Kurnish Folklore

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The Old Orc

The venerable creator is believed by the Kurnish to have descended from a heavenly plane beyond the realm to produce the world. The Old Orc by many different names across the land such as the Old One, the Wise Orc, Kumara, among others. The Old Orc is universally believed by the denizens, despite the differences in their own understanding of the religion.

Thought to have physically made the world, the Old Orc is fabled to have stepped off the face of the realm in Kurnhuelde. The creation Kresh’aran, specifically Kresh Garuul, is mythologized to have been the earth’s doing, reaching up to grasp at its creators feet.

The Spirits

Although varying much between individuals, the spirits are believed by the majority of Kurnish to embody different natural domains in their land. Lake spirits, river spirits, tree spirits, predator and prey spirit, and wind spirits are examples of supernatural entities that are a part of the religion. There are few who do not believe in the spirits, their spirituality solely placed in that of the Old Orc’s influence.

Oral Tradition and Personal Experience

Much of the Kurnish religion is passed down between generations through oral tradition, even in modern eras. The religion has a heavy emphasis on being less a community-driven experience and more of a personal journey of spirituality.