The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World — IC

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Post by Namelessjake »

Armantine is able to pry the dead vines from the pair of sea chests at the foot of each bed, and get them open. One contains clothing and blankets, however the fabric is moth-eaten and moldy. The other chest contains more durable items though; a hammer and ten iron pitons, along with a hempen rope and a climbing harness and dagger boots.
Moving into the room, you are able to look out of the cabin's portlight, through which the vines had grown. Outside it appears that the vines had spiraled their way up the trunk of a tree close to the ship, before making their way along its branches and into the cabin - the closest part of the ship to the tree.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Tools and gear, mostly," Armantine says aloud as she sprawls a few of the items out from the second chest. "Anything we can use now, let's bring. Otherwise the expedition can haul these back when they so choose."

Once everyone else is ready, she moves back into the hallway, taking the second door on the left.
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Post by BartNL »

"Looks like the vines only got into this cabin. But let's keep our eyes open." Doran says as he prepares to head to the next room.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Armantine and Doran try the next two doors, opening then to find another pair of cabins, however anything of use has either already been taken by the cabin's inhabitants or since been ruined by the passage of time, the humid coastal air, or the small avian and insectoid inhabitants of the isle shores of which the Wanderer rests upon. The next two cabins provide a similar sight, leaving only the quarters atop the broken staircase belonging to the captain, ship's officers, and expedition leaders.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"If anyone would have records, surely it would be the captain and expedition leaders, yes?" Raj says, eyeing the ruined staircase at the end of the corridor. "It seems we may need to climb again, however."

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Post by BartNL »

"Let's get up then, shall we." Doran says with a smile as he starts scaling the staircase.

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Post by Namelessjake »

Doran hops between broken beams, ascending the staircase almost as if it was undamaged. The explorer reaches the top, disappearing out of view. 
Atop the staircase, you find yourself in what appears to be another mess hall. Although here the furnishings are much more grand and ornate than the simple wooden table and chairs you found in the crew's living quarters. Meant for the ship's captain and officers to wine and dine with the leaders of the expedition, this mess features a large mahogany table and intricate silverware. Although owing to the grounded ship's list, the heavy table has slid to one side of the room, scattering the tableware and crushing a number of the once plush velvet chairs that sat around the table at one time.

Against the port wall of the room, the dining table blocks the way to two more wooden doors, however three are still accessible' two opposite, to the ship's starboard, and one to the stern- presumably leading to the captain's quarters at the rear of the aftcastle.
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Post by ratwizard »

Armantine follows after Doran, meeting his smile with one of her own.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Armantine follows after Doran, also making quick work of the tricky climb.
Atop the staircase, joining Doran, you find yourself in what appears to be another mess hall. Although here the furnishings are much more grand and ornate than the simple wooden table and chairs you found in the crew's living quarters. Meant for the ship's captain and officers to wine and dine with the leaders of the expedition, this mess features a large mahogany table and intricate silverware. Although owing to the grounded ship's list, the heavy table has slid to one side of the room, scattering the tableware and crushing a number of the once plush velvet chairs that sat around the table at one time.

Against the port wall of the room, the dining table blocks the way to two more wooden doors, however three are still accessible' two opposite, to the ship's starboard, and one to the stern- presumably leading to the captain's quarters at the rear of the aftcastle.
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Post by ratwizard »

Armantine hefts herself up the stairs, taking a look around the scattered mess hall. "Captain's quarters should be through there," she says, pointing off toward one of the doors. She reaches into her pack, untying her rope and casting it down the staircase toward the remainder of their party. "Here," the Sister offers with a smile. "I'll keep it steady. Use it if you need it."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Right, nice and easy, Raj thinks to himself, attempting to climb the rope up the wrecked staircase.
Athletics: [1d20+3]=7+3=10

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Post by BartNL »

Doran opens the nearest door opposite of the tables as the others make their way up.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Eldrin will grab the rope and climb next "Appreciated Armantine"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Raj and Eldrin make their way up the rope with no issues, the short climb relatively trivial in comparison to your ascend of the ship's outer hull an hour or two prior. They are shortly followed by Ko and Zemi, leaving only Heidi and Taliesin in the corridor below.
Raj & Eldrin
Atop the staircase, you find yourself in what appears to be another mess hall. Although here the furnishings are much more grand and ornate than the simple wooden table and chairs you found in the crew's living quarters. Meant for the ship's captain and officers to wine and dine with the leaders of the expedition, this mess features a large mahogany table and intricate silverware. Although owing to the grounded ship's list, the heavy table has slid to one side of the room, scattering the tableware and crushing a number of the once plush velvet chairs that sat around the table at one time.

Against the port wall of the room, the dining table blocks the way to two more wooden doors, however three are still accessible' two opposite, to the ship's starboard, and one to the stern- presumably leading to the captain's quarters at the rear of the aftcastle.
Opening the door, you find, as suspected, it leads to another cabin. Despite being bigger than those on the deck below, this cabin only contains one bed, a large fourposter the size of which raises several questions about the effort that would be involved in getting it aboard the ship. Although it appears that due to its size and weight, the bed has remained in place despite the ship running aground, preventing it from sliding and blocking the door.

Like the other rooms on the ship, much of the rest of the furniture inside has moved and it also appears most of the belongings have been removed. A half upturned wardrobe across the room, with its doors hanging open, does contain a fine dress made of purple and blue silks, while a large scroll of parchment lays curled on the floor at the foot of a knocked over wooden table near to the cabin's door.
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Post by BartNL »

Doran picks up the scroll
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Post by Namelessjake »

Picking up the scroll and unfurling it, you find it appears to be a map outlining the coastline to the North and the South of Port Amardovis. Scrawled on the map are various comments and details outlining the plan to drop the coloured buoys along the coast that ultimately guided the Second Fleet to the settlement.

Comparing the map to the one complied by the 2nd Fleet's limited exploration so far, it seems that the Wanderer sailed about 70 miles along the coast in both directions before ultimately ending up run around here on the beach.
Updated Map
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"Well, onwards and upwards, right?" Taliesin says softly, and his mind wanders to other, better places. He quickly attempts to climb the rope, yet is unable to catch a proper grip. After a moment of embarrassment, his hands hurting slightly from his first feeble attempt, he attempts to climb once more, getting a firmer grip. He eventually makes it up to the top of the rope and sighs softly. "Ropes. Never was my best skill." He pants a bit, and sits down a few steps away.
Athletics/Climb: [1d20+2]=7+2=9.
Attempt 2, electric slide (same roll/bonus): [1d20+2]=16+2=18.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Any findings?" Raj shouts into the room where Doran had disappeared. There is a danger in treading alone. We know not if more vines lurk. Yet he's not screamed for his life, so surely he's fine.

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Post by BartNL »

"Found a map of the area. It shows were the Wanderer sailed before stranding here. " Doran replies as he scans the room for other items of interest.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Updated Map
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Post by ratwizard »

"It seems odd they managed to explore such a length of the coast yet were stranded this close to final port." Armantine moves over to the large desk blocking the way to a pair of the doors. "Here, somebody help me lift this," she asks.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Eldrin will nod
"Aye, ill help ya move the desk." Eldrin will say before grabbing the desk
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