A Midnight Masquerade — IC

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"A disappearing, and reappearing serpent?" Renault asks, uncomfortable at the thought. "I suppose one of that size would have difficulty moving throughout the city without some sort of similar means." He continues along the wall to the left of where they entered, intent on finding the destroyed servant's door.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"The city's sewers perhaps," Évrard suggests. "Although that doesn't explain how it got into and out of the Manor. And it assumes the serpent wasn't just a temporary conurbation. "

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As Evrard mentions the city's sewer system, Jacques shrugs. "I'm not sure a snake made of flame would feel at home in a tunnel with all that water."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

Moving further into the room additional fireplaces come into view on the far wall, as well as the lines of tables continuing. More charred corpses come into view as Évrard's candle light illuminates more of the room. Most importantly, however, is the apparent entrance of the serpent into the ballroom. Up ahead, Renault is able to spot a gap in the wall. It was clearly a doorway at one point, but the edges have bucked and partially collapsed, likely caused by either the fire or the creature making its way through the wall. The devastation of the estate seems to continue through the gap, which is unsurprising given the state of the room when you last saw it.



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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Évrard follows after Renault. He moves up to the destroyed door way, peering through to see what's on the other side, whilst also checking to see if it's still wide enough for a person.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Goddess above," Renault whispers, drawing closer to the entry point. "It tore through this manor like a hot knife through butter." With a wary gaze, the Father begins to investigate the doorway and what lies beyond it.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well that creature was quite hot," Jacques says, staring in awe at the colossal path the serpent apparently created for itself. He steps behind his brother, curious to learn what awaits them behold the threshold.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

Stepping forward towards the gap, you immediately see that there is debris in this next room as well, which you can see is the ballroom you'd been dancing and carousing in less than 24 hours ago. A large section of the ceiling has collapsed to the edge on your left, likely the source of most of the debris, and light streams in from above to illuminate the rest of the room. As before, you spot many corpses littering the initial part of the room, some you remember as servants slain in your brief battle with the serpent and specters that attacked the guests. Others nearer to your current position likely died when the inferno started, or when the ceiling collapsed.

In addition to the ballroom, you spot in the corner of the current room a series of destroyed barrels, their previous contents - fruits and vegetables - strewn out and partially burnt on the ground. This further confirms your suspicions that this room was once a kitchen. Past that is an open doorway, though you do not see much through the opening.

Lastly, at the center right-hand side of the ballroom from your current position you can see another open doorway, this one being the door you'd all entered the party from last night. You recall that it was closed and barred from the outside the night before, meaning someone - perhaps the fire brigade - opened it since.



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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We should probably find some way to access the ballroom," Évrard suggests. "Although a grisly task - We should examine the corpses left behind, to see if they can provide any insight into the serpent or the specters."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"There's always the serpent's entry," Jacques says, pointing towards the hole the creature had carved through the wall. "A tight squeeze, perhaps, but an option nonetheless. Unless one of you has been overeating." He eyes Renault in particular, curious if the disciplined man sneaks delicacies every now and then.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

Renault climbs through the rubble into the ballroom, gingerly stepping around the bodies while looking for any clues. "It is a grisly act, but we should try and count the fallen. It would do well for the families and the authorities to know who is missing, and who has been found."


Perception check to search the bodies, and to draw up a tangible body-count so far: 4(1d20) +6 = 10

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »


Renault: Make a dexterity check.

Anyone else attempting to climb through the rubble will need to do the same as part of the movement. I will post the map after I have the check results.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »


Dexterity check: 17(1d20) +7 = 24

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »


Dex Check: 18(1d20) +3 = 21

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Dex: 5(1d20) +3 = 8
haha nope

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

Both Renault and Évrard manage to climb through the rubble unscathed, easily finding their balance amongst the unstable debris. Jacques has more difficulty, however, stumbling to the ground a few times as he makes his way through a hole in the wall.


You count roughly a dozen bodies, give or take, most of which were in the kitchen. It is possible the kitchen staff did not have the same amount of warning to the danger as the guests and servants in the ballroom.

The bodies are all quite burnt, many completely charred, and for some of them only skeletons remain. It is not really possible to distinguish between guest and servant based on what you can see.

OOC: Is there something specific you are searching them for?


Jacques takes 10 damage.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

Renault dips his way through the rubble before patting down his longcoat to remove some of the dust and debris. He offers a hand to help lift his brother as the man goes down over the scattered remnants. "Careful, Jacques," he warns him in a caring tone. "There's only one of you in this world."

Looking around the ballroom, the Father sighs. "From my count, around a dozen slain so far, and likely many more missing. They seem a mixture of servant and guest, so it seems."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I doubt we'll know the true number killed for some time. Not until people are reported missing by friends and family," Évrard replies, as he too starts to examine the ballroom, although he focuses his efforts on searching for anything relating to the snake and the other conjurations.


Perception to search for snek/specter related stuff: 20(1d20) +6 = 26

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"The Goddess won't strike me down over a simple cut or bruise," Jacques says, smirking as he swats his brother away. Deep down, however, he feels grateful.

He takes in the grisly scene and frowns. "It's truly a blessing we got as many out as we did. But it still was not enough." He shakes his head, turning his attention towards the rest of the ballroom in search of any potential clues.


Perception to look for clues/anything out of the ordinary: 13(1d20) +4 = 17

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Not nearly enough," Renault agrees with a sigh. As his companions begin to scan the ballroom, he checks all the doors to see which are open and accessible, and which are locked.


How many entrances/exits? And where?

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