The Hollowguard IC

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The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The Hollow Hall
The trees sway gently in the wind, the morning sun bathing the countryside in a warm glow, only occasionally interrupted by a passing cloud. Two men and a dog make their way along the road. A Vagrant and a Noble, their lives couldn't have been more different, but now their destination is the same. They met by chance in an inn a couple of days ago and decided to travel the rest of the way together.

A quarter of an hour after leaving the town of Stonebrook the two men's journey comes to an end as The Hollowhall comes into view, the home of The Hollowguard. It's a large building but it shows signs of disrepair, a hole or two in the roof and some derelict outbuildings being the most obvious. Nearing the door they see it is open and hear the sounds of voices coming from within.

Stepping across the threshold they find themselves in a large room. Two long tables run the length of the room, with a large fire pit in the centre, bathing the room in an orangey glow. Around the edge of the room, mounted on the walls and locked in display cases, are dusty relics and trophies of battles long since fought. A few people are sat at the end of one of the tables, the source of the voices.

A young man, little more than a boy, looks up from a chessboard and notices the newcomers. "Hello there, can we help you with anything?"
"Checkmate," his opponent says smirking as he quickly moves a piece across the board.
"That's not possible, I swear..." the boy says turning his attention back to the game.
"That's because Karvik keeps cheating, Locke. You really should have realised by now," another man says standing up from the table and making his way over to the newcomers, with a purpose to his movement. "Ser Jorran Redwald," he says offering them a hand. "What can we do for you two?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

The man in fine clothing bowed, removing his hat with a flourish as he announced himself. The corners of his mouth quirked, somewhere between a smile and a smirk, though the expression didn't quite reach his eyes as they took in the hall all around.

"Tristan Ansel, of House Ansel, at your service good Ser." He straightened, left hand resting easily on the pommel of his sword; not the way an experienced warrior would let their hand drift near their weapon, but more in the way a gentleman might grasp a walking stick. "I have heard tell that the Hollowguard seeks to fill its ranks, and have come to join this most honourable and historic troupe. Pray tell, Ser Redwald, have I heard true?"

Tristan half hoped the man would just say no, they weren't still looking for new blood. Maybe by the time he got back to the estate his father would have finally cooled off, with no need for him to put his own neck out with any of this foolishness. Tristan had heard stories of the old Hollowguard, and they were much the same as any other tale of valor and bravery: generally there was a lot of fighting and working and sleeping on the ground, and then maybe some glory or treasure at the end. Entirely too much effort and not enough reward for Tristan's tastes. But if the state of this oversized sty was anything to go by, and the look of all the other riffraff Ser Redwald's call to arms had brought in (like this fellow with the mangy mutt; Tristan had been resisting the urge to gag the whole walk over here, given the beast's smell) it not only looked like the Hollowguard still needed members, it needed them desperately.

With another flourish he stepped aside and indicated the man to his other side, the aforementioned owner of the dog. He gave the other man a respectful nod and half-smile, not really feeling either of them, but continued on in much the same tone as before.

"Ah, and this fine fellow is mister...Bronnis, I believe? We met over a drink, and he's come along for much the same as I. Isn't that right, friend?" At least he could drag someone else along on this farce. Maybe then he could find some way to pass off the actual effort.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Heh, a drink, that's right. Bronnis is what me mother named me." The man takes stock of the situation, his arms crossed, Seff standing at his heels. He looks to be in his late thirties or early forties, and is shorter than average. The man wears a cloak with a hood that is currently doffed. His leather armor looks worn and he carries a bow on his back as well as a heavy rucksack that looks filled with curious items. "Honor, glory, fortune, that sort of thing," he says. "Your organization needs a bit of brawn, brains, and a bed-time story. That's what I'm here for."

He had been traveling the countryside for a few weeks, hiding from the spring rains in natural shelters and hunting throughout the day. The man had traveled past a few hamlets, stopping by to peddle his kills off and share a story or two by the hearth-fire in the taverns. He had made a bit of gold for his efforts, but nowhere near as much as when he was traveling through the orcish province years back. Bronnis had heard the reformation of the Hollowguard was happening, and he had smiled at the rumors. The renown of the group had spread to many reaches of the continent. Long as I can drown myself in booze, food, coin, and women, that seems alright by me, he had thought to himself.

He casually glances over at Tristan. Kid seems a bit uptight, he thinks to himself. But hey, I ain't one to judge. Long as he can hold that blade up.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

Tess lays by her window in her room upstairs, tossing her knives at one of the support beams on the opposite end, passing the time in boredom. There hadn't be any work in a week, and she had no interest in watching the boys play their war games. At least the cool spring breeze made the day more enjoyable, caressing her bare skin, a luxury she was happy to have in such a barren building.

The sound of footsteps perks her up, and she moves to the window to peer out as two men and a wolf approach. Well he looks yummy, she thinks, eyeing the more finely dressed of the two. That other one, not so much. She quickly throws on a loose gown, which does cover her (but not well), before making her way to the door, throwing one last knife as she passes by.

She makes her way downstairs, excited at the prospect of something to do. I wonder what that man could be hiring us for, he looks quite rich. Perhaps we are to protect him in his travels? She smirks as she takes the last step, before turning to exit into the main hall. "So what's a fancy lad like you got need of us for, hm?" she says with a wink to the well-dressed newcomer, avoiding making eye contact with the wolf. She'd had enough of the beasts when trying to make it out of the forest alive, and is not happy with its presence. She pays the other man no mind for the time being. "Are we hunting something? Catching a thief?" Perhaps you've heard tales of my talent and beauty and came to steal me away from this life?
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

Bronnis' eyebrows raise as the woman in the loose gown saunters into the room with confidence, her eyes on the young man beside him. "Hunting a job, lady. We're here to join your ranks," he says plainly, without hesitation. There's an art to wooing women, he thinks to himself. Ya gotta play hard to get. That, or have a lot of coin, which I ain't got.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You have indeed heard true. There's a place here for any man who knows how to fight and is willing to do so. There was a time when this hall was filled with names the people would recognise all across the Tulrissian Kingdoms. One day I hope the same can be said of Bronnis and Tristan of House Ansel. Your servic-"
"Just let them sign the damn book already!" Karvik intterupts, calling over from his seat. "They didn't come hear looking for a sermon."

Ser Jorran sighs. "Very well," he says, walking over to the far end of the Hall. He returns with a thick worn book with iron claspings and bearing the crest of The Hollowguard. He sets it down on the table with a thud. "This book contains the lives and deeds of every member of The Hollowguard," He starts flicking through the pages. Most of the book is filled with pages and pages of writing and house coat of arms, however nearing the end the pages are mostly empty. He stops at an empty page and places a quill on the book. "Just sign at the top of a page and you're in. I'll fill out the rest later. Then, Teharissa here will show you to your rooms," he says turning to Tess.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"It's just 'Tess,'" the elf says with a frown, glaring at the knight. Why did I ever write my full name in that damn book? Ugh. She turns to face the newcomers, now less pleased that they are merely new recruits and not clients. What's a guy like that need with this job? He seems loaded. Another noble who dreams of glory?
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

While Bronnis said his piece and Ser Jorran began a spiel about the honor and history of the band, Tristan simply folded his arms over his chest and faked being interested for a moment before he let his eyes wander. The two playing a game were the only other people in the hall, though as Tristan spied a staircase he wondered if others simply hadn't come down yet. Honestly, holes in the ceiling and only a handful of people to be found, one of them who looked like he hadn't even cut his drinking teeth yet...Tristan was regretting his hasty decision more and more. He had been desparate for some kind of work, and still was, but with a shoddy bunch like this...

The sight of a lithe form in a loose fitting gown coming down the stairs gave the noble fool pause. He glanced back at Ser Jorran, who was now searching for something at the far end of the hall, and then let his eyes eagerly roam back to the woman. An elf...unusual, but not unwelcome, not with her figure. He noted that she had a smirk as she stepped off the last stair and winked at him before she spoke, asking if he was here to hire the Hollowguard. Before he could respond Bronnis roughly informed her of their real reason for being there, which made Tristan cut his eyes at the man for no more than a second. He forced himself not to snort dismissively before plastering a smile onto his features.

"My friend speaks truth, milady." he said with another flourish and bow. "I am here to add my name to the ranks of the heroic and honorable gentlemen--and the beautiful ladies--" he returned her wink, "of the Hollowguard." The woman seemed a bit of a flirt on first glance; she probably wouldn't mind if he were more direct, but he needed to keep up appearances, after all. She had first thought him to be an employer, which was a good start; his purse might have been nearly empty but he could still play the game with his looks.

Ser Jorran returned with the book of names, explaining its significance. He took his eyes away from the woman for only a moment as he whipped the provided quill across the page to produce an artful signature. As the older man explained that the woman would be showing them to their rooms (which made Tristan tense his jaw to avoid grimacing; they actually had to live in this hovel?) she corrected the knight on her name and Tristan took note.

"Ah, well then, miss Tess, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Tristan of House Ansel. Please, lead the way." He waggled his eyebrows just once, giving her a knowing smile.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

Bronnis chuckles to himself as Tristan helps himself to flirting with Tess. This elf wench and the noble boy look like a match made in the heavens. Maybe there're more women around this place? Shacking up with a lot of honor-seeking grunts can skunk up a place real good, he thinks to himself.

"I won't dawdle then," he says aloud as he steps forward after Tristan to scrawl his name on the tome. He had left home without much education, and over time his literacy had declined. "So where's my room? Seff's coming with me," he asks, motioning for his hound to follow him. Seff sniffs around the ground for a moment before looking up at Bronnis who gives him a wordless nod.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Katarina leisurely strolls down the path towards the Hollowhall, relishing the breeze that occasionally graced her. It's such a beautiful day. I hope the rest of the season remains so. On the return from a short trip to town, Kat takes her time. After all, what hurry was there to get back? It had been a week since their last job. In off times like this, the woman often visited the sleepy town of Stonebrook; it reminded her of home in a sense, albeit much more minuscule. Besides, it gave her a chance to get out of the stuffy old building.

Upon arriving, Katarina peers into the main hall and, noticing the visitors among the others, quickly pulls out her mirror and brush to tend to her hair. First impressions are always the most important. Content with her appearance, she enters the room, outfitted in a light spring dress. Growing up wearing dresses, she always prefers them and will only wear trousers when necessary. Looking at the more sharply dressed man, she thinks, Well, he certainly wealthy. That other man not so much. Approaching the men, she says, "Well who might you two be? Are you lost?" Noticing the distinct book on the table, she asks with a charming smile, "Or are you planning on joining up?"

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Katarina. Kat if you prefer, though if you start meowing at me, I will hurt you where it counts," she says oddly cheerfully.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"They just joined up, yeah," Tess responds to the woman, her initial smile fading slightly at the thought. At least the pretty rich man will be here awhile, I suppose. Well, until he gets killed. "I was just about to show 'em to their rooms, but I guess that can wait for more introductions."

At the woman's threat she playfully meows back, before walking over to pat the woman on the head like you would a cat, ruffling her hair in the process. "You're such a scary kitty, aren't you?" she says mockingly, in her best pet speak, before rushing across the room to avoid retaliation. Her loose-fitting dress falls down her shoulder some on one side, which she pauses to fix once safely across the room, behind the men at the table.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by kalis5 »

Elmar sits alone in one of the darker corners of the Hall, a book in his hands as he slowly leafs through the pages. The mug of ale next to him remains half empty as he has hit an interesting part of his book, though now his attention is on the two newcomers, having stopped turning the page he is currently on, his fingers still between the current and next page.

He glances over every so often, as if sizing them up. The noble reminds him too much of some of the people he encountered as a slave. Too busy with finer things to do actual work, or too busy flirting with women.
Though, that one is an easier prey than most with how often she seems to flirt with the higher classes. So far, the stakes are in favor of the noble coming out on top rather than her. I pity her sometimes... Yet, the other man seems fit for a fight. Rugged, assertive. Though not too brash. And the wolf of his certainly does make a statement. What was the word for someone like him again... Imposing, that's it, he's imposing. If I were to pick a fight between the two, the noble would be the one, not that man. We shall have to see how both fight however, and if their looks do not speak volumes of their skill.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"This kitty has claws, and I'm not afraid to use them, Kat says, gesturing her hand like a clawing cat. Pulling out her brush once more, she grooms her pale golden hair. "You'd better watch out," she adds with a sly smile. Noticing the elf's attire, Katarina says, "So, I see you brought out the classy clothing to meet these new men. So that's how you plan on getting people to join up." Or getting that rich fellow into her chambers.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Well we were planning on joining up before we'd seen Madame Teharissa," Bronnis replies to Kat. "'Course, it doesn't hurt to have some of the softer gender 'round here," he says innocently but with a devious smile. "You were showing us to our rooms?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Somehow this place doesn't attract particularly soft women, friend," Karvik says, standing up from his seat at the table and walking over to Bronnis and Tristan. "Karvik," he says offering a hand to the men. "The boy over there is Locke, that's Elmar over there in the corner, you've met Kat and Tess, and there's a couple more people some place," he says, quickly rattling off introductions.

"Come on, I'll show you to your rooms. I think the girls are going to be too busy tearing each other's throats out," he says, making his way towards the door Tess had entered through earlier.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right, right," Bronnis says as he shakes the man's hand and tries to follow the names. I'll forget most of these in an hour, I bet ya. Seff cocks an eye at the man in the corner called Elmar, but Bronnis nudges him forward with his boot. "Let's go, boy. We've got a bunk to find," he says cheerfully to his hound as he follows Karvik.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by PureZaros »

Matthias sits in his room, quietly reading as the sunlight slowly creeps further across the floor. Perhaps we will have another assignment soon. These days pass slowly. He flips through the pages of his book slowly, passing passage after passage describing the tenants of faith that all followers of Fulsirri uphold. He already knew most of the words by heart, but it was something to do, and it kept the restlessness from setting in.

Noise from downstairs breaks his pensive mood, and he snaps his book shut, tossing it onto the nearby bed. Curious as to the source of the noise, he steps out into the hallway and makes his way down the stairs. Catching sight of the new faces, as well Kat and Tess' playfight, Matthias sighs inwardly and shakes his head. "Noisy."

Turning to the newcomers, he holds out a hand in greeting. "New blood?" He asks, eyebrow raised. "Welcome, regardless. I am Matthias."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

The sound of another female voice instantly drew Tristan's attention, and he took note that this one had a much more refined air to her; her looks, her clothing, even the way she held herself. She had to be of noble birth, real nobility and not just a landed knight. Why was she here in this dreadful den of sellswords?

Nonetheless he continued to smile and bow and layer his voice with as much poetic honey as he could muster up on short notice, introducing himself by name to first Kat, then the one called Karvik. This one seemed a bit scruffy, but had a similar look about him as some of Tristan's old drinking buddies. If there were any here that Tristan felt he might be disposed to get along with--aside from the two ladies, of course--this fellow was probably it.

As he and Bronnis followed the man up the stairs to the second floor, another man stepped out of the rooms lining the hall. Once more Tristan introduced himself, but this time settled for a simple handshake and a nod of the head as he told Matthias who he was. He tried to get a glimpse into the room behind the man, hoping to see what his own dwellings would have in store. He sincerely hoped he wouldn't be next to Bronnis; he'd had enough of the wolfhound's aroma for a lifetime already.

"If I may ask, master Karvik, master Matthias," he said after the round of introductions, merely making conversation as he tried to figure this place out, "how goes the Hollowguard's business? There are not quite so many as I thought there might be here, but everyone seems rather lively. I hope that means things are going well?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh please," Tess replies to her friend. "If I was planning to entice them with my body I'd be upstairs right now, with even less clothing on, not down here messing up your hair." She smirks and steps over the table and back to Kat, quickly ruffling her hair yet again before once more dashing away.

As she returns to the other side of the table, a thought occurs to her. "Hey, where's Alessa in all of this? She'll want to meet the new blood too." She turns to Locke, still seated in front of his game. "You would know, where'd she run off to?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Business is... on somewhat of an ad hoc basis at the moment," Karvik chuckles. "Enough coin comes in though I'd say. And if I'm really honest I quite like having the time to spend it," he continues, leading the two new recruits along a corridor. "As for our number, the company isn't exactly in its heyday. One benefit is you get your own room," he says, stopping and opening a door. The room is a decent size and furnished fairly well. A bed stands in one corner and a desk in another, with a couple of chests for storage. Although it is bare of any decoration. "This room and the one across the hall are free, all the rooms on this corridor are pretty much the same," Karvik says, stepping out from the doorway.

Meanwhile downstairs, Locke turns slightly red at the mention of Alessa. "Why would I know?" He asks, trying to play off his redness. "She's in town I think..." He adds a moment later, somewhat sheepishly.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"You know why, loverboy," Tess replies, walking behind the man and wrapping her arms around him. "Your face says it all," she continues to tease the young man, toying with the string on his tunic as she talks. He thinks? He probably watched her from behind as she walked out, then sat here wishing he had an excuse to follow.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Katarina smiles at Tess' teasing of Locke, having enjoyed witnessing the man's obvious crush. It reminded her of the puppy crushes her younger brother had on some of the girls back home, although Locke was several years older so it was even more amusing. "Gods know I wouldn't set foot in his room," she whispers to Tess with a snicker. Continuing to brush her hair, she says, "I believe I saw her in town when I was there, so it looks like our scarlet-faced friend did know." She smiles impishly at the young man, joining in with Tess' taunts. If he actually made a move, we'd stop picking on him so much! Actually, that's not true.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Havin' my own room is perfect," Bronnis says with a smile. "Been a few weeks since I've slept in a real bed. Hya, Seff. In we go." The man steps into the room, taking a look around the bare walls. His hound saunters in after him, hopping up onto the bed and yawning, before staring at the humans before him with his dark eyes. "This'll do real fine," The vagrant mentions, turning back to face Karvik and Tristan. "Maybe now that us two are here we'll get more jobs streamin' in, yeah?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

"I see." Tristan was really struggling to keep up his facade now, as he wanted nothing more than to turn on his heel and walk out of this home of paupers. He had thought it would be easier than this. Join up with a bunch of rag tag adventurers, go raid a tomb or save a town from orc raiders, and then take the fortune back home to Father. Instead he had come to a ramshackle barn with a couple of wenches--which, granted, he didn't mind--a long winded old knight beyond his prime, and a smelly dog. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he forced himself not to frown or sneer.

"Well, I suppose one must have patience, after all!" he said with false cheer as he waltzed into his room and lay his pack on the musty looking bed. "Even heroes need their rest. I am sure, given the Hollowguard's prestige, that we shall soon be called upon to right some wrong or other." As he walked back into the hall he glanced over the railing at the lobby, where Tess and Kat were teasing the youngster--Locke, Tristan remembered. The way Tess was leaning over the young man's shoulder made her loose dress cling in interesting ways down her backside. Kat, on the other hand, still had her air of refinement and true beauty as she groomed her golden hair...but from up here Tristan could still catch a glimpse down her dress.

He turned away from the railing quickly, covering his mouth with a gloved hand as he coughed politely. Still too early to be staring or start flirting around. He had to figure out exactly how he was going to fit into this circle, first. Normally he could just butter up whoever was in charge, or throw enough money around that no one would mind what he did...but those options were not available anymore. It made him nervous to think about, actually. He felt a cold thump in his chest as he realized, once more, that his father really had left him with nothing.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by PureZaros »

Matthias nods in agreement with Karvik's exposition, watching the reactions of the two new members in front of him. This Bronnis seems to be an agreeable person. He thinks, taking note of the man's seemingly carefree nature. Hopefully he does not try to slack.

Turning his focus to Tristan, he sizes him up as well. Probably a thrice enchanted noble, looking to garner some fame. I wonder if he regrets his decision? He stands quietly, watching the young noble as he acquaints himself with the building.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by kalis5 »

Elmar sighs at all the commotion going on in the dining hall at this moment, deciding it best to retire to his own room at the time, deciding that he has gotten all he can from watching the new members for the time being. He shuts his book quietly and mutters, knowing no one will hear "I will be in my room."

He compiles what he may have figured out from watching at this point in his mind as he goes.
So far the noble is easily distracted by women. Though from his movements, he seems uncomfortable, despite her advances, or perhaps because of them. It could be he is not accustomed to living with lower classes, and the thought revolts him. Or it is simply the brashness of Teharissa that puts him off guard. A smart mans bet is on the second. A knowing mans is on the first however... Either way, he will need to get over whatever troubles him far swifter than he currently is if he wishes to cut it as a mercenary. There is no room for such things.
As for the more imposing man... Quick to leave the group. Proactive in a way. The way he looked at me... Did he notice I was watching? Perhaps. Not that it matters. Sometimes being an elf has it's perks, and being easily dismissed is indeed one of them it seems. Still, there is a difference between being proactive and brash. I will give him the benefit of the doubt, as he does seem the most likely to be skilled in combat, and the wolf is a good sign that he is used to working in groups, even if small. Perhaps he is simply more accustomed to being left alone as I am.

As these thoughts swirl in his mind he enters his room and sits on his bunk, flipping through his book, even if only half reading. One of the most interesting parts of this job is meeting new people and learning more, at least, to him.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

With introductions made and rooms assigned, everyone is left to their own devices for much of the day. Alessa returns late in the afternoon, with a freshly hunted boar, she bought in town, for an evening meal which the company takes together in the main hall. After the meal, some members head to bed while others stay up drinking and laughing together for a while before finally turning in themselves.

* * *

The next morning, back in the hall, some of the Hollowguard make the most of the boar, tucking into the leftovers for breakfast. "This is still just as delicious as yesterday. You're an excellent cook Alessa," Locke says as he eats.
"Magically grilled to perfection," she responds, clicking her fingers to conjure a small flame on the end of one for a few seconds. "I'm a woman of many talents," she adds winking at Locke, who starts turning red almost immediately.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

Tess quickly waves to Elmar as he leaves, not really caring if he stays downstairs or not. She continues to tease Locke for awhile until Alessa arrives with food. She continues to watch and play-flirt with the boy during dinner, enjoying the way he reacts both to Alessa, and to Tess while in her presence. It's so easy.

After dinner Tess stays downstairs with the others for awhile, drinking and laughing with the others. At one point her dress nearly falls of, and there is brief period where parts of her are on display, though she doesn't really seem to mind. She eventually retires, giving Tristan another wink as she does, and proceeds to room. Once inside she drops the loose dress to the floor and gets into bed, the moonlight streaming in as she sleeps, a welcome bit of light in the darkness.

* * *

In the morning Tess decides to dress in more standard attire, grabbing a red tunic to go under her ornate teal corset - her favorite. She finds a faded blue pair of trousers to go with all of that, before slipping her long boots over them. Maybe if I dress like I'm going out, there will be a reason to. Sitting in this room is getting old.

Once sufficiently dressed she makes her way downstairs, where some of the others have already gathered. She takes some of the leftover boar and makes herself a decent helping of eggs as well. At Locke's comments to Alessa she shoots him a wink, and suggestively licks her lips, hoping to produce yet another entertaining reaction. "You don't think you could teach me how to make fire like that, do you?" she says, as Alessa playfully displays her ability. "I can imagine many fun and useful applications."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

Tristan found his mood much improved when the eating and drinking began, and didn't have to fake his merriment so much. He was careful to avoid mentioning the true reason for his arrival, but was otherwise open and jovial about himself to anyone who asked. And thanks to his previous experiences, he had plenty of stories to tell, and tried to one-up anyone else's tale with one of his own. During the rare moment he was quiet, usually while taking a long drought, he continued to observe the others. At one point, a sobering thought hit him: without his money and status, he had no social ability. He knew how to be the center of attention, how to party, and he knew how to flirt...but he did not know how to make friends. How to fit in. Despite all his bluster, and the continued fervor of his stories as his cheeks grew flush with spirits, he felt alone in the room.

The sight of Tess's bare flesh, however, instantly brought him out of the momentary funk. With a provacative whistle and a laugh he drowned deep thoughts in a deep goblet. A very deep goblet.


The next morning, Tristan practically fell down the stairs on his way to breakfast, fully convinced that his father was somehow to blame for planting a herd of wildly kicking horses inside his skull. He was still wearing the same pants as yesterday, though he currently only had his white shirt over his upper body. Through the vicious haze of hangover, he realized a flaw in his magnificent plan--he had only brought the one set of clothing. Was it because he thought he'd be done with this place so soon? Was it because he couldn't afford another outfit? Or had he just forgotten because he was stupid? The horses were starting to kick harder.

He scraped a chair out from the table and sat down, barely taking notice that Alessa (a third woman no less pleasant to look at than the first two) was currently playing with fire, literally.

"Good morning, friends." he slurred with an attempted smile that turned into a wince. "What's on the agenda this bright morn?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"Hopefully something other than sitting around this place for another day," Tess replies, turning to greet the young man. She gives him another wink, though is not quite as attracted to his hung over state as she was his sober one. Can't hold his liquor, huh? That won't do.

A thought pops into her head, and she turns once more to Alessa. "Hey, you didn't happen to catch wind of any jobs while in town, did you?" she asks, hoping that the answer is 'yes.' "Or spot anything that needed fixing? I need something to do." Her last bit comes off as a bit whiny, and she quickly takes a large bite of her meal as she waits for a response.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I suppose we could see if you have a gift for it," Alessa says to Tess as Tristan emerges from his room.
"Good to see you're still counted among the living," Karvik says to Tristan, chuckling through a mouthful of boar.

"Not exactly, although the word in town is that Lord Tarbor is calling his bannermen to raise their levies. No one seemed to know why though... So that could be good for us," she says, addressing Tess' question.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Katarina giggles as Tess continues to clearly make Locke uncomfortable. As the meal is served, she scarfs it down, not particularly paying attention to the dining etiquette she was taught as a girl. Although Alessa was an excellent cook, Kat still preferred the skills of her servants back home. Still, good food is good food. After dinner, she remains with the others in the great hall, sipping on wine and having a jovial time. When Tess' dress almost falls off, exposing flesh, Katarina says, "Well, it looks like the real welcoming committee is finally here."

After a while, Katarina says her goodnights with a yawn and retires to her quarters. She changes into more comfortable sleepwear and quickly falls into slumber.

* * *

With a yawn and a stretch, Katarina awakens, smelling breakfast cooking below. Donning another charming dress, she walks to her full-length mirror and begins the task of brushing her golden strands. After minutes of effort, Kat exits her room, content that she is ready for the day.

"You know, you don't have to sit here all day. Go into town or explore the countryside or something. It's beautiful this time of year," Katarina says, emerging from upstairs. She helps herself to a plating of food and eagerly begins consuming it, this time much more wary of dining manners. Might as well make a good impression now that they'll actually remember it.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"That's easy for you to say," Tess replies to her friend, a bit defensively. "No one looks at you weird, or makes rude remarks under their breath, just because your ears are slightly different." What's the big deal? I'm not any different than they are. She continues to eat her food, scarfing down the last bit of boar before moving on to her eggs.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Katarina shrugs at Tess' comment. Not like other people's prejudices are my fault. Hoping to lighten the elf's mood a bit, she remarks, "Hey, look on the bright side. You're not green. Or really short. Or both. Just imagine that. Now that would earn some looks. Kat smiles at the thought of a half-orc/half-dwarf running around town. That'd be a sight to see.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the night grows dark and the feast ensues, Bronnis becomes slowly more and more drunk. However, his enchanting abilities in story-telling becoming more and more charming as well. The man regales a story of his travels through North Serran and some of Kurnhuelde, generating many smiles and laughs throughout the evening. He loses his train of thought for a moment at the sight of the elvish woman's accident, but cracks a chuckle with the rest of the gang. He retires to bed alongside a tired Seff, having dreams of sailing and singing and fighting.

* * *

Wearing precisely the same clothes as the day before, Bronnis makes his way down very early, taking no shame in digging into the rest of the boar to break his morning fast. "Sitting and waiting 'round for a somebody to come and give you a job is not my strong suit," he says aloud to the others. "Is that the usual plan of action 'round these parts?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by kalis5 »

Elmar sleeps rather soundly, having finished his book for the third time that month. He had taken to committing the contents to memory, details of creature behavior and habitats, of old places and things. When he comes down to the table the next day, he is dressed in regular clothing, simple cloak, simple leather. Upon reaching the table he sets the book carefully to the side of his plate, a different book than the one he was reading before, and takes some of the boar for himself, chewing silently as he watches the others.
The noble is hungover. Surprise, surprise. So far mercenary life seems not suited for him... And yet he does nothing for his hangover, content to let it pass as is. That won't do him at all if work comes through the door.
At this point, Elmar speaks up, motioning to Alessa.
"Excuse me, Alessa? Would it be any trouble to brew a pot of tea for Tristan? Perhaps it will help with his headache."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by PureZaros »

First returning to his room for a time, then joining the others to eat Alessa's catch, Matthias stays relatively quiet throughout. He drinks very little, preferring to stay in control of his senses. Of course, as the others begin to get rowdier and rowdier, he can't help but smile a bit. During Tess' wardrobe incident, he rolls his eyes. Why does she find it necessary to do that so often?

As the night wears on, he talks cordially with Bronnis for a short time before excusing himself to his room.


Waking early, Matthias dresses himself simply with trousers and tunic before heading downstairs. The appearance is almost ascetic, a remnant of his upbringing in the church. Perhaps someday I will break this habit. The nicer clothes do look quite comfortable. he sighs.

Sitting down with some leftover boar, he listens to the others exchange banter as he eats, smirking despite himself at the suffering of Tristan.
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

While the others talked of what to do for work and the goings-on of the local nobility, Tristan finally managed to gather enough of his thoughts so as to be capable of speaking coherently.

"Why not visit some of the taverns in town? There's always some cloaked, brooding stranger in the corner waiting to meet someone or trying to avoid prying eyes for some reason." He left out that the only reason he knew this was because he'd spent a great deal of his youth in said locales. "If you pester them enough they usually have some story about being on the run from the forces of evil or needing some gallant fellowship of heroes to do some task or other." He'd always laughed at such stories in the past, but now it looked like his livelihood could very well rely on such farfetched tales.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

Bronnis chuckles at the young man's mention of brooding strangers in taverns. "You're forgetting the ones that are on the flip side of things, y'know, who need the wetwork done. They've got their cloaks pulled tighter, askin' for some honest help in burnin' their rival's shop or roughin' up some louts who stole sommat from 'em," he says, leaning down to let Seff gnaw off a few chunks from the hog-haunch he had been nursing himself.

"Those are the ones that are the real fun," he half-jests with a smirk before straightening up and digging back into the hog-meat. They pay well, too.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"If he wants tea he can brew it himself. I'm not the chef." Alessa says, shooting a glare at Elmar.
"I'm not sure burning down shops is the sort of work Ser Jorran wants us to be doing," Locke says to Bronnis. "We have to uphold the honour of The Hollowguard. We can't resort to crime just because there's gold involved."

From outside comes the sound of hooves coming closer before stopping. A few moments later the sound starts again, only to fade away. The door opens and Ser Jorran steps into the hall, reading a note. "Everyone's here? He asks rhetorically, looking up from the note. "Good. We have job... well paid too," he says, looking at Karvik as he mentions the money involved, who simply nods to the knight in response. "The town of Fallkirk, in The Spear, wants us to investigate a large mound that's appeared in one of their fields. You should collect your things and leave as soon as possible."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

Bronnis lets out a hearty chuckle at Locke's words. "'At's right, me boy. That part of me life is behind me anyhow. I was just sayin' there's two sides to the same coin, is all. The realm's got many ways of earnin' your share." He sits at attention when Ser Jorran enters, finishing off the last of his meal and dropping the bone to Seff. "Looks like we won't have to turn to thug-work to eat, Locke," he says with warming jest. "I'll grab my pack and bow and be down," he announces to his peers before doing so, with Seff ever-so-present at the man's heels.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

Tristan winced at Alessa's snappy tone; did the girl not like him or was she like that with everyone?

"It's alright, I'll just get myself some water." he said quickly, attempting to get up and do just that--although he didn't know where the well was around here--when the sound of hooves made him raise one hand protectively to his head. No, wait, they weren't inside his skull this time. Ser Jorran burst in moments later, proclaiming that the Hollowguard no longer had to sit on their derry airs.

"Praise the gods." Tristran replied as he turned away, though he rolled his eyes when he was sure no one could see. Nonetheless he managed to get back up the stairs without wobbling so much this time, and strode back to his room to set about getting ready.

When he had fully clothed himself--again, in the same outfit as yesterday--and buckled on his sword, he stalked back down to the hall. Getting up and moving around a bit had helped somewhat with his hangover, and now he merely felt dehydrated. He checked his canteen only to find it empty, and cast his gaze about to see if he could spot a well through one of the windows.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

You spot a well out of a window, round the left hand side of the building.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by kalis5 »

Elmar looks at Joran as he explains the job, then leans back as he thinks on the subject.
Just a mound? That's... Not much of a problem in and of itself. Unless mound as in a burial mound perhaps, or something odder. It could just be some farmers piled the dirt and forgot it... Though I suppose large mound does, in and of itself, mean something completely different than that. Perhaps I should read up on the undead categorized in my books in preparation... And any other subterranean creatures perhaps. Though that limits what I will know... I shall just have to wait until I see the situation in more detail to understand more.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"Only this last week," Tess replies to Bronnis, in regards to how common it is to sit and wait. She continues to eat her meal, finishing off the last of her eggs when the door bursts open. She perks up, hoping for some good news. She is not disappointed.

"Woohoo!" she exclaims at the order, jumping from her seat and rushing up to her room. Corset, you never fail me, do you? I should just keep you on forever and my life will be great. Once in her room she quickly gathers all of her traveling gear into her bag, plus some random knick knacks she thinks may be useful at some point or another. The last thing she does is attach her belt, and places her fine sword on it, before grabbing her sack and heading downstairs.

"So what's this about a mound, anyway?" she asks as she walks back into the hall, luggage in tow. "Did they really not give us anything more to go on? That is really vague." She looks expectantly at Jorran, hoping he has at least some answers. "Maybe some details on what it looks like? Anything?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Unfortunately not. Just... a mound... so prepare yourselves for anything I guess. I'm sure if you ask around in the town you'll be able to find out more. Oh and be careful near the border between The Hollow and The Spear. It would seem the Tarbors and the Aerdens are currently having a bit of a disagreement which they can't resolve peacefully," Ser Jorran says in reply to Tess.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Zeroth »

Tess was the next to return to the room, and looked eager to be off. Tristan hadn't expected her to fit the look of a mercenary so well; he subconsciously brushed at his coat to try and assure himself that he could look the part as well. As she and Ser Jorran began discussing the situation, he stepped out a side door and headed round the corner of the hall, drawing up a bucket from the well to fill his canteen. Afterwards he took a long, refreshing draught, and feeling much relieved he returned.

"Ser Jorran, about how far is this village, exactly? And will we be riding or walking--I didn't take the time to notice before if you had stables or not." he asked.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Walking I'm afraid. We do have stables but the roof fell in a few years ago now, although there haven't been any horses to stable for much longer than that," Ser Jorran says to Tristan. "But anyway, Darden's Hold is about two days' walk to the South, and then from there it should take you about another five, so it's not too bad."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

At the news of a potential job, Katarina isn't as thrilled as the others. I was just getting used to relaxing again. Oh well. Shrugging the internal negativity aware, Kat momentarily withdraws from the great hall, leisurely walking to her chambers. She removes her dress, donning much simpler clothing. So much for enjoying that dress. I hate trousers.

Her life now confined to a few packs, it takes little time for the woman to gather her necessary things for the trip. Sporting armored garb now, she looks much less like the woman of nobility she was moments ago, but the air of such a birth always surrounds her. She brushes her gold locks a last time before stowing her brush, as well as a portable mirror. With everything packed, she grabs her pair of triple-headed flails and neatly tucks them into her belt. Now these are some weapons with personality. Not some boring old sword.

Ready to depart, Katarina rejoins the group in the hall. "So why did they contact us? Is everybody in the Spear too afraid or something? I doubt this petty disagreement between the lords would take up all the resources that could investigate." After a moment, she adds, "Or has everybody that's investigated disappeared until mysterious circumstances?" With this, she gestures her fingers with a spooky connotation.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

Bronnis steps down the stairs with Seff in tow, listening to Ser Jorran speak of their job. At the mentioning of the strange mound, Bronnis' brow raises. "A mound, eh? Too bad it's not the mound of a woman. S'been a while for this here ol' boy," he laughs to himself. Tristan asks about horses. "Hm, that sounds fine," he says to Seff. "Never did like horses meself."

He steps closer, his rucksack and hunting bow strapped firmly to his back. "Sounds like a week-long walk. That's what I like to hear! Been walkin' all my life. Gettin' paid to do it's even better," he says with a grin. "When we leavin'?"