol you do not recognize on it, depicting a spear piercing a reared bear. On his belt there is a pouch containing 23 gold coins, 15 silver coins, 7 copper coins, and a small plain silver ring. Tucked in the waist of his belt is also a scroll.[/sblock]
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Thinking quickly, Bao Tap Den throws the red sash at the nearest companion asking "Do any of you recognize that symbol?" Using the distraction, he pockets the small pouch of coins, the ring, and the scroll. I'll have to read that when I get some time to myself. Who knows what useful information I can find in there.
Turning his attention to the blades, he thinks These weapons might fetch a good price in the next town. Returning the blades to their sheaves, Bao Tap Den carries all three weapons with him to the next body while listening to the ensuing converstion.
[sblock=OOC]Feel free to contest for the katana or the wakizashi. It'd think Satomi would best suite them, but I can't have Bao Tap Den straight up give them upon acquisition. Dialogue is needed.
If not one claims them, I'll have them traded for coin/disposed of.[/sblock]
- Scratcherclaw
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Though not wholly confident in her own knowledge of many of the more-uncommon symbols of the Ghian landscape, Nanako nevertheless takes a crack at examining it in hopes of recognition.
[sblock=Mechanics]History: 8(1d20) +3 = 11[/sblock]
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Nanako]The symbol looks to you like it most likely is a family crest, or perhaps the symbol of some temple or sect. However, apart from that you do not recall any specific knowledge about any such groups that use a spear piercing a reared bear as their symbol.[/sblock]
- Scratcherclaw
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Nanako shrugs as she fails to recognize the symbol on the sash. "It might be a family crest, or for a temple or something. I can't really say for sure, but I don't recognize it."
- Zaranius
- Posts: 41
- Registered for: 6 years 10 months
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
In response to Kekeng’s gesture: Zara nods in acceptance.
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Kekeng pays no bother to the man rifling through the goods of the fallen. Instead, he takes a peek at the sash himself.
[sblock=Mechanics]History to determine the same as Scratch:3(1d20) +11 = 14[/sblock]
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Kekeng]You cannot glean anything more specific from the design than Nanako's assumptions, though you do recall encountering the symbol on various occasions in the past. It is difficult to say exactly where, but you feel like it is probably in some of the less reputable establishments you've found yourself performing or drinking in over your travels.[/sblock]
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Hearing the comments on the sash, Bao Tap Den searches the remaining bodies with the speed and skill acquired after years as a bandit.
He unconsciously starts to hum. "Loot, loot, loot."
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Bao Tap Den]Each of the three dead ruffians is equipped with simple hide armors that appear to be very roughly constructed, likely by the men themselves or someone they know, and like not worth much. They all possess spears and bandannas matching the one that the ex-solider was wearing, though only one wears his on his head. Another has it tied around his left arm towards the top of the bicep, near the shoulder, and the last simply has it attached at the base of the spear tip, likely as a form of decoration.
In addition to the armor/weapons, you find a total of 13 more silver pieces, 77 more copper pieces, a 'waterskin' containing some unknown but foul-smelling drink (likely alcoholic), a simple iron chain necklace, and a small pouch of various pleasant-smelling herbs.[/sblock]
- Zaranius
- Posts: 41
- Registered for: 6 years 10 months
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Noticing Bao Tap Den’s focus on the slain enemys’ belongings, Zara inquires, “Do any of these mens’ possessions appear notably foreign?”
Perhaps there may be some evident connection to Serra, Zara speculates.
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Bao Tap Den takes the coin and iron necklace without second thought. Lifting up the water-skin, he pauses a moment before putting it on the ground. You never know what's in a drink unless you brew it yourself.
Picking up the pouch, Bao Tap Den draws upon his vast knowledge of nature to identify the herbs.
[sblock=Mechanics]Nature check:
5(1d20) +1 = 6[/sblock]
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Bao Tap Den][/sblock]
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Realizing he had been asked a question, Bao Tap Den responds "Nothing beyond the sashes."
Unable to identify the herbs, he stands and presents them to the others. "Anyone recognize these?"
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Kekeng takes the herbs from Bao Tap Den, scratching at his scraggly beard as he looks over them with weary eyes.
[sblock=Mechanics]Nature check to identify them herbz:14(1d20) +5 = 19
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Kekeng]You catch whiffs of lilies, jasmine, and mint, though you get the scent that these are more to mask the scent of some other herb. You can faintly tell that there is another smell among all of the others, but are not quite sure what it might be. It is mild enough that the other, more fragrant herbs are easily overpowering it.[/sblock]
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"Lily," Kekeng says upon a first whiff. "And... jasmine. Mint." He sniffs the bundle again, frowning. "Hm? I don't recognize this." He hands it back to Bao Tap Den. "A subtle scent, hidden amongst the rest like a mouse in a field."
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Seeing no value in the pouch contents, Bao Tap Den accepts the bundle and tosses it aside. "I've no need of such fragrances. Shall we press on?"
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Kekeng nods, his flute already at the ready. He begins to play a soft, marching tune. I wonder who or what we will meet next?
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"Yes," Quen Lu Tam responds, impatiently. He begins to walk forward, keeping Suzume close by his side, as the group heads further more north along the road. By now it is towards the late afternoon, and within only an hour or so of walking the sun begins to set, darkness approaching along with it.
As the sun's light fades, Quen Lu Tam stops at the side of the road, turning back to the others. "We should camp soon," he says to the others. "There's still a lot of forest on all sides, so we should be cautious. Lots of things lurk in these woods, and with such a large group we certainly stand out. Who wants to stand watch?" he asks, looking expectantly towards the others in the group.
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"I'll take first watch."This'll be the first chance I get to examine that scroll alone. Bao Tap Den walks closer to the trees to better check for ambushes. Not likely, but you never know.
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check to check for ambushes in local surroundings.
2(1d20) +1 = 3
The sun was in my eye.[/sblock]
- Scratcherclaw
- Posts: 4300
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"After bandits and hired thugs, I think we can handle whatever the woods throw at us," Nanako says, glancing off into the darkening forests that surround them. "But it would be foolish to not be cautious anyways." With the merchant suggesting a watch routine, the girl replies, "I would prefer the last watch." At least then I can listen to the morning birds.
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"Then I," Kekeng says, already digging out his trusty bedroll. "Will get some rest."
- Scratcherclaw
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"It's been a long day, so spirits know we need it. May the Bear protect us as we sleep," Nanako says, eager to set up camp and get some much-needed slumber.
- Zaranius
- Posts: 41
- Registered for: 6 years 10 months
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
”If it is of no conern to you all, then I would also like to contribute to keeping watch tonight.” Zara states, hoping to earn the trust of her saviors, particularly those who have expressed their concern with her joining. If possible, I hope to avoid causing any further trouble for their cohort.
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Despite Quen Lu Tam's warnings, the night passes by uneventfully, the only sights your companions sleeping, the only sounds their snoring and the occasional chirp of some birds once morning begins to roll around. As everyone awakens from their slumber, your employer returns the bedrolls to his cart and the small caravan continues on its way northwards along the road.
The roadway is very quiet and lacking in any interesting happenings for awhile. After a few hours of travel, the group comes upon another smaller village in the distance. However, unlike the last few encountered, this one seems much more heavily fortified. There seems to be makeshift walls and barricades made of logs and rocks surrounding the otherwise meager cluster of homes and shops.
As you draw closer to the entrance you see that there are some men chatting and laughing behind some barricades partially blocking the roadway. When they spot you coming they stop their conversation, and quickly draw closer, though staying behind the barricades.
"Halt, travelers," one of the men says, looking to be a decade or so older than the others, and the only wearing any sort of armor. They all appear to be armed with clubs or swords, though the man who speaks also wears a bow on his back in addition to the armor.
"Whose side are you on?" it clear in his voice that he does not trust you, or perhaps outsiders in general.
[sblock=Mechanics/OOC]Long Rest: recover use of all daily and encounter powers, recover to full health, regain all spent healing surges, reset action points to 1 (this is mostly for the two newbies)
Also, feel free to roleplay any conversations you might have had that evening or morning prior to reaching the town, and include it in sblocks in your post, if you want.[/sblock]
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Kekeng, who had been telling a story to pass the time, spins his flute in his hand for emphasis. "The side of the living," he says with a grim tone. "We are traders, passing through to safety. May we do so?"
- Slashstick
- Posts: 87
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
While being as inconspicuous as possible, Bao Tap Den eyes the men that stand before them. I hope we can get past these guards without trouble. I've got loot to sell."
His thoughts drift to the message he read while on watch.
[sblock=OOC]I read the mysterious letter taken from the bodies of the last engagement. What does it say?[/sblock]
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
At Kekeng's words, some of the men begin to mumble to one another. The armored man does not turn away, but does look down slightly and lowers his voice in response as he speaks. After a moment, he looks back up towards the others and shouts, "Sorry, town's closed, move along."
[sblock=Kekeng, Zaranius, any who roll perception 15+]"They could be spies," one of the men in the background says.
"Would spies really come in such large numbers, or with a cart?" another says.
"Perhaps, perhaps not," says a third. "But they are all clearly armed, which means they are a threat. They don't want to say what side they're on, so we can never be too sure."
"Yes, not worth the risk," the armored man replies to the others, before responding to the others with his verdict.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bao Tap Den]The scroll is sloppily written, by someone either writing in haste or with a poor handle of writing to begin with. It reads:
"A little over five foot tall, slender, long red hair. Possible dressed in clothing originating from the Serran Desert, wielding swords of Serran make. Should be considered dangerous, bring multiple people to subdue if possible. Target is carrying carrying three scrolls written in Old Serran script. These are all that are important. Kill her, capture her, it does not matter. So long as you obtain the scrolls, you will be paid in full for your services."[/sblock]
- Scratcherclaw
- Posts: 4300
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Nanako sighs as the men ahead reply that the town is closed. Why must travel be so cumbersome in times of war? Her eyes shifting between the men and the cart, she says, "Is there really no way we can travel through? We're carrying medical supplies for a village up north. Pretty serious outbreak, we've been told." Eager to especially drive the guilt home, she adds, "I don't even want to think of how many more children might die if we can't get there in time."
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception: 12(1d20) = 12
Bluff: 16(1d20) +11 = 27[/sblock]
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Kekeng titters to himself as he catches the conversation beyond the palisade. "Besides, do we look like the sort of spies this war would employ?" He takes a swig from the wine jug at his waist, continuing to twirl his flute. "As I said, we are on the side of the living. It appears you are too, for now. War or not, we can both benefit from our allowed entry. And if not, we will take our trade to those who truly need it."
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check: 10(1d20) +6 = 16
Diplomacy to persuade them to open up shop: 5(1d20) +11 = 16[/sblock]
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Perception 18+]"That girl seemed pretty trustworthy," one of the man says.
"Yeah, they said they have medical supplies. We could use some of those, maybe they will sell us some," another adds.
"Even if they do, that doesn't mean they're not spies," the armored man responds. "I don't know, I still don't trust them," he says. "Most of them are not even talking."
"I didn't hear about any outbreak," responds another of the armed men. "We'd probably have heard of that if the southerners did."[/sblock]
The men begin to mumble amongst themselves again, now more quietly than before after realizing that they'd been overheard the first time, before eventually responding to the others.
"So are you medics or traders? Seems odd you'd want to ply your trade in our small village if you're in such a rush to aid another," the armored man asks, still seeming wary of you.
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"Both, it would seem. We've been traveling these roads for some time now, bringing aid to the folk suffering the worst in this war," Kekeng explains, lying through his teeth. "While our supplies are needed elsewhere, our talents are still available. Now if you won't allow us entry, then I'm afraid we must continue on. Good day, I suppose."
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception to hear them: 8(1d20) +6 = 14
Bluff to lie out my ass: 18(1d20) +13 = 31[/sblock]
- Namelessjake
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Satomi holds his tongue, hoping the tale of medical supplies and outbreak being spun by Kekang and Nanko holds up. As Kekang embellishes the story further, he relaxes his posture a little, trying to look more like a bored caravan guard than a soldier.
If we end up fighting every group of soldiers we come us, we won't make it very far. If this works we'll have to try it again on the next roadblock.
- Scratcherclaw
- Posts: 4300
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Hoping that her words and Kekeng's work their magic, Nanako elects to give the men a disappointed and judgmental look. Though it's hardly a noble act, lying is certainly effective with these sorts. Let us hope Spider is with us.
- Zaranius
- Posts: 41
- Registered for: 6 years 10 months
Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
Zara keeps to herself, having no desire to interfere with the exchange that is taking place. She positions herself conveniently, to listen to listen to the murmurs of the guards. Perhaps I can gather some information that might aid my companions.
Overhearing the mumbling of the soldiers, Zara quietly addresses her group, "The soldier still suspect we might be spies. They also show skepticism toward our cause, having heard no news of an outbreak.. However, they seem interested at the prospect of having some medical supplies for themselves. Might we have any to show for our 'cause'?"
[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check: 13(1d20) +7 = 20[/sblock]
- ratwizard
- A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
"Not now," Kekeng whispers to the Serranborn woman, continuing his mock exit, hoping for the guardsmen's plea.
- Fialova
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC
[sblock=Perception 18+]"That guy seems to be telling the truth. We should let them through," one of the men says.
"Yeah, he looks rough around the edges, but they've probably been on the road awhile," another adds.
"Besides, if they are spies we can always just kill them and take the medicine. We easily outnumber them if we get the rest of the men in the village," a third remarks.
The armored man sighs, responding, "fine. But if they do turn on us, I will be sure to tell the village elder who it was that let them in, because I still don't trust them."[/sblock]
After some more muffled debate amongst the men, the armored man says, "very well, you seem to be trustworthy enough. You are free to pass through town and peddle your wares. But be quick about it. We don't want any trouble, from you or anyone who may be following you."